Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 133: First dependent

Despite the doubts in his heart, Qin Shaofeng continued to look down, and then saw the family member.

Family: Qin Yueer

Level: Congenital First Heavy

Occupation: Bishop

Internal gas value: 10000/10000

Talent root: the spirit of the devil (the body of the true demon)

Talent skills: Devil's Hymn

Skill 1: None

Skill 2: None

Skill 3: None

When Qin Yueer's attributes were introduced, Qin Shaofeng was startled at first glance.

Congenital first weight?

Yue'er is now an innate martial artist?

In retrospect, he reached the realm of the innate martial artist, but had been fighting in the monster forest for more than a month.

But now as soon as Yue'er became his dependent, he was in the realm of an innate martial artist.

Not only that, the internal vitality is actually ten times that of a normal person and ten thousand points.

You know that Yue'er looked like an acquired martial artist before!

But now not only has he become an innate martial artist, but Qin Shaofeng also feels that Yue'er's physique has been greatly strengthened now, and she is a genius in the end.

It is indeed a super god-level item!

It's amazing to have created such a genius!

He sighed slightly in his heart, but this was not what shocked Qin Shaofeng the most. What shocked Qin Shaofeng most was Yue'er's spiritual roots and her talented skills.

Demon Spirit: One of the top gods and demon spirit roots, only the true demon family can awaken and become the demon god.

There was only a few words about Yue'er's Linggen, but after Qin Shaofeng read it, he was shocked and speechless.

God and Demon Spirit Root?

True demons?

Achieve the position of the devil?

No need to say more about how powerful such spiritual roots are.

And then Qin Yueer's talent skills horrified Qin Shaofeng incomparably.

Devil's Hymn: Level 1 0/1000, super **** level active skill, strongest **** and devil healing technique, after casting, can restore the damage the target receives. The current level is level 1. After casting, it can cure 100% of the target person whose level does not exceed the current level of the caster. All the damage suffered by the body. The higher the level of the cure target, the smaller the effect. Every time it is cast, it consumes 100,000 internal energy.

In addition, after the gods and demons hymn level is raised to the first level, it will have the effect of resurrection. Compared with other resurrection items, the revival of the gods and demons hymn will be more perfect.

(Note: The effect of the Devil's Hymn skill can be superimposed until the healing target is healed from the damage, or the trauma suffered is not the damage that the caster can currently heal, or it is limited by the caster's current level. Will weaken.)

Super **** level skills?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was shocked and speechless.

Especially after seeing the introduction of the attributes of this **** and devil hymn, Qin Shaofeng's eyes straightened instantly.

One hundred percent healing effect, this is completely against the rhythm!

Although this healing effect is limited by Yue'er's level, it can stack!

In this way, even if the level is higher than Yue'er, it is necessary to cast the Demon God's Hymn a few more times, wouldn't it be able to achieve a complete healing effect?

With such a sky-defying ability, even if the internal energy that consumes 100,000 points every time, it is simply not worth mentioning.

However, it was the resurrection that really broke the sky.

After seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's breathing became tight.

This made Qin Yue'er in his arms even more blush.

this is……

Does the young master want to treat others...

Although only fifteen years old, Qin Yueer at this age already knew a lot about certain things.

Shame in her heart poured out like a tide, and Qin Yue'er's head lowered even more, and she was about to shrink to Qin Shaofeng's belly.

But even so, she didn't say anything, and there was no reluctance in her heart.

It is a pity that the little girl would be completely wrong.

She didn't know that the reason why Qin Shaofeng was doing this was entirely because of the resurrection attribute of the Demon God's Hymn on her body.

Although this attribute needs to be raised to a certain level, and Qin Shaofeng estimates that at least it needs to reach level 8, 9 or even 10 before this resurrection attribute will appear.

But Qin Shaofeng is looking forward to this, because Qin Yueer’s skill, like him, possesses skill proficiency. In this way, after Qin Yue’er becomes his dependent, while possessing this **** and devil hymn, he also With his cultivation skills, gain skill proficiency, so as to improve the ability of skills.

Although the initial level 1 of the super god-level skill requires 1,000 points to increase proficiency, which is 10 times that of the god-level skill, according to this situation, the resurrection attribute of the Demon God's Hymn will sooner or later be obtained by Qin Yueer.


Taking a deep breath, a trace of envy flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Super **** level skills!

I don't have this stuff either!

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng also knew that this super god-level skill was completely brought to Qin Yue'er by that super demon chess piece.

After becoming Qin Shaofeng's family members, each family member will be rewarded by the system with a super demon chess piece to inspire a spiritual root of talent.

The strength of this spiritual root is based on the level of the chess piece, and anything that is randomly rewarded by the system.

The talent skills will be inspired by the spiritual roots.

The queen has the highest **** and the lowest pawn.

But even the lowest, I am afraid it will be a god-level skill.

It stands to reason that with Qin Yueer's bishop chess piece level, it is absolutely impossible to possess a super god-level skill like Demon God's Hymn.

Qin Shaofeng secretly guessed that this might be because Qin Yueer was his first family member, and with good luck, he had such a bunker skill.

As for the three blank skill columns in Qin Yueer's attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng also understood why.

Skill sharing!

‘The subdued family members can get a special skill rewarded by the system according to the level of the pieces. In addition, according to the level of the super devil chess pieces, players can let their family members share their skills. ’

This is the attribute of Qin Shaofeng's blessing skill, and the Devil's Hymn that Qin Yueer possesses is the special skill that the system rewards.

The three blank skills are the number of shared skills.

The so-called skill sharing is not to share the skills of Qin Shaofeng and Qin Yueer.

But Qin Shaofeng can share his skills with Qin Yueer.

Simply put, Qin Shaofeng can teach Qin Yue'er the skills he possesses, and the skills taught are not restricted by any level.

This also means that Qin Yueer can possess any of the skills of the three Qin Shaofengs, even Xiao Li Feida!

Unless it is a unique and unique skill like the King's Blessing, it cannot be taught.

And each type of skill, the number of shared skills is also different.

The lowest **** can only share one skill, while the two-level pawns of knight and bishop can share three.

The castle chess piece can share 5 skills. As for the queen with the highest level among the last family members, up to 9 skills can be shared.

This also made Qin Shaofeng completely understand why this super god-level item super demon chess piece is worth hundreds of billions of points.

Just a bishop's **** has so many abilities.

This value of one trillion is probably the lowest limit.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Shaofeng decided what skills to share with Qin Yueer.

Qin Yueer's Demon God's Hymn requires a huge consumption of internal energy, so this Yi Jin Jing is necessary.

From the level point of view, although Yi Jin Jing is only a holy level skill, its effect of increasing internal energy is not an exaggeration even if it is a **** level skill.

In addition to Yi Jin Jing, Qin Shaofeng also intends to share it with Qin Yue'er.

With Wukongshu Qin Yueer had at least the means to save his life.

As for the last skill vacancy, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

He hesitated whether it would be better to share the 108 Yoga poses with Qin Yueer, or to share Xiao Li's flying knife.

Finally, after thinking about it carefully, Qin Shaofeng decided to choose Xiao Li Fei Dao and share it with Qin Yue'er.

With Yi Jin Sutra, the 108 Yoga poses are repeated.

Although with the 108 yoga poses, Qin Yueer can cultivate more inner energy.

But it would be better to leave her a life-saving trump card.

Xiao Li Fei Dao just fits well.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that after Qin Yue'er became his dependent, his physique has been greatly improved, and it has far exceeded the average number of people, or even ten times.

And as her cultivation level increases, this number will probably increase.

Therefore, the 108 Yoga poses are barely needed.

After making the final decision, Qin Shaofeng was ready to share skills with Qin Yueer.

But when his gaze finally returned to Qin Yue'er from his attribute interface, he realized that at this moment, the little girl's head was already lowered to his stomach.

And Qin Shaofeng quickly became embarrassed.

Because he didn't know when, he held Qin Yue'er's hands, and did not know when he landed on the little girl's small butt.

The soft touch made Qin Shaofeng grab it subconsciously.


With a soft hum, Qin Yue'er's head dropped even lower.


Qin Shaofeng's face blushed, especially the soft touch, which caused some changes in himself, which made him quickly help Qin Yue'er up, and then, with the other's tender face blushing, what will happen to her , Explained it slowly.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng couldn't tell Qin Yue'er all.

He just told Qin Yue'er that he had a special means to make her come alive.

And for this price, her Qin Yueer's life will be linked to his Qin Shaofeng.

If Qin Shaofeng died, Qin Yueer would not survive.

This is true.

This is the relationship between the dependents and the master.

Once the owner dies, all his dependents, no matter how powerful, will die at the same time.

But in the same way, if the owner is fine and the dependents die, there is still a way to resurrect the dead dependents.

Because once the dependents die, the chess pieces represented by them will return to the chessboard.

The master can use the chess pieces on the chessboard to use some methods to resurrect his dead family members.

However, Qin Shaofeng still doesn't know exactly how to resurrect.

The only certainty is that the difficulty of resurrection may be extremely difficult.

Because at that time, the general resurrection items and methods are invalid for the dependents.

Qin Yue'er didn't feel much about this. In her opinion, if Qin Shaofeng was gone, she would not be able to live alone.

She had the courage to commit suicide for Qin Shaofeng, what else could she not do?

However, the little girl is extremely interested in what Qin Shaofeng said, given his current situation, that he can possess some powerful skills.

Originally, Qin Yue'er was not interested in cultivation at all.

But what happened during this period of time, the tragic situation of Qin's destruction, and his inability to be arrested, eventually affected his young master.

All these made the little girl secretly make up her mind and must not drag the young master anymore.

Even if she didn't want to practice, in order not to hinder Qin Shaofeng, Qin Yueer would naturally practice hard!

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