Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1122: The final stage of the update task

Chapter 1122 The Final Phase of Update Mission

Can survive with a head and let the body explode!

This kind of demons might appear for the first time in the history of demons.

And the most incredible thing is that this demon race is actually a demon race mutated from the lower sword demon race.

This has caused this mutant Sword Demon Race to be targeted by many people.

Human race stared at him, naturally wanting to kill him here!

But it is rarely a pity that the mutant sword demon clan also seems to understand that at this time, the strength that can remain in the game of the Great Master Realm must not be weak.

In addition, his previous body exploded, resulting in a slight decrease in strength, even if he absorbed the human inner world of the nine-fold realm of a great realm master, it still has not recovered.

In this case, he chose to abstain.

Dabi can abstain from voting, although this is extremely easy to provoke spurning and blindness, and it is even possible to be seen by the strong in the ethnic group, dissatisfied, and will not pay attention to a series of bad situations.

But not renunciation is the only thing and will of the individual, and sometimes it is renunciation, and it will not suffer from the eyes and disdain of the same race.

This mutated Sword Demon Race is exactly like this.

Because he had already fought more than ten times in the Great Realm Lord, almost every time was a leapfrog challenge, and now the leapfrog challenge points he obtained by abstaining are still valid.

And this time in the battle, he leapfrogged the five-fold challenge and won 16 points at one time.

Even in this entire Great Realm Master's game, the points earned by him alone have exceeded fifty points and reached fifty-six points.

If this were to add to the previous competition in the realm of the realm, this time the human-devil competition, the points obtained by this mutant sword demon clan had just reached a full 80 points.

This is regarded as the first place in Nirvana, and the points he can get are not as many as the points he got.

This situation made him a great contribution to the demons.

And more importantly now, he has been spotted by many powerful demons.

This is a demon clan from which the sword demon clan mutates. The opponent has no background in the demon clan. Once this is subdued, it will be a big resistance.

It is said that in order to subdue this mutated Sword Demon Race, before the end of the Great Realm Masters competition, many Demon Race groups have started to fight frantically.

If it is under normal circumstances, according to the nature of most demons, it must be directly dispatched a strong person, or directly a supreme master, directly branding this mutant sword demons as a slave, and let them dedicate everything to their own race. .

But now it is in full view, especially since this mutated Sword Demon Race has not yet taken a full 80 points from the Demon Race. With such credit, if the imprint of a slave is made, it will be realized.

And most importantly, there are too many races competing for this mutant demon race.

Regardless of the human race or the demon race, they felt that this mutant sword demon race was really lucky.

In the end, after the competition, only the Leng Family and the Blood Family, the three major imperial families of the Demon Clan, were in the final fight.

As for what happened in the end, few people know, but most of the demons know that the Leng Family and the Blood Family seem to be in line with each other, and they have thrown out huge benefits.

But after arriving, it seemed that the blood family imperial family had the upper hand, and the mutant sword demon clan joined the blood family royal family.

And after that, this mutant sword demon clan did not reappear, it seemed that the blood clan imperial clan was directly brought into the sanctuary of the clan clan imperial clan for some kind of promotion.

This also made the clan seniors breathe a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, they were really afraid that this mutant Sword Demon would continue to appear in the next Realm King Realm competition.

That's right, this time the Great Realm Masters competition was completely over after the same ten days.

Judging from the top three, it is a gratifying result for the human race.

Because the top three of the Great Realm Lord are all human races, but judging from the final points, this result is not good.

In the Great Realm Master's game, the points earned by the Human Race far surpassed the Realm Master Realm's points, exceeding 20 points, a full 25 points.

But compared with the demons, this is far from enough.

This time the Great Lord's game, the Demon Race also had some leapfrog challenges, but because the top three were all Human Races, the Demon Race only got 12 points, not even the Human Race.

But if this were to add the 56 points obtained by the mutant sword demon clan, it would be 68 points, which was more points than the human clan, but forty-three points more.

So far, the total points of Human Race have only been 34 points!

But the points obtained by the demons exceeded a hundred points, just one hundred and one!

And among this one hundred and one point points, a full eighty points are from the mutant Sword Demon Race!

If there is no such a variant of the sword demon clan, the demon clan will only have blackjack points.

In this case, it is still 13 points less than Human Race!

But unfortunately, there is nothing if and if in this world!

Human race is at an absolute disadvantage now, and the gap between the two is still very obvious.

The morale of the entire human race has suffered a bit.

It was in this state that the third stage of the Realm King Competition began.

There are still a lot of people in the Realm King Realm competition, and there are still a hundred thousand people, even the Emperor Realm has 100,000 people.

The imperial realm of 100,000 people, this is considered to be in the previous battlefield of humans and demons, and there has not been such a large number.

But this time the Big Competition did not feel restricted by age, although there were many geniuses.

But in fact, the more it gets to the end, after the game where the realm is getting higher and higher, it is often the old masters of the same realm who can win the final victory.

This is the situation in the Realm King Realm Grand Competition this time!

After ten days of competition, almost all the old world kings who have practiced for more than a thousand years were finally won, whether they were human or demons.

This time, no matter whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, there is no enchanting genius, but someone who can leapfrog the challenge, it is only leapfrog one or two.

Therefore, in this game, the human race has won 32 points, while the demons only won 22 points.

However, for the total score, the human race and the demons were only ten points closer, and it was still fifty-seven points short.

The situation is still not optimistic!

And it was in this situation that Qin Shaofeng left.

After the previous month of cultivation, and three more stages of 30 days, Qin Shaofeng has been practicing for two months.

And it's not so much cultivation, it's more that Qin Shaofeng is just taking drugs.

Take a lot of pills, and then refine them one by one, so that the Yin Yang Yun Pill in your body will increase the power of the law.

Qin Shaofeng's state now is very strange.

At this moment, no matter who it is, even if it is a powerful person at the level of Mr. Bai, he can probe Qin Shaofeng's realm with his spiritual knowledge, and at most he can detect it. Qin Shaofeng is only the first realm of Nirvana, and then he has cultivated a pill of law.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng's real situation is far more than that.

Nirvana is the first level of realm, this is correct, but in terms of the number of pill of law, it is more than just a pill of law.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's inner world, apart from one pill of law, there are still eleven Yin-Yang Yun Pills!

Although these eleven Yin-Yang Yun Pills are not the pill of law, the law power contained in each Yin-Yang Yun Pill is more than half of its own content, reaching as much as 60%!

And if Qin Shaofeng lifted all the sixty percent of the power of the laws contained in these eleven pill of laws, then Qin Shaofeng would directly transform the seven yin-yang cloud pills into the pill of laws.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's true situation is that the realm of Nirvana is one level, and there are eight pill of law!

This situation is so weird!

It was only the first level of the Nirvana Realm, but it had cultivated eight pill of laws. I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng has also appeared in the entire ancient sanctuary.

This is the reason why Qin Shaofeng's strength is absolutely extraordinary.

Although Qin Shaofeng now has eight pill of laws, it stands to reason that at most he has the strength of the eight layers of Nirvana realm with eight pill of laws.

But in fact, this is not the case. Because of too many pill of law, the power that Qin Shaofeng burst out is very powerful, which also leads to Qin Shaofeng’s strength, which is compared with the eighth pill of Nirvana. The realm should be stronger.

Qin Shaofeng was confident to defeat some ordinary opponents of Nirvana Realm Nine Layers who possessed nine pill of laws.

This also gave Qin Shaofeng enough confidence to get a lot of points in this competition.

And because of this, Qin Shaofeng had enough confidence in the fourth phase of the system update task, which was the final phase, to complete the best way.

Before, Qin Shaofeng completed the third stage of the system update task because the nine pill of laws temporarily reached the realm of the pill of laws.

Therefore, this fourth phase task has already come out.

System update tasks: system special tasks, special tasks released because the system is currently in an update state.

Because the special update task of the system is triggered in the update state, it is also affected by the player Qin Shaofeng's current status and system update. Therefore, this task is a special update task!

Due to the special nature of this mission, there is only one mode and phased missions. Player Qin Shaofeng must complete all phases of missions before the system can end the final update.

(Note: Since the current player state belongs to the avatar state, the experience value and level rewards obtained from killings can be directly applied to the body and not attached to the immortal avatar!)

The first stage: Players are required to make breakthroughs alone and reach the realm of kings by relying on their own power of immortal incarnation! The reward system redemption point is 100 points, and the body level is increased by 3! (completed)

The second stage: The player is required to rely on the power of his own immortal incarnation to break through to the Emperor Realm alone within three months! The reward system is 500 points, and the body level is increased by 5! (completed)

The third stage: It is required to cultivate at least six pill of the law of Yin and Yang origin from the inner world within three months by relying solely on the power of the immortal incarnation itself! The reward system redemption point is 5000 points, the body level is raised by one level, and a special item! (completed)

The fourth stage:...


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