Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1110: succeed

Chapter 1110

Although the wound on the blood mad corpse did not penetrate it directly.

But this wound seemed to be blasted thoroughly by some kind of force, and even directly invaded the inner world of the blood madness, causing a terrifying destruction to the inner world!

I am afraid that this is the direct cause of the fall of the supreme lord of Blood Madness!

If the inner world is destroyed, even strong people like the Supreme Sovereign will be seriously injured directly, and even fall directly after being severe to a certain degree!

Such a wound is a fatal breakthrough for a body of supreme ruler.

It was after Qin Shaofeng saw this wound that his mind became completely active.

"Great, I didn't expect that there was such a wound on the body of the supreme ruler. It was simply prepared for me!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted in his heart, and the whole person was in an extremely excited state.

Because of this wound, Qin Shaofeng could do a lot of things.

For example, with the flying moment of the Flying Feather Knife, the Flying Feather Knife can directly enter the inside of the blood mad supreme corpse from this wound. To be precise, it will enter the opponent's inner world.

In this way, wouldn't the Flying Feather Knife absorb an inner world of supreme dominance?

Although Qin Shaofeng knew clearly in his heart, at this moment, the inner world dominated by the blood madness was probably already destroyed a lot.

But even if it refers to the remaining one percent or even one thousandth of the original, the power contained in this inner world is probably not comparable to the general Nirvana.

This is not only the quantity represented by power, but also the quality.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng is so excited and excited at this moment.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng's self-restraint ability is relatively good, and here is in a melee, the aura is everywhere, and no one notices the little aura that Qin Shaofeng is excited for a while.

But Qin Shaofeng suppressed the excitement in his heart for the first time, hiding his breath again.

"Since there is such an opportunity, then we should look for an opportunity now!"

Looking at the wound on the body of the Supreme Lord not far away, Qin Shaofeng did not act immediately.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that at this moment, it seemed that all races and demons were in a state of fighting, and did not pay much attention to this supreme ruler's corpse.

But in fact, the blood madness supreme dominates the surroundings of the corpse, constantly sweeping the divine consciousness, let Qin Shaofeng know, even in the battle, paying attention to the popularity of this supreme dominating corpse is still not a minority.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that as long as he sacrificed the Flying Feather Knife, even if it was used in an instant, some people would be aware of it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not rush to take action, but waited for an opportunity.

And this opportunity soon appeared.


Another breath exploded, and then I saw a human nirvana master. After the death of the person beside him, after despair, he burst out all the last power in his body.

After bursting out of such power, he did not attack his own enemies, because he faced too many enemies, even if he attacked the weakest demon race, he might end up being blocked by other demon races.

Therefore, like the previous demon master, he chose to attack the blood mad corpse, delusional to destroy the supreme ruler's corpse.

But it is a pity that this human race master is still slightly weaker than the previous demon master's strength.

Therefore, nature cannot destroy this corpse of supreme dominance!

But this is a rare opportunity for Qin Shaofeng.


When this human race's attack fell on the corpse of the supreme ruler, Qin Shaofeng also shot.


With a light flick of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng's hand flashed a ray of silver blade light, and after a flash of the Feiyu knife, it disappeared directly into his right hand.


With the power of the flying feather sword now, this instant display, after escaping into the space, the state that seems to be integrated with the space is even more difficult for people to notice.

Perhaps if Qin Shaofeng used Feiyu Knife on the fly to attack a master like Du Yuanhu on the battlefield, he would be completely blocked by the opponent.

After all, Feiyu Knife is now only a high-level artifact, and has not evolved into a heavy treasure.

Therefore, even if Feishan has the ability to merge with space, it is difficult for people to notice when it strikes.

But Feishan is used to attack the enemy after all, so Feiyu Knife will be revealed in the end.

Even if it was finally revealed, it was only a momentary matter, but for some powerful Nirvana masters, they can still detect it and can also resist it.

But this time Qin Shaofeng used Feiyu Knife to display Fei Shun's target, only a corpse, so Qin Shaofeng was not worried that he would be aware of Feiyu Knife.

What Qin Shaofeng was worried about was that someone else would notice Feiyu Dao!

But now it was because of the human race master's attack that Qin Shaofeng chose to make his move in time. This led to the fact that at the same time that the human race master's attack fell on the supreme master corpse, the flying feather knife just appeared on the supreme master corpse. The wound on the abdomen.


A silver light flashed by, and Feiyu Knife flew directly from the wound into the inner world of the blood mad.

Go in!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's heart thumped wildly for a long time.

Although there was finally the appearance of the silver light blade, because the attack fell, the power that caused the explosion completely covered the silver light blade light of the flying feather knife, and also completely covered the flying feather knife itself. Spatial fluctuations caused by transients.

Therefore, all this was going on quietly and without interest. Except for Qin Shaofeng, the owner of the flying feather knife, no one on the scene noticed the flash of silver light of the knife!

"It's done!"

Seeing Feiyu Knife smoothly enter the world of the supreme dominator corpse, Qin Shaofeng squeezed his right fist, and his heart was fiercely excited.

"Then next, let the Feiyu Knife absorb the inner world of the supreme master. Then, after the absorption is finished, I will find the opportunity to get the Feiyu Knife back."

Qin Shaofeng looked at the corpse not far away without blinking his eyes, and at the same time, Qin Shaofeng also began to back up slowly, gradually moving away from the position of the supreme dominating corpse.

Since Feiyu Knife has entered the inner world, it is not a wise choice to continue to stay here.

Because of this close distance, if you stay for a long time, you will be exposed sooner or later.

Slowly Qin Shaofeng retreated, somewhere a kilometer away from this supreme ruler, this was the distance Qin Shaofeng and Feiyu Dao had just reached.

Even if this distance does not affect Qin Shaofeng's control of Feiyu Knife to absorb the remaining inner world of the supreme dominating corpse, Qin Shaofeng can also summon Feiyu Knife back as quickly as possible. More importantly, this distance Qin Shaofeng is more certain. Let yourself not be exposed.

This distance is the most suitable!

After finding a good place to hide himself, Qin Shaofeng observed it quietly.

As time passed, the teams that united the few human races and demons were slowly swallowed by Xuan Ziluo's team and the strongest demons team.

After half a time, in addition to Xuan Ziluo's team and the strongest team of the Demon Race, the remaining human races and Demon Races, all of them added up to less than a hundred people.

At this time, someone finally started to tremble and die.

Then, many human races and demons began to escape.

In the face of death, no matter how precious the body of the Supreme Lord is, someone will eventually wake up.

But by this time, even if he wakes up, it is completely late.

As if agreed, Xuan Ziluo's team and that Demon Race's strongest team didn't seem to let any Demon Race or Human Race mean, and even those who fled will be killed.

It seems that neither side wants to be told about the course of this battle.

After all, seriously, the two teams are suspected of being united.

You help me kill the competitors of the human race, and I help you solve the demon snatchers!

On this point, the two sides are in agreement.

In such a situation, no matter how you explain it, some people with brains will know the real meaning.

Perhaps as Xuan Ziluo, he didn't care about this.

Because as long as he brought the blood madness, the supreme ruler's corpse, directly back, the rest of the matter would be exposed, and there would be Xuan family experts to help him.

I believe the same is true on the Mozu side, but after all such troubles, if they can be solved in advance, they will naturally be solved directly.

Therefore, neither side intends to let anyone other than their own side go!

Of course, it's not one's own side, after all, even if they are not really united.

If this is the last two of their teams, then only fight to the end and solve all the competitors.

At that time, it was the last time to harvest the corpse of this supreme ruler.

But no matter whether it was Human Xuanzi who landed here or in the strongest team of Demon Race over there, no one would have thought that at this moment the most valuable thing of this corpse would have fallen into Qin Shaofeng's hands.

The clams and cranes compete for the fisherman's profit!

A corpse of the supreme ruler, even though the body has been regularized, is an incredible treasure!

But in fact, a supremely dominated inner world and the pill of law cultivated in it are the most precious things.

Naturally, an inner world dominated by the supreme, needless to say, it is the power of the world that has been thoroughly regularized, and the inner world formed by it is powerful and need not be questioned.

If you can completely swallow such an inner world, then you don't need to practice anything at all, you can directly promote to the Supreme Lord!

As for the pill of law, it goes without saying.

The pill of law cultivated by the supreme ruler is like a supreme level ascending **** pill, and each of them has a leap-like improvement.

Even if it is a strong person who is also the supreme ruler, if he obtains the pill of the other supreme ruler's intact laws, it will be able to absorb, refine, and then improve his own strength and realm.

It's just a pity that under normal circumstances, the fall of a supreme ruler must have gone through fierce battles, and under such battles, it is usually difficult to keep a complete pill of law after the fall.

It is like the corpse of the blood madness in front of this supreme ruler. After fighting a powerful enemy, it exhausted all the power of the pill of law in the body.

This also caused a collapse of the pill of law in his inner world after his fall.

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