Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1101: Blood Vessel Suppression

Chapter 1101 Bloodline Suppression

The corpse that can't be the supreme ruler, although precious, it is very difficult to obtain!

But it is precisely because of this that the dead bodies of the two demons who fell at this moment, the supreme ruler of the demons, made many people eye-catching.

In fact, after the fall of these two supreme masters of the demon race, in the battlefield deep in the sky, there once appeared the supreme masters of the demon race, wanting to take back the blood madness their bodies as soon as possible.

But it is a pity that the opponent is stronger than the supreme ruler of the human race, and it is directly blocked.

As a result, the two bodies of the supreme ruler fell directly onto the battlefield.

Needless to say, in the face of such a super treasure among such treasures, no one will be indifferent, whether it is a demon or a human.

Faced with the absence of the supreme ruler's intervention, many people were moved, even Qin Shaofeng.

For a time, many human races and demons who reacted rushed to those two battlefields in the first time.

Two battlefields with the supreme corpse!

Then, two extremely fierce battles broke out.

A large number of human races and demons began to fight more frantically.

At the previous moment, everyone had not yet been fighting for their races.

But at this moment, everyone, whether human or demons, started a frantic fight for themselves.

Even before, because the two great supreme masters on their side suddenly fell, causing anxiety in their hearts, and the demons who were in a state of retreat, at this moment, they all put aside all of these.

Now in their eyes, the corpse of the supreme ruler is far more important than the victory or defeat of the war between the two huge races of the human race and the demons.

The battle above to dominate the space battlefield seems to be more intense.

And the battlefield below, because of the two supreme dominator corpses that suddenly descended on, became more intense and crazier!

After killing a large number of Nirvana Demon Race, Qin Shaofeng began to approach two battlefields about fighting for one of the corpses of the Supreme Lord.

The battlefield Qin Shaofeng came to was exactly the battlefield surrounding the corpse of the supreme master of the blood mad demon race.

Although the other battlefield where the supreme dominates the corpse of the demon clan was closer to him, Qin Shaofeng chose the blood mad corpse.

There is a reason for Qin Shaofeng's choice.

Nothing else, just because of the name of this blood mad!

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know what kind of supreme ruler this blood mad demon clan was like, what kind of demon clan was.

But just because of the other party's surname, Qin Shaofeng had the first decision in his heart.

The demon with the blood name is one of the three royal families of the demon!

This means that this blood mad is definitely the royal family of the demons!

Among the demons, if it were not the demons of the blood family, it would be impossible to have the surname blood.

This is the unique surname belonging to the three royal families of the Mozu!

And as the supreme lord with the blood of the three major imperial families of the Demon Race, this blood mad is not only powerful, but this bloodline is definitely extremely powerful.

If it could refine the body of such a supreme master, it would be several times better than the body of a general supreme master.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose this battlefield!

He wants to get the body of this blood mad!

As soon as he arrived on this battlefield, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt a sense of oppression from his soul.

This is the breath of blood madness!

A supreme ruler, even if it falls, the aura remaining on the corpse is extremely powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get close.

Moreover, this blood madness is not an ordinary Demon Clan. It belongs to the powerful bloodline of the three major imperial clan of the Demon Clan, and it brings an invisible suppression.

This is the kind of complete overriding suppression between bloodlines!

It was just this kind of oppression, which led to the fact that within a hundred miles of the blood mad body, there were no more human races and demons below Nirvana.

Because of this repressive power that surpasses one's own blood, even the pseudo-Nirvana masters who generally have not cultivated the pill of law, are very difficult to resist.

For such a situation, Qin Shaofeng had already been psychologically prepared.

Even with regard to the human races and demons in the Nirvana Realm present, Qin Shaofeng is probably the person who knows this kind of bloodline suppression best.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's second envoy was also Leng Yaxuan of the Leng family of the three imperial families of the Demon Clan!

Being the same three royal families, Leng Yaxuan's understanding of the other two royal families is naturally much greater than that of other people in the outside world.

Moreover, Leng Yaxuan had told Qin Shaofeng exactly these things.

This kind of bloodline suppression usually involves the suppression of strength and realm.

The most important thing is that this blood madness is still the supreme ruler. If he is still alive, this suppression alone will probably be able to bring the supreme ruler under control, and most people will be directly suppressed. dead!

It's a pity that now he is dead, and this kind of bloodline suppression can at best suppress the strength of about 30% of all races and demons on the battlefield.

After Qin Shaofeng entered this suppressed area, he felt this for the first time.

"Suppressed by 20%? It seems that this blood mad is indeed the blood of the three royal families of the Demon!~"

Feeling his own strength and being suddenly suppressed by 20%, Qin Shaofeng was not shocked at all in his heart, but was a little surprised.

The more so, the more it can prove the strength of this blood mad bloodline, and the more it can explain the preciousness of this blood mad body!

As for being suppressed by 20%, Qin Shaofeng did not have any surprises.

Although the pill of law he possessed is far beyond his own realm, after all, this blood madness is a powerhouse with the supreme dominance of the realm. After death, the bloodline has such suppression, Qin Shaofeng can still end it.

Besides, this blood madness has just fallen, and there is still a lot of powerful aura belonging to the supreme ruler on the corpse!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know, he still guessed wrong about the degree of blood madness suppressed.

Because after entering this area, both the human race and the demon race were almost directly suppressed by half of their strength.

Even the most outstanding human and demon geniuses have been suppressed by at least 40% of their strength.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng only felt that he had been suppressed by 20% of his strength was because of his exceptional circumstances.

The first layer of Nirvana is the pill of three laws!

Regardless of Qin Shaofeng's low realm now, there are only three Pills of Law, and there are many human and demon masters in the Nirvana Realm present, who have cultivated a lot more Pills of Law than Qin Shaofeng.

But in the same way, regardless of whether they have cultivated three or five, or six or seven pill of law, the Nirvana human and demons masters have all suffered severe suppression.

This is all because the pill of law they cultivated, not to mention that it is far beyond their own realm like Qin Shaofeng, even the situation of the pill of law and the realm is not reached by a human or demon master.

What kind of power will the pill of law produce if it exceeds its own realm?

I'm afraid not many people can say this.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that his state at the moment could actually suppress the bloodline of the blood madness by more than half!

People are suppressed by half, he is only 20%, not more than half, what is that?

But even so, it is not Qin Shaofeng's limit!

With his right hand lightly, Qin Shaofeng had an extra jade bottle in his hand. As soon as the jade bottle was opened, Qin Shaofeng poured something out of the jade bottle with lightning speed.

It was a drop of blood with a purple monster!

The breath of this blood is not strong, it seems that the realm of its owner is not very strong.

But this drop of blood exudes an invisible temperament!

Powerful and noble!

Although it's just a drop of blood, it can feel like facing an emperor!

There is no other reason, it is all because of this drop of blood, this is a drop of blood from one of the three imperial families of the Demon Clan, one of the three royal families of the Leng Family, and even the purest bloodline of Leng Yaxuan in millions of years.

It seemed that Leng Yaxuan had long expected that her master Qin Shaofeng would meet the three great demon clan in the future, so she left a bottle of her own essence and blood for Qin Shaofeng.

This was for Qin Shaofeng to encounter other demons and imperial clan, after the suppression of that bloodline, with the help of her essence and blood, to resist.

Of course, if the beast encounters the suppression of the blood of the holy race among those human races, Leng Yaxuan's blood can also offset those suppression.

After gently refining the drop of Leng Yaxuan's essence blood, Qin Shaofeng shrouded an invisible force, and then dispelled the degree of suppression from the blood madness.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng at this moment was not suppressed in any way on this battlefield.

This is also Qin Shaofeng's most important confidence to be able to capture the body of the Supreme Lord.

And this is why Qin Shaofeng chose to seize the corpse of Blood Madness instead of the corpse of another demon!

Although this is why the blood mad corpse is more precious, these are only secondary factors.

For the immediate reason, Qin Shaofeng worries that the other supremely dominated Demon Race is not the three emperors, and the bloodline is not very advanced, so it cannot bring blood pressure to others.

If there is no suppression, then Qin Shaofeng can stand in the same state as others.

But if that’s the case, it’s just that Qin Shaofeng who has the first level of Nirvana, even if he has already cultivated three pill of laws, I am afraid it is not the same pill of three laws, but the realm is seven or eight layers of demon clan in Nirvana. The opponent of the master.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously unwise to seize the body of the Supreme Lord.

But for this blood madness, because the essence of Leng Yaxuan's blood can keep Qin Shaofeng in a state of victory, there is still a slight possibility.

And the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng also discovered the area battlefield affected by the blood mad corpse. This seems to be a good place to harvest some powerful Nirvana demon masters.


Just as Qin Shaofeng had just refined Leng Yaxuan's essence and blood into an invisible protective cover, a strong wind hit, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously dodged his body and avoided.


After Qin Shaofeng avoided, a powerful force blasted to the place where Qin Shaofeng was before, and then blasted the ground directly into a huge hole.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng realize that the person who suddenly appeared to him was actually a master of the Nirvana Realm Seven Demon Race who had cultivated four Pills of Law.

If in normal times, encountering such a master of the Demon Race, Qin Shaofeng would not even think about it, so he turned around and ran.

But now when the opponent's strength was suppressed, and he was not suppressed at all, Qin Shaofeng would not run away.

In particular, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest fear in his heart when he felt the power of the demon master's shot just now.

Knew it!

Once this strength is suppressed, even a Nirvana Realm seven-layer demon master master with four pill of law, the power that this can burst out does not seem to be very strong.

This situation is really beneficial to me!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he felt a little more excited and excited.

But the demons opposite him were angry.

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