Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1215: The shocking magic

Chapter 1215 The Shocking Demon

this is?

Feeling the breath of Qin Shaofeng on the arena, although the crowd outside the arena space was frightened, not many people understood what Qin Shaofeng's breath had reached at this moment.

But on the void stand, the powerful masters of the human race and the demons were shocked at this moment.

"Half-step dominates" the peak?

No, it's not just that!

They are all powerful in the dominating realm, and they are naturally very clear about the aura of the dominating realm.

Although Qin Shaofeng's breath at this moment is not really dominating the realm.

However, these powers who dominate the realm felt a very special force from Qin Shaofeng.

The power of law!

Only by reaching the dominance can you have the lawful power!

And there is a little difference. Although some powerful ‘half-step dominance’, and even nirvana geniuses like Tang Qijian and others, can have regularized power before reaching the dominance state.

But this kind of regularized power is considered to be the strongest power of Tang Qijian and their genius, and it can't be displayed at will.

The most important thing is that, in their situation, a regularized aura will only appear when it erupts, and their aura in a normal state will not have any regularized aura at all.

But the current situation is that the aura of Qin Shaofeng on the ring clearly tells these powers of the dominating realm that Qin Shaofeng's aura state at this moment is precisely the situation under normal conditions that has the power of law.

This is natural. Although the Realm King Fist hasn't temporarily raised Qin Shaofeng's realm to the state of Domination, it is also infinitely close to Domination.

Qin Shaofeng's state at the moment was actually a state about to break into the dominance state.

Being above the Nirvana Realm, under the Domination Realm, if it is a breakthrough under normal circumstances, this state will soon give birth to a strong dominating Realm.

However, Qin Shaofeng's current state was improved because of Jiewang Quan, not because of his cultivation, so the current situation is a bit awkward.

Having said that, Qin Shaofeng's situation now is that he is in an attack that has not completely reached the Domination Realm, but has the basic lawful power of the Domination Realm.

If you insist on giving Qin Shaofeng the current state, if you press a term, it should be regarded as a pseudo-dominant state!

Damn, how did Yan Yang's strength increase again?

Feeling Qin Shaofeng's sudden surge of breath, Mo Yi's expression was extremely ugly.

Because this breath is too strong.

It was a blood moon scimitar holding the master level, facing such a breath, Mo Yi had a panic in his heart at this moment.

No, I don’t believe it!

A trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, Mo Yi smiled sullenly, and raised the Blood Moon Scimitar at Qin Shaofeng, and roared wildly: "Damn human beings, do you think I will be afraid of you like this?"

"Come on, I will let you, an ignorant human, thoroughly see the power of the Blood Moon Scimitar!"

While speaking, Moya seemed to be mad, raising the Blood Moon Scimitar in his hand and slashing it at Qin Shaofeng frantically.

Although this Moyi's behavior was crazy, what was shocking was that the **** sword light slashed by the blood moon scimitar in his hand was extremely powerful.

Not only does it have a regularized aura, but its power is actually comparable to a sword that Tang Qijian cut out with all its strength.

Moreover, the **** sword light attacks that were cut out in this series were actually still one after another, but in the blink of an eye, Moyi cut out dozens of such terrible **** knife lights.

Seeing such a scene, the crowd under the ring was stunned.

Everyone can see the strength of Tang Qijian, it is very powerful, and a full-strength sword is extremely terrifying.

A dozen consecutive Tang Qijian attacks with full strength and one sword were really amazing.

Mo Yi's strength is really too strong.

However, soon everyone woke up again.

Such an attack is indeed very powerful and terrifying, but the problem is that this powerful and terrifying object is not Moya!

The real strength is the Blood Moon Scimitar in Moyi's hands!

The powerful **** blade light that Moyi had cut right now was the power of the Blood Moon Scimitar in Moyi's hand, but it was not Moyi's own power.

The blood moon scimitar of this dominator is really terribly strong!

So how would Yan Yang respond to such a powerful Blood Moon Scimitar?

For a time, countless people's eyes were focused on the ring.

But the next moment, something that shocked everyone happened.

In the face of the more than a dozen **** swordsmanships that Moyi had slashed out in succession, Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to dodge, and his expression didn't even panic at all.

When those attacks were about to hit him, Qin Shaofeng moved.


He just waved his hand gently, and then the sword light in Qin Shaofeng's hand rose instantly, and the entire light shadow sword body unexpectedly swelled instantly.

In just an instant, the lightsaber in Qin Shaofeng's hands skyrocketed to twenty or thirty meters, becoming a giant lightsaber.

Then, Qin Shaofeng raised the giant lightsaber in his hand and just swept it lightly so casually.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of explosions, swept by the giant lightsaber in Qin Shaofeng's hand, the dozens of **** blades of lawful power cut by Mo Yi were directly swept one after another.

It's so easy!

Too random!

It's too scary!

I wiped, what's this kidding, such a powerful attack, that Yan Yang can be solved so easily?

This is too unrealistic.

how come?

On the arena, seeing the powerful attacks that erupted from one by one, they were actually eliminated in this way, and Mo Yi was stunned.

But soon, there was a panic in Mo Yi's heart.

With an attack with regularized power, the blood moon scimitar in his hand could indeed burst out easily.

But these are all based on the premise that the blood moon scimitar itself consumes a lot of law power!

The dozen or so blood-colored blade lights just now were much stronger than the blood-colored blade lights displayed by Moya before, so the law of consumption was naturally more powerful.

And because it was a regularized blade light, even if it was fused with the blood moon scimitar of the previous dominator level, it was impossible for Mo Yi to display such a **** blade light.

At most, it was able to cut out thirty or fifty **** sword lights, but it had already reached its limit.

After all, just relying on the power stored by the Blood Moon Scimitar itself, if you want to perform a regular attack, it will naturally consume no less.

In Moyi's view, Yan Yang couldn't resist such an attack at all.

It is even possible to be directly defeated by him!

Because of such an attack, Mo Yi was confident that even Xuan Yunfei before him could definitely be directly defeated, or even directly killed.

Unfortunately, all of this was taken for granted by Moyi.

So the facts before him finally panicked him.

"No, no, it's impossible!"

Staring at Qin Shaofeng, Mo Yi quickly shook his head: "It must be this Yan Yang performed some tricks, and then resisted his attack just now. This Yan Yang is not the real master, so attack him like this. I won’t be able to use it many times. In that case..."

His eyes flashed, at this moment, Mo Yi made a crazy decision instantly.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At the next moment, Mo Yi suddenly appeared one after another Blood Moon Scimitar.

"I circled a cross, no! This is your **** mess!"

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised when he saw a Blood Moon Scimitar appearing next to Mo Yi, even Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about the next second, third and fifth.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's cognition, Moyi should refine seven or eight high-level heavy treasures defeated by the Blood Moon Scimitar as his natal weapon.

But when looking at the twelve blood moon scimitars around Mo Yi's body, Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't help but explode.


That's right, there are twelve high-ranking blood moon scimitars around Mo Yi's body at this moment, and Du Teniang's is his destiny.

Twelve zombies!

Moreover, coupled with the blood moon scimitar of the master device level in the hands of Moya at this moment, this means that after this Moya has refined a master tool into his own natal divine weapon, he can actually refine ten Two high-ranking heavy treasures defeated the Blood Moon Scimitar, as their own destiny.

One master, twelve high-level heavy treasures!

What is special is Moyi's natal soldier!

At this moment, Rao Shibai was shocked to see such a situation.

Obviously, Moyi's refining zombies also exceeded Bai Lao's expectations.

At this time, everyone present was shocked.

The same is true for Qin Shaofeng on the ring, but Qin Shaofeng doesn't have much time to continue shaking.

Because after Moya summoned all the destiny soldiers, he laughed crazy: "Haha, Yan Yang now I want to see how you respond to the attack I took!"

While speaking, the twelve blood moon scimitars floating around Mo Yi's body suddenly shook slightly, and then there was some connection between them.

It was the end point where the twelve blood moon scimitars were connected, which was the master-level blood moon scimitar in Moyi's hand.

After these blood moon scimitars were connected, they seemed to become a whole. Needless to say, the power stored by each blood moon scimitar was naturally connected at this moment.

Then, at this moment, after Mo Yi laughed frantically, the Blood Moon Scimitar in his hand slashed at Qin Shaofeng frantically and quickly.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

For a time, Qin Shaofeng saw the blood-colored blade lights all over the sky, and they all slashed down at him. Generally, they couldn't hide much.

And most importantly, the power of these Scarlet Blades is even stronger.

Not only are they all with regularized power, but more importantly, these attacks are very terrifying, and they are three points stronger than the previous regularized **** swordsman.

Faced with such an attack, even Xuan Yunfei was a little frightened.

This can be seen from the change in Xuan Yunfei's face at this moment.

In fact, an attack like Moyi is already terrifying!

Because it was just a moment, the giant lightsaber in Qin Shaofeng's hand was defeated by his **** sword lights.

"This Moya is really a trouble!"

Seeing such an attack, Qin Shaofeng raised his eyebrows, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"how to respond?"

Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand, and the flying feather knife in his hand shone with silver light again.

"I'll deal with it like this!"


The flying feather knife in Qin Shaofeng's hand flashed countless silver lights in an instant. The next moment, these silver lights turned into silver light blades and bombarded the countless blood-colored blade lights.

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