Are you all here?

Among the lush foliage of a big tree in the distance, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a slight sneer.

The night is really a good time to kill!

With a sneer, Qin Shaofeng slowly touched one of them.


After a while, in the lush woods, hidden by the night, a silver sword suddenly appeared, and thereafter, there was a scream.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for killing one innate four-tiered martial artist and gaining 500 experience points!"

It's 500 points again, and there are less than 10,000 points left before the upgrade!

With a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, Qin Shaofeng flashed away and left with Ta Xue Wuhen.

Just when Qin Shaofeng left, a figure rushed over.


Looking at the four-tiered congenital martial artist who had completely died on the ground, that figure was a burst of anger.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A few more figures appeared, and it was clear that the death of the innate four-tiered martial artist had already attracted the attention of these people.

He was the first to give orders. Seeing that one of his people had been killed, he endured his anger and said: "The enemy is not low in cultivation, he is good at assassination, and he seems to be familiar with the terrain here. A team of people, other people also need to be more careful, be sure to find this thief for me!"


Everyone responded in unison, and then began the team to continue to collect.

But this martial artist of the Sixth Stage of Innate Realm didn't know that he had hit Qin Shaofeng's plan.

The ten times experience bonus card is only one hour, and now twenty minutes have passed. If you don't leapfrog and kill those martial artists who are born with five or six levels, Qin Shaofeng's upgrade plan is somewhat unsafe.

Seeing the reactions of those innate martial arts masters, a strange light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and then he approached one of the innate five-tiered martial arts masters.

It was just a martial artist with five levels of innateness, and under Qin Shaofeng's fiery eyes, Qin Shaofeng knew that the opponent only had an internal energy value of over twenty thousand.

This is just general strength, Qin Shaofeng has absolute confidence to kill the opponent.

However, with the current situation, Qin Shaofeng must be sure to kill with one blow, otherwise once he is surrounded by others, it will be troublesome.

However, this innate five-fold is the innate five-fold, and Qin Shaofeng was only noticed by the opponent when he approached.


The congenital five-tiered martial artist suddenly drank loudly, and his body surged.

But the next moment, he found that a silver light hit him.

He didn't care at first, just a sneer on his face.

How can you win him with a mere attack of natural energy?

"Huh, overwhelming!"

With a cold snort, the innate five-layered martial artist, with a flick of his right hand, also launched an innate qi attack.

After entering the innate realm, once it reaches the innate triple realm, it can condense the innate qi and explode the innate qi attack.

The martial artist of the innate five-level realm did not feel any powerful aura from the silver light, so he didn't care at all.

But the next moment, he knew he was wrong!


The silver light struck, and it collided with the innate qi he played, and then his innate qi was just like paper, shattered by the silver light.

not good!

The congenital martial artist was shocked, and finally felt the extraordinary silver light.

It's a pity that the speed of the silver light is too fast, and he has no chance to dodge it.

In the end, there was a pop, and the silver light flashed slightly. Under the dark night, the martial artist of the innate five-level realm burst out a blood flower on his chest.


As the innate five-layer martial artist fell, Qin Shaofeng received a systematic response.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for killing one innate five-tiered martial artist and gaining 2500 experience points!"

To be able to kill a martial artist with an innate five-level realm so sharply, naturally only Xiao Li Fei Dao owned by Qin Shaofeng could do it.

What Qin Shaofeng paid was nothing more than a mere 10,000 points.

With 10,000 points of internal vitality, changing to a martial artist with an innate five-level realm, how to say it, is a big profit.

In fact, this was the result of the innate five-tiered martial artist who was careless about Qin Shaofeng, otherwise Qin Shaofeng would not be so smooth.

After a hit, Qin Shaofeng once again flashed away and disappeared.

Because of the familiarity with Lan Jiangling, Qin Shaofeng was able to hide away at will.

And because the congenital martial artist died suddenly, this made no one notice it at all.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng quickly speeded up and rushed to another innate five-tiered martial artist.

However, when killing the second innate martial artist, the opponent didn't care like the first one. In the end, Qin Shaofeng sent two small Li flying knives in a row, which consumed 20,000 points of vigor, and this resulted in the opponent.

In this way, the two martial arts masters of the six innate levels finally found that something was wrong.

The two innate five-tiered martial artists lost contact, but they finally realized that the enemy's strength was stronger than they expected.

Don't dare to neglect, one of them, the innate six-tiered martial artist, feels to summon other companions to gather to himself.

But when everyone was gathered, the face of the six-tiered martial artist became extremely ugly.

After such a short time, three more congenital quadruple martial artists have disappeared.

I'm afraid this is probably an accident.

How long has it been!

They came with fifteen people, but now there are only nine people left.

Among them are two martial artists who died in the five innate realms.

The martial artist with the sixth innate level wanted to get it. If he returned, he would arouse the anger of the second young master!

This time, Lu Qi could be regarded as privately using his identity to bring someone to seek revenge from Qin Shaofeng's family.

Now more than half of the people he brought have died, and they will definitely cause dissatisfaction in the family after returning.

At that time, perhaps because of Lu Qi's identity as the second young master, he will be scolded by the Patriarch at most.

But what about their innate martial arts?

In the Lu Family's congenital martial arts, it is not a big deal, and only those who are born in the seven-fold realm have a certain status. Only those masters with eight-fold, nine-fold and ten-fold innate are really favored by the family.


The more I think about that innate six-layer martial artist, the more uneasy I feel, and the uneasiness is also full of great anger.

Another congenital six-tier martial artist also thought of this, and his heart was also happy and a little disturbed.

"Damn, this thief is really cunning, in that case..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, the leading Congenital Sixth Martial Master suddenly said to another Congenital Sixth Martial Master, "Lu Yan, now you and I will lead people separately. We will search in two teams. I don't believe it. He can still succeed!"

"I see, Brother Hai!"

Lu Yan nodded, and his eyes were full of killing intent, leading the three innate four-tiered martial arts, and finally the innate five-tiered martial arts, walked in one direction.

But at this moment, a chuckle suddenly came from the woods.

"Search? No need, this young master comes out by himself!"

As soon as the voice fell, a person walked out of a bush not far away, it was Qin Shaofeng himself.


It's actually a kid!

After seeing Qin Shaofeng's appearance, those innate martial arts masters were all shocked, and their eyes revealed incredible.

But soon Lu Hai said with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "Boy, who are you, dare to kill my Lu family, are you tired of living?"

"The Lu family?" Qin Shaofeng's expression quickly turned gloomy, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "I killed your Lu family, so what? Your Lu family killed my Qin family for the massacre, I just charge some interest. That's it!"


Is this person from the Qin family?

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Lu Hai's heart moved, and suddenly he said, "You kid, are you Qin Shaofeng?"

He was young, not low in strength, and belonged to the Qin family.

Apart from Qin Shaofeng, Lu Hai couldn't think of a second person.

But soon, Lu Hai denied it.

Then Qin Shaofeng is probably in the spiritual garden of Lianyang Academy at this moment, how could he appear here?

But when he denied it in his heart, the opposite Qin Shaofeng nodded and admitted directly.

"Yes, I am Qin Shaofeng!"

What, is he Qin Shaofeng?

At this moment, the others were shocked.

But after being shocked, Lu Yan looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are Qin Shaofeng, we are still about to find you, now you have delivered it to the door by yourself, let's realize it!"

While laughing, Lu Yan suddenly rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Upon seeing this, Lu Hai hurriedly shouted: "No!"

Not possible?

Lu Yan sneered in his heart, looking at Qin Shaofeng opposite, a trace of excitement appeared in his eyes.

What's wrong with this?

If I can capture this Qin Shaofeng and bring him to the second young master, then the second young master will definitely reward me greatly.

How could Lu Yan miss such a rare opportunity?

If you don't hurry up, are you waiting for your land and sea to shoot?

Lu Yan didn't care about land and sea at all, even deliberately speeding up again.

But when he approached Qin Shaofeng, he suddenly saw it, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a weird smile.

Then, Lu Yan saw that a silver sword light was shot from Qin Shaofeng's hand.

It just flashed in front of him.

Afterwards, Lu Yan, who was running wild, lowered his head and said ‘very fast’. He fell directly to the ground due to the inertia of a sudden stop and slid to Qin Shaofeng’s feet.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at him!

The dead don't need to care!

Qin Shaofeng's Xiaoli Flying Sword before, but it was directly replenishing and recovering to Consummation, and it broke out with an internal energy value of 100,000.

How powerful is the little Li Fei Dao that exploded within 100,000 points.

Qin Shaofeng was not very clear about this.

But after hearing the system's prompt, he finally understood how powerful the little Li Fei Dao, who had an inherent aura of 100,000 points, was really powerful.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a Sixth Innate Martial Master and gaining 5000 experience points!"

Spike the innate six-level martial artist!

This is the power of Qin Shaofeng's full force of Xiao Li's flying sword.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for reaching the upgrade conditions. Player Qin Shaofeng has been upgraded, and the current level is Innate Five!"


As soon as the system prompt fell, Qin Shaofeng flashed an upgrade white light.

However, apart from Qin Shaofeng himself, no one else saw the white light.

After the upgrade, Qin Shaofeng felt that the internal energy he had already consumed had instantly recovered to completion.

This is the same as he planned!

"Finally upgraded, innately fivefold!"

Qin Shao muttered to himself in a low voice, and then swept away at the others with cold eyes.

After being swept away by him, the four innate martial arts masters, including the innate five martial arts master, couldn't help but shudder.

Someone screamed suddenly: "Run!"


With this quick run, they all stunned, and then they ran without looking back.

What a joke at the beginning, Lu Yan was in the middle stage of the Sixth Innate, but in front of Qin Shaofeng, he couldn't resist a move.

If this is for them...

I wiped it, what else do you want and run away!

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