Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1129: 256 points?

Chapter 1129 & #160; & #160;

The number of players in the third round is close to 100,000, and it is only now.

Therefore, there are not many battles that ended the battle.

Besides, the number of people who won the leapfrog challenge in the first round was only over one hundred, and now there were only three or five players who could really get the points for the leapfrog challenge except Qin Shaofeng.

The third round of the game continued, and more and more people ended the game.

Then, when the third round of the competition was over, there were only a dozen people who successfully scored points by Leapfrogging Human Race and Demon Race.

Moreover, among the ten or so individuals, they are generally challenged by one or two leapfrogs, and the points obtained are like one or two points.

The most is a Nirvana Triple Demon Race, who successfully leapfrogged a Demon Race in the Seven Level Realm of Nirvana, and won eight points.

Of course, this must be in addition to Qin Shaofeng.

After the third round of the competition, the Mozu succeeded in a leapfrog challenge because of twelve people, and got a total of 22 points.

Only six people from the Terran race succeeded in the leapfrog challenge, which was half the number of the demons.

But because of Qin Shaofeng's special situation, this time Human Race actually got 72 points.

In this way, the human race will lag behind the demons by sixty points, and directly pull them back to ten points.

The points were pulled back so much at once, which made many human races madly surprised.

But on the contrary, some of the more sane people, as well as those high-level human races, frowned slightly.

Indeed, it is a good thing to get points back.

But the problem is that the number of people who leapfrogged the challenge was twice as small on the Human Race side as the Demon Race side!

The number of people who leapfrogged and challenged the demons was twelve, but there were only six of them on the human side.

How does it feel that the human race is somewhat inferior to the demons.

Especially in the eyes of those high-level human races, Qin Shaofeng, a player who has earned more than 60 points, is not very reliable.

After all, it's not real strength, it's just relying on mechanical puppets to win by fluke. If this is the next game you encounter a demon genius, it will basically be stranded.

Since you want to gain points by successfully leapfrogging challenges, you are naturally those who can leapfrog challenges. The more the number, the better.

But the current situation seems to be a bit pessimistic!

The high-levels of the Mozu side also have the same mentality, so even though the points have been caught up so much, they are not in a hurry.

In this environment, the fourth round of competition began.

The fourth round is basically the second round of leapfrog challenge to win the game, whether to get points.

By the fourth discussion game, there are almost 50,000 people left. According to the number of arenas in the battle space of the game, the maximum is five times to end.

Therefore, the fourth round of the game was divided into five games, one game with 10,000 people at the same time, except for the reduction in the number of games, it was no different from before.

Qin Shaofeng's fourth round was in the fifth game. Before going on the field, Qin Shaofeng closed his eyes and did not watch other people's battles.

There are still more than 50,000 people, even if there are some opponents that need attention, then I am afraid that they will not burst out of strength now.

There is a tacit understanding between the high-levels of the human race and the demon race, that is, the super intellectual brain that allows the competition to fight space, as far as possible to put those enchanting geniuses on both sides behind.

Neither the human race nor the demons wanted to see the collision between the two enchanting geniuses in advance.

After all, these enchanting geniuses are all important geniuses of the powerful races of the Human Race and the Demon Race. If they are eliminated early, both the Human Race and the Demon Race will have a bit of face.

Therefore, at this stage, the strong players are basically not at the same level as their opponents.

In this case, it is obviously unrealistic to discover the combat capabilities and strength of these geniuses through observation and combat.

The game continued. In the fourth round, there were also many humans and demons. They were the ones who won the leapfrog challenge in the second game. If they all add up, they are a lot more than the first game. There are two hundred people.

Of course, if you add in the leapfrog challenge points obtained in the previous round, there are more than two hundred people like Qin Shaofeng.

These people have attracted much attention. As the fourth round of the game is still, some people win and gain points, and some people lose.

With the end of each game, the faces of the high-level human race became more and more ugly.

Because no matter in which game, the number of people who succeeded in the leapfrog challenge was actually the advantage on the Mozu side, especially in the third game, the Terran side actually did not even have a successful leapfrog challenge. On the contrary, there are four on the Mozu side!

According to this situation, I am afraid that the points between the human race and the demons will be pulled apart again!

Especially after the end of the fourth game, the points are already destined.

Because after four games of 40,000 people, there are only three people who succeeded in the leapfrog challenge on the human side, and the total points obtained are just three points!

As for the demons, in these four games, more than ten people succeeded in the leapfrog challenge, and the points gained were 16 points, 13 points more than the humans.

The gap had been reduced to ten points, but now there are 13 points, which is not so good.

This is not to say that there are not as many geniuses on the Human Race as there are on the Demon Race.

But the problem is that the players who can be called enchanting geniuses are basically the ninefold and tenfold Nirvana Realm, and even the peak of the Nirvana Realm.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible to rely on these enchanting geniuses to leapfrog the challenge to obtain points.

Under such circumstances, the final game of the fourth round began.

Qin Shaofeng is on the stage!

"Well, this time the requirements are not high. If you have the five or six layers of Nirvana, it will be enough!"

When entering the ring, Qin Shaofeng murmured softly.

In the end, I don’t know if Qin Shaofeng’s prayers succeeded, or if God’s drunk was high all at once, and Qin Shaofeng’s opponent this time appeared with a strength that shocked many human races and demons on the scene.

Ten layers of Nirvana!

Yes, that's right!

The opponent Qin Shaofeng faced this time was the opponent of the tenth level of Nirvana.

And the most important thing is that even though this master of the demon race is in the tenfold realm of Nirvana, the number of pill of laws he cultivated is only six.

With ten levels of Nirvana and six pill of law, this strength is not bad.

If the players in this Nirvana competition are divided into four levels: downstream, midstream, upstream, and the highest level of those enchanting geniuses, then Qin Shaofeng’s opponent this time belongs to the upper midstream. It's even barely close to the upstream and his ilk.

But facing such an opponent, the moment Qin Shaofeng saw the opponent, there was a burst of ecstasy that could not be concealed in his eyes.

The ten levels of Nirvana?

I circled a cross. Is this God's favor for me?

I actually gave me a nine-fold leapfrog challenge at one time. This is the highest level of leapfrog challenge, but I can directly get 256 points!

Could this make Qin Shaofeng not excited?

At the same time, seeing this scene, people who are now following Qin Shaofeng are also talking about it.

"Ha, this human kid is dead this time, and he meets the ten-fold master of Nirvana Realm of my Demon Race, I see how long his mechanical puppet can last!"

"Oh, it really is the retribution, that kid is over!"

"Well, that's right, if it's someone else, it's a bit dangerous, but that kid's mechanical puppet is only the sixth level of Nirvana, this time it's over!"

"Tsk tusk, it's a pity! I still look forward to this human kid showing his power!"

"Hahaha, it's a shit, humans are really useless!"


These are naturally the voices of the Demon Race. In their opinion, this mechanical puppet called the Yanyang Human is definitely not an opponent of the Demon Race master who has cultivated six Pills of Law in the Tenth Layer of Nirvana.

This is nothing more than the Human Race side, which caused a lot of sighs!

"Oh, originally I thought I could rely on this sun to pull the points back again! But now it seems that it is impossible!"

"What's the matter, Yan Yang's luck is also unlucky! Why didn't he meet a few weak devil cubs?"

"Uh, don't be so pessimistic, maybe that Yanyang mechanical puppet can defeat that demons!"

"Huh? Defeated? Think too much, this is simply impossible!"

"Yes, the mechanical puppet of Yanyang is only the sixth level of Nirvana. It is logically equivalent to having six pill of laws, but that demon clan also has six pill of laws, but the realm has reached the tenth level of Nirvana. what!"

"Well, yes, under such circumstances, it is very difficult for the mechanical puppet to defeat the demons! It is almost impossible!"

"Oh, bad luck!"



Bad luck?


Can't beat it?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng had nothing but hehe in his heart.

Although the mechanical puppet is only the sixth level of Nirvana, which is equivalent to the state of having six pill of laws, Qin Shaofeng has full confidence in his mechanical puppet.

Therefore, at this moment, in addition to excitement in Qin Shaofeng's heart, that is excitement.

After all, this is 256 points!

256 Ah! 256 Ah!

Compared with Qin Shaofeng, that Demon Race had a cold expression, his eyes full of killing intent when he looked at Qin Shaofeng, and there was a burst of disdain.

Obviously, this Demon Race just happened to know Qin Shaofeng's Demon Race. After all, Qin Shaofeng had earned 64 points for the Human Race in the previous round, and he has been targeted by many Demon Races.

At this moment, after seeing Qin Shaofeng, the demons made up their minds and beheaded the opponent to the ring.


With a cold snort, he said to Qin Shaofeng coldly, "Humanity, your good fortune ends here, I..."


The demon master's words hadn't been finished yet, the next moment he felt black before his eyes, and then a strong wind blasted his head.

Damn it!

The demon master's face was fiercely angry, and he slammed his fist.


When the two figures shook, they both stepped back slightly, and the face of the demon master was extremely ugly.

Because he hadn't expected that the other party would actually take action without waiting for him to finish speaking.

This made him extremely angry, and after blocking the bombardment of the mechanical puppet, he immediately roared and took the initiative.

"Human, you successfully angered me, so go to death for me!"

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