Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1262: Anyone find the fault?

Chapter 1262 Someone Is Looking For Fault?

Although Qianzhonglou has one thousand floors, it has one thousand floors.

But all floor space is different.

The higher the floor, the more advanced it is naturally.

Under normal circumstances, the first 100 floors do not require any conditions, and they are all accessible.

Among these one hundred floors, there is indeed a casino, or other equipment, which is a place for eating, drinking and playing.

Ignoring what kind of strong person, and what kind of person, there is a comparison in my heart.

In the eyes of many young masters of the ancient sanctuary, the first 100 floors are for people with humble status to play.

Not only the first 100 floors, but the first 300 floors.

Because the back from the 101st to the 300th floors all need to pay a certain amount of Saint Yuanjing, then you can enter any one of the floors.

Only places with more than 300 floors are those that not only need to pay a certain amount of Saint Yuanjing, but also need a certain identity to allow entry.

This time, Bai Nishang's goal is to need a certain identity to enter the floors.

Since Qianzhonglou is the master of each combination, each floor is a space. If you want to enter these spaces, you can only rely on the teleportation array within the Qianzhonglou.


After seeing this number in the teleportation array, Qin Shaofeng felt a little speechless.

He naturally knew that this number represented the next floor he and Bai Nishang and Tantaiyi were going to go to.

But the number of 360 entangled Qin Shaofeng.

After all, the pill of law cultivated in his body now is exactly this number!

The space swayed gently, and Qin Shaofeng felt it the next moment that he appeared in a bright space.

However, it is not so much a space as it is a lobby.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng originally thought that since every floor was a master, there must be a lot of space inside.

But in fact, the entire space on the 360th floor is not large.

Of course, this is not big, it's just relatively speaking, because this 360-story floor space is also a space with an area of ​​a hundred li.

It's just that the layout here is a bit oriented towards the lobby.

"Oh, isn't this the white princess? Why did a big man like you come to this small place?"

While Qin Shaofeng was observing this space, he soon heard an uncomfortable voice.

Anyone find the fault?

Upon hearing this voice, Qin Shaofeng's first reaction was not worry, but surprise.

Because he didn't expect that someone would dare to find Bai Nishang's fault.

Is this fatal?

Still don't know the identity of Bai Nishang?

No, that's not right!

Since the other party spoke and called himself the little senior sister White Princess, it was obvious that she knew the identity of her little senior sister.

After all, even in the ancient sanctuary, the only person who dared to call herself Princess White was Bai Nishang, the daughter of the Supreme White Emperor.

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng felt that the other party might also have an uncomfortable origin.

Thinking like this, Qin Shaofeng heard Tantai Yi whisper secretly behind him.

"Well, it should be that person, how can I still meet the other person in this place!"


Tan Taiyi's words caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to move. Knowing that he also knew the origin of the other party, he couldn't help but ask.

"Who is the other party?"

Unexpectedly, a sentence received by Tantaiyi shocked Qin Shaofeng.

"Mozu, the people here are descendants of the great emperor of the Mozu!"



Qin Shaofeng was taken aback when he heard that, why did the demons still appear in this place?

As if he knew what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Tantaiyi hurriedly explained.

"Uncle Master, it’s not what you think. This is the ancient sanctuary. Although the ancient saints and the ancient demons continue to friction, fighting and killing often happen. But whether it is the ancient holy race or the ancient demons Owning their respective sites, under normal circumstances, they are non-aggressive!"

"Moreover, this is the thousand-story building of the Liuli Palace. Although the strength of the Liuli Palace is not as strong as the ancient saints and the ancient demons, after all, it is before the seven powers, and the strength is definitely not weak."

"In addition, Liuli Palace does not want the ancient saints and hates the ancient demons extremely. It is not a strange thing that all the sites in the Liuli Palace appear at the same time. Not enough, don’t worry, Master Shi. There is no fight in Lou Lou, otherwise Liuli Palace would not be happy!"

The last words of Tantaiyi gave Qin Shaofeng peace of mind.


You can't fight, it's naturally the last thing.

After all, the current one is really too weak, if it really fights, I am afraid it will only be delayed.

Tantaiyi said a lot, but under the sound transmission, it was only a moment.

Soon, there were a few more figures in front of the three of them.


Qin Shaofeng fully felt the breath from the opponent. The few people who appeared were the demons, and they were not ordinary demons. The bloodline was very powerful, and they were much stronger than the demons he had encountered before. Up.

After hearing the uncomfortable voice, Bai Nishang fell into silence. At first he thought that his little senior sister was brewing something.

But after the other party appeared, she tilted her head and said something that surprised Qin Shaofeng.

"Who are you?"

Oh, she doesn't know each other at all!

Although the time spent with Bai Nishang is not very long, Qin Shaofeng is sure that her little senior sister is not saying this on purpose, but she really doesn't know each other.

At the same time, Tantaiyi rolled his eyelids and sighed softly.

"Oh, I knew it was so!"

Bai Nishang's words instantly caused the opposite demons, the head of them, to jump up violently.

"Damn, Bai Nishang, you are so arrogant, you dare to mock me like this? You must wait for me, Demon Changyun..."

"Sure? What must you do to my little sister?"

Before Mo Changyun finished his ruthless words, Tantaiyi stepped forward directly, looking at that Mo Changyun coldly, his tone full of killing intent.

At the same time, the aura surging through Tantaiyi's body was extremely powerful, surging out instantly, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

Or Qin Shaofeng has seen too many strong people who have heard of it during this period, and there has been a somewhat naive and innocent little senior sister. After such a title of emperor, Qin Shaofeng felt that it had just condensed the pattern of a great road. Tantaiyi seems to be nothing more than that.

It is said that habit can kill people, and now Qin Shaofeng realized the meaning of this sentence.

But so?

What's so special about you is, when did I have such a silly feeling?

A supreme ruler is actually regarded as oneself, but this is the illusion?

Feeling the aura of Tantaiyi in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was a little sober.


Is someone making trouble?

At the moment when Tantaiyi burst into full momentum, in a place of management and surveillance in Qianzhonglou, a supreme lord with a strength comparable to the title of an ordinary emperor, suddenly opened his closed eyes, his brows slightly slightly wrinkle.

As one of the managers of Qianzhonglou, Lin Zhengyan's purpose is to monitor Qianzhonglou to prevent disputes and fights.

Originally, with the name of Liuli Palace, it was difficult to fight in this Qianzhonglou.

And even if there is, the people who caused the dispute will be resolved according to the rules of Qianzhonglou, and they will not violate the rules of Qianzhonglou in the slightest.

Even some strong people from the ancient saints and the ancient demons, after coming to this Qianzhonglou, they will give Liuli Palace a face and will not make trouble here.

Therefore, in many cases, Lin Zhengyan was just a decoration. For most of his time in this thousand-story building, he was only cultivating, striving to win the title of emperor as soon as possible.

But at just a moment, he actually felt that a little guy who had just condensed the pattern of the avenue, unexpectedly released his own breath in Qianzhonglou like that. This is not to not give them Qianzhonglou, or even Does Liuli Palace face?

Such a person must teach him a lesson, let him know that whether it is Liuli Palace or Qianzhonglou, it is not to offend so wantonly.

"The 360th floor?"

Lin Zhengyan's eyes flashed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, I want to see if it is that ignorant kid who dares to run wild in my thousand-story building!"

With a cold snort, Lin Zhengyan prepared to get up and head to the 360th floor.

But at this moment, his face changed and his expression was extremely respectful.

In the next moment, a jade charm on Lin Zhengyan's body suddenly flashed slightly, and then shot a white light, and a white light figure appeared in front of Lin Zhengyan.

It seems that because the white light is too strong, after the appearance of this figure, he can't see the real face of the figure in a daze.

The only thing that can be seen clearly is that this figure is very slender, obviously a peerless beauty.

But facing such a slender figure, Lin Zhengyan didn't dare to look at it. It seemed that he was offensive to the other side by just looking at it.

"Guardian Lin, the palace lord has an order. From now on, you should not interfere with anything related to this person. However, once the other person is in danger of life in Qianzhonglou, you must help as soon as possible. This person is in any danger!"


After the figure said this sentence, it was a moment of disintegration, and any figure reunited.

No longer a slender peerless beauty, this reappearing figure is a man, a very young man.

If someone who knew Qin Shaofeng was here at this moment, he would recognize this figure, and it would be Qin Shaofeng!

Therefore, when he saw this scene, Lin Zhengyan, whose strength was comparable to the title of ordinary emperor, also looked sluggish.



Don't look at the arrogance of Demon Changyun, but in fact, they are only the first step of dominating the realm. At most, Demon Changyun has the realm of nine-fold dominance.

Although the nine-fold dominates this realm, it seems that it is one or two different from the supreme master of Tantaiyi, which is also the one-fold realm.

But these two realms are worlds apart.

Facing the explosion of all the momentum of Tantaiyi, Mo Changyun finally remembered it.

Mo Changyun was able to clamor with Bai Nishang because of his identity.

This Demon Changyun's identity is not simple. His father is a ruler of the demon clan. As the son of the ruler, Demon Changyun is naturally extremely arrogant.

The only difference is that his father is a bit different. There are no one thousand sons and daughters, so there are definitely seven or eight hundred, and his Mo Changyun is only one of them.

But even so, in his eyes, the Bai Nishang, who was just the adopted daughter of the Emperor Bai, was not as noble as his true son of the Supreme Lord.

But because Bai Nishang had different ten points in the ancient sanctuary because of Bai Lao's favor, this caused Mo Changyun to be very jealous of Bai Nishang.

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