Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1271: All show their magic

Chapter 1271

That's right, the 360-floor arena of Qianzhonglou can indeed allow people to quickly improve their cultivation.

And it can continue to rise to the pinnacle realm of the first step in the dominance realm!

This is true!

But before that, there is a precondition!

This prerequisite is that this arena must have sufficient law power!

If this is the power of the law is not enough, even if it is the ability of the arena, no matter how outstanding and magical, it is just a decoration!

I don’t have the power of law, what can I use to improve?

This time, because of Bai Nishang, the arena directly invested 500,000 Saint Yuanjing and 100,000 Beast Pills that dominated the realm.

But in fact, although the number of 500,000 Saint Yuan Crystals seems to be a lot, the pure power of law that can be transformed in the arena of fighting can make at most three or five one-tier masters who have a hundred law pill. The realm was raised to five or six levels, adding three to four hundred pill of laws.

The transformation of the arena also requires energy, after all, the pure power of the law in it will not be born for no reason, and it is impossible to get as much as it consumes.

As for the 100,000 master-level world beast pills, they were actually only the lowest-level world beast pill among the master-level ones, although there were many, they were also limited.

Five hundred thousand sacred crystals and one hundred thousand dominator-level world beast pill, if all these add up, the power of the law that can be born from the arena can increase the level of three or five one-tier dominators to the realm of seven- or eight-fold dominance. .

But now with Qin Shaofeng in this arena, there are eight masters together!

In fact, seriously speaking, these 500,000 Saint Yuanjing and 100,000 Domination-level Beast Pills can train two or three pinnacle masters who dominate the first step.

But the problem is that it takes time. It is impossible to have a leap-like speed in a very short time like this arena, which is impossible.

The value of 500,000 Saint Yuanjing and 100,000 Dominant-level Beast Pills is indeed high, but it is used to improve, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be fast, or even extremely slow.

To put it bluntly, it is that this arena also requires a price to be used.

Anything requires a certain price.

Some people may say that even in this situation, this arena has such a function, wouldn't it be able to create many masters of the dominance?

But the actual situation cannot be said.

Not to mention that this arena can only be elevated to the tenth level of the first step of the dominance realm. The most important thing is that this arena is not for use if you want to.

After this arena is opened once, it will take a while before it can be opened again. It is impossible to be completely unlimited.

As for the reasons for this, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what it was. He just heard Tantaiyi say that this seems to be a period of time for the arena to store some power before it can be opened again.

It is impossible to open frequently, and usually it takes at least a hundred years or even longer to open it once.

Of course, there are other gambling floors in this Qianzhong Building similar to this 360th floor arena, which is used to upgrade the cultivation base as a bet.

But to say that there are no side effects at all when it is improved, it is only this 360 floor.

This can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng's luck, and it happened to meet the opening of this arena this time.

Therefore, no matter whether it is opened or in the process of opening, this arena is not given for nothing and requires a lot of price.

And one more thing, after the arena is opened, only ten people can enter at most.

Therefore, it is impossible to complete one person in the arena.

Except for the disciple of the Shenlong clan and the disciple of the Demon God Palace, Qin Shaofeng could care a little bit, but Qin Shaofeng paid no attention to the remaining three people.

However, Demon Changkong's subordinates also have Demon Changkong's opponent, these two masters are not simple.

Qin Shaofeng only glanced at the two of them, and he felt that the two of them were not easy.

Only two of the seven participants can be regarded as opponents by Qin Shaofeng!

However, before carefully observing the situation of these two opponents, Lin Zhengyan on the high platform suddenly announced: "The gambling begins!"

it has started!

With Lin Zhengyan's announcement, the crowd outside the arena was all excited.

Because the two drops of Bai Nishang's blood were not only noticed by participants like Mo Changkong, but also the crowd who bet and gamble for it.

After all, the people who come here are actually gamblers!

This time the bet in the arena was too big, which also caused such gamblers to overwhelm the bet.

It is worth mentioning that every time a bet is placed on the 360-level arena, other levels can be seen and bets can also be placed.

Such a heavy bet, but it is the first time on the 360 ​​floor!

Therefore, there are too many gamblers involved in betting.

Qianzhonglou did not mention the conditions for opening the 360 ​​floor, as long as there are certain participants.

This is not Qianzhonglou's generosity. The reason why it is so ‘free’ is because Qianzhonglou has raised 360-story arena for free, but it can win back from these bets.

Except for the gambling between the forces behind the participants, Qianzhonglou is the biggest banker.

How big is the entire Qianzhonglou?


And how many people come in and consume every day in Qianzhonglou?

a lot of!

Therefore, even if one person bet ten Saint Yuanjing, with a huge number of people, the accumulated bet is very scary.

Since it is a bet, there is naturally a handicap.

Before Qin Shaofeng didn't join, the odds of the three poorly born primary masters were the highest, all of which were one to two, and one person even reached the point of one to three.

The disciples of the Demon God Palace and the disciples of the Shenlong clan, although the odds are not high, they are still at 1.78.

The odds of Mo Changkong and his old rivals were the lowest, only one to 1.2, and the odds for the two were the same.

As for Qin Shaofeng's odds, there are only two words to describe.

Ha ha!

One lose ten!

Yes, that's right, it means one lose ten!

Except for a few real gamblers who had made a bet on Qin Shaofeng with a hint of luck and indifferent attitude, the others did not bet on Qin Shaofeng at all.

In the realm of quadruple dominance, the pill of law has reached three hundred and sixty in the number of weeks.

How could this situation be comparable to the other seven?

It is worth noting that Bai Nishang used two drops of essence and blood as a bet, that is, people in the arena know that other people outside, under Lin Zhengyan's intentional arrangement, all deliberately concealed it.

In this way, no one is optimistic about Qin Shaofeng. Therefore, the number of people betting on Qin Shaofeng in Qianzhonglou is very rare. The total number of sacred crystals for all bets is less than 30,000 sacred crystals. .

And of the less than 30,000 Saint Yuan Jing, more than half of them came from Bai Nishang.

Without such a'heavy bet' by Bai Nishang, Qin Shaofeng's bet would have been only 12,000 to 3,000 Saint Yuanjing.

Of course, Bai Nishang's sacred crystals are all sole proprietorships from the three hard-pressed followers of Yu Fei, who are very ‘righteous’.

In this regard, the three of Yu Fei's parents looked dead.

There are more than 15,000 Saint Yuanjing, but the money they gathered only after smashing the pot and selling iron, intends to enjoy it once in this Qianzhonglou!

But now, it is impossible.

Faced with Bai Nishang's ‘just right’ behavior, they didn’t dare to resist at all!

In the arena, with Lin Zhengyan's start, the space of the arena suddenly shook slightly.

An invisible force oscillated instantly.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed sharply and his heart moved.

What a pure power of law!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that the entire arena was filled with incomparably pure power of law, which Qin Shaofeng had never seen before in terms of quality and purity.

Qin Shaofeng just subconsciously absorbed a little bit, and Qin Shaofeng felt that such a trace of law instantly entered the inner world in his body, and then there was no need to transform or operate anything at all, it was directly integrated into his inner world and became his own. The power of the law.

Not only does this require no refining, it even feels like obedience, as if the trace of law power Qin Shaofeng had just absorbed was the power of law radiated from the world in his body.

Now it was just being absorbed by him again, and there was no uncomfortableness, incomparable familiarity, and no jerky.

This arena is really amazing!

Qin Shaofeng's mind was shocked, and for a while, he was shocked by the ability of the arena.

so amazing!

It is exactly the birth of an enhanced version of the world beast pill!

But soon, Qin Shaofeng stopped sighing.

Because just when he was just a moment ago, everyone else in the arena started to take action, and there was no one to sigh with emotion at this time.

Because the seven of them all knew that from the time Lin Zhengyan announced the start of the gambling, they had to race against time.

Because this is not only related to the gambling of the master behind them, it is more related to their own interests.

The arena can only be opened once in a hundred years or more, and they can only have the opportunity to enter this time.

Although this time because of the relationship between Bai Nishang, the daughter of the White Emperor, the bet on the bet has become very large.

But it is precisely because of this that these seven people dare not relax.

They all want to absorb more power of the law in the arena and raise their realm to a higher realm.

Therefore, at this moment, the performance of these seven people gave Qin Shaofeng the feeling that they were completely "the eight immortals crossing the sea and each showing their magical powers"!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

After seven consecutive bursts of breath, the seven people exploded their breath, increasing the speed of absorbing the power of the law to the limit.

As soon as these seven people entered the arena, they discussed each other, and each occupied a position.

At this moment, after a strong suction burst, the power of the law of the entire arena was instantly stirred up like rivers and seas, surging, turbulent!

Soon, under the powerful absorbing power of the seven people, the power of the law born out of the entire arena seemed to be divided into seven pieces, and then formed seven vortex-like dots.

The center of these dots are the seven participants. In this case, they are all due to their crazy absorption of the power of the law.

The power vortex of the seven laws!

Only then did some people realize that absorption of the power of the law can cause such a phenomenon.

This is simply incredible!

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