Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 113: crazy?


Yu Yixing, who was already somewhat calm, was in a state of anger again by Qin Shaofeng's words.

With his anger, even the aura he exudes became irritable.

With a squeeze of both hands, Yu Yixing rose into the air and punched Qin Shaofeng Void.

"The first iron fist of three forms of iron fist!"


With a muffled thunder-like explosion, Yu Yixing struck out directly, with a reddish qi fist that was big enough for a person's brain.

But it is different from the inner qi fist shadow played by Yu Yixing before. This inner qi fist shadow is relatively solid, as if it is a real fist, and with a strong breath, like a comet, holding a The light and shadow inside, whizzed towards Qin Shaofeng.

This is the three forms of iron fist?

Seeing this scene, everyone under the ring held their breath. After all, such a scene is extremely difficult to see.

Especially the aura of the reddish inner qi shadow, but it shocked many people.

For a moment, an idea came to everyone's heart.

Can Qin Shaofeng be able to stop this punch?

Still, it was really the same as what he said, Yu Yixing couldn't hurt him at all.

But looking at the power of a punch, I'm afraid...

Amidst many surprises and expectations, that reddish inner energy fist shadow finally hit Qin Shaofeng.


It was as if the colliding stakes had hit, and a loud and loud noise erupted from the ring above a huge bell.

But what stunned countless people was that Qin Shaofeng didn't take a step back in the face of such a powerful iron fist three-form first iron fist.

No, it should be accurate to say that the body has not moved at all.

The punch that caused a giant bell to rang and an explosion of internal energy was like a violent wind blowing through Qin Shaofeng's body.


After that, that punch was like this in front of Qin Shaofeng.


Everyone was stunned!

It really can't hurt!

This Qin Shaofeng is too bad!

That Yu Yixing's one-stroke iron fist three-form first form, to him, was just a gust of wind?

This strength does not belong to the realm of the acquired martial artist, right?

When everyone was shocked, the elder referee next to the ring had a glimmer of light in his eyes.

What was that just now?

The referee elder saw it clearly. When Yu Yixing's iron fist hit Qin Shaofeng, he saw a flash of purple light, and then Qin Shaofeng seemed to have something broken.

Although it was just a flash, his old man's eyes were not too fancy.

Not only him, there were also some experts who saw it.

They all knew one thing, that was to counteract Yu Yixing's iron fist, it was the purple light flashing across Qin Shaofeng's body.

But what is that?

Du Meng under the ring knew it well.

Thunder armor!

That purple light was not something else, but Qin Shaofeng's only lightning escape skill-lightning armor.

Whether in the forest of monsters or when refining the pill at Lianyang Academy, Qin Shaofeng turned on the thunder and lightning armor all the time.

This is naturally the proficiency of cultivating lightning armor.

It is exactly the same, now that the thunder and lightning armor has risen to level 6 from behind, becoming the highest level skill among all Qin Shaofeng's current skills, and the only level 6 skill.

How strong is the lightning armor of level 6?

Level 6 thunder and lightning armor can summon intermediate thunder and lightning to form intermediate thunder and lightning armor. The duration of each use of thunder and lightning armor has also been extended to every ten minutes, and each use of thunder and lightning requires one-tenth of Qin Shaofeng's internal energy.

This is not to say that a fixed internal energy value needs to be consumed at a time, but one-tenth of the consumption is based on Qin Shaofeng’s internal energy value. It can be said that the current lightning armor has been upgraded with Qin Shaofeng’s strength. Up.

Moreover, if necessary, Qin Shaofeng could completely consume all his internal energy at one time and cast a lightning armor with super defense.

Qin Shaofeng once did an experiment, which was to turn on the level 6 thunder and lightning armor and let Du Meng attack him.

At first it was 100%, but then Du Meng not only couldn't touch Qin Shaofeng, he was even almost barbecued by the intermediate lightning on the lightning armor.

Even if it was reduced to one-tenth of the lowest level of vitality, Du Meng's attack could almost be ignored by Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, Du Meng was in the ring earlier, saying that Qin Shaofeng was stunned and Yu Yixing was going to be unlucky.

Of course, that was Du Meng before, and now Du Meng's strength has improved a lot, and Yu Yixing's strength is not low.

So Qin Shaofeng consumed 30% of the internal energy in his body and used this lightning armor.

But Qin Shaofeng said that he discovered that Yu Yixing's three iron fists were really powerful. With just one punch, his thunder and lightning armor that could last for ten minutes was directly shattered.

Qin Shaofeng was certain that if he didn't have this thunder and lightning armor, even his body, after having been strengthened by Yi Jin Jing and Yoga 108, would be seriously injured by this punch.

But there is no if!

Because there was no if, Yu Yixing was completely shocked at this moment.

Du Meng was able to successfully cultivate "Nine Turns Overlord Body". Although he was extremely jealous and felt unusually angry in his heart, he still believed this.

He had to believe the facts before him!

And after fighting Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng's strength is really strong!

He believed this too, so he finally decided to use Iron Fist Three Forms.

But he didn't believe or dare to believe everything in front of him.

The "Kamikaze Iron Fist" that I thought highly of, especially the strongest iron fist three styles, actually didn't hurt Qin Shaofeng in the slightest.

If it were said that Qin Shaofeng was an innate martial artist with three or four realms, and could receive his punch without any damage, Yu Yixing would not be like that.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng is just like him, an acquired martial artist!


On the ring, Yu Yixing, who was shocked for a long time, suddenly yelled crazy.

His sound also awakened the crowd under the ring, and everyone couldn't help but glanced at him sympathetically.

Alas, it was Yu Yixing's unbelief to encounter such a monster!

If he knew this, it would be better to lose to Du Meng directly.

There are also many people who are worried in their hearts: This time, Yu Yixing will not be stimulated crazy, right?



When he saw that Qin Shaofeng was unscathed, Yu Yixing was first in a daze, and then he suddenly became a little confused.

Anger, unbelief, hatred, jealousy...

Suddenly, several negative emotions flooded in Yu Yixing's mind. This was actually the consequence of forcibly using the three forms of iron fist.

Iron Fist Three Forms are very powerful, but Yu Yixing is an acquired martial artist. Not to mention the innate Qi in his body, he forcibly performs the Iron Fist Three Forms. The blood is not smooth and his body is injured. In severe cases, his body is severely injured by the Iron Fist Three Forms momentum and meridian. Damaged and unstable pubic area.

For the former, it takes ten days and a half to recuperate. For the latter, even if it is a precious healing medicine, it will take a month to slowly recover.

This is normal, but Yu Ngai Hing is totally abnormal at this moment.

Because, uh, it was stimulated by Qin Shaofeng, but he didn't control it at all. The momentum after performing the three iron fist poses finally appeared as it is now.

But even in this chaotic state, Yu Yixing had only one thought in his mind.

kill him!

kill him!

We must kill this lowly rubbish!

With this thought, Yu Yixing suddenly went crazy and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

"Die! Qin Shaofeng, go to me!"

While roaring, Yu Yixing slammed, with a frantic breath, came to Qin Shaofeng's side, and began to attack Qin Shaofeng frantically.

Although Yu Yixing was as crazy as he was at this moment, his attack was extremely powerful.

boom! boom! boom!

One punch after another, the punches are actually the first iron fist of the three iron fists.

I rely on!

Seeing Yu Yixing, who is like a lunatic, Qin Shaofeng cursed in his heart, but he did not dare to neglect.


The purple light flashed, and the lightning armor appeared again, and this time, Qin Shaofeng directly consumed all his remaining internal energy.

Because Qin Shaofeng wanted to be completely arrogant and completely defeat Yu Yixing, he didn't take a Qi Pill.

After fighting with Yu Yixing before, Qin Shaofeng had already consumed a lot of internal energy, plus the lightning armor that was just smashed by Yu Yixing, Qin Shaofeng still had half of his internal energy.

But even if it is half of the internal energy value, it is displayed at this moment, the power of this lightning armor is enough to resist the attack of Yu Yixing.

And not only was it to resist Yu Yixing’s attack, at this moment Yu Yixing began to bombard Qin Shaofeng’s thunder and lightning armor with meat fists, then...


A purple light flashed, and Yu Yixing hit Qin Shaofeng with a punch, but was blocked by the lightning armor.

And not only did it block it, but another power of the lightning armor also appeared, that is, the lightning rebound attack.

This is a real electric shock!

But what shocked Qin Shaofeng was that after Yu Yixing suffered a thunderbolt rebound attack from the thunder armor, he just shuddered, and then continued to attack Qin Shaofeng frantically as if he hadn't noticed.

Qin Shaofeng also had a strong temper. Since he wanted to completely defeat Yu Yixing in his arrogance, when facing Yu Yixing's attack at this moment, he did not counterattack, but just resisted.

But because of this, Qin Shaofeng felt that Yu Yixing was getting crazy.

Oh, are you getting more angry?

This is good!

With a cold smile in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed coldly. He had no good feelings about Yu Yixing, and he could even guess how Yu Yixing would treat himself and Du Meng.

Especially when the other person looks at him, there is always a trace of contempt in his eyes.

So Qin Shaofeng didn't need to be polite with Yu Yixing at all.

With this Yu Ngai Hing's character, even if he takes the initiative to please him, I am afraid he can't change his impression in his heart, so why bother!

But soon, Qin Shaofeng's face changed.

Because before Yu Yixing furiously attacked dozens of punches, although the opponent's aura had slowly diminished, he found that his lightning armor was about to collapse.

Yu Ngai Hing seemed to have discovered this too, and burst into a frantic laugh.

"Haha, you finally can't hold on anymore, I know that, this time, you are finished!"

Can't hold on?

A cold light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. He originally planned to keep a little bit so that Yu Yixing won't be too ugly, but now.

Although he did not intend to take the pill, it did not mean that he had no way to restore his internal energy.

The light of the first spirit!

With a low drink in his heart, a layer flashed across Qin Shaofeng's body, only the white light he could see, and then Qin Shaofeng felt that his internal energy had been fully restored.

After that, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and snorted in his heart: Thunder armor!


This time it was different. After Qin Shaofeng drank lowly, a dazzling purple light with a trace of sparkle appeared on the surface of Qin Shaofeng's body.

From a distance, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be wearing a purple thunder armor at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Du Meng under the ring shivered suddenly and whispered: "Damn, it really appeared!"


Following Du Meng's low cry, a scream suddenly came from the ring, and then I saw that Yu Yixing was shocked, and his whole body twitched instantly and fell directly to the ground.

His long flowing hair was all erected, and it matched the way he was twitching at the moment, it was no different from a lunatic.

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