Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1180: Eleven Principles of Pill

Chapter 1180: Eleven Principles of Pill


Looking at Xuan Yunfei and others in the distance, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with solemnity.

"Xuan Yunfei is really not easy, I thought he would do it directly on me?"

If this is done to oneself, then oneself can temporarily use the hands of the old white to make the other party suffer some losses.

A trace of regret flashed in Qin Shaofeng's heart, but he didn't think about it either.

It is a good thing to be able to do this without relying on the power of the old man. After all, Qin Shaofeng has no good feelings in the face of this person who dares to hit his woman's attention!

It's better to do it yourself instead of relying on the hands of the old white.

With Xuan Yunfei's departure, Qin Shaofeng's precaution was not completely let go, he was somewhat worried that this was Xuan Yunfei's conspiracy.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon knew that he was thinking too much.

Because of his increased spiritual consciousness, he did detect the leaving figure of Xuan Yunfei and others.

The other party didn't seem to really intend to shoot him, which also made Qin Shaofeng happy.

Looking down, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disdain over Du Yuanlong's body.

"Heh, this Du Yuanlong has been arrogant for a long time, I thought he had some back-hands and ability! I don't want to be succeeded by himself!"

Qin Shaofeng felt a little boring and shook his head gently.

Because before doing it, Qin Shaofeng thought about what other methods are available to Du Yuanlong, but he never thought that Du Yuanlong would be killed so easily by himself.

You know, this Du Yuanlong had seen the power of his own flying feather knife, and he was actually shot by himself.

Looking at Du Yuanlong's body, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

"Is the other person careless?"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only think so.

Qin Shaofeng is right to think so, but if you really care about it, you still have to say that this is actually Du Yuanlong's lack of understanding of his strength.

Because in the eyes of Du Yuanlong, Qin Shaofeng's strength was nothing more than that, so he couldn't make him, the pinnacle master of Nirvana, care too much.

What Du Yuanlong cared most was Qin Shaofeng's Flying Feather Knife, because he had seen Qin Shaofeng kill world beasts with Flying Feather Knife, Du Yuanlong was very wary of Flying Feather Knife.

If not, he wouldn't take out a set of heavy-treasure-class armor at the first time, put it on himself, and protect himself.

This is to prevent flying feathers and flashes!

It's just a pity that Qin Shaofeng's own strength completely exceeded Du Yuanlong's expectations.

Faced with Qin Shaofeng's attack, Du Yuanlong was completely caught off guard, and in the end he was almost killed.

Even if Xuan Yunfei took the shot, Du Yuanlong didn't have a chance to survive. He still died under the flying feather knife that he was initially wary of.

In Xuan Yunfei's eyes, Du Yuanlong's death was a very unexpected thing. He had never thought about it before.

Because since Qin Shaofeng had agreed not to use mechanical puppets, it was absolutely impossible for the opponent to be Du Yuanlong's opponent.

But the facts proved that neither he nor Du Yuanlong were wrong.

For this, Du Yuanlong paid his own life.

Although Xuan Yunfei didn't lose anything, Du Yuanlong was killed as soon as he took refuge in him, which made him very angry.

With Xuan Yunfei's temper and character, although he is leaving now, I am afraid that this is not over.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care, because this should always come.

And even if Xuan Yunfei didn't find him, he still had to find trouble with him!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng asked the mechanical puppet to clean the scene.

I have to say that this Du Yuanlong really deserves to be a genius at the pinnacle of Nirvana, and he has a lot of wealth.

There are many medicines, including healing, detoxifying, and restoring...

There are also a lot of weapons and other equipment, and most of them are high-end artifacts, and even heavy treasures that are difficult for ordinary people to obtain. Du Yuanlong also has three to five pieces.

However, what delighted Qin Shaofeng most was that Du Yuanlong still had a lot of world beast pills and world beast corpses.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Du Yuanlong had suffered serious injuries because of the five-star giant fish king world beast.

Xuan Yunfei saw that the other party completely took refuge in him, not only did not confiscated Du Yuanlong's Beast Pill, he even gave Du Yuanlong a lot of Beast Pills to restore his injuries.

As for the overwhelming number of world beast corpses on Du Yuanlong's body, it was all because of Du Yuanlong who was eager to show himself after taking refuge in Xuan Yunfei. During this time, he consciously cleaned the battlefield and collected the world beast corpses.

It can be said that 70% to 80% of the world beasts hunted by Xuan Yunfei's team in this short time have been collected on Du Yuanlong.

This can be regarded as a windfall!

Because of the number of corpses of the world beast, plus the corpse of the giant fish king world beast, according to the calculations of the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng might be able to cultivate seven five-star world beasts again!

And it was precisely because of the corpse of this giant fish king world beast that Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this true five-star world beast was much stronger than the five-star that he cultivated and evolved.

However, the same is true when you think about it.

After all, the world beast Qin Shaofeng cultivated was only for the five-star world beast pill in the world beast, and it was also the moment when the world beast was promoted, that world beast pill was taken out and the world beast itself died directly.

The world beast of this initial secret realm, when it is promoted, the first time it is the change of the world beast pill, the world beast pill will first evolve to a five-star, and then the whole body and other opportunities.

The best situation for this is that the world beasts cultivated by Qin Shaofeng, after the world beast pill evolves to a five-star, the severely injured body only then began to recover, and the aura began to improve at that time.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary battles against the five-star world beasts, Qin Shaofeng learned about those world beasts when his world beast pill had just evolved into a five-star.

After all, the particularity of the world beast pill, whether it has just evolved into a five-star world beast or has been a five-star world beast for a long time, the world beast pill in its body is the same, and there is nothing too big. difference.

Therefore, those five-star world beasts cultivated by Qin Shaofeng, at best, are just the five-star world beast pill, but in other respects they are still in a four-star state!

Therefore, the corpse of this giant fish king realm beast can be regarded as a true five-star realm beast, and the power contained in it is enough to allow some four-star realm beasts cultivated by Qin Shaofeng to directly evolve to five-star.


After Xuan Yunfei left, Qin Shaofeng was alone and began to hunt down the world beasts.

Uh, not alone, after all, there are still those mechanical puppets!

And now Qin Shaofeng rarely shoots and kills the world beasts himself. His main task is to control the four-star world beasts and evolve these world beasts into five-star world beasts.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng was able to obtain five-star World Beast Pills in this special way!

However, for Qin Shaofeng who already possesses ten Pills of Law, the effect of the five-star World Beast Pill on his eleventh Yin-Yang Yun Pill, which was transformed into the Pill of Yin-Yang Origin Law, was much weaker.

But no matter how weakened, under Qin Shaofeng's cultivation in this way, the transformation of the eleventh pill of the law was proceeding at an unacceptable speed for others.

Indeed, relying only on those mechanical puppets, the speed at which Qin Shaofeng can obtain the world beast pills and corpses of other world beasts is limited no matter how fast.

But the problem is that these mechanical puppets of Qin Shaofeng can continue to be strengthened!

Those world beasts cultivated by Qin Shaofeng into five-star world beasts, after Qin Shaofeng took away the world beast pill from their bodies, the corpses remained intact.

The corpses of the world beasts Qin Shaofeng used to cultivate the five-star world beasts, but after all the materials used in his body were extracted, did he go to swallow the four-star world beasts.

As for these refined materials, they are naturally used to strengthen those mechanical puppets.

Therefore, as more and more world beasts were hunted, and Qin Shaofeng cultivated more and more five-stars, his mechanical puppets also continued to strengthen and became stronger and stronger.

In the end, before the final round of the Nirvana Grand Tournament, with almost half a month left, Qin Shaofeng's fifteen mechanical puppets had already been strengthened to the Nirvana Realm Nine Stage.

This one is incredible!

These mechanical puppets of Qin Shaofeng are greatly improved. At the sixth level of Nirvana, they are equivalent to the strength of some ordinary Nirvana tenth level masters with six pill of laws.

After reaching the nine levels of Nirvana now, it is equivalent to the combat power of the ten levels of Nirvana with nine pill of laws.

Moreover, coupled with the characteristic nature of the mechanical puppet, there is no extra emotion, once the frantic fight, like Du Yuanhu's goods, can definitely be solved in a short time.

Even if you encounter a master like Du Yuanlong, under a single situation, these mechanical puppets can resist for a while.

If there are three, it should be able to draw a tie with Du Yuanlong's level of Nirvana master.

If this were five, even if Du Yuanlong was reborn, he would directly hate Jiuquan again under the siege of five such nine-level mechanical puppets of Nirvana.

Such mechanical puppets are actually very scary. The only thing that makes Qin Shaofeng a little dissatisfied is that these fifteen mechanical puppets can only be strengthened to this point.

The nine layers of Nirvana is the limit of these fifteen mechanical puppets!

However, even so, the combined combat power of the fifteen nine-level mechanical puppets of this level of Nirvana is already very powerful.

Qin Shaofeng’s preliminary estimate given by the Moyun is that the combined combat effectiveness of these 15 mechanical puppets will be comparable to most Nirvana pinnacle masters who possess ten Pills of Law.

If this were to add to the ten-level mechanical puppet of Nirvana, the combat power of the sixteen mechanical puppet regiments would be able to compete with some powerful ‘Half-Step Domination’ level.

Qin Shaofeng was confident that just these sixteen mechanical puppets would be enough to make him enter the top three in this Nirvana Realm Comparison.

As for Qin Shaofeng’s own strength, it has also been upgraded to a higher level, because under a large number of five-star world beast pill, Qin Shaofeng transformed the eleventh Yin Yang Yun Pill in his body into the pill of the law of Yin and Yang origin. .

This means that Qin Shaofeng now has eleven pill of law!

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