Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1162: Beast Pill

Chapter 1162 Beast Pill


The sword light flashed, and then the abdomen of the world beast centipede was instantly cut open by Qin Shaofeng.


The green blood spurted down wantonly, and the world beast centipede roared in midair, his voice full of pain and despair.


When the world beast centipede hit the ground again, it just twitched its entire body subconsciously, and then there was no more movement.

The sword light that Qin Shaofeng slashed directly followed the wound on the abdomen of this world beast centipede, cutting the abdomen of this world beast centipede into a huge wound of several meters.

The colorful internal organs all circulated, and the vitality of this world beast centipede was also completely cut off under that sword light.

What Qin Shaofeng paid was nothing more than a little power of law.

Of course, this is not to say that this world beast centipede is weak. Who told it to meet Qin Shaofeng!

If it is another person, even if it is known that the weakness of this world beast centipede is in its abdomen, it may be difficult to succeed.

After slaying this world beast centipede, Qin Shaofeng walked quickly to his heel, and then, the long sword reached into the world beast centipede's abdomen, and began to provoke and search for it.

"found it!"

After searching for it, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and then stretched out his left hand, drew out a force of law, and directly photographed something from the blurred flesh and blood in the abdomen of the world beast centipede.

The abdomen of this world beast centipede has been directly crushed by Qin Shaofeng's sword energy, and the colorful pieces are disgusting.

But the thing drawn by Qin Shaofeng's law is crystal clear, as if carved by a beautiful crystal, and the most strange thing is that this thing actually exudes this fragrance.

Beast pill!

This is the world beast pill!

Moreover, it is also a world beast pill equivalent to three pill of laws, possessing the power of laws!

"Unexpectedly, such a disgusting reptile centipede, the world beast pill in his body is so beautiful!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed and put away the world beast pill first, and then his eyes fell on the corpse of this world beast centipede.

"Well, the shell of this world beast centipede is even harder. If it were to refine the armor, I am afraid that even me would be a little bit stingy! The value of this shell is much higher than the previous one. "

Although the world beast pill was the main thing Qin Shaofeng needed, Qin Shaofeng would naturally benefit from the extra harvest of this world beast centipede shell.

However, thinking of the hardness of the shell, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had an idea in his heart, and secretly asked the Moyun.

"Magic Cloud, can the shell of this world beast centipede be used to make mechanical puppets?"

The Demon Cloud has been kept in a special storage ring by Qin Shaofeng. After all, Qin Shaofeng needs the Demon Cloud to control his mechanical puppets, which naturally brought the Demon Cloud with him.

"If you return to the master, special materials are needed to make mechanical puppets, but the outer shell of this world beast centipede cannot be used to make mechanical puppets, but it can improve the already-made mechanical puppets to a certain extent!"

"Can't make mechanical puppets, but can you upgrade existing ones?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately asked: "Improvement is also okay, but besides this kind of shell, can I use parts of other world beasts to upgrade the mechanical puppet?"

"Yes! Except for the shell, some hard bones, and sharp claws can all upgrade the mechanical puppet!"

The Moyun mechanical replied, but these words made Qin Shaofeng excited.

Although it is impossible to create more mechanical puppets, it would be a very good thing to upgrade these mechanical puppets.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect to be able to directly upgrade his seventeen six-level mechanical puppets in the Nirvana state to the nine-level and ten-level Nirvana state.

You can own the peculiarities of these mechanical puppets, even if they are promoted to the seventh level of Nirvana, their strength can be improved a lot.


Just as Qin Shaofeng was excited, the ground squirmed again in the distance, and then several world beast centipedes appeared.

It seemed that Qin Shaofeng had some bad luck and directly encountered a small group of world beast centipedes.

However, this was bad luck in the eyes of others, but it was good luck in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

"Is there again?"

A light burst from his eyes, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng held Po Junjian's right hand and swung it with it.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In the next moment, more than a dozen black shadows flashed by, and there were seventeen more figures around Qin Shaofeng, who were precisely those seventeen mechanical puppets of Qin Shaofeng.

The strength of these appearing world beast centipedes is basically not very strong, they are only one-star levels, and it seems that there is only one comparable leader, that is the three-star world beast centipede that Qin Shaofeng just killed.

Just a group of one-star world beasts, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to do it himself.

Besides, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to use this mechanical puppet to hunt and kill the world beasts. This is the most correct way.

Because this speed is not only fast, but Qin Shaofeng also has extra time.

While the seventeen mechanical puppets were hunting down those world beast centipedes, Qin Shaofeng took out the world beast pill again.

"It's amazing!"

Looking at this world beast pill, Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion.

I heard that once this world beast pill takes out the initial secret realm, no matter what storage ring it is placed in, it will dissipate directly within a few breaths.

But now the world beast pill in Qin Shaofeng's hands has remained in this state since it was taken out, and it hasn't disappeared.

"Well, it's time to see how effective this world beast pill is for me!"

After watching for a while, Qin Shaofeng began to sit down directly cross-legged, ready to absorb the three-star world beast pill in his hand.

Although not far from Qin Shaofeng, the mechanical puppets were hunting the world beast centipedes, but at this moment, there were three mechanical puppets beside Qin Shaofeng, under the control of the Demon Cloud, protecting Qin Shaofeng in a triangular position.

This is the reason why Qin Shaofeng feels relieved to absorb the world beast pill.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng didn't fully devote himself to absorbing the world beast pill, but remained vigilant to the outside world. As long as the Demon Cloud spotted something turbulent, Qin Shaofeng could instantly prepare.


The power of the law in the body is directly injected into the world beast pill in his hand, and then the power in the world beast pill is slowly drawn out.

After drawing out the power in the realm beast pill, Qin Shaofeng controlled his own power of law, and guided this special power of law into his inner world along the path of his power of law.

The first time he came into contact with this world beast pill, Qin Shaofeng still kept this cautious to prevent accidents.

But when the power of the special laws of the world beast pill was introduced into his own inner world, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that after this special power of laws entered his own inner world, there was a strange change in an instant.

I don't know what kind of magical ability it has. This power of law seems to be instantly assimilated by the power of other laws of Qin Shaofeng's inner world, and directly becomes Qin Shaofeng's own law of power.

Moreover, this process not only happened in a short time, but the most important thing was the power of this special law. After being transformed, it was completely consistent with the power of Qin Shaofeng’s inner world, without the slightest difference. .

This is exactly like the power of law Qin Shaofeng cultivated himself!

"This world beast pill is really amazing!"

After feeling the changes in his inner world, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly and sighed with emotion after checking it over and over several times.

After checking so many times, Qin Shaofeng didn't find anything wrong, which shows that this world beast pill is really something that can directly improve the power of the law.

This is amazing!

Qin Shaofeng sighed in his heart, but at the same time he was a little speechless.

Because of this situation, he thought of those who have been practicing outside for hundreds of years, even thousands of years of Nirvana.

They all cultivated so hard, and they all spent countless efforts and energy.

But now in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it's not as good as a world beast pill!

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also puzzled. Since there is such a magical world beast pill, there seem to be not many masters in the human race!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know what a big mistake he was thinking at the moment.

Although this world beast pill is magical, in fact, whether it is a one-star world beast or a three-star world beast, there are only a small number of world beasts that have a world beast pill in their bodies. quantity.

And most importantly, the power of law contained in a realm beast pill is actually for a Nirvana master, especially a Nirvana master who has cultivated five or six pill of laws, unless it is four stars and five The world beast pill of the star world beast, otherwise, even if it is improved, it is also limited.

Another point is the number of beasts in this world!

The number of world beasts in the entire initial secret realm was actually quite a lot, but based on the number of bases, the world beasts that could be born with a world beast pill were very few.

But the Nirvana realm in the human race is countless. Relatively speaking, this realm beast pill must be in short supply.

It is precisely because of this that this initial secret realm restricts many restrictions. Only a few geniuses, or under special circumstances, can people with Nirvana enter this initial secret realm.

In addition, even if they entered the initial secret realm, there were very few people who could harvest the world beast pill.

Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng and others who entered the initial secret realm this time would not be allowed to bring twenty helpers to help hunt the world beasts together.

If it weren't for the high level of Human Race who paid too much attention to this battle between humans and demons, it would be impossible to do so.

As for why the Human Race gives Qin Shaofeng the feeling, the reason why there are so few powerhouses who dominate the realm is actually very simple.

This is all because of the issue of identity and status!

With Qin Shaofeng's current status and status, how much power can he contact Human Race?

Although Qin Shaofeng had learned a lot from Leng Yaxuan before, despite some high-end powers of Human Race and Demon Race.

But with Leng Yaxuan's strength at the beginning, despite her status as a direct disciple of the Leng family's royal family, she could know a lot of things.

But she knew more information than ordinary people at best, and Leng Yaxuan also knew only a little bit about the true power of Human Race and Demon Race.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't understand this at all.

Not long after, when Qin Shaofeng learned about the high-end power of the human race, he never thought about it again.

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