Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1298: The potential of the pattern of a hundred roads

Chapter 1298

In the ancient sanctuary, as long as you cultivate to the dominance realm, it can be regarded as the foundation that can stand in the ancient sanctuary.

Many ethnic groups, only after they have masters in the dominating realm, can they make a foothold in the ancient sanctuary.

Not every power group, like the seven major powers, has enough masters in the dominance state.

In fact, in this potential test competition, the reason why there are more than 20 million players is because many small forces have allowed the genius of the clan, even the strong in the clan, to enter the test.

Let's see if there is anyone who can achieve the potential to dominate the realm.

After all, the means that can test the potential of the Domination Realm are not something ordinary forces can produce. Now that there is such an opportunity, many forces will naturally not miss it.

If one's own power can emerge a genius with the potential to become a master, then this power will definitely focus on training, so that its own power will have one more power to dominate the realm.

However, according to the situation of the big team in this arena, I am afraid that only when the number of light **** exceeds 50, those who can persist will have the possibility of 20 to 30% to become the dominant player.

These were nothing to Qin Shaofeng, and he didn't care much at all.

Because he has now cultivated seven hundred pill of laws, even if there are five or six hundred **** of light in the arena, he doesn't need to care.

More and more light **** appeared on the mask of the arena, and players were constantly being sent out.

When the number of light **** exceeds fifty, there are still ten million players left on the field.

From this point of view, it seems that there are 10 million players who can be promoted to dominance, and the success rate is at least 20%.

But in fact, this figure simply cannot be calculated like this.

This is only in terms of potential. In order to completely achieve the dominance on the road of cultivation, potential is only the most basic condition.

In addition to potential, you also need to have a certain amount of perseverance, and most importantly, you need sufficient resources.

In the ancient sanctuary, the resources possessed by many small forces may not be able to cultivate a master.

Therefore, many geniuses of small forces will choose to join a certain big force, because only by joining a big force can they obtain sufficient resources and cultivate to the dominance state.

And this time all the forces of the'All-Around Tournament' have all appeared. They are all observing the performance of some players, and then based on the potential and performance of these players, they then throw an olive branch.

Qin Shaofeng's two halls and three sects naturally have dedicated people, and they are now paying attention to the performance of some players in the arena.

A player who can persist until now is already a genius with good potential.

With the resources and abilities of two palaces and three sects, it is completely possible for these players to be promoted to the dominance from 20% to 50%.

Domination realm is the mainstream power of the ancient sanctuary, and no power will dislike the dominance.

However, there have not been many geniuses who can truly catch the eyes of the seven forces of Two Halls and Three Sects!

After all, the big formation has only lit up fifty **** of light. In the final analysis, the possibility of becoming a dominance is only 20-30%.

Slowly, there are more and more light **** on the big battlefield, but when the number of light **** reaches 80, it means that having 50% success has become the master!

At this time, some big forces are truly active.

Because it has a 50% success rate, under the cultivation of a big power, although it is not 100% able to become a dominating realm, it is at least 80% or 90% possible.

However, there are fewer than one million players who can persist until now.

And many of them have reached the dominance level, and they really are still here. There are not many geniuses who have not yet reached the dominance level.

But this is also equivalent to the previous 20 million figure, nearly a million miles of players, there are still many geniuses who are not real enough to dominate the realm.

When the number of light **** reached ninety, there were still many players on the field.

At this time, the possibility of being able to become a Domination Realm has risen to 80%.

At this time, it was a critical moment.

Because starting from the number of light orbs exceeding ninety, the possibility of becoming a Domination Realm at this time can be improved a lot.

When there are ninety spheres of light, the probability of becoming the dominating realm is 80%, but once it reaches ninety-one, it is 90%.

Ninety-one spheres of light, but it represents the potential to cultivate ninety laws.

With such potential, in fact, as long as there are no problems in the cultivation, or injuries that are so severe that they hurt their roots, it is not difficult to become a dominance at all.

Even if they don't have enough resources, they can finally cultivate to the Domination Realm by virtue of their own talents, but the time required during this period is relatively long.

And at this time, in addition to the players who are already dominating the realm on the field, the remaining players who are not enough to dominate the realm are already less than 10,000.

These 10,000 players are definitely the geniuses of the major forces.

But compared with this, the geniuses that are really sought after by the major forces are those geniuses who have not been eliminated after a hundred **** of light have been illuminated in the arena.

Because at this time, those players who are not enough to dominate the realm, but still remain, can completely cultivate a hundred pill of law, and the probability of being promoted to the dominating realm is not absolutely one percent, it is also a hundred. Ninety-nine out of it.

Only one percent is left, and it is just an unexpected factor.

Basically, cultivation to become the dominant realm is already the destined result.

And there is another situation, that is the detection ability of the big team in this arena. Once those players with insufficient cultivation base dominate the realm, after lighting up a hundred light balls, they have not been eliminated, it is basically not only the ability Cultivate to dominate the realm.

And there is still a certain possibility. There is also a certain possibility of cultivating eight or ninefold dominance, even breaking through the supreme dominance.

But that's it.

Because at this time, lighting up a hundred **** of light, these are the limits for the promotion of the dominance player.

It's not that they can't continue.

But because of this potential test, there is a special situation, that is, the strength has reached the dominance state, and now it is only under the suppression of the Nirvana state, temporarily becoming the peak of the Nirvana state.

Therefore, for the second competition in this ‘potential field’ competition, the real fancy is the competition of those players who have become the dominant players.

Therefore, there will be a limit after one hundred light **** appear on the field mask.

Because from this moment on, the color of the field mask will instantly change to pale silver, and a hundred light **** will melt into one, turning into a light silver light ball.

The pale silver ball of light represents the potential to become a dominance, which is equivalent to a hundred pale white ball of light.

The most important thing is that the pale silver ball of light is aimed at players who have already become the Domination Realm. Players who have not become the Domination Realm will increase the pressure and it will be difficult to continue.

Because of the same degree of testing, a light silver ball can be equivalent to one hundred light white balls.

No, after the color of the field mask changed, a hundred white **** of light instantly merged into a pale silver ball of light. Suddenly, the number of players who hadn't cultivated to the dominance level was reduced by half.

And this was just the beginning. After the field mask turned into pale silver, the condensed pale silver ball of light was very fast, and the second pale silver ball of light appeared almost instantly.

Then, the five thousand players who still insisted on how to cultivate and do not dominate the realm, suddenly reduced by two to three thousand.

When there were ten light silver **** of light, there were only less than twenty players who were not able to dominate the realm.

But these dozen players are not easy.

Ten pale silver **** of light are equivalent to a thousand pale white **** of light, which is equivalent to the potential of having a thousand laws of power.

This has the potential to dominate the first stage peak realm!

At this time, even those players who have become the dominant player have been eliminated a lot.

These dozen players are already very good, and they are the geniuses that the major forces are very keen to pursue.

Because these dozens of geniuses already have the potential to become the supreme master.

However, this is only for players who have insufficient cultivation to dominate the realm. If a player who has reached the dominating realm now, can stick to this step, it does not mean that he has the possibility of becoming the supreme master.

At best, it just shows that they have the potential to cultivate a thousand pill of laws.

If you want to become the supreme ruler, you need to condense a thousand pill of laws into a pattern of the avenue, then it can be regarded as the supreme ruler realm that can completely enter the second step of the dominance realm.

Therefore, at the next moment, the ten light silver light **** that appeared on the field mask were shocked in an instant, and then condensed and merged to form a light silver halo that appeared on the field mask.

This is the potential to become the supreme ruler.

After this pale silver halo appeared, the dozen or so players who had not yet cultivated to the dominance realm finally couldn't hold on, and all were teleported out of the arena in an instant.

Not only them, but the remaining Domination players were also sent out in large numbers.

Suddenly, there were only less than a thousand people left in the entire arena.

However, the players who can persist to the scene and have not been sent out by the big array of the arena have the potential to become the supreme master.

Although there are less than one thousand people, this is also a very staggering number.

After all, this is the supreme ruler!

The field test is still continuing, and the light silver halo on the mask has also begun to gradually increase.

Also now this halo represents a pattern of great roads.

Supreme Master Yizhong has ten avenue patterns, and the halo represents the potential of a avenue pattern.

Ten auras represent a realm!

As the halo increases, there are fewer and fewer players on the field.

When the number of halos reached ten, there were 700 players left in the arena.

But when the number of auras reached twenty, the number of players in the arena instantly dropped to less than half, and there were barely three hundred players.

With a halo of over thirty, there are already less than two hundred players.

There are more than one hundred players left in forty.

Fifty, there are more than 80 left.


When the number of halos reaches one hundred, there will be more than 30 players left in the arena.

A hundred auras, but they have the potential to cultivate a hundred avenue patterns.

This can be regarded as the potential for the supreme to dominate the ten realms!

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