Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1098: Bad influence

Chapter 1098

From the beginning of the battlefield to the present, this has finally appeared the supreme master of this level has fallen!

Whether it is the realm of the king or the emperor, or even the realm of Nirvana, no matter how many fallen on this battlefield, it is nothing, unless it is those incredible geniuses.

But even if the extraordinary genius falls, the impact is very limited.

In fact, during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng also discovered a lot of geniuses who were active on this battlefield, whether they were humans or demons.

Other than that, Qin Shaofeng has seen a lot of this nirvana state, an incredible genius.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for a person to cultivate to Nirvana.

Many thousands or even thousands of years, and even some people with mediocre qualifications, even if it is by chance, it takes tens of thousands of years to cultivate to the Nirvana state.

This shows how difficult it is to cultivate in Nirvana.

After all, this can be regarded as an attack on Nirvana, but it requires sufficient world power and a certain amount of luck.

On the contrary, some people with good luck can cultivate to Nirvana within a thousand years, or even two to three hundred years.

This is much less than those thousands of years.

However, in the Nirvana state cultivated in this way, how many people can cultivate the power of the law, and even the people who further condense the pill of the law, that is very few.

It's not that if you practice for a long time, you can cultivate the power of the law, and it is easy to condense the pill of the law.

On the contrary, the longer it takes to cultivate to Nirvana, the more difficult it will be to cultivate the power of the law and condense the pill of the law.

Step by step, step by step!

But these are just ordinary people!

There are always some geniuses in the world, and their cultivation is somewhat unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances, some talented geniuses can cultivate very fast, and they can even cultivate to the Nirvana realm in dozens of less than a hundred years.

And it's the kind of Nirvana that cultivates the pill of law, and even condenses the pill of law!

Such nirvana geniuses, Qin Shaofeng has also seen a lot on this battlefield, whether it is the genius of the demon race in the place or the genius of his own human race.

Even Qin Shaofeng has seen that some individual powerful human and demon geniuses exude aura that is 20 to 30 years old at most, which means that the opponent is only 20 to 30 years old.

But at such an age, he has already cultivated to the seven or eight levels of Nirvana, and there are six or seven pill of the law that he has cultivated. Such Nirvana is an absolute genius.

Because if you continue to practice in this state, these human races and demons in the Nirvana Realm may have the possibility of impacting the supreme sovereign in the future.

Of course, this is only such a possibility, because even if it is such a genius, five or six out of ten have the possibility of impacting the supreme dominance.

But the geniuses who have such a possibility to impact the supreme dominance, I am afraid that even among 10,000 people, there may not be a person who can impact success and eventually achieve the supreme dominance.

Therefore, even if there is such a loss of genius, the human race and the demon race will not pay special attention despite their heartache and anger.

The battlefield is still going on, and the **** people will continue to fall.

This can truly affect the entire battlefield, and that is the absolute powerhouse on the battlefield.

And the fall of a supreme ruler can absolutely shock the entire battlefield.

This is the situation at this moment.

When the supreme ruler fell, Qin Shaofeng could clearly perceive that the entire battlefield was quiet, and even the two opponents, no matter how tragically they were fighting, stopped subconsciously, and there was a sense of supremacy under his gaze. The place where the breath dissipates.

The supreme ruler has fallen?

Everyone was shocked and horrified.

Because everyone has never thought that on this battlefield, there will be a situation where the supreme ruler will fall.

A strong person who can cultivate to the realm of supreme dominance is naturally terrifying.

Moreover, every supreme ruler possesses supreme power, a power beyond imagination.

Although many people know that there is a certain strength gap even among the supreme masters.

But in fact, no matter how big these gaps are, there are still some situations.

In this situation, it is difficult for one supreme master to kill another.

Fighting alone, even if the strength of the two sides differs greatly, it is simply impossible for one supreme ruler to be killed by another.

In fact, it has been a long time since the fall of the Supreme Lord has occurred in the ancient sanctuary.

And even if there is a fall of the supreme ruler, it rarely appears in this ten thousand race battle for hegemony.

Qin Shaofeng remembered that now it seems that the most recent battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races in which the supreme ruler has fallen is still seven or eight previous battles for hegemony.

Moreover, the supreme lord who fell that time was also a demon in the peak Nirvana realm. When facing his enemies, he fell into a mortal situation, and finally broke through the supreme lord.

It’s just a pity that his opponent is a genuine human supreme master, and the human supreme master has broken through to the supreme master realm as soon as he sees the opponent. He didn’t keep his hands, and directly took advantage of the fact that the opponent had not completely broken through. He directly killed the Demon Race.

Strictly speaking, that time when the supreme ruler fell, it was not completely true that the supreme ruler fell.

But this time it was different, because this time the fallen Supreme Lord was a real thing, and became the Supreme Lord for a long time.

What's very bad is that this supreme ruler belongs to the human race.

"Haha, Huantiange didn't expect you to be killed by me so easily. It seems that your fantasy race is nothing more than that!"

Suddenly, when the aura of the supreme ruler fell, it didn't take long for the entire battlefield to hear a wild laugh.


Fantasy song?

As soon as these words appeared, on this first battlefield, everyone felt that the sky had fallen, and even Qin Shaofeng's expression changed slightly.

"Damn, I didn't expect this fallen person to be the supreme master of our human race. The situation is a bit bad now!"

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself, his eyes flashed brightly.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Huan Tiange was the supreme master, Qin Shaofeng was able to understand something from a wild laugh.

Obviously, the previous two human race demon race supreme dominance battles are the masters of Huan Tian Ge and this rampant laughter at this moment.

Then, without knowing what happened during the battle, in the end, the owner of this rampant laughter killed Huan Tiange, the supreme ruler of the human race.

When the news of the supreme ruler of the human race spread across the battlefield at an extremely fast speed, the morale of the human race plummeted instantly.

Qin Shaofeng also knew that this was inevitable, and the strongest person on his side had fallen, so this battle was a bit unsound.

Other than that, because of the fall of a supreme lord at this moment, the morale of his human race has plummeted!

For a time, Qin Shaofeng became more curious about the owner who was laughing wildly.

Which supreme ruler of the demons actually exists?

Can actually kill the Huantiange who is also the supreme dominating realm?

And soon, Qin Shaofeng knew the name of the supreme master of the demons.

Because at this moment, a very angry roar shook the entire sky and burst out.

"Blood mad, you despicable villain, you used such a scheme to murder Tiange, I'm going to kill you!"

This is another supreme ruler, and from his angry tone, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party was probably also the supreme ruler of his own human race.


Accompanied by this angry roar, there was a fierce rumbling in the depths of the extremely distant space, and an earth-shaking vibration erupted!

"Ha, my despicable villain?" The frantic laughter sounded again, "So what, as long as you can slaughter the **** of the human race, that's enough!"

After this sound, Qin Shaofeng did not hear the voices of both parties.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng sensed it all the time, that the battle was getting fiercer and fiercer in the far depths of space.

Just as Qin Shaofeng wanted to take a closer look, he suddenly discovered that several masters of the Demon Race Nirvana Realm besieged him.

Moreover, these masters of the Demon Race's Nirvana Realm still looked very excited, and each of them exploded with a very crazy aura like a chicken blood.

Obviously, the fall of a supreme ruler of the human race greatly boosted the morale of the demons, and each one burst out with stronger power.

The same is true of the few masters of the demons in the Nirvana Realm.

And they also found out for the first time that Qin Shaofeng, a demon in the Nirvana Realm, had directly killed him.

It's just a pity that these Nirvana demons are not particularly emphasized Nirvana, the highest among the seven is only the triple realm of Nirvana, and basically they have not cultivated the principle of pill.

The only master of the Nirvana Realm Demon Race who has cultivated the Pill of Law is the triple cultivation base of the Nirvana Realm. Such strength is nothing in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.


With a wave of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng shot Feiyu Knife out.

"call out--!"

In the next moment, Feiyu Knife turned into a silver blade light, leaping in front of the seven demons like lightning, and then it was shuttled.




The sound of the blade entering the body sounded one after another, and the flying feather swords directly penetrated the bodies of the seven Nirvana demon masters without any hindrance.

Seven kills in an instant!

And what's special is a spike!

To death, the faces of the seven masters of the Nirvana Realm Demon Race had a trace of disbelief and a trace of inexplicable confusion.

This is not right!

How come they were killed!

Unfortunately, they don't have enough time to think about this problem.

Because next, what awaits them is endless darkness.

From this moment on, they, like the demons killed by Qin Shaofeng before, will sleep in this darkness, and they will sleep forever, and there will never be a day to wake up!

Looking at the seven corpses lying in front of him, a cold light flashed across Qin Shaofeng's face.

It's just an opponent of this level, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all.

No matter how much it comes, it's just fertilizer that is being upgraded by Feiyu Dao!

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