Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1273: Shocked

Chapter 1273

What's the matter?

What happened in the arena?

Is it really the situation in the arena itself that prevents everyone from continuing to absorb the power of the law?

Of course this is not the case. The arena is one of the most important places in Qianzhonglou. How can there be situations where participants cannot absorb the power of the law?

As for the situation of the seven people in the arena at this moment, they are actually very simple, they are all from Qin Shaofeng's handwriting.

You can’t attack the participants in the arena, right?

Okay, this question!

Then if I shoot other places in the arena, that would not be regarded as breaking the rules!

This was Qin Shaofeng's idea, and from the very beginning, Qin Shaofeng had no plans to absorb the power of the law seriously.

Although even under serious circumstances, Qin Shaofeng was confident that he could definitely win.

But the problem is not this. The real problem is that Qin Shaofeng has now taken a fancy to the power of these laws.

Five hundred thousand Saint Yuanjing and one hundred thousand ruler-level world beast pills, how much pure power of law can this arena give birth to?

How many Pills of Law can this improve oneself!

In order to complete the extreme upgrade mission this time, Qin Shaofeng is very positive to reach the ten-star completion rate.

Although even after absorbing the power of the pure law born from this arena, Qin Shaofeng knew that there was still a gap between the 1,000 law pill that had reached the ten-star index.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, these are not important things. Now he is trying his best to increase the number of his law pill. Now that he has such a favorable opportunity in this arena, how could he miss it.

No matter how much you can improve!

This is Qin Shaofeng's idea.

But never let others share the power of these laws!

This is Qin Shaofeng's bottom line!

Then, the present scene appeared.

The situation in this scene is actually very simple, there is nothing wrong with it.

Because the previous vortex of the power of the seven laws was defeated by Qin Shaofeng.

Perhaps, judging from the overall defensive strength of those seven laws of power vortex, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to defeat it.

Well, at least when outsiders are not aware of it.

But all this is not a problem, you must know that Qin Shaofeng has the eyes of gods and demons.

With the eyes of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng could see clearly the weakness of these seven laws of power vortex, as long as the weakness of the seven laws of power vortex was found, everything would be easy to handle.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng only used a Shenluo Wanxiang, and directly defeated the power vortex of the seven laws.

However, it stands to reason that even if the vortex formed by the power of the seven laws is instantly defeated, Qin Shaofeng can't stop the other seven participants, recondensing the power of the law vortex again, and then crazy again And quickly absorb the power of the law.

However, when using Shenluo Wanxiang, Qin Shaofeng added a small trick under that shocking force.

That is to say, the magical power is moved!

As a magical version of the enhanced promotion version of monthly reading, even after monthly reading can reach a certain level of strength, it does not need to look at each other to be able to make the opposite. Then the magic can naturally do this.

Even magic can not only do it, but also do it more perfect!

When the shock burst appeared, the other seven participants had already caught the magic of Qin Shaofeng.

Then, it seemed that the seven participants continued to absorb the power of the law madly, but they couldn't absorb the power of the law at all. This was actually the magic of Qin Shaofeng's pupil technique.

At this moment, the other seven participants have exhausted all their strength to absorb the power of the law. However, under the influence of Qin Shaofeng’s magical power, the seven of them did not notice at all. They no longer know when they will be The world is closed.

The dominating inner world is undoubtedly more powerful, and the reason why the dominating has an endless life span actually comes from the strength of the inner world.

Even a ruler, when the body suffers a broken speech, or even a more serious situation, as long as the inner world does not suffer too serious breaking open, it can be completely restored with the power of the inner world.

It's just that the time spent in it does require some.

But it is precisely because the inner world that is dominated has evolved to a very powerful state, so once the active blockade is carried out, it will not be able to enter the slightest power.

When the inner world is completely blocked, no matter how crazy it is to absorb the power of the law, it is impossible to absorb anything.

This is an impossible mistake.

If there were such people, it would be hopelessly stupid.

However, this time, under the magical power of Qin Shaofeng's pupil skills, the other seven participants in the arena did such a hopelessly stupid behavior.

It's just that they can't detect this situation at all now, and because of the rules of the arena, it is naturally impossible for the audience to deliberately investigate the state of the seven participants at this moment.

Therefore, all this is something no one knows.

In the eyes of everyone, it is that these seven people don't know what force they have suffered that makes them unable to absorb the power of the law.

Lin Zhengyan, who was the referee, seemed to have noticed something, but he was not very sure in his heart, so he could only glance at Qin Shaofeng in surprise.

However, Lin Zhengyan didn't say anything, it's just that at this moment, Lin Zhengyan looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, finally showing a different brilliance.

This son is really not simple. It is worthy of being a person who can be taken care of by the adult, so capable that even I can't see through.

The situation in the arena at the moment surprised everyone, but a scene that made everyone completely dumbfounded soon appeared.

When the seven participants were unable to absorb the power of the law, the power of the law born in this arena was piled up.

Obviously, there are piles of condensed laws, but no one can absorb it.

But at this moment, the situation has changed!

The wind is blowing in the arena!

got windy?

How could there be wind in the arena?

But this is really windy!

As if some invisible force appeared, a wind broke out in the arena, an extremely violent hurricane!

Because the moment this hurricane appeared, it swept the entire arena with great momentum, which was extremely shocking.

At this moment, the entire arena space was swept away by this hurricane.

Of course, all the laws of the arena were born, and they were naturally blown away by this hurricane at this moment.

What's the situation?

Everyone was shocked to see this scene!

It couldn't be absorbed at the beginning, how could the power of all the laws be wiped out in the blink of an eye?

However, compared with this, what makes people most concerned about is this situation, whose handwriting is in the end.

Are those three realms that have already reached the sixth realm, but the cultivation level is still the three special talents who are still in the first dominating realm?


Because at this moment, the three awkward expressions obviously made everyone see that this hurricane was not caused by these three people.

Is that a disciple of the Shenlong clan?

Not really!

The disciple of Demon God Palace?

Not yet!

The expressions of these two people and the three before them at this moment are completely the same.

Therefore, this can never be the three of them.

There are only two people left who might have this hurricane together.

That demons?

Or the ancient saints?

For a while, countless pairs of eyes looked at these two people in the arena.

However, what surprised everyone was that although these two people did not have dumbfounded expressions, their faces were very ugly, and they all looked at one place.

That place is the center of the hurricane!

Following the gaze of this Holy One Demon, everyone was shocked to find that there was a figure in the hurricane.

"Is that Qin Shaofeng?"

There was a sudden exclamation, everyone was dumbfounded.

Qin Shaofeng caused this hurricane?

Doesn't that mean...

Isn't this the person named Qin Shaofeng who wiped out all the power of all laws in this arena at this moment?

But how is this possible?

It shouldn't be!

For a while, everyone was at a loss, and at the same time completely dumbfounded.

But when seeing that the power of the laws that were born all the time in the arena, under the influence of the hurricane, directly rushed to the place where Qin Shaofeng was, such a situation had to be believed.

It really is him!

It really is that Qin Shaofeng!

Because of the emergence of such an astonishing situation, the entire arena was plunged into an inexplicable weird for a time. No one was talking at this moment, it was quiet and terrible!

"What's the situation?"

Suddenly, a slight exclamation interrupted the silence.

Then, the whole scene was boiling.

"Yes, what's the situation? How could it be possible that Qin Shaofeng is so capable?"

"Oh my god! Who is this Qin Shaofeng, who has absorbed all the power of the arena with his own power, and the others can't absorb it at all!"

"Yeah, this is too incredible, and too overbearing. I don't want to leave a trace for other people, it's all for my own use!"

"Such a situation, I am afraid that it has never appeared in the arena of Qianzhonglou!"

"Yes, this should be the first time this kind of dominates all laws."


The crowd talked a lot, but soon an angry voice appeared.

"Damn my bet!"

This desperate voice instantly exploded the entire arena!

"Ah, yes, my bet is over with this one!"

"It's over, this time I am afraid I will lose my money!"

"Haha, I'm lucky, I bet Qin Shaofeng 30 Saint Yuanjing, this time it is three hundred Saint Yuanjing!"

"Hey, I bet a hundred Saint Yuanjing, I am afraid I will start with a thousand Saint Yuanjing!"


Among the countless sighs, occasionally one or two rejoicing sounds appeared.

But more is a sigh!

However, this time, Qianzhonglou, as the biggest banker, made a lot of money.

After all, this time the bet, from the current situation, it seems that there has been a result.

The other seven participants were still unable to continue to absorb the power of the law. On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng alone swept all the power of the law in the entire arena in a very exaggerated manner.

In this case, the result is already obvious!

The ultimate winner is probably Qin Shaofeng.

There are very few people who can bet on Qin Shaofeng to win!

Under such circumstances, the dealer Qianzhonglou will naturally make a lot of money.

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