Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1147: Tang Qijian and Du Meng's changes

Chapter 1147 The Change of Tang Qijian and Du Meng

That's right, the two people standing on the ring at this moment are Tang Qijian and Du Meng.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had known that the two had also participated in this time, but Qin Shaofeng had not come forward to recognize them.

Qin Shaofeng's body at the moment is an indestructible incarnation of himself, but this indestructible incarnation is also Qin Shaofeng's family member.

Therefore, Tang Qijian and Du Meng, who are both family members, had actually noticed long ago that Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation, like them, belonged to Qin Shaofeng's family members.

However, the two of them didn't know that this Yan Yang, who was also a family member, was actually Qin Shaofeng himself, even though it was only the immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng was also the main consciousness in it.

But the body does not appear, this is actually Qin Shaofeng himself.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng intended to recognize the two of them at first, but what made Qin Shaofeng a little astonished was that Tang Qijian and Du Meng seemed to know what was in his mind, and Tang Qijian and Du Meng actually followed the hint, asking him not to recognize them.

You must know that whether it is Tang Qijian or Du Meng now, they don't know that Yan Yang is Qin Shaofeng, but that Yan Yang is the same as them, and belongs to Qin Shaofeng's demon family.

It's just that under such circumstances, they still can't recognize each other, which makes Qin Shaofeng feel a little bit wrong.

However, in the end Qin Shaofeng thought that the two were leaving with Feng Jiuxuan, and then he couldn't help but think of something.

I am afraid this is related to my parents again!

Apart from this reason, Qin Shaofeng couldn't think of any reason.


At this moment, Tang Qijian and Du Meng were ready on the ring, and they were about to fight directly.

In fact, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time now, so it was natural to have a good discussion this time.

This is what the two of them have done often before.

And since they haven't seen each other for so long, the strengths of both sides have changed drastically, so they are naturally anxious to look at them.

Especially Du Meng, who is impatient, can't wait for a long time. After the greetings, he directly shot.

"Leng Bingcu, take me a punch!"


Du Meng's fist was squeezed fiercely, and it came out.

But after the punch was blasted, it seemed to drive the entire space, causing a shocking explosion in the space of this ring.

Taking a closer look, Qin Shaofeng discovered that under Du Meng's fist, not only the surrounding space was shaken, but he could even see the twisted waves on Du Meng's fist.

That is the phenomenon of space distortion caused by the strength reaching a certain limit.

The people present, whether they are onlookers eating melon party or participating in the competition, are all simple roles, and naturally you can see the power of Du Meng's punch.

After seeing it clearly, there was a burst of exclamation among the crowd.

Because of the power of this punch, if there is no Nirvana master who has cultivated seven or eight pill of the law, I am afraid that it will not be able to catch it at all.

And most importantly, everyone could see that this was just a random punch from Du Meng, which was considered as a tentative use and did not really move.

But even so, it is so powerful, which is really shocking.

But in the face of such a punch, Tang Qijian still had a calm expression on his face.

It wasn't until Du Meng's fist was about to attack his body, that Tang Qijian gently extended his right hand.

Stretching out his right hand, Tang Qijian's **** were brought together, facing Du Meng's welcoming fist with just one tap.

call out!

An invisible sword qi shot out from Tang Qijian's fingers and went straight to Du Meng's fist.


Sword Qi blasted to Du Meng's fist, directly dispelling all the attack power gathered on Du Meng's fist.

Although this invisible sword aura is not dazzling and colorful, nor has any powerful aura erupted, but since it can disperse Du Meng’s attack and stop Du Meng, this is enough to explain the strength of this sword aura. Place.

Evenly matched!

In the first match, neither side took advantage.

However, this situation had long been expected by Du Meng. After one move was fruitless, he did not stop at all, and he hit the second punch.


It was another punch with astonishing momentum, and the power of this punch seemed to be stronger than the previous one.

But Tang Qijian still had a calm face, a little on his right hand, and an invisible sword aura shot out again between his fingers.


Du Meng's offensive was once again blocked by Tang Qijian's sword aura.

But after this time, Tang Qijian took the initiative to attack.

call out! call out! call out!

With **** on his right hand, he directly tapped the void three times, and then three sword auras burst out and attacked Du Meng directly.

Moreover, compared with the previous two sword auras, these three sword auras have an extremely sharp aura, and even the surrounding space seems to be cut by them.

For a time, countless people felt the sharp aura on the three sword auras, and they were all startled.

Such an attack, I am afraid that most people in Nirvana will not be able to catch it.

But the next scene was even more shocking.

Because in the face of such three swordsmanship, Du Meng didn't even mean to avoid it.

With a grin, Du Meng stood so upright on the spot, still blasting him from the three swords.

What is shocking is that the three sword auras that are enough to kill the masters of the Dannirvana Realm with seven or eight laws, when they hit Du Meng, they only made three bangs. Du Meng himself actually did nothing. No.


Seeing this scene, both the human race and the demons were directly shocked.

Special mother, this defense is too strong!

Is this person really just the cultivation base of Nirvana?

"Hey, how about cold ice?"

Wuhui took Tang Qijian's three sword auras, Du Meng raised his brows, and said to Tang Qijian very proudly.

Facing Du Meng's pride, Tang Qijian filled a little, and then spit out three words coldly.

"Turtle shell!"


Tang Qijian's "turtle shell" made Du Meng upset in an instant.

"You ice cube, you are the tortoise shell! You are forcing me to beat you!" Du Meng said uncomfortably.

"Who beats who is not necessarily!" Tang Qijian's cold tone sounded again.

Then Du Meng seemed to be completely angry.

"You cold ice, it's been a long time since I beat you. Don't cry later!"

Du Meng roared, his whole body was extremely violent, and he rushed out directly.


Tang Qijian snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he rushed over.

boom! boom! boom!

call out! call out! call out!

All of a sudden, the boxing strength and sword aura in the ring were all over the place, and the fight was so intense.

In the eyes of everyone, Du Meng and Tang Qijian seemed to have been caught in a fierce battle, and both sides seemed to have a real fire.

After all, the momentum of the fighting between the two sides is already very terrifying. This can be regarded as one of the few very fierce battles since the Nirvana Grand Competition.

But in fact, only Qin Shaofeng knew that at this moment, neither Du Meng nor Tang Qijian had any trouble.


pissed off?

These are all impossible things.

You know, don't look at Du Meng and Tang Qijian, even in front of Qin Shaofeng, they look unpleasant to each other, but the relationship between the two is actually good!

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng could see now that the two of them were completely enjoying themselves in the ring.

Enjoy this battle!

However, seeing the performance of the two, Qin Shaofeng felt emotional again.

"Oh, I haven't seen each other for so long. I didn't expect the strength of these two boys to be so strong. I am afraid I am not an opponent of either of them!"

From the current strength of Du Meng and Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng knew that if he only relied on his own indestructible incarnation, he would probably not be the opponent of either of them.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had known this a long time ago.

Because as early as before he saw Du Meng and Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that the two-stage system had been updated, allowing him to check the attribute information of Du Meng and Tang Qijian, the two demon family members.

Qin Shaofeng's demons and envoys, or indestructible incarnations, once they were a certain distance away, the system could not find their information.

And this time Du Meng and Tang Qijian appeared in this Nirvana Realm Comparison, not far from Qin Shaofeng, and all Qin Shaofeng had once again obtained the attribute information of the two.

Moreover, the change of the two's attribute information really surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Family: Tang Qijian

Level: Nirvana Realm Ten Stage Early Stage

Occupation: Knight

Pill of Law: Eleven

Genius root: Jianxin

Talent skills: swordsmanship

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: One hundred and eight yoga poses

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Familiar: None

Jianxin: The heart of kendo, the strongest spiritual root of kendo, with super kendo comprehension, the strongest spiritual root of kendo, can become the demon **** of kendo.

Imperial swordsmanship: full level, god-level active skills, to read the imperial sword...


This is Tang Qijian's attribute information!

Seeing such attribute information, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised.

Because he had never thought that Tang Qijian could condense eleven pill of laws!

It's no wonder he has such strength.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's talent skill'Royal Swordsmanship' has actually been upgraded to full level.

This even surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Because Tang Qijian was not him, he didn't have the help of the god-level cultivation system, and he just relied on his own cultivation. It was not easy to cultivate the swordsmanship to the full level.

And after the full level, the power of swordsmanship is even more amazing.

Even after the full level of the swordsmanship, he actually awakened a lot of other swordsmanship skills, which can be regarded as the exclusive skills of the swordsmanship.

For example, what refers to Jian Qi, Hua Jian Jue, Wan Jian Gui Zong, etc., there are so many varieties.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that Tang Qijian's swordsmanship was probably the same skill as his own writing round eyes, and they were all other skills that could be awakened.

It's just that these skills cannot be upgraded.

But these skills can be improved with the improvement of Tang Qijian's own strength.

Tang Qijian had such a change, and Du Meng was almost the same.

Dependent: Du Meng

Level: Nirvana Realm Ten Stage Late Stage

Occupation: Knight

Pill of Law: Twelve

Spiritual root of talent: Five Elements Overlord (Five Elements Gathering)

Talent skills: Nine Ranks Indestructible Body

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Envoy: Bear of the Earth (Tenfold Nirvana)

Five Elements Hegemony: One of the top gods and demon spirit roots, possesses the powerful power of the five elements reincarnation, far better than the spirit of the five elements. It is the final evolution of the spirit of the five elements.

Nine-turn indestructible hegemonic body: full level, god-level active skills, evolved from the nine-turn hegemony body to obtain super demon chess pieces enhancement, the formation of god-level skills, the power is far better than the nine-turn hegemony body. Has been upgraded to full level...


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