Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 111: Battle Yu Ngai Hing

I just need to enjoy it, so why don't other people matter to me!

This sentence made Qin Shaofeng surprised, but it was reasonable.

Indeed, with Du Meng's character, how would he care about other people's opinions?

Just as he said, he is good, so what else do you care about?

But at this moment, Yu Yixing on the ring was completely explosive in his heart.

At this moment, Yu Yixing had never felt such anger.

This was the first time he wanted to kill someone angrily. Even if he was angry with Du Meng before, he was planning to teach Du Meng a lesson.

After all, killing a lowly **** will dirty his noble hands.

But now Du Meng's behavior really moved his heart to kill.

Although this time, he won.

But when Du Meng took the initiative to admit defeat, he seemed to feel that his victory was a charity from the other side.

Even Yu Yixing could feel that the crowd under the ring didn't think Du Meng had lost.

Yu Yixing couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, but he could still get the anger in his heart.

But fortunately, he knew where he was at the moment and took a deep breath. Yu Yixing calmed down the anger in his heart, and casually calmed down the agitating inner energy.

Then, without waiting for the referee to say anything, he went down too.

But no one noticed that when Yu Yixing turned and left, there was a bit of cold and biting killing intent in his eyes.

With the announcement of the elder referee, the game between Yu Yixing and Du Meng also came to an end.

Then the top three in this ring were born!

Qin Shaofeng, Tang Qijian, Yu Yixing!

These three can be said to be the strongest three among the formal students. Needless to say, it can be drawn from the performance of the three of them in the ring competition.

Naturally, Tang Qijian didn't need to say much. Since the start of the arena, no one has allowed him to display the second sword. All opponents, including Du Meng, were determined by him.

Yu Ngai-hsing is also not so bad. Except for Du Meng, no one has received his three punches so far, and his strength is beyond doubt.

However, after the battle with Du Meng, there was a disagreement between him and Du Meng as to who was better.

Some believe that Yu Yixing is strong, while others believe that Du Meng's strength should be more advantageous.

But after all, it doesn't matter who is strong and who is weak, because the current top three is Yu Yixing.

As for Qin Shaofeng, to be honest, in addition to the strength that Qin Shaofeng showed when he was facing Lu Qi, that is, when facing Li Yuan, people can see the strength of Qin Shaofeng, unless otherwise, Qin Shaofeng gives others The feeling of being among the top ten is unremarkable.

But both Lu Qi and Li Yuan were outstanding people.

Although many people dismiss Lu Qi as a person, it is undeniable that Lu Qi's strength is indeed one of the ten strongest formal students.

And if nothing else, Lu Qi should be able to rank in the top five, is a true genius.

But such a genius was mistreated by Qin Shaofeng.

In front of Qin Shaofeng, Lu Qi didn't even have room to fight back.

In addition, after Qin Shaofeng's battle with Li Yuan, Qin Shaofeng's strength can be reflected even more.

Li Yuan was one of the top five in the real world, but after he was trying his best to accumulate his energy and punch Qin Shaofeng, he not only didn't take advantage of it, he even almost fell out of the ring.

If it was said that when Lu Qi was abused by Qin Shaofeng, everyone knew that Qin Shaofeng was very strong, but they couldn't tell how strong the law was.

But with Li Yuan, everyone knew where and how strong Qin Shaofeng's strength was.

Li Yuan, one of the top five, actually lost a punch to Qin Shaofeng. This was the clearest comparison.

Therefore, everyone has different opinions on who can win the final first place in this arena.

Some support Tang Qijian, some support Yu Yixing, and some support Qin Shaofeng.

But obviously, the voices supporting Tang Qijian are still the most, after all, the power of Tang Qijian's sword has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The second person with the most support is not Yu Yixing, but Qin Shaofeng.

The reason is simple. After the battle between Yu Yixing and Du Meng, many people think that Yu Yixing's strength is nothing more than that.

Du Meng had been defeated by Tang Qijian with a single sword before, but when he faced Du Meng, Yu Yixing had almost all the means and did not hurt Du Meng a bit.

This makes many people think that Yu Yixing's strength is not as good as Tang Qijian.

Especially those who know the relationship between Du Meng and Qin Shaofeng are very clear. Du Meng has always listened to Qin Shaofeng's words. In this way, Qin Shaofeng's strength is not surprising and must be stronger than Du Meng.

In this way, how do you feel that the best final was played between Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian?

No matter what everyone thinks, the best match of the top three is here.

A three-person game, only three games, but the winner and the winner decide the first place, and the loser decides the second place for the loser.

In other words, if Qin Shaofeng competed with one of Tang Qijian and Yu Yixing at the beginning, then after Qin Shaofeng's victory, he would decide first place with the last one.

If Qin Shaofeng loses in the first game, then he can only wait for Tang Qijian and Yu Yixing to win the first place before he competes with another for second place.

That's three games like this.

Needless to say, no matter who is playing with whom, one of them must have a bye and can wait until the finals.

Before the draw, Goddess of Luck took care of Tang Qijian again.

He's bye again!

This means that the first game, that is to say, the semi-final is between Qin Shaofeng and Yu Yixing, the winner and Tang Qijian in the final.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't have any comments on this, but he always felt that Tang Qijian's two consecutive byes were the ghost of the referee elder.

Most people might not be able to do anything when they draw lots, but this elder is different.

The referee of the original general arena was not the elder, but after the top ten came out, the old man came out.

Qin Shaofeng could see clearly that as soon as this elder appeared, he just said to the previous referee elder, and the opponent respectfully gave up the referee's duties.

In addition, the general arena was also watched by many college tutors and some college elders, but no matter who it was, he maintained a very respectful attitude towards the referee elder.

It can be seen that this elder's status in Lianyang Academy is not low, but his status is often equal to his strength.

If this hadn't happened, Qin Shaofeng would at best think that the other party was an academy elder with an ordinary spirit, but it was obviously not like that now.

So even if his old man moved in the lottery, no one could notice.

More importantly, I am afraid that even if it is discovered, no one dares to say anything.

But well...

That's the sentence, isn't it just playing one more game, it's no big deal.

This is Qin Shaofeng's idea.

But Yu Ngai Hing didn't think so.

As the so-called love house and Wu, because of Du Meng's relationship, Yu Yixing's attitude towards Qin Shaofeng is hateful.

Yu Yixing knew that Du Meng had a good relationship with Qin Shaofeng, so he even hated Qin Shaofeng in his heart.

You Du Meng ran away, then I will use Qin Shaofeng to vent my anger!

After a faint glance at Qin Shaofeng, a strange light flashed in Yu Yixing's eyes.

Qin Shaofeng's senses were relatively sensitive because of the practice of Yi Jin Jing. Since starting to practice the 108 Yoga poses, his senses' sensitivity has increased a lot.

When Yu Yixing looked at you, Qin Shaofeng noticed it for the first time, and he also saw the strange light in Yu Yixing's eyes.

Without thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng also knew what the other party was thinking.

Oh, Yu Yixing, you'd better not play yin with me, or I will let you bloom!

With a sneer in his heart, after receiving a signal from the referee, Qin Shaofeng jumped onto the ring.

This time, Yu Yixing didn't hesitate, but just flashed directly and came to the ring.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

On the ring, after the start of the competition, Yu Yixing did not do anything. Instead, he glanced at Qin Shaofeng and then smiled: "You are very good. You joined Lianyang Academy as the first place in the enrollment assessment. It has only been more than three months now. To be able to reach the top three in the official student ring competition, I have to say, you are really good!"

With that, Yu Yixing nodded involuntarily, as if I admired you very much.

But the next moment, his face changed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, revealing a hint of arrogance to Qin Shaofeng: "However, you are over here, and you will lose in this battle!"

While saying this, Yu Yixing's momentum suddenly shook, and suddenly became extremely tall and strong.

If this were to be replaced by someone else, I am afraid that Yu Yixing's aura would be affected and he would perform abnormally and reduce his combat power.

But Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that Yu Yixing was so unpredictable, would he care about what he said?

As for Yu Yixing's momentum at the moment?

I have to admit that Yu Yixing, who practiced "Kamikaze Iron Fist", is indeed very powerful, and there is a trace of kingly demeanor, and a sense of iron and blood fighting on the battlefield.

It is said that the Great Emperor Lianyang fought countless battles and defeated the land of Lianyang Kingdom with a fist of iron and blood. In the end, after the establishment of Lianyang Kingdom, he deliberately created the "Kamikaze Iron Fist" when he was cultivated.

Now it seems that it is true.

Qin Shaofeng is sure that Yu Yixing has never been on the battlefield, but his aura has the iron and blood of fighting on the battlefield. It can be seen that it is because of the "Shenfeng Iron Fist".

It's a pity that even if it is so imposing, it has absolutely no effect on Qin Shaofeng.

During the days in the Monster Beast Forest, Qin Shaofeng had been staying with the two strong spirits, and naturally often came into contact with the aura of the strong spirits.

Even if Yu Yixing's aura goes against the sky, his acquired realm can be compared with the aura of a strong spiritual vein realm?

And really speaking, he might not even have a tenth of Zhao Yuner's momentum.

Qin Shaofeng almost laughed when he saw Yu Yixing and wanted to oppress himself with aura.

But he finally held back, but he shook his head lightly and said, "I will lose? You are too early to say this. Qin Shaofeng, who can get the first place in the enrollment assessment, will naturally be able to be a formal student. Won the first place in the ring competition."


Qin Shaofeng's words made Yu Yixing angry.

Got first place?

Doesn't that mean that Qin Shaofeng is going to defeat himself in this arena?

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