Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1281: All-around champion

Chapter 1281: Almighty Champion

Skill point card?

Seeing this newly refreshed card, Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng's heart became ecstatic.

With only 30,000 points of system exchange points, I am fully capable of buying.

With 30,000 points, you can get 10 skill points, which is a very cost-effective deal!

Because of 10 skill points, it can completely raise the magic pill to 4 stars.

Qin Shaofeng was excited!

Then, he was going to spend 30,000 points in system exchange points to buy this skill point card.

But at the moment when Qin Shaofeng was about to buy this skill point card, the corner of his eye accidentally caught another item in the system store, and he was stunned.

This product is also a card, and it is worth 100,000 system redemption points, and it is not a card item that increases skill points.

But after seeing this card, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

Task trigger card: special item cards, consumption items. After use, system tasks can be triggered according to the player's current environment. There is a certain probability to trigger any of the chain stages, and the rewards for the tasks after triggering are the same as the normal trigger rewards. Value of 100,000 system exchange points!

Card props that trigger system tasks?

After seeing the effect of the task trigger card, Qin Shaofeng was stunned again.

I just complained about why I didn't trigger the task to get me the reward of skill points, but now there is this item that triggers the system task.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say for a while.

And... tangled!

Is it better to spend 30,000 system exchange points and directly purchase skill point cards and then get 10 skill points, or is it better to buy a task trigger card worth 100,000?

This is really a difficult choice!

Qin Shaofeng now only has 105,600 system exchange points, while the skill point card is worth 30,000 and the mission trigger card is worth 100,000. He can only choose one of the two.

If you choose a skill point card, you don't need to think too much, you can directly get 10 skill points, and then you can upgrade the magic pill to 4 stars.

But it is only to be upgraded to 4 stars. There is only one skill point card. If you want to upgrade the skill stars, you need other methods.

And if this task triggers the card, once the task is triggered, it is a series of phase tasks, it is completely possible to obtain more and more skill points one by one.

But the problem is that if it is a triggered task, there are not many skill points rewards at each stage, or there is no skill point rewards at all, then it is very bad.

It even directly triggers a single mission, not a series of phase missions, it is very likely that no skill points will be obtained!

One is 10 skill points directly, and the other is that it is possible to obtain more than 10 skill points, or it is possible that no skill points are obtained.

Before Qin Shaofeng, it was these two choices.

and so,

"Hey, if my system had 130,000 redemption points, it would be fine, I can't be entangled like this!"

With a helpless sigh, Qin Shaofeng hopes that at this moment, he can directly have 130,000 system exchange points!

But he didn't!

and so……

His eyes flickered for a while, and Qin Shaofeng finally recognized it and pressed his finger to a certain item in the system store.


The white light flashed, and the product instantly changed from a bright color to a gray.

This means that this product has been purchased by Qin Shaofeng!

The next moment, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding Dong!"

"System Tip: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for spending 100,000 system redemption points and successfully purchasing the system store mission trigger card!"

That's right, after repeated measurement, Qin Shaofeng is definitely better to choose the task trigger card.

Give it a try, a bike becomes a motorcycle!

Moreover, even if it is a triggered task, there is no skill point reward, and it is not a series of phase tasks, and the loss to Qin Shaofeng is not large.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, even if he raises the Scripture of Gods and Demons to 4 stars, I am afraid it is impossible for him to have the power of a thousand pill of laws.

If it doesn't work, just fight it, maybe it can trigger the task of acquiring a lot of skill points!


The light golden brilliance flashed past Qin Shaofeng's hand, and Qin Shaofeng had another light golden card in his hand!

"God bless, the system **** blessed, please trigger a powerful task for me!"

Under the whispering prayers, Qin Shaofeng directly crushed the task trigger card in his hand.

The next moment, two system prompts came one after another.

"Ding Dong!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully using the task trigger card!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for triggering the special task-the all-around champion!"

Almighty Champion: The ancient sanctuary is surging, and there are countless geniuses and evildoers. In such an environment, where can you get to the all-around competition held in full bloom?

Hit it! juvenile! Do your best in this almighty competition, shining your own light, crush the countless geniuses and evildoers of the ancient sanctuary!

Task content: This task is a special trigger task, no star rating to complete the evaluation, depending on the progress of the task that the player can finally complete, and get different rewards. The tasks of each stage have different rewards, and the more rewards in the stage, the richer they are. Once it fails, this task is over!

(Note: If the player Qin Shaofeng can complete the tasks of all stages of the Almighty Champion, he will receive a mysterious reward prepared by the system.)

The goal progress is opened for the first stage!

The first stage: victory! In the first event of the All-Around Competition, he won the first place. Reward 1 skill point and 1000 points for system redemption!

The second stage: not opened (can be opened after completing the first stage)


"Hahaha, sure enough, I am still invincible! I can do whatever I want!"

After seeing the task trigger card and the content of the all-around champion task triggered, Qin Shaofeng laughed fiercely, his expression extremely happy and excited!

All-around champion?

Very good, not only at any stage of the chain, but even the rewards are what they need.

Both skill points and system exchange points!

No more skill points, there will be a system exchange point, Qin Shaofeng expressed some unexpected surprises.

Because if he can get 25,000 system redemption points, then he is likely to make up enough, then 30,000 system redemption points for purchasing skill point cards.

Although the reward in the first stage is 1 skill point, which is exchanged for 1,000 points in the system, this is only the task of the first stage.

Once the next stage of the game is reached, both skill points and system exchange points can be improved a lot.

And most importantly, this is not the first time Qin Shaofeng has experienced this stage of refining, so he already knows it.

Since the first stage rewards skill points and system redemption points, the task rewards in the next stage are probably also rewarded with skill points and system redeem points.

"It's great. In this situation, as long as I can complete the tasks of each stage of this Almighty Champion, it is not a difficult task to upgrade the Gods and Demons Pill. Even other skills can also be upgraded. Up!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with excitement, and the whole person was looking forward to this almighty competition.

Well, there are still twenty days left before the all-around competition!


In the next period of time, Qin Shaofeng still did not ‘go out’, because the task of the all-around champion was triggered, Qin Shaofeng paid more attention to this all-around competition.

Although there is no need to adapt to the suppression of Nirvana, in order to obtain more rewards, Qin Shaofeng began to study the all-around competition.

When the all-around competition was announced before, it was indeed explained how many competitions there will be.

However, there is no specific breakdown of how to conduct the game.

It wasn't until three days before the start of the all-around competition that Qin Shaofeng knew about the first event of the all-around competition.

The first competition item is the power competition!

The reason why we were the first to start the competition with strength was because the competition in terms of strength was very simple.

The entire power competition was actually just two competitions. After Qin Shaofeng watched the content of these two competitions, the corners of his mouth curled slightly without any pressure.

Because the two competitions in terms of strength are simply a very easy thing for him, and winning the first place is not difficult at all!

After another three days have passed, the all-around competition finally begins.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many players were participating in the all-around competition.

Qin Shaofeng only knew that there was actually another level of deletion for those who could enter the Nirvana world.

Not everyone can enter the Nirvana world and then participate in the all-around competition.

If you want to enter the Nirvana Realm and participate in the Almighty Competition, then you have to come up with some skills.

If you don’t have the ability, then you should go back and forth!

Of course, what I'm talking about here is just ordinary people. People with status like Qin Shaofeng don't need to go through this level of selection.

But even if the election is deleted, there are still too many people participating in the all-around competition.

Even if the competition in terms of strength alone is good, the people who participated can still speak in mass.

In the two competitions of power, the first one is pure power.

The way to test this game is also very simple.

That is... move bricks!

Very speechless!

After seeing the content of the first event, this was Qin Shaofeng's idea.

What a special thing is moving bricks!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to underestimate this simple brick move, the reason is very simple, these bricks are not ordinary bricks.

These blocks seem to be only two or three palm-sized bricks. Not only are they special bricks made from special materials, they are extremely heavy, and each brick has many special gravity patterns.

This has caused every brick to be as heavy as a mountain.

A small brick is probably millions of catties.

Perhaps this kind of gravity, not to mention Nirvana, can be easily lifted by any realm master.

But the gravity patterns on these bricks, in addition to increasing the brick's gravity, also possess a special ability.

That is all the power of the seal contact.

As long as the hand touches his bricks, all the power in this person's body will be directly suppressed and can't be used at all.

This is the suppressing ability that only appears with the special power of this Nirvana Realm.

Suppress all the forces and cannot burst out.

They can only simply exert their own physical power!

Even if it is the master, once all the power in the body is suppressed by the seal, the pure physical power may not be much stronger.

The number of people participating in the first event of the Power Contest is too many to explain. Adding up to dozens of stadiums, the minority of them is more than ten million.

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