Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1159: Drunk

Chapter 1159

But then again, Qin Shaofeng was really against that Xuan Yunfei, and with the strength of this indestructible avatar, he was afraid that he would not be an opponent at all.

If this immortal incarnation cultivates ten pill of law, then there is some chance of winning.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want a chance to win, what he wanted was an absolute victory, especially against Xuan Yunfei.

However, Qin Shaofeng was also very clear in his heart that even if he had ten pill of the law, and coupled with his many methods, he might not be able to beat that Xuan Yunfei absolutely.

This immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng still remains, and some of the pupil power injected by Qin Shaofeng's body with nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes.

Qin Shaofeng also noticed that Xuan Yun was flying before, and then he also saw his pupils.

The remaining pupil power made Qin Shaofeng feel a threat of pressure from Xuan Yunfei's pupils.

In this respect, Xuan Yunfei’s pupils are probably not weaker than those of Jiugou Jade Samsara, and they are also a powerful pupil technique.

This made Qin Shaofeng very jealous!

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng still had confidence in his heart that he could defeat Xuan Yunfei.

The reason is simple, even if Qin Shaofeng loses the opponent in the end, it doesn't matter.

The choice can be directly reflected at most, and the system update task can be completed directly with one thousand points.

At that time, no matter what realm Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation is, he will be able to raise 3 levels.

Even if this indestructible avatar cannot be directly promoted to the dominance level, it does not matter. Qin Shaofeng is confident that this reward will allow him to elevate his indestructible avatar to the level of having twelve pill of laws.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that Xuan Yunfei could not deal with it with the body of the immortal incarnation of the twelve pill of law.

Of course, this method is only the next best thing. If there are no accidents, Qin Shaofeng still plans to choose the three method requirements of completing the system update task and get the extra reward.

However, now Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to consider anything.

Because now after entering this initial mystery, if this immortal incarnation can be directly cultivated to the realm with the twelve pill of law, not to mention the first place, it will be the first place in the Nirvana Grand Competition, and it should be the same. The problem is not big.

After talking with Lao Chen and the others, Qin Shaofeng dived into the teleportation formation.

When Qin Shaofeng first stepped into the teleportation formation, not long after, some people walked towards this side.

And it was Xuan Yunfei who took the lead in this group, but Xuan Yunfei was not alone, he had led twenty people.

The slight difference is that there are two brothers Du Yuanlong and Du Yuanhu among the twenty people.

As soon as he appeared, Du Yuanlong, who was following Xuan Yunfei in the distance, saw it. The moment Qin Shaofeng stepped into the teleportation formation, his figure disappeared.

Seeing this, a killing intent flashed in Du Yuanlong's eyes.

"Oh, this kid is really alone, so that's easy!"

Du Yuanlong had already made up his mind. He had to get a place to participate in the final round, so he found Xuan Yunfei the first time, and then he didn't know what happened between the two.

But from this moment, Du Yuanlong followed Xuan Yunfei and seemed to enter the initial secret realm. It can be seen that a deal has been concluded between the two.

Du Yuanlong approached Xuan Yunfei, intending to get the qualification to enter the initial secret realm from Xuan Yunfei.

With Du Yuanlong's current cultivation base, this entry into the initial secret realm can also improve his strength.

After all, the more power of the laws accumulated in the Nirvana Realm, the higher the possibility of impacting the Domination Realm.

Similarly, the more the power of the law accumulated in Nirvana, the stronger one's own strength will naturally be.

However, this time Du Yuanlong entered the initial secret realm, and this hunting and killing world beasts to obtain a world beast pill to improve his own strength was only a secondary task.

His first task is to kill Qin Shaofeng!

Because in Du Yuanlong's view, as long as he kills the Yan Yang, there will be one more place for the competition, and Xuan Yunfei also promised him.

As long as this quota comes out, he can let Du Yuanlong get this quota.

Therefore, Du Yuanlong was cruel and planned to take the risk to kill Qin Shaofeng.

What Du Yuanlong didn't know was that now there were ten more places to participate in the final round of the competition, and there were five more empty places on the Human Race side.

The most important point is that after a brief discussion among the top Human Race, the entry quota has almost been confirmed.

Coincidentally, Du Yuanlong is one of the five more places that can occupy one of them.

However, the high-level Human Race hasn't fully announced the current discussion.

Because they have to wait for the Mozu side to confirm the number of entries, the two sides announced it together, which is also one of the contents of the signing of the highway contract.

Once the candidates are confirmed, they must not be modified!

Because of the constraints of the Great Dao Contract, the high-level Human Race did not say too much. Even if it was Old Bai, at most, he told Qin Shaofeng. The number of contestants doubled. Twenty contestants participated, and the rest were just Word not mentioned!

So, what does Du Yuanlong say now!

Well, it's sad!

Killing to seize the quota, for him who has already been assigned a quota by default, it is totally unnecessary!

And there is so much risk!

Once the senior Human Race learns about his behavior, I am afraid that not only him, but the entire Du family will be severely punished.

However, before that, if this really meets Qin Shaofeng, what will happen to Du Yuanlong is still unknown!


After stepping into the teleportation formation, Qin Shaofeng only reached the destination after a period of teleportation.

After leaving the teleportation formation, what Qin Shaofeng saw was an empty place.

It's endless, nothing.

No, to be precise, there is a luminous entrance in this void, like a passage entrance.

When he came to this entrance, Qin Shaofeng found that there was another place similar to guarding.

However, it is better to describe it as a large rectangular table of several meters than to protect the place.

A big table, a chair!

Well, there is another big guy who is sleeping.

Naturally, this place was set up by the high-level Human Race, after all, this is the entrance to the initial secret realm, and it is not easy to enter.

If there is no recommendation, without the strong bring, it is impossible to enter it.


When his eyes fell on the big man who was asleep, Qin Shaofeng felt a little more doubtful.

It stands to reason that such places are generally guarded by strong men.


But is the sleeping guy in front of him such a strong one?

At the same time, Lao Chen, who was transporting Xuan Yunfei and others on the other side of the teleportation array, suddenly remembered something and slammed his thigh.

"Oh, forgot to remind Yan Yang that kid!"

"Remind what's the matter, yelling!" Lao Chen's companion was startled by Lao Chen's sudden yelling, and a little dissatisfied.

Old Chen didn't care about his companion's dissatisfaction, but said with a wry smile: "What else? Have you forgotten that the great man opposite drank a lot and was asleep. If it is directly disturbed, then..."

"That's the problem!" Old Chen's companion changed his expression, as if thinking of something terrible.

It is definitely not a wonderful thing to disturb the adult.

Oh, I hope that kid named Yanyang can ask for more blessings!


Seeing that he was asleep, snoring, and sleeping like a pig, Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine that this big man was a strong man.

Especially on the big table where this big man was lying, and the ground, almost full of wine jars.

Is this a drunkard?

Could it be that he was drunk and went to the wrong place?

Seeing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but wonder.


Suddenly, when Qin Shaofeng doubted the strength of this drunkard in his heart, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered a very incredible problem.

That is, under his induction, he did not feel any powerful aura from the drunk in front of him!

It's just an ordinary person!

But this is absolutely impossible!

Not to mention, will an ordinary person appear in such an important place.

Just from the table and the wine jar on the ground, Qin Shaofeng knew that the sleeping drunk in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

Because whether it is a wine jar on the table or on the floor, it is not simple.

Although it seems to be no different from ordinary crock pots used by mortals to hold wine, Qin Shaofeng, who is a refiner, can see that these wine jars, which are like crock pots, are all special spatial objects. .

This wine jar, I'm afraid it can hold a Yellow River wine.

Is there an ordinary person who can use such a wine jar?

And it's also a special use, is that a lot?

And the most important point is that Qin Shaofeng knew that the wine that was drunk in the wine jars was definitely not a thing of the ordinary.

Because just smelling the aroma of these wines, Qin Shaofeng found himself a little dizzy.

"I circled a cross. What kind of wine is this! Just smelling the remaining aroma of the wine makes me feel dizzy. This is too exaggerated!"

Even Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart that he might get drunk after a few cups of such wine.

If you drink it, Qin Shaofeng guesses that he can die under the wine jar with such a weight.

Can drink this kind of wine, can it be ordinary people?


This person is definitely a master!

And it's definitely an awesome super master!

With a shiver in his heart, Qin Shaofeng no longer feels casual, but respectfully respects.


Qin Shaofeng let out a soft cry.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Well, this is the sound of snoring, and it's loud!

"Ahem, senior?" Qin Shaofeng coughed softly.


The snoring remained the same, and it seemed to be louder.

Qin Shaofeng:...

no solution anymore!

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng took two steps forward, walked directly to the table, and then gently tapped on the table top.

"Duh! Duh! Duh!"


Well, there is still no response.

The smell of that drunkard snore!

It wasn't until Qin Shaofeng repeatedly tapped it several times and his strength got stronger that the drunk man woke up in a daze.


Without opening his eyes, the drunk groaned.

"Senior, Junior Yan Yang wants to enter the initial secret realm, this is the proof to enter the initial secret realm!"

Seeing that the other party was finally woken up by himself, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly handed the token that Mr. Bai gave him to the drunk man.

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