Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1088: Promotion to Nirvana

Chapter 1088 Promotion to Nirvana

Nirvana from the ashes is indeed a good ability, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it is the most powerful ability of his indestructible incarnation.

However, this nirvana ability, no matter how good it is, there is a time limit.

No, when Qin Shaofeng was refining the world power of the inner world, he suddenly sensed that the world power in his body began to decrease.

"No, this is the end of Nirvana!"

Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Because at the same time that the nirvana ability of the ashes was completely receded, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the strength in his body had gradually slowed down, and I am afraid that within a short while, it would also completely fade away.

Obviously, the medicinal effect of Heyuan Pill was almost exhausted.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng discovered that even though he had once again raised his realm, he barely reached the ninth realm of the Emperor Realm.

But even though it is the initial stage of the Ninth Stage of the Emperor Realm, the power of the world brought by these ascending realms is definitely not enough!

Even if these world powers were all refined into the power of laws, it would not be possible for Qin Shaofeng to condense the third pill of laws.

Because the power of the law refined like that is simply not enough!

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng's expression changed slightly, but that was all.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't have half the urgency in his heart, the only thing that appeared was a pity.

"Oh, it's a pity that I haven't reached the tenth peak of the Emperor Realm. This would waste a Nirvana Pill!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng looked helplessly and directly took out two pills from his storage ring.

And these two pills are exactly the two Nirvana pills that Old Man Hong has given!

Although Qin Shaofeng seemed a bit reckless before, he immediately began to gather the third pill of law.

But it was also Qin Shaofeng's certainty that he made such a reckless move.

The reason is simple, it is because of these two Nirvana pills!

Although this Nirvana Pill cannot be used as an elixir to improve the realm, under certain circumstances, this Nirvana Pill can be used to slightly raise the realm.

This is like Qin Shaofeng's current situation, using a Nirvana Pill to promote him to the peak of the Emperor Realm.

The purpose of this nirvana pill is to gain the power of nirvana, so that the emperor realm master can smoothly nirvana and become a powerful man in the nirvana realm.

Therefore, if you take a Nirvana Pill before there is no Nirvana, that is, you are in the emperor realm, you can use the Nirvana medicinal effect that belongs to the Nirvana realm to achieve the effect of improving the realm.

Of course, if Nirvana is over, this force of Nirvana will have no effect on a master who is already in the Nirvana state.

After all, the medicinal effect of this Nirvana Pill is just to transform the power of the law with the power of the world, and then help the peak master of the emperor realm to carry out Nirvana, and finally step into the Nirvana realm completely.

Therefore, Nirvana Pill can help the emperor realm masters, improve some realms, and even cultivate some law power, but for the Nirvana masters, it can't promote any improvement.

However, I am afraid that no one in the entire ancient sanctuary, or even a prodigal son, would use a Nirvana Pill to raise his realm to the peak of the Emperor Realm.

But now Qin Shaofeng said he planned to do so.

Originally, in Qin Shaofeng's expectation, this time he was nirvana from the fire, plus so many Heyuan Pills, it would be great if he could enter the tenth realm of the Emperor Realm.

Because even if it wasn't the peak realm of the emperor realm, but only the late tenth stage of the emperor realm, or even the middle realm, Qin Shaofeng was confident that with a Nirvana Pill, he could completely condense the third Pill of Law.

The reason is very simple, that is, Qin Shaofeng is confident that, with the power of a Nirvana Pill, he can succeed in Nirvana even if he does not need to use the power of the Nirvana Pill after obtaining enough power of the law. , And then enter Nirvana.

And in this way, Qin Shaofeng can not only condense the third Nirvana Pill, but can even be directly promoted to the Nirvana Realm!

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng was only ascended to the Ninth Level of the Emperor Realm, and there was still some distance from the Tenth Level of the Emperor Realm!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to waste a Nirvana Pill!

Although this Nirvana Pill is a supreme treasure for most people!

Even for many large families like the saints, it is also a rare thing, which can attract countless people to fight for it.

But to Qin Shaofeng, it doesn't matter whether this Nirvana Pill is there or not.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, his own body doesn't need this kind of Nirvana Pill at all to successfully break through to the Nirvana Realm.

Because of the god-level cultivation system, Qin Shaofeng's body can basically directly cross the emperor realm and break through the Nirvana realm by killing monsters, which is a hurdle that ordinary people can hardly cross!

Even Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to do much now. The act of improving the ontology, the direct ontology can also rely on this time to complete the task with the immortal incarnation, and the series of rewards directly fly to Nirvana.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng, this Nirvana Pill was just an elixir for improving his immortal incarnation.

The pill must be used at the critical moment!

In Qin Shaofeng's view, it is a critical moment to raise the realm of his indestructible incarnation as soon as possible and complete the system update task.

Therefore, even if a piece of Nirvana Pill was wasted at this moment, Qin Shaofeng would not feel distressed.

Soon, when a Nirvana Pill was lowered, Qin Shaofeng felt it instantly. The Nirvana Pill that entered his body suddenly exploded with a large amount of world power.

And what is incredible is that these world powers have actually undergone a phenomenon similar to Nirvana, and there is no need for Qin Shaofeng to deliberately refine them, but they are directly transformed into law powers.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's realm naturally began to improve again.

The middle stage of the Ninth Stage of the Emperor Realm...

The late stage of Emperor Nine Layers...

Nine Peaks of the Emperor Realm...


Then, in just a quarter of an hour, the aura in Qin Shaofeng's body entered a new stage after a sudden shock!

The emperor is ten times!

At the same time as his realm improved, Qin Shaofeng also began to directly inject the power of the law that appeared in his body into the third Yin Yang Yun Dan.

I don't know if it was because of Nirvana from the ashes. When Qin Shaofeng felt that he could only have the third Yin-Yang Cloud Pill in his body, enough power of the law had been injected, but there was still no sign of transforming it into the Pill of Law.

"Oh, it seems that you really can't save!"

Perceiving this situation, Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly in his heart.

The reason Qin Shaofeng also planned to see if he could use the first Nirvana Pill and the power of the law that it brought to condense the third Pill of Law.

But now it seems that without Nirvana, one's own Yin Yang Yun Pill does not seem to be directly transformed into a pill of law.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless, so he could only swallow the second Nirvana Pill that he had already taken out.

But this time, after taking the second Nirvana Pill, Qin Shaofeng's realm instantly soared to the tenth peak of the Emperor Realm.

Then, Qin Shaofeng just felt that his inner world had undergone a subtle and other change after a sudden change.

The entire inner world began to boil, and then began to burn crazily.

But this kind of burning didn't make Qin Shaofeng feel uncomfortable, and he still looked extremely enjoyable.

This feeling is a bit similar to what Qin Shaofeng had done before!

And this is the Nirvana you need to experience when you are promoted to the Nirvana state!


A few days later, Qin Shaofeng ended the retreat.

And the end of the retreat is a little bit extraordinary.

Because Qin Shaofeng, who ended his retreat, not only had his realm completely promoted to Nirvana, and reached the middle stage of the first stage of Nirvana, but more importantly, Qin Shaofeng at this moment has three pills of law in his body.

The first level of Nirvana has already condensed three pill of laws.

Just in accordance with the principles of law, it is reasonable to say that Qin Shaofeng is at least in the third level of Nirvana now, but now Qin Shaofeng is only in the first level of Nirvana.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng, who possessed three pills of law, possessed strength that was not comparable to that of the general Nirvana.

The Nirvana Realm Triple Level has three Pills of Law, which in the Nirvana Realm can be regarded as the strongest first-level existence in the same realm.

In fact, in the ancient sanctuary, many masters of the Nirvana Realm triple level, it is already very good to have two pills of law.

Nirvana masters in the ancient sanctuary are divided into three levels of existence.

The first is the kind of Nirvana without the pill of cohesion!

Usually this kind of Nirvana master is at the weakest level of existence, and there is not a single master of Nirvana who has condensed a pill of law.

If the pill of law has not been condensed, then even if it is the tenth level of Nirvana, its strength may not necessarily be the opponent of Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, the Nirvana realm that does not condense the pill of law is usually called the pseudo-Nirvana realm!

There is no realm, but no strength!

The second is that the realm is much higher than the number of pill of laws condensed.

It's like someone who has cultivated to the triple state of Nirvana before condensing a pill of law.

Although such a Nirvana master cannot be regarded as a pseudo-Nirvana, the standard for evaluating strength in Nirvana is actually distinguished by the power of the law, that is, the number of the pill of law.

Of course, this can't be said to be absolute. After all, some geniuses are very likely to defeat their opponents in Nirvana, who have two pills of law, with one pill of law.

There are always many talents with extraordinary talents.

For example, like Qin Shaofeng, who has three pill of law, can be the same as the nirvana quadruple master who has three pill of law, I am afraid that he may not necessarily be his opponent.

In addition to these two situations, the third type of Nirvana master in Nirvana is also the rarest and most genius master of Nirvana, who can completely align the pill of law with the realm.

This is also a pill of law in one realm!

There are as many elixir of laws as there are.

And the existence of this kind of Nirvana is basically the strongest level in the same realm.

The same is the triple level of Nirvana, which has three pill of laws, which is naturally better than Nirvana with two pill of laws.

Even if they have the same three pill of law, one is the triple level of Nirvana and the other is the fourth level of Nirvana, it is very likely that the triple is stronger than the quadruple.

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