Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1175: Overall reinforcement

Chapter 1175

If it was just the world beast pill of those giant fish world beasts, even though there were a lot of them.

But these numbers still cannot allow Qin Shaofeng to successfully condense the tenth pill of law.

Because after having nine pill of law, even if it is a four-star world beast pill, one weight can only make Qin Shaofeng's tenth pill of law advance so much by one percent.

The more the pill of law possessed in the body, the more the pill of law needs to be condensed, the more the power of the law naturally needs to be consumed.

So, to be more honest, the world beast pills that Qin Shaofeng had obtained before were actually not many.

However, in only half a month, Qin Shaofeng had directly risen from the realm of eight pill of laws to the realm of ten pill of laws. If such news were to spread, it would be absolutely astonishing.

The cultivation base has been improved, which is naturally a good thing.

Now Qin Shaofeng only had two Yin Yang Yun Pills left, which had not yet been transformed into a pill of law.

But Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to discover that with ten pill of laws, his eleventh pill of laws wanted to transform into the pill of laws of yin and yang, and the power of laws required was absolutely massive.

Because even if it was a three-star world beast pill, the power of the law in it was barely able to make the eleventh Yin-Yang Yun Pill four to five thousandths of it transformed into the pill of law of Yin-Yang origin.

In other words, it is necessary to have four to five thousand three-star Pills of Law to force Qin Shaofeng to completely transform the eleventh Yin-Yang Yun Pill into the Pill of Laws of Yin-Yang origin!

This number is terrifying!

That is to replace it with a four-star realm beast pill, which requires at least three to four hundred pieces.

As for the five-star world beast pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't know, because he hadn't got the five-star world beast pill.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also knew that if he took that half-moon fruit at this moment, he would definitely be able to raise the realm of eleven pill of law.

But in such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was definitely too wasteful.

This immortal incarnation of oneself possesses twelve Yin Yang Yun Pills, and all Yin Yang Yun Pills are ultimately the pill of law that can be transformed into the origin of Yin and Yang.

So, to put it seriously, as long as the immortal incarnation of oneself cultivates slowly and accumulates enough law power, he can definitely possess twelve law pill.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also had a guess in his heart, that the limit of his own indestructible incarnation was that he could only possess the twelve pill of laws, no matter how much it was, it would be impossible.

Therefore, it would be a bit of a waste to just let this immortal incarnation of oneself take this half moon fruit.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the greatest value of Banyue Fruit is to allow the masters of the pinnacle state of Nirvana to condense a pill of law and increase the number of pill of law.

This is the most correct way to use Banyueguo!

If it is simply to increase the power of the law, it is absolutely wasted.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to use this half-moon fruit now!

Of course, if something unexpected happened, Qin Shaofeng would definitely not be entangled, so he would directly use this half-month fruit to improve his strength.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's view, he already possessed the realm of ten pill of law, and it seemed that it would be difficult to encounter anything dangerous to him.

And most importantly, he is not one now!

In this short period of half a month, the Demon Cloud has upgraded all the fifteen mechanical puppets.

Qin Shaofeng has a total of 18 mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana. However, in the Nirvana Realm Competition, he used one to explode to solve an opponent.

Half a month ago, the two most severely damaged mechanical puppets were ordered by Qin Shaofeng to detonate and drag Na Du Yuanlong, nearly killing Du Yuanlong.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng now only had fifteen mechanical puppets left.

Although the fangs of those giant fish beasts, as well as some parts of their bodies, are excellent materials for strengthening mechanical puppets.

But to manufacture these mechanical puppets, some special materials are needed, and Qin Shaofeng does not have such materials now.

Therefore, in this half a month, Qin Shaofeng didn't let the Demon Cloud create more mechanical puppets, it was still only fifteen.

But it was precisely because of this that the materials obtained this time were used on these mechanical puppets with Qin Shaofeng's permission.

At this moment, the fifteen mechanical puppets are no longer just the sixth layer of Nirvana.

Because with a large number of excellent materials, these mechanical puppets have basically been upgraded to the seventh level of Nirvana, and even three of them have been upgraded to the eighth level of Nirvana.

There are three eightfolds of Nirvana, and twelve sevenfolds of Nirvana!

Although in terms of number, these mechanical puppets are three fewer, but in terms of real strength, these fifteen mechanical puppets have increased their combat power by several levels compared with the previous eighteen mechanical puppets.

Not only these fifteen mechanical puppets, but even Qin Shaofeng's tenth-level Nirvana Realm's strongest mechanical puppet, has also been strengthened.

The ten-level mechanical puppet of the Nirvana Realm has excellent defensive power.

Because the predecessor of this mechanical puppet is a special puppet produced by a refining device, the refining materials used are naturally very high-quality materials.

Especially after being transformed by the Demon Cloud for mechanical words, this puppet is even better.

But the only thing is the shortcoming of this mechanical puppet, and that is attack power.

For ordinary Nirvana masters, the attack power of this mechanical puppet is also very powerful.

But once you face the real master of Nirvana, it's not enough.

The most direct point was the battle between this mechanical puppet and the giant fish king world beast half a month ago.

Not an opponent at all!

If it weren't for this mechanical puppet's relatively strong defense, I am afraid that it would have been unable to hold the giant fish king world beast at all.

However, it is different now.

Because of the twenty-eight four-star giant fish world beasts that Qin Shaofeng harvested half a month ago, almost all of their fangs were put into this mechanical puppet after they were refined into materials.

Perhaps in terms of realm and level, this mechanical puppet has not gained much improvement.

But in terms of attack power, this mechanical puppet has gained a certain degree of improvement, and this improvement is almost a step up.

The Demon Cloud all commented on this, saying that if they were to encounter the giant Fish King Realm Beast, it would not be as simple as trying to drag the opponent.

Because now this mechanical puppet completely possesses the strength of the five-star giant fish king world beast.

If this is combined with other mechanical puppets, then Qin Shaofeng can harvest a five-star world beast pill.

Therefore, after all the mechanical puppets were strengthened and the world beast pill on his body had been absorbed, Qin Shaofeng's first thought was to find the five-star giant fish king world beast.

"Hmph, let the little master run away before, this time the little master will definitely take your five-star world beast pill!"

Soon, Qin Shaofeng began to run towards the crater.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that when he returned to the volcano, he discovered that the giant fish king realm beast was not here.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that half a month ago, he took away the Banyue Fruit and pitted Du Yuanlong into a big one.

This eventually caused the giant fish king world beast to look for Du Yuanlong, and went directly to chase Du Yuanlong, until now it has not returned to its lair.

Although a little disappointed, Qin Shaofeng finally stayed in this crater for some time.

Indeed, the lake in this crater now has no five-star giant fish king world beast.

But there are many other levels of giant fish beasts in this lake!

These are all realm beast pills!

How could Qin Shaofeng let it go!

In the end, under Qin Shaofeng's order, all the fifteen mechanical puppets entered the lake and began to hunt the giant fish world beasts in the lake.

Only the strongest mechanical puppet was left beside Qin Shaofeng!

The fifteen mechanical puppets have all been improved, and after their strength has soared, they actually slaughtered all the giant fish world beasts that still existed in the lake in less than half an hour.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to harvest a lot of world beast pills again.

Now that the five-star giant fish king world beast is no longer there, and the giant fish world beasts in this lake have been slaughtered clean.

Qin Shaofeng has no reason to stay here!

In the next three days, Qin Shaofeng began to sweep the flame mountains.

All the world beasts encountered, whether one-star or four-star, were all killed by Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets.

It's just a pity that these world beasts don't want to be like those giant fish world beasts. Because of the existence of half moon flowers in the place where they live, every giant fish world beast has a world beast pill in its body.

Therefore, in three days, although the number of world beasts hunted by Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets amounted to two to three thousand, in the end Qin Shaofeng obtained only one hundred world beast pills, and 90% of them were. It is a one-star world beast pill.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel very helpless, because at this speed, when the final round of the Nirvana Realm Competition begins, he might not be able to transform the eleventh pill of law.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng made a decision, and that was to separate himself from the mechanical puppets.

The fifteen mechanical puppets are divided into three teams, and each team is a mechanical puppet with eight levels of Nirvana, leading four mechanical puppets with seven levels of Nirvana.

With the current combat power of the mechanical puppets, this mechanical puppet squad, I am afraid that it can fight even if it meets the squad led by Du Yuanlong before.

After the fifteen mechanical puppets were allocated, Qin Shaofeng did not keep the strongest mechanical puppet by his side.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng now possesses ten pill of law, with his current realm and strength, I am afraid it is difficult to encounter any danger in this initial secret realm.

And the ten-level mechanical puppet of the strengthened Nirvana Realm was very powerful, and the speed of hunting the realm beast was absolutely fast.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not let such a combat power not be used. It was definitely the most correct choice to let him hunt the world beasts by himself.

However, Qin Shaofeng also issued a hard order to this mechanical puppet. There is no need to kill the small world beasts. Only four-star or five-star world beasts can hunt.

Qin Shaofeng has now discovered that the higher the level of the world beast, the more likely it is to give birth to out of the world beast pill.

The mechanical puppet with the highest level next to him has the possibility of killing the five-star world beast, so naturally there is no need to hunt down the low-level world beast.

Because that would be too wasteful!

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