Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1192: Win easily

Chapter 1192

There is an essential difference between the power of one nirvana state and the power of fifteen nirvana states fusion!

This is like fifteen teenagers with a hundred kilograms of strength, it is difficult to beat twenty adults with two hundred kilograms.

But if the powers of these fifteen teenagers were all integrated into one, it would be different.

Because after this fusion, it is equivalent to a teenager with 1,500 power!

One side has a power of 1,500 catties, although the number is only one.

The other side only has two hundred jins of power. Even though there are twenty, how can it be possible to defeat an opponent with 1,500 jins of power?

In many cases, the quantity cannot make up the quality gap.

The mechanical puppets of Qin Shaofeng and Mo Yanyu on the ring now give these demons the feeling that this is almost the case.

Besides, even though Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets were only at the ninth level of Nirvana, their combat power was not worse than those of Mo Yanyu's tenth level mechanical puppets.

Under this circumstance, in the eyes of the experts, the battle has already come to fruition.

This is embarrassing!

Mo Yanyu seems to have lost before this flattering is finished...

For a while, whether it was flattering or those high-level demons who hadn't finished flattering, they shut up for the first time.

At this moment, Mo Yuan's face also sank slightly, very ugly.

Because of the development of this matter, it really made him too unexpected.

On the arena, Mo Yanyu was in a daze at the moment!

After Qin Shaofeng summoned these mechanical puppets, Mo Yanyu was instantly dumbfounded.

Because in any case, he did not expect that a human being could summon fifteen mechanical puppets, possessing fifteen mechanical puppets like natal soldiers!

Especially when he saw that the mechanical puppets on his side began to have a failure under the union of the other's fifteen mechanical puppets, Mo Yanyu became angry and panicked.

Because he felt that, if this situation continues, I am afraid he will lose in the end!

Do not!

He must not accept such a result!

"Cheating, **** human beings, you cheated!" Mo Yanyu suddenly raised his head to look at Qin Shaofeng, shouting crazy.


Qin Shaofeng is really drunk!

"I said Mo Yanyu! Don't talk nonsense about this, saying that I cheated, you have let me down too!" Qin Shaofeng looked speechless.

Originally thought that Mo Yanyu could barely be regarded as an opponent, but now it seems that he looks at the opponent highly.

"I do not believe!"

Mo Yanyu denied with a face, and said in a crazy and serious tone: "Humans, don't quibble. I know that your birth is just an ordinary human, and you don't have any strong blood. So how can you combine these fifteen All mechanical puppets are refined into their own destiny soldiers?"

"I don't believe it, you definitely cheated!"

The more Mo Yanyu said, the more affirmed his tone was, and he firmly believed that the other party had used some means to conceal the rules of this ring space.

But Mo Yanyu didn't know. At this moment, because of his affirmative tone, the Laozi Moyuan on the void stand looked gloomy.

Moyuan is angry!

However, it was not Qin Shaofeng who made Mo Yuan angry, but his son Mo Yanyu!


This arena space was once again constructed by him and the strong human race, as well as the majority of the human race and demons dominating the realm.

If this is to make a mere Yan Yang succeed in cheating, then where will the face of their dominance powerhouse be put?

Besides, because of the Dadao contract, it is impossible for the entire arena space to have weapons and props other than the players' destiny.

If this can cheat, it needs the ability to interfere with the rules of the road!

For a powerhouse of that level, which strength is not earth-shattering?

How could it appear in this place?

So, all this cheating is nonsense.

He had already told his son Mo Yanyu about this a long time ago, but what Mo Yuan never expected was that at this moment Mo Yanyu would still say such things. How could this make him angry?

Qin Shaofeng didn't know whether Mo Yuan was angry or not.

Now Qin Shaofeng only knew that this farce-like game could already come to an end.

Because facing Mo Yanyu's doubts, Qin Shaofeng had no intention of continuing to talk to the other party.


I'm cheating for you, my lord!

Qin Shaofeng knew that this Mo Yanyu was definitely a fool!

Therefore, without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng directly summoned his last mechanical puppet.


The figure flickered, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng's strongest mechanical puppet appeared directly in front of Mo Yanyu.

At this moment, Mo Yanyu seemed to feel that he had grasped the other's handle, and there was a bit of triumph in his face.

But the next moment, his excitement turned into horror.

Because that mechanical puppet has not only come to him, but also shot him immediately.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little surprise, as if he had noticed something.


this is?


Finally, with a loud noise, Mo Yanyu was completely blasted off by Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppet.

However, at this moment, although Qin Shaofeng's expression remained as usual and did not change at all, his heart became extremely solemn.

Because at that moment, when his mechanical puppet attacked Demon Yanyu, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a wave of power and interrupted his mechanical puppet.

This made the blow that could have killed Mo Yanyu directly turned into a blast off Mo Yanyu, even though Mo Yanyu was blasted into a coma.

However, looking at the unconscious Demon Yanyu at this moment, Qin Shaofeng did not continue to let the mechanical puppet do his work.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that the power that had just hindered the direct mechanical puppet probably came from that Mo Yanyu's Laozi Moyuan.

However, think about it, after all, the other party is a strong master of the realm, and it is not a strange thing to be able to stop oneself from killing Mo Yanyu through the ring space. ,

Although this made Qin Shaofeng a little bit regretful, he did not kill Mo Yanyu.

But Qin Shaofeng also knew very well in his heart that he would no longer be able to attack Mo Yanyu.

The interruption just now was probably just a warning from the other party!

Warn yourself not to kill Mo Yanyu!

But well...

With cold eyes, Qin Shaofeng's heart was a little more angry.

Really think that you are strong enough to do whatever you want?


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, and after Mo Yanyu was in a coma, his twenty mechanical puppets who had not continued to fight were all put into his storage ring.

Humph, it's okay not to kill Demon Yanyu, but this requires interest!

With a cold snort in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at Mo Yanyu, but turned and walked off the ring.

Although he didn't look up, Qin Shaofeng felt that somewhere in the void above the ring space, a killing intent fell on him.

This probably belongs to the killing intent of that Demon Abyss against him!

Qin Shaofeng guessed right, but this killing intent came from Demon Abyss!

Although Mo Yanyu's performance can be said to be stupid and hopeless, after all, it is his own son. How could Mo Yuan let Mo Yanyu be killed?

So, he shot!

And it wasn't just as simple as taking a shot to save Mo Yanyu, because when he shot, Mo Yuan held Qin Shaofeng in the ring and directly thought of killing him.

I don't know if the two sides did it intentionally. When signing the road contract, it did not specify the rule that outsiders should not interfere during the game.

Without such rules, Moyuan would naturally take action.

But it's a pity that he seems to know what he was thinking in his heart. When he shot, there was also a force on the high-level Human Race.

This power didn't hinder Mo Yuan's shot too much, but this power directly locked Mo Yanyu.

Chi Guoguo's warning!

This made Mo Yuan very angry, but he had no choice but to change his thought of killing Qin Shaofeng into only saving his son Mo Yanyu.

However, even though he did not attack Qin Shaofeng, Mo Yuan still warned Qin Shaofeng.

But Mo Yuan never thought that even if he was warned by him, the other party actually chose to ignore it, and finally took away all of Mo Yanyu's twenty mechanical puppets.

The ten-level mechanical puppet of Nirvana is actually a very peak limit of the mechanical puppet, and even the most powerful mechanical puppet can no longer be regarded as a mechanical puppet.

Because once the boundary of Nirvana is crossed, no matter how intelligent a mechanical puppet is, a powerful intellectual brain will be born, and it will directly evolve into a dominant mechanical clan!

However, as a mechanical puppet with a separate calculation procedure, it is very difficult to break through this limit, almost impossible!

Because that is a family of machines with absolute intelligence, it is very difficult to evolve to the dominance level.

Now the entire machine clan has reached the dominance level, and there are only five.

However, relatively speaking, once the mechanical clan is promoted to the dominance level, the combat power it possesses is inferior to that of the general dominance level powerhouse.

This is why, the entire human race has many races that hate the machine clan, but the machine clan still exists.

These circumstances are aside for the time being, although they are only ten-level mechanical puppets of Nirvana, if they want to create them, the cost of this is very huge.

Even for a powerful man like Demon Abyss, the cost of twenty Nirvana Realm ten-level mechanical puppets was something he couldn't afford.

The twenty ten-level mechanical puppets of the Nirvana Realm owned by Mo Yanyu are in fact the property of the Demon Family of the Demon Realm Royal Family, and he only has the right to use them temporarily.

If it hadn't been for this victory or defeat, it would have something to do with a special situation, the Demon Realm Royal Family Demon Clan would not have spent such a price to create these twenty Nirvana Realm 10-level mechanical puppets.

Because in a sense, the cost of these twenty mechanical puppets is no longer lower than training two or three powerful masters.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Shaofeng put away those mechanical puppets, Mo Yuan was ready to take action.

But the next moment, an air force that shocked him directly locked him.

Mo Yuan knew that the power to lock his direct son Mo Yanyu before came from Tantai Yi, which was comparable to his own strength.

But this time, the energy that directly locked himself in came from an existence stronger than Tantaiyi.

That **** old man!

Feeling the aura that locked himself in, in the end Mo Yuan could only roar in his heart, and then gave up.

No way, who told the other party is not an existence he can resist?

Although he also has the means to deal with each other, once that happens, the human race and the demons will definitely go to war.

That is not a wise choice!


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