Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1119: mutation

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was completely enveloped by the yin and yang sacred fire, seemed to be in a state of nirvana.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng quickly discovered that this did not seem to be a real Nirvana from the ashes.

But it seems to be another real Nirvana!

It's just that the nirvana from the ashes this time is not aimed at the immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, but the pill of law in his body, and...the yin and yang cloud pill!

The first thing that changed was the Yin Yang Yun Dan in Qin Shaofeng's body.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was shocked to discover that all the Yin-Yang Cloud Pills left in his body seemed to be transforming in the direction of the Pill of Law strangely.

"No, if these yin and yang cloud pills are all transformed into the pill of law, then am I going to directly ascend to the tenth level of Nirvana?"

Qin Shaofeng's face changed abruptly, and he looked very ugly.

In the usual situation, Qin Shaofeng would naturally be very happy to face such a situation.

But now because of the human-devil competition, Qin Shaofeng doesn't want to rise to the tenth level of Nirvana!

Because of this, if you leapfrog a challenge or something, don't think about it at all.

No, then don't even think about it at all!

Nirvana is already tenfold, so who are you challenging to leapfrog?

Is it the eleventh stage of Nirvana?

Well, it's hard to tell, there is no such state in Nirvana!

Then...or is it the supreme ruler?

Forget it, this kind of death-seeking behavior should be done less.

Moreover, this time the human-devil competition is at most the players who can appear at the peak of Nirvana, and there will be no supreme ruler at all.

If this really develops to that point, Qin Shaofeng's desire to earn a large number of points will be impossible to achieve.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to do with the current situation, because Qin Shaofeng couldn't control the changes in the world of this immortal incarnation at this moment.

It cannot be controlled and can only be allowed to develop by itself.

Soon, the nine Yin-Yang Cloud Pills in Qin Shaofeng's body really transformed into the Pill of Law.

And the conversion is over soon!

Even nine Yin-Yang Cloud Pills were directly transformed into a pill of law in an instant!

The pill of twelve rules!

Feeling the changes in his body, Qin Shaofeng simply wanted to cry without tears!

He has really reached the tenth level of Nirvana, and even Qin Shaofeng has been prompted by the system.

The third phase of the system update task has been completed.

System update tasks: system special tasks, special tasks released because the system is currently in an update state.

Because the special update task of the system is triggered in the update state, it is also affected by the player Qin Shaofeng's current status and system update. Therefore, this task is a special update task!

Due to the special nature of this mission, there is only one mode and phased missions. Player Qin Shaofeng must complete all phases of missions before the system can end the final update.

(Note: Since the current player state belongs to the avatar state, the experience value and level rewards obtained from killings can be directly applied to the body and not attached to the immortal avatar!)

The first stage: Players are required to make breakthroughs alone and reach the realm of kings by relying on their own power of immortal incarnation! The reward system redemption point is 100 points, and the body level is increased by 3! (completed)

The second stage: The player is required to rely on the power of his own immortal incarnation to break through to the Emperor Realm alone within three months! The reward system is 500 points, and the body level is increased by 5! (completed)

The third stage: It is required to cultivate at least six pill of the law of Yin and Yang origin from the inner world within three months by relying solely on the power of the immortal incarnation itself! The reward system redemption point is 5000 points, the body level is raised by one level, and a special item!

The fourth stage: Not open! (After completing the third phase task, it can be opened!)

The third stage of the system update task is to allow this immortal incarnation of oneself to cultivate six pill of the law of Yin and Yang origin.

Let's not say it is six now!

There are already twelve pills of the law of this indestructible incarnation, which is directly doubled, which is over-fulfilled.

"Dizzy, such a thing happened!"

The corners of his mouth twitched, Qin Shaofeng's face was stunned and speechless, just like a cup of goods.

But at this moment, suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt that the inner world of his immortal incarnation had undergone some changes again.

It seems that the power absorbed from Feiyu Knife has been completely consumed, but the nine Yin Yang Yun Pills did not seem to be completely transformed into the principle of Yin and Yang origin.

As if the successor was not strong enough, without the support of new power, these nine Yin Yang Yun Dan unexpectedly began to fade, and then unexpectedly retreated from the state where they had entered the pill of law.

The changes of these nine Yin-Yang Yun Pills actually affected the three pill of laws in Qin Shaofeng's body.

It seems that the companions are not doing well, these three pill of law exudes a lot of power of the law by themselves, to maintain the nine Yin Yang Yun Pills.

Then, just as it faded away while outputting power to maintain, Qin Shaofeng, the inner world of the immortal incarnation, began a tug of war!

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was obviously caught off guard, and didn't know what to do.

If at this time, Qin Shaofeng directly took one or two Law Yuan Pills, I am afraid it would be able to end this scene.

But in this way, it is extremely likely that the nine Yin Yang Yun Pills will truly be transformed into the Pill of Law.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

"Forget it, I still want to check it out. If it really doesn't work, I'm taking those laws of Yuandan!"

After hesitating in the end, Qin Shaofeng decided to remain unchanged and let the inner world continue such a tug of war!

Then, the situation in Qin Shaofeng's inner world became a situation where there would be twelve pills of the law, three pills of the law and nine yin-yang cloud pills in a while.

This situation lasted for a long time, and this caused Qin Shaofeng's original three pill of laws to gradually weaken.

According to this situation, if the power of the laws contained in these three pill of laws is weakened to a certain degree, then I am afraid that it will be able to degenerate from the pill of laws to the point of yin and yang cloud pill again.

Of course Qin Shaofeng would not allow such a situation to happen. Those pills that were refined from other parts of the nine-star nine-leaf jade lotus flower were now available, and Qin Shaofeng had already started taking it.

Whenever the power of the three pill of laws weakened to a certain extent, Qin Shaofeng would take some of these pills, and then save the three pill of laws so that he would not degenerate weakly to the point of Yin Yang Yun Pill. .

As time passed, the hundred pills were also getting less and less. Knowing that the last one hundred pills had been exhausted, the tug of war in Qin Shaofeng's inner world still didn't stop.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng had already prepared his mind, and he had the idea of ​​taking the Law Yuan Dan directly.

"I'd rather take that rule-based pill and let myself condense one or several pill of rule again, and I don't want to let these three pill of rule degenerate into yin-yang cloud pill."

Qin Shaofeng didn't know whether he would still be able to cultivate twelve pills of the laws in the Nirvana realm after the three pills of the laws were degraded.

This kind of risk is too great, it would be better to simply use Yuandan.

Even if the realm is improved, it is better than such a risk.

Besides, it seems that the nine Yin-Yang Yun Pills in the past have evolved into the true pill of Yin-Yang origin in a short period of time, which has caused his realm to have already reached the tenth level of Nirvana.


However, Qin Shaofeng was not very sure about this situation.

Because for him now, it seems that he still has three pills of law. Although his own strength has been increased, in fact, this is far from the actual increase in the tenth level of Nirvana.

This is exactly the same as not being promoted, it is still the state where Nirvana First Layer had three Pills of Law.

But what made Qin Shaofeng entangled was that this time even the system had a reminder that the third phase of his system update task had been completed.

That is enough to say that he has cultivated six pill of the law of Yin and Yang origin.

and many more!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something suddenly.

"That's not right! I have cultivated six pill of the law of Yin and Yang origin, it is not to say that I will definitely increase the level of the realm!"

As if finally thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a strange light.

Just like his current situation, although he has cultivated three pill of laws, he is still in the first state of Nirvana in his realm.

But in the current situation, it is impossible to increase the pill of law a bit, and his realm is still in the original Nirvana realm.

This situation seems a bit weird!

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that his current situation was caused by the absorption of the power of the world that had been ruled by the supreme dominance level.

Of course, the most important thing is that this immortal incarnation of myself has cultivated a peculiar existence like Yin-Yang Yundan, which can be called the predecessor of the Pill of Law.

Then, it led to the appearance of this indestructible body of himself, as it is now.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already decided, in any case, that he would not let his indestructible incarnation, the three pill of laws that had evolved into the pill of laws, once again retreat to the Yin Yang Yun Pill.

Even after taking the Law Yuan Dan, let your realm continue to improve!

And this situation will soon come.

Because Qin Shaofeng finally felt that the strength of the three pill of laws in his indestructible incarnation of the inner world had finally been weakened to the extreme, and it seemed that if it continued, it would not take long before it would degenerate into a Yin Yang Yun Pill.

"Damn it, it still doesn't work, how much strength is needed! Alas! Even if you improve, you can improve!"

With a sigh, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate any more, and directly took a law Yuan Dan.

The pill of Law Yuan Dan is a powerful pill that can help people in the Nirvana Realm to directly condense a pill of Law, and directly increase the level of a powerful pill.

The power of the law contained in this is naturally very terrifying.


The moment Qin Shaofeng took the Law Yuan Pill, Qin Shaofeng felt a strong and strong force burst out of his body.

Under this force, the three pill of law that was about to degenerate into Yin-Yang Cloud Pill were suddenly made up.

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