Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1076: Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao

Chapter 1076 Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood

"Oh, it's He Yun! What's the matter?" Senior Brother Ye was still lazy, without the slightest excitement.

"Um, it's a bit of a situation, it's the newcomer named Yan Yang, he is in a bit of danger now." He Yun replied in a low voice.

"Yan Yang? What happened to him?" As soon as Senior Brother Ye heard it, He Yun said that Qin Shaofeng was in danger, and his voice changed a little.

As for Yan Yang, Senior Brother Na Ye knew from Mr. Bai, and he knew even better what Yan Yang had experienced during the assessment.

Moreover, Senior Brother Ye knew even more that Elder Bai attached great importance to this newcomer named Yanyang, so when He Yun said that Qin Shaofeng was in danger, Senior Brother Ye was completely uneasy.

It was the first time that He Yun saw that his Senior Brother Ye was so nervous, and the old Lin who was beside him was surprised at this moment.

At this time, He Yun and Lao Lin were very grateful. Fortunately, they were clever and reported to Senior Brother Ye.

Otherwise, if he waits for Qin Shaofeng's accident and then reports the matter, He Yun estimates that the two of them will be in great trouble.

After there was a ringing on the other side of the contact token, Brother Ye's voice came.

"What happened to the Yan Yang? Is it dangerous? Tell me quickly!" Senior Brother Ye's voice was still calm, but He Yun and Lao Lin had already heard it, and their tone of voice had changed.

Without hesitation, He Yun immediately told Senior Brother Ye about the situation in the small valley, and then also explained what Qin Shaofeng had done.

"Has passed towards the unicorn blue demon wolf pack, which is close to one million?"

Hearing what He Yun said, Senior Brother Ye asked He Yun a little bit surprised: "Are you sure it is a pack of unicorn green demon wolves close to one million?"

Brother Ye’s question, He Yun didn’t dare to neglect it. Just after Brother Ye asked, He Yun immediately responded: “Yes, Brother Ye, it’s definitely close to one million, and according to this situation, I guess it will last. The number of unihorn green demon wolves in the small valley will definitely reach a million!"


At this moment, Senior Brother Ye was not calm.

Millions, this definitely possesses a demon wolf king who is not weak!

This way, even he himself felt a little tricky.

However, for Qin Shaofeng's safety, Brother Ye was somewhat relieved.

Although there are millions of unicorn green demon wolves, it occurred to Qin Shaofeng that he had survived so many demon kings.

And Senior Brother Ye also remembered that based on what Qin Shaofeng had done before, he was not a reckless person. Since he dared to go in, he must be somewhat sure.


At this moment, Senior Brother Ye, who was at the base of the seventh domain battlefield, had a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Demon Wolf King? It looks like we have to go the last time!"


Qin Shaofeng didn't know He Yun and Lao Lin's report to that Senior Brother Ye.

Because after some careful sneaking, Qin Shaofeng had already arrived at the entrance of the small valley.

Up to now, few unihorned green demon wolves have come, and there are only a few hundred unihorned green demon wolves at the beginning of the entrance.

Soon after a few quarters of an hour, there was no one-horned green demon wolf at all, and he rushed here. And all the unicorn green demon wolves at the entrance of the small valley have also entered the small valley.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng slowly approached the entrance of the small valley. When he came to the entrance of the small valley, Qin Shaofeng carefully observed it again, and saw that there was indeed no one-horned green demon wolf at the entrance, so he carefully entered the small valley.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng entered the small valley, a strong smell of blood rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

this is?

This is the **** smell of the unicorn green demon wolf. Qin Shaofeng has hunted and killed the unicorn green demon wolf and knows this smell.

But the smell right now is too strong. How many single-horned green demon wolves have to die to have such a strong smell of blood?

Such a strong smell of blood made Qin Shaofeng feel nauseous. Qin Shaofeng was a little scared, this situation was completely beyond his expectations.

This little **** smell makes me afraid, so what else do I cultivate?

If you are shrinking now, how can you move on to the path of the strong, and how can you realize your bold ambitions?

Qin Shaofeng calmed down after thinking of this. When Qin Shaofeng's heart calmed down, Qin Shaofeng felt that his heart was very relaxed, and there was an indescribable comfort.

Now that Qin Shaofeng smelled it again, after the strong smell of blood, he no longer felt nauseated, nor did he feel uncomfortable anymore. It was as if suddenly, he had completely adapted to this environment.

Is this an improvement in mood?

The change in mood made Qin Shaofeng think that in the cultivation experience of some strong masters, there was a situation similar to that of the immediate present, and people called it a transformation of mood.

Such a transformation is extremely beneficial to a person's future cultivation, and Qin Shaofeng doesn't know what the specific benefits are.

Regardless of his benefits, he will get it first, and let's talk about the previous benefits.

Qin Shaofeng stopped thinking of his affairs, and began to slowly move into the valley.

Qin Shaofeng was a little puzzled. Although the smell of blood was very strong, Qin Shaofeng had walked some distance, but still did not find the body of a unicorn green demon wolf.

But soon Qin Shaofeng knew where the corpses of the one-horned green monster wolves were. Just when Qin Shaofeng had walked nearly twenty miles away, Qin Shaofeng saw a small mountain bag.

The strong smell of blood came out of the small mountain bag.

Qin Shaofeng took a closer look, and immediately took a breath.

What kind of small bag is this! This is clearly the corpse of the unicorn green demon wolf.

Not bad!

The small mountain bag is made up of the corpses of countless unihorn green monster wolves.

Qin Shaofeng took a closer look, and found that this was exactly the bottom of the valley, the lowest point of the valley, but now it turned out to be a small mountain bag!

How many corpses of one-horned green demon wolf should be able to do this!

Qin Shaofeng's mood at the moment can no longer be described in words.

Such a scene has completely exceeded Qin Shaofeng's prediction. After a rough estimate, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the number of the dead one-horned green demon wolves might not be less than three to four hundred thousand one-horned green demon wolves.

This is much more than Qin Shaofeng estimated!

It seemed that the demon wolf king was not the one-horned green demon wolf pack wolf king in this area, but the wolf king in other areas, Qin Shaofeng guessed in his heart.

Because this is the only way to explain why there are so many unicorn green demon wolves here. But there are so many unicorn green demon wolves suddenly appearing, why didn't the people in the sky soldiers notice?

What Qin Shaofeng didn't know was that this place actually belonged to some remote places in the Seventh Region, and it was not connected to other battlefield areas. Even when fighting the demons, there were very few people here.

Therefore, for such a situation, the Celestial Corps did not pay much attention to it.

Even if it weren't this time, if Seven-Star Aesculus Flower appeared again, no one would come over in this area.

Moreover, this unihorn green demon wolf is a very cunning monster beast, not to mention that there are still more cunning unicorn green demon wolves with the existence of the demon wolf king.

Even Lao Lin and He Yun, who had been following Qin Shaofeng all the time, didn't notice the specific situation here.

They didn't notice until the loss happened. There were so many unicorn green demon wolves here.


Suddenly a loud howl of a wolf sounded, interrupting Qin Shaofeng's doubts. Qin Shaofeng heard clearly, the howling of the wolf came from behind the small mountain bag made up of the corpses of the unicorn green demon wolf.

Qin Shaofeng looked around and ran towards the edge of the valley. When Qin Shaofeng saw this edge, he could bypass the small mountain bag and reach the back of the small mountain bag, so that he could see the situation behind.

After sneaking carefully, Qin Shaofeng finally came behind the small mountain bag. As soon as he arrived behind the small mountain bag, Qin Shaofeng was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Behind the small mountain bag, there are a large number of corpses of one-horned green demon wolves, the number is about two or three hundred thousand, and there are actually three to four hundred thousand one-horned green demon wolves alive in this place.

But these are not the key points. The key point is that Qin Shaofeng finally knows why so many unihorn green demon wolves have died.

Because on the pile of one-horned green demon wolf corpses, there are two huge snakes.

No, it should be called Jiao!

how can that be?

Seeing the appearance of the two dragons clearly, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it. The reason why Qin Shaofeng had such an expression was because Qin Shaofeng knew what kind of monster the two dragons were.

Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao!

With a hint of fiery breath, purple thunder and lightning flashed all over, this is definitely the purple thunder fire dragon flood!

The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, a very powerful monster, because the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon can reach the Emperor Realm as long as it grows up!

Even some Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao can cultivate to Nirvana when they reach adulthood!

If there is some opportunity, then the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood of Nirvana can evolve into the Purple Fire Dragon!

Purple Fire Dragon!

That is a powerful dragon monster beast with holy veins, but there is a chance to become a super monster beast that exists in the realm of supreme dominance!

This... how could the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon appear?

Qin Shaofeng never expected that the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon appeared here, and two of them appeared as soon as they appeared!

If this news spreads and let everyone know, then I don't know what kind of madness will appear.

This purple thunder fire dragon flood contains a trace of real dragon blood. If it can be tamed and you are willing to spend some precious pill, it will definitely evoke that strand of real dragon blood and evolve the purple thunder fire dragon flood into a purple fire dragon!

The Purple Fire Dragon is a powerful monster of the dragon clan with holy veins!

In the entire ancient sanctuary, except for the extremely core area of ​​the Monster Beast Holy Land, which had a small amount of Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, there were almost no other places.

As for the Purple Fire Dragon, I am afraid that only the land of the Dragon Race could appear.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng knows this Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is that there is a Heaven Soldier in the Heavenly Armed Forces who owns a Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood!

The heavenly soldier with the cultivation base of the Nirvana Realm, he has a natal beast of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, and there are even rumors that the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood has awakened a trace of true dragon blood.

Although it hasn't evolved into the Purple Fire Dragon, it has already cultivated to a very high level, and has even faded away from the body of a monster and turned into a human body.

A monster can only be transformed into a human body if it reaches a certain level of cultivation.

But if you want to completely eliminate the body of the monster and completely possess the human body, you must have a certain potential. The most direct point is to have the holy vein, and you must also have a strong bloodline.

Only in this way can the body of the monster be completely removed!

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