Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1244: Fusion

Chapter 1244

Xuan Changfeng was completely crazy now. In order to achieve his goals and ambitions, he sacrificed the entire fantasy race.

But under the confinement of the space confinement ball, from the outside world, the entire fantasy clan is still very calm, at best it has no contact with the outside world.

But many people and forces subconsciously believed that this was related to what happened to the fanciful Xuan Family and the Dream Family, and they didn't care about it for a while.

But no one knew that the fantasy race at this moment had completely perished.

No, because it can't be said to be completely destroyed.

Because the dream family at this time, with the help of Tantaiyi, left the territory of the fantasy tribe in the first time.

Xuan Changfeng also knew the news that Mengjia had announced his departure from the fantasy clan. In order not to stun the snake and let people know what he did, he waited until everyone in the Mengjia had left before using the space to confine the ball.

But it is precisely because of this that the fantasy race of the ancient sanctuary retains the last trace of blood.

However, when the dream family announced their separation from the fantasy family, the fantasy family and the other families of the fantasy family were completely indifferent to the attitude of the Xuan family to their dream family, but completely abandoned the name of the fantasy family.

The current dream house is the dream house, not the dream house of some fantasy race.

Their dream family is no longer a member of the fantasy race.

This means that from this moment on, the phantom race has completely disappeared.

Uh, maybe there is still one Xuan Changfeng left!

When the power of blood and the power of life of the entire phantom race were gathered behind the empty soul of Xuan Yunfei, Xuan Yunfei's pupils had become abnormally strong.

At this moment, facing the pair of pupils of Xuan Yunfei, I am afraid that some powerful masters at the dominance level will also feel a little pressure.

Seeing such a pair of pupils, Xuan Changfeng laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, perfect. This is really perfect for him. I didn't expect that the power of so much bloodline can be cultivated, and the combined power can actually raise the pair of pupils to such a realm. I knew this before, and I should have done this long ago. Done!"

Xuan Changfeng is not half pitiful at this moment, countless people in the entire fantasy race, even after discovering that Xuan Yunfei's twin pupils have evolved, he regrets that he didn't do it earlier.

"It's not too late, it's still the last step!"

Looking at the empty soul in front of him with excitement, the next moment, Xuan Changfeng breathed for a while, and then an inexplicably powerful and depressed breath broke out from Xuan Changfeng's body.

This breath simply doesn't match the breath of Xuan Changfeng's realm at this moment, because this level of breath, even if the power of the supreme dominating realm, is a powerful breath that very few people can possess.

If Tantaiyi was here at this moment, he would definitely be shocked and shocked by the breath erupting from Xuan Changfeng at this moment.

Because the aura that erupted from Xuan Changfeng's body now faintly possessed that kind of aura that the title of emperor possessed.

This is natural. Since this Xuan Changfeng has been reincarnated and rebuilt, even if he did not know that he failed to attack the supreme realm, he was reincarnated and reincarnated.

But if you want to reincarnate and rebuild, you need at least one hundred great principles.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to reincarnate successfully.

Obviously, the strength of Xuan Changfeng before being reincarnated and rebuilt must be no small thing.

In fact, this Xuan Changfeng was indeed not reincarnated after failing to attack the Domination Supreme.

He took the initiative to reincarnate, and before reincarnation, he temporarily used an incarnation of himself to refine his body into an extremely terrifying treasure.


At this moment, when Xuan Changfeng's breath broke out, suddenly, a silver light appeared on Xuan Changfeng's forehead.

Then, when Xuan Changfeng's forehead came out, it suddenly split.

One eye is revealed!

Silver, exuding powerful power, it seems to be much stronger than the aura of the space confinement ball used by Xuan Changfeng before.

This was a treasure that Xuan Changfeng had refined with his own body before he reincarnated and rebuilt.

Although Xuan Changfeng was a person who was reincarnated and rebuilt, he was also a member of the Xuan family before reincarnation, and he was indeed the ancestor of the Xuan family.

And before Xuan Changfeng reincarnated and rebuilt, he also awakened the powerful sacred veins of the illusion race, and like Xuan Yunfei, the power of the sacred veins he awakened was mainly concentrated in his eyes.

And the most coincidental thing is that the power represented by Xuan Changfeng's awakened phantom race's holy veins is also his eyes.

He also has a pair of pupils!

It's just that Xuan Changfeng's double pupils are not like Xuan Yunfei. Each pupil is a color, and a pair of double pupils are four colors.

Both of Xuan Changfeng's pupils were silver eye pupils, and they only had the same pupil power.

Xuan Changfeng was originally because of this, he would extract the power of his own bloodline and life force, and even split most of his soul, and finally refined the silver eye on his forehead.

Then, Xuan Changfeng put this eye into the container prepared in advance, and finally entered the container with his soul, reincarnated and rebuilt, and became the current Xuan Changfeng.

Of course, this container is naturally a newborn baby.

In order to have the container that fits best with him, the babies Xuan Changfeng chooses are all his biological sons.

In order to cultivate a container that fits him, Xuan Changfeng frantically sacrificed the lives of his countless children, and only then did he give birth to a container that fits him.

The foreign propaganda Changfeng seems to be Xuan Yunfei's grandfather, but it is not always true. These are things that other people know.

In fact, Xuan Yunfei can be regarded as Xuan Changfeng's biological son.

Even over the years, most of the talented and transcendent disciples born in the Xuan family, in fact, almost 90% of them are the sons or daughters born by Xuan Changfeng in secret.

This is to create a child who has the power of double pupils just like him.

And just like that, before Xuan Yunfei was born, Xuan Changfeng was aware of his double pupil power.

For this reason, the rest of the Xuan family didn't even know that after Xuan Yunfei was born, many people of the pure blood of the Xuan family disappeared somehow.

This was actually captured by Xuan Changfeng secretly and used the power of drawing blood and life to strengthen and upgrade the unborn Xuan Yunfei.

Even dozens of years ago, the catastrophe of Meng's family that caused all the lives of the top management was a conspiracy planned by Xuan Changfeng.

Xuan Changfeng is no longer satisfied with the single ability of the pupils!

Therefore, in order to give birth to more powerful twin pupils, he had secretly planned for a long time, and continuously arrested the people of the other branches of the fantasy clan, and then extracted the power of blood.

Even among them, Xuan Changfeng, a member of the Huan Family, secretly arrested many people.

But none of these things were noticed.

In the end, Xuan Yunfei was born after Xuan Changfeng's long-term evolution.

When he felt that when Xuan Yunfei was born, his pupils had four colors and possessed a variety of special powerful abilities, Xuan Changfeng knew that the time he was waiting for had already appeared.

Although there were some accidents in the end, Xuan Changfeng, who had revealed his third eye at this moment, didn't care so much anymore.

Anyway, the ultimate goal has been achieved. Although the entire fantasy race was sacrificed in the end, this is not important to Xuan Changfeng.

"Then start the final step now!"

Forcefully suppressing the excitement in his heart, Xuan Changfeng closed his eyes, leaving the third eye on his forehead open.

The next moment, with a flash, a powerful silver light shot out from the third eye of Xuan Changfeng's forehead and fell on Xuan Yunfei's body.

Under the irradiation of the silver light, Xuan Yunfei's body began to become virtual, not disappearing, but at this moment, Xuan Yunfei's body was completely transformed into a special force.

If Qin Shaofeng was here, he could tell that the power Xuan Yunfei transformed his whole body was the special pupil power.

Soon, Xuan Yunfei's body completely disappeared, turning into a burst of huge pupil power.

The only thing left is probably Xuan Yunfei's pair of pupils.

The pair of pupils floated in the void under the package of a large amount of pupil power, extremely weird!

No one has seen it yet, and a pair of eyeballs just floated up like this, and my heart is a little shaky!

But the next moment, the eyeballs of the pair of pupils suddenly swallowed the huge pupil power of Xuan Yunfei's body like a whale.

The speed of this swallowing was very fast, but the huge pupil power was completely swallowed by the pair of pupils in an instant.

And after swallowing all the pupil power, the pair of pupils also began to produce some changes.

The breath slowly began to improve, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In the end, an upgraded version of the breath broke out from the pair of pupils.

At this moment, Xuan Changfeng suddenly opened his eyes when he felt the breath of the pair of pupils, but at this moment Xuan Changfeng's eyes were full of expectation and tension.

Everything is ready for him, and everything is done.

So now there is only the evolution of the double pupils. Although the double pupils have evolved now, they have not yet fully evolved.

According to Xuan Changfeng's withdrawal, this pair of pupils needs to undergo the last step of change to achieve the perfect state in his heart, and only those pupils can meet his requirements.

What Xuan Changfeng worries most now is that after the twin pupils evolve, that's it, and the last perfect state does not appear.

However, as if God was really on Xuan Changfeng's side, what Xuan Changfeng was looking forward to appeared in the next moment.

I saw the pair of floating pupils in mid-air suddenly flashed a burst of brilliance!

Gold, dark, green, red!

The four colors bloom wildly, as if a hundred flowers are competing for beauty, brilliant and colorful.

Soon, as if the brilliance had reached its apex, the eyes of the pair of pupils began to have new changes.

The golden and dark brilliance of the left eye began to faintly intertwined, as did the green and red brilliance of the right eye.

Then, the colors of the eyes changed to gold and dark colors, and green and red were intertwined.

After the brilliance finally stabilized, the left eye had turned dark gold, and the right eye was dark red.


And it's not just the fusion of brilliance. At this moment, Xuan Yunfei's pair of pupils are no longer double pupils. Because of the fusion of brilliance, the double pupils on it have merged into one eye pupil.

Actually merged!

After absorbing the huge pupil power, the pair of pupils has not only evolved, but now the pupils of each eye have merged into one.

From this moment on, this pair of eyes is no longer the eyes of double pupils.

But the breath radiating from it seems to be even more mysterious.

Obviously, the eyes after the fusion of the pupils have stronger power and ability.

In this regard, I am afraid that even Xuan Yunfei, the owner of this pair of pupils, does not know that his pupils will have such a change!

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