Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1153: Bai Lao's surprised

Chapter 1153 Old Bai's Surprise

Just as Qin Shaofeng was about to start his own strength improvement plan, one thing suddenly disrupted all his previous plans.

Mr. Bai is looking for him!

When he saw Lao Bai again, Qin Shaofeng found that the other party was smiling.

"Oh, it's great, your kid gives the old man a face!"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, Mr. Bai nodded with satisfaction.

Can you be dissatisfied?

Qin Shaofeng was recruited into the Celestial Armed Forces by his old man, and then Qin Shaofeng had so many eye-catching performances in the Nirvana Realm, but Mr. Bai was very proud.

Although during the whole process, Qin Shaofeng used mechanical puppets to fight, on the contrary, he himself did not participate in the fight.

But this is not important to Bai Lao, what is important is the result.

"Where, I still rely on the old man, otherwise the kid wouldn't have such ability!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and did not have the pride that he had after earning so many points for the human race.

This made Old Bai feel more satisfied.

"Haha, you guy can really talk!" Old Bai laughed, "However, this is what you have achieved by your own hard work and has little to do with my old man. You have come to this point!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and said nothing more.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's saying this is not to be polite or flattering to Old Bai, because in Qin Shaofeng's mind, this is his own truth.

That's true!

If it wasn't for the old general Bai to recruit into the Celestial Army, how could he obtain a lot of materials to upgrade the Moyun to an eight-star smart flying boat?

If the Demon Cloud has not been upgraded to an eight-star smart flying boat, how can a mechanical puppet of Nirvana be created?

So, seriously speaking, Qin Shaofeng said this because there was nothing wrong with it.

But Mr. Bai doesn't know!

He thought that Qin Shaofeng was deliberately saying good things to him!

If you change to someone else, say good things to yourself like this, Mr. Bai won't pay attention to the other person at all.

It is even impossible to say that ten people who feel that the other party is unreliable directly hate the other party!

But now it is replaced by Qin Shaofeng's words, what Bai Lao said to Qin Shaofeng, but he listened to it as smoothly and comfortably.

If this is for outsiders to see this scene, I am afraid they will be shocked.

After being happy, Old Bai looked at Qin Shaofeng, nodded and suddenly said, "Well, your kid is really good. However, what makes the old man curious is that your kid is really in the first level of Nirvana?"

For this, Mr. Bai was curious.

Because when I first saw Qin Shaofeng, Mr. Bai felt that there was something wrong with this kid named Yanyang.

It seems that the power of law exists in the body before reaching Nirvana.

And after entering Nirvana, it seems that the pill of law has already been cultivated.

Even some time ago, before the human-devil competition had begun, Mr. Bai felt that Qin Shaofeng had already cultivated two pill of laws in his body.

At that time Elder Bai didn't care much, because in his opinion, Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the second stage of Nirvana at best.

Based on Qin Shaofeng's past performance, although the time difference between the first stage and the second stage of Nirvana is too short, it is not impossible.

But after the competition started, Mr. Bai was completely confused about Qin Shaofeng's situation.

Because at that time, he actually only sensed that Qin Shaofeng was only the cultivation base of the first level of Nirvana, and even the Pill of Law was only sensed.

At that time, Mr. Bai was taken aback and thought that he was wrong.

But when you think about it carefully, Mr. Bai doesn't feel that he's misunderstanding, there must be some special reason.

But what made Old Bai feel very helpless is that Qin Shaofeng relied on those mechanical puppets from start to finish in the competition, and he did not make any moves at all.

This made Old Bai, who was planning to see the specific situation in Qin Shaofeng's shot, failed again.

Therefore, Mr. Bai now asked Qin Shaofeng straightforwardly.

However, after asking this sentence, Mr. Bai immediately added one more sentence.

"Well, Yanyang boy, although the old man really wants to know your current cultivation level. However, if it is inconvenient for you to speak, the old man will not pursue too much, and you don't need to care!"

Everyone has their own secrets, especially this kind of secrets that can conceal the powers like themselves, this is definitely not simple!

Therefore, Mr. Bai's words behind this are also serious.

If Qin Shaofeng really didn't want to say, he wouldn't force it.

However, this time, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to conceal the question from Old Bai.

With a slight smile, Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but the next moment, the yin and yang cloud pill in Qin Shaofeng's body suddenly started to spin.

Then, during the operation, the power of law in these Yin-Yang cloud pills began to gather.

Finally, after Bai Lao looked in shock, Qin Shaofeng's breath began to climb.

First, the aura of a pill of law at the beginning, but it quickly improved to two pill of law.

Next are the three pill of law...





In the end, Qin Shaofeng's breath stayed in the state of possessing eight pill of laws, and his realm was also the eighth realm of Nirvana.

But this process is extremely strange.

Even the well-informed Mr. Bai has seen such a thing for the first time.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

Mr. Bai was really shocked.

At this moment, the sun in front of him was the first realm of Nirvana, but now it is the realm of Nirvana Eightfold with eight pill of law.

And the strangest thing was that he couldn't see through.

Because whether it was the first level of Nirvana before, or the eighth level of Nirvana, Mr. Bai did not see anything wrong.

One layer is one layer of realm!

Yae is the realm of Yae!

There is absolutely no falsehood, but how is this possible?

Even if it is a strong man who dominates the realm, it is impossible to hide his true cultivation base from his old man!

Unless it is a very special auxiliary master!

But in the realm of his elders, no matter how special the master is, he can sense the existence of a trace.

Mr. Bai was sure that there was no master in Qin Shaofeng.

But what is the situation with this way of covering up the realm?

Seeing Mr. Bai looked surprised, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and he was a little bit proud.

After all, it is not easy to make a powerful person like Mr. Bai show such a shocked and puzzled expression.

"Ah, Bai Lao, in fact, I am already at the eighth level of Nirvana!" Qin Shaofeng said with a light cough, his cultivation realm.

But Mr. Bai didn't care about these, but rather unhappy and said: "I know, although the old man is very old, he is not too old-fashioned. What the old man wants to know is, what is your ability to hide the realm? What kind of ability, even the old man has concealed it, this is really incredible!"

It's incredible!

Mr. Bai couldn't say more.

"Well, how do you say this!"

Qin Shaofeng touched his chin, then grinned at Old Bai, and said, "This is my own special ability! I can hide my realm perfectly, and then simulate the breath of various realms!"

"My own special ability?"

Old Bai's beard curled up, doesn't that mean not saying it?

However, when Qin Shaofeng said so, Old Bai also had some guesses in his heart.

It is estimated that this ability is the power of the blood of this Yanyang boy?

In fact, after seeing Qin Shaofeng, Mr. Bai felt that Qin Shaofeng possessed an unusual bloodline power in his body.

Of course, the extraordinary power of blood that the old man Bai felt was actually the special power of the yin and yang power born of Qin Shaofeng, the immortal incarnation of the yin-yang holy fire spirit.

Because the power of yin and yang comes from the spiritual root of Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation, it is considered normal by the old Bai to be the power of blood.

Because almost all the inheritance of blood is carried out in the way of spiritual roots.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a powerful bloodline, which is the holy vein.

The holy veins, it is better to say that they are truly powerful holy roots!

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng answered like this, Mr. Bai didn't ask much, because this was enough to explain everything.

However, at this time, Mr. Bai frowned slightly, looked at Qin Shaofeng and then said: "Yanyang boy, although your bloodline is really good, but the old man will not wait to remind you, if you still want to participate in the last round I’m afraid we can’t compete in this state."

The realm that Mr. Bai said is naturally the first realm of Nirvana.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng knew this too, and it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng frankly confessed his true cultivation level to Old Bai.

Although such a real situation is not completely true enough.

But this is better than suddenly bursting out of the eightfold realm of Nirvana in the final round of the game.

"This kid understands this, so I have already planned. When the final round of competition, I will compete with my true cultivation level!" Qin Shaofeng said.

Mr. Bai was not surprised by Qin Shaofeng's decision.

Because Elder Bai could see it, Qin Shaofeng exposed his true cultivation base, it was nothing more than this.

However, after looking at Qin Shaofeng again, Bai Lao smiled slightly, and said: "With the real cultivation base, the old man also supports you. After all, seriously speaking, we are at most eight points short of the Demon Race. This gap is not Big, it’s easy to catch up."

Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief when Mr Bai said that.

Because Qin Shaofeng was frightened, Bai Laohui, because of the victory of the Human Race, in the final round of the competition, he also allowed himself to compete in the first level of Nirvana!

After all, it was only the first level of the Nirvana Realm. As long as it defeated an opponent of the Demon Race, the Human Race must have won 100%.

But once this happened, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that he could only rely on mechanical puppets to fight, and he couldn't make a move.

In this case, what else is he talking about competing for the first place in the Nirvana Grand Competition!

Now that Mr. Bai said these words, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't worry much.

However, at this time, Mr. Bai said again.

"Heh, don't be happy too soon, kid, even if you don't hide your realm, do you think you can get a good result with your current eightfold realm of Nirvana?"

Mr. Bai smiled slightly, his face a little more cheerful.

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