Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1074: King Cub

Chapter 1074 King Cub

This wolf howl sounded not far from Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng still took it, almost two hours before reaching the place.

At this time the sky was already shining.

Qin Shaofeng stopped just ten miles away from the sound source of howling the wolf. Because Qin Shaofeng had already faintly noticed that everywhere here were the figures of the unicorn green demon wolf, and also here, the howls of the unicorn green demon wolf were everywhere.

Having seen the power of the unicorn green demon wolves, Qin Shaofeng dare not challenge again now, especially since the number of unicorn green demon wolves here is so large that Qin Shaofeng dare not make any trouble.

Qin Shaofeng carefully found a big tree and climbed to the top of the tree very neatly. Not to mention, the tree was really high. When Qin Shaofeng climbed to the top of the tree, it was almost two to three hundred meters above the ground.

With the misty sky, Qin Shaofeng looked towards the place where the wolf howled.

Although the sky had begun to shine, Qin Shaofeng looked far away and only saw that the origin of the howling wolf was a small valley, and the rest could not be seen clearly.

Huh? what is that?

Suddenly Qin Shaofeng saw a black trace extending directly from the small valley to the jungle that connected with the small valley.

But it was too dark, Qin Shaofeng still couldn't see clearly. But when Qin Shaofeng saw that the black trace was divided into dozens of small black traces at the end of the jungle, Qin Shaofeng finally knew what the black trace was from the small valley to the jungle.

That is the unicorn green demon wolf!

That black trace is composed of countless unicorn green demon wolves. Due to the dim sky and the large number of unicorn green demon wolves, it looked like a black trace from Qin Shaofeng's place.

One-horned green demon wolf pack!

Qin Shaofeng saw a group of countless one-horned blue demon wolves. The black trace was composed of many one-horned blue demon wolves. The number of one-horned blue demon wolves was probably thousands, even Just a lot more.

In addition, from the forest, one-horned green demon wolves continued to spurt out, blending into the black trace, not to mention that it had been at least two hours since the howling of the wolf.

This means that……

Looking at the small valley, Qin Shaofeng's heart was frightened.

At the speed of the one-horned blue demon wolf, two hours later, at least there were more than 100,000 one-horned blue demon wolves in the small valley. But now there are countless one-horned green demon wolves coming from everywhere.

its not right! Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that the number of one-horned blue demon wolves in this one-horned blue demon wolf pack was only three thousand at most, but now there are 100,000 one-horned blue demon wolves.

This feels a bit wrong!

Is it?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, as if thinking of something, he immediately took out his own heavenly weapon talisman and began to call up his own map with a radius of one million miles.

Sure enough, looking at the distribution of the unicorn blue demon wolves on the map, Qin Shaofeng understood why there are so many unicorn blue demon wolves.

Because in this radius of one million, there are a large number of unihorned blue demon wolves, and among them there are many unihorned blue demon wolves, the number of unihorned demon wolves reaches tens of thousands.

Therefore, the number of unicorn green demon wolves appearing here will definitely exceed one hundred thousand.

Even one hundred thousand is still an extremely conservative number, because Qin Shaofeng has a faint feeling in his heart, I am afraid that the one-horned green demon wolf in the small valley immediately has more than he guessed.

But Qin Shaofeng always felt something was wrong, but Qin Shaofeng couldn't say what it was.


At this moment, from below Qin Shaofeng, a voice came through the jungle.

Qin Shaofeng took a quick look and saw immediately that a black buffalo figure passed through the bushes under Qin Shaofeng and headed straight towards the small valley a mile away.

That was a wolf, the leader of a pack of unicorn green demon wolves!

Watching the agile movements of the wolf, coupled with its buffalo-like size, and the breath it exudes.

This made Qin Shaofeng completely certain that this was a one-horned green demon wolf of the Nine-layer Realm King realm. This was a very rare one-horned green demon wolf. Such a one-horned green demon wolf was not far from the demon wolf king.

Moreover, such a powerful one-horned green demon wolf is definitely the leader of a large number of wolves, I am afraid it is still the head wolf that rules tens of thousands of one-horned green demon wolves!

Even with such a wolf, as long as Qin Shaofeng gets serious, he can only kill him in seconds.

But this is not the problem!

At this moment, what shocked Qin Shaofeng was that the head wolf-level leader of such a powerful one-horned green demon wolf, at this moment, was still like an ordinary one-horned green demon wolf, as if he had received some order, and quickly approached the small valley. Close.

When the wolf ran to the small valley, the wolf howled loudly. After seeing the wolf howling, the Xiaoguo internal clothes responded with a wolf howling. Then from the small valley, a one-horned green demon wolf about the size of it sprang out.

Two wolves?

Qin Shaofeng stared blankly, these are two unicorn blue demon wolves in the Nine-fold Realm King realm!

And looking at this situation, at least two powerful unicorn blue demon wolves appeared, and the number of wolves led by these two unicorn green demon wolves absolutely exceeded one hundred thousand.

this is too scary!

and many more! Something is wrong.

Qin Shaofeng squinted his eyes and looked at the small valley. Although he could no longer see the two wolves, Qin Shaofeng felt that the problem was here. But Qin Shaofeng thought about it again, but still didn't think of anything, what was wrong with these two wolves.


Just as Qin Shaofeng was preparing to avoid this problem, Qin Shaofeng's mind suddenly shook slightly, and then a message came out.

Finally, this message that suddenly appeared in his mind made Qin Shaofeng understand why he always felt that something was wrong.

This message is very concise, just a small line!

That is, a one-horned blue demon wolf pack will not have two wolves!

It was this line of words that made Qin Shaofeng completely understand.

The unihorn blue demon wolf is a very cruel monster. When one unihorn blue demon wolf packs and another unihorn blue demon wolf pack, after the victory, the head wolf of the one-horn blue demon wolf pack is definitely The head wolf of the victorious side was brutally killed.

Even the small one-horned blue demon wolf pack, when facing the enemy's wolf, will never listen to its orders, even if it is incompetent, even if it is killed in battle, it will not shrink back.

The wolf is an aloof monster, especially the lord of a group. Facing an invincible enemy, they will choose to fight to the end!

They will not run away, they will die alone and proudly!

This is the arrogance of the wolf!

It is undeniable that this unicorn green demon wolf is very disgusting in some aspects, but there are also some aspects that many people can't do.


But now the situation is completely different.

Two wolves clearly appeared here, and these two wolves showed no signs of hostility at all.

And Qin Shaofeng knew one thing, that is, the one-horned blue demon wolves in a radius of one million miles were not unified, and their wolves might still be alive.

And it is impossible for them to be unified, and there are other wolves that survive.

There is only one reason that can be explained clearly.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the small valley that kept entering the unicorn green demon wolf, and a thought came into his heart.

In this small valley, there is a demon wolf king!


The unicorn green demon wolf is an aloof monster! Yes, that's right, that's right!

There will be no more than one wolf in the unicorn blue demon wolf pack, unless it is a male and female partner!

But this kind of situation is very rare, so small to almost none.

But the same unicorn green demon wolf is also a disciplined beast. When facing the first wolves in the group, as long as the wolf has absolute strength, it can suppress all the unicorn green demon wolves.

The other one-horned green demon wolves will absolutely unconditionally obey the orders of the wolf, even if it is to die.

The orders of the first wolf have been followed in this way, not to mention the orders of the demon wolf king, and only under the rule of a demon wolf king, when those other wolf levels click in, will there be a phenomenon of peaceful coexistence.

Otherwise, where there is no Demon Wolf King, no matter the above situation, if two wolves meet, they will definitely fight to the death.

This is no exception!

Demon wolf king!

Qin Shaofeng became excited, even in the ancient sanctuary, this one-horned green demon wolf was rare.

The consequence of this is that a living demon wolf king will either be arrested or completely hidden.

If you can get the Demon Wolf King Cub of the Unicorn Blue Demon Wolf, it will probably cause countless forces to compete.

Because the demon wolf king of the cubs, that is the demon beast with the holy vein!

One person in the ancient sanctuary accidentally caught a young demon wolf king.

Because at that time, the man only thought that the young Demon Wolf King was very cute, so he decided to capture it and give it to the little girl at home to play.

But when he brought the young demon wolf king home, he happened to be seen by the strong in the family, and immediately discovered that the cub was unusual.

After some inspection, it was discovered that the demon wolf king's cub had extraordinary aptitude, and he actually possessed the Holy Vein. So he immediately cultivated meticulously. After a thousand years of time passed, the cub of the former monster wolf king has grown to a powerful monster at the level of the sky.

The pinnacle of Nirvana!

Yes, that's right, after obtaining sufficient resources to train, the demon wolf king cub finally stepped into the realm of the pinnacle of Nirvana, only one step away from the Supreme Lord.

Even in its strongest combat state, that demon wolf king possesses the supreme mastering combat power.

Monster beasts are different from humans. Although their realm is slowly improved, their life span is very long!

A monster at the pinnacle of Nirvana can live at least one million, and even a powerful monster with a higher level has a life span of tens of millions of years. That is not surprising.

And in many cases, as long as such monsters don't die prematurely, it is not impossible to become the supreme ruler.

It turns out that the demon wolf king is still alive now, and there seems to be rumors that it has entered the final step and achieved the position of supreme ruler!

A powerful monster with such a lifespan, such a value is no longer, most people can imagine.

No, millions of years have passed, the original person has already died, but the demon wolf king is still alive.

Once a monster recognizes its master, it will be loyal to its master and will never betray it. What's more, the unicorn green demon wolf is a monster with absolute loyalty.

Therefore, the demon wolf king is still in that person's family, and even if the owner dies, he has not left.

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