Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1332: New implantation

Chapter 1332: New Planting Technique

In the final stage of identifying medicinal materials, although it needs to identify ten kinds of medicinal materials.

But these ten medicinal materials are very special and rare medicinal materials.

The most important speciality and rarity are the second elements.

At this stage, it is not only necessary to distinguish the names and properties of these ten medicinal materials, but also to tell the purpose of these medicinal materials based on their medicinal properties.

For example, is this medicinal material toxic or non-toxic?

If it is poisonous, ten poison pills can be refined, and besides refining poison pills, are there other effects?

If it is non-toxic, what kind of pill can be refined, the pill that can be refined to increase the level of cultivation, or the pill to increase the essence of the law, or the pill to detoxify and increase the consciousness?

Waiting for a series of identification is to let the respective players discover all the usefulness of a kind of medicine.

This kind of difficulty can be difficult.

Because after the efficacy is stated, it must be feasible. If you make a mistake, you will lose points in the final overall evaluation, which can affect the final results.

This medicinal material identification competition is based on the third stage of the competition, to see who said the medicinal materials have many medicinal properties and uses, and they are all correct, to judge the final result.

This is also very beneficial to Qin Shaofeng.

Because of these ten kinds of medicinal materials, seven or eight kinds of medicinal materials are the medicinal materials mentioned in the knowledge taught by his master Bai Lao.

As for the medicinal materials that appeared in Bai Lao's teaching knowledge, they were basically the medicinal materials that Bai Lao understood thoroughly, because they were used to the limit.

Therefore, at the beginning of the third stage of the competition, Qin Shaofeng was already 70% to 80% sure of winning the first place.

Although the remaining two medicinal materials were not within the knowledge taught by Mr. Bai, Qin Shaofeng could fully analyze the two medicinal materials with the help of his eyes of gods and demons.

As for the purpose, Qin Shaofeng could use the power of the magic pill to judge it.

Even if it is possible to practice, Qin Shaofeng can completely analyze all the medicinal materials using the magical pill fire of the magic pill, and get the purpose of all the medicinal materials.

But in this identification of medicinal materials, this is impossible. All medicinal materials can only be seen with the eyes, and at best, they can be explored with spiritual consciousness.

However, under the premise that all eight medicinal materials were thoroughly understood, Qin Shaofeng analyzed the remaining two medicinal materials a little bit, and won the first place in the distinguished medicinal materials.

This time the identification of medicinal materials, the prince Ling and the demon prince also participated.

However, because of all the properties and uses of the eight medicinal materials obtained from Bai Lao, Qin Shaofeng finally got a little better and won the first place.

The prince spirit and the devil prince won the second and third places respectively.

In a game with a total score of 5 points, the first place gets a full score of 5, the second place gets 4 points, the third place 3 points, the fourth and fifth place get 2 points, and then the sixth place The tenth place can only get 1 point!

The total score of the game is 1 point, according to the ranking, the first place can get a full score of 10, the second place is 9 points, and the third place is 8 points... The tenth place gets 1 point!

After winning the first place in the identification of medicinal materials, Qin Shaofeng's total score reached 14 points, but compared with Master Ling, he was still 3 points behind.

Because he won the second place in the identification of medicinal materials, he got 4 points again, which brought his total score to 17 points!

After the medicine identification competition is over, if the next competition is related to medicines.

Because the next game that needs to be played is planting.

Planting is also an indispensable occupation in the ancient sanctuary. People with excellent planting ability will be called planters!

The existence of the planter is naturally the role of planting medicinal materials.

But planters must be underestimated, because planters need special talents, such as having the origin of the law of life, or the origin of the law of wood, in order to be qualified to become a planter.

And this is just a qualification. If you want to truly become a planter, you must cultivate to a certain level based on the origin of these two laws, because in this way can you assist the growth of medicinal materials.

Some powerful planters, medicinal materials that can bloom and bear fruit for a thousand years will be able to bear fruit in hundreds or even decades.

Imagine that it took a thousand years to collect successful medicinal materials, but now it only takes hundreds or even decades. What a good thing is this?

This is why, the planting competition can be classified as one of the five out of 5 competitions.

Regarding this planting competition, for Qin Shaofeng, it was also a confident competition.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng had a god-level active skill planting technique before!

In fact, because of this planting competition, Qin Shaofeng thought of the planting technique he had before, and after some experiments, Qin Shaofeng found that his planting technique still existed, but it did not show it.

However, after some research, Qin Shaofeng finally discovered a situation he hadn't discovered before.

Those are some of the special skills he had before. If the skills have not evolved after being strengthened by the Eye of Gods and Demons, he can completely consume skill points and refine these skills again.

It's just that, in this way, it can't be strengthened by the eyes of gods and demons, and it can't be evolved.

However, the skills refined in this way can get a brand new and updated system for a special enhancement.

After all, for Qin Shaofeng now, only the skills that have been strengthened by the system can help him a little bit.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already refined the planting technique because of the planting competition.

Even in order to increase the ability of the planting technique, Qin Shaofeng also paid 5 skill points for this, plus 1 skill point extracted by the system.

Before and after this, Qin Shaofeng spent 6 skill points for the planting technique.

After possessing the planting technique, Qin Shaofeng's attribute interface also changed again.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Peak

Experience value: 100%

Occupation: Devil

The pill of law: 1000/100 (the total is one hundred, the current power of 1000 pill of law in the limit task state)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Gods and Demons

Skills: Blessing of the King, Eyes of Gods and Demons, Pills of Gods and Demons, Great Law of Gods and Demons Refining Body, Copy of Gods and Demons

Special skills: Implantation

Envoy: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Knife, Demon Cloud

Tasks: Upgrading the law of extremes, all-around champion (stage seven)

Skill points: 41

System exchange point: 416600

Props: Infinite Resurrection (Card)

Family members: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, World Incarnation, Yan Yang (Indestructible Incarnation), Leng Ruqing (Indestructible Incarnation)


After refining the planting technique, Qin Shaofeng's attribute interface has another special skill column under the skill column, and the planting technique is in this special skill column.

After the planting technique evolution system has been strengthened, it is still planting technique. It has not been strengthened by the eyes of gods and demons, so it has not evolved into such skills as gods and demons planting technique.

Qin Shaofeng remembered his previous planting technique, which seemed to have been upgraded to level 5, and when it was refined, Qin Shaofeng also saw the attributes of level 5 planting technique.

Planting technique: Level 5 10/1 million, god-level active skill. It is also one of the special skills. It has no combat effectiveness, but it has an unparalleled powerful ability in planting medicinal materials and has a great auxiliary effect on the growth of medicinal materials.

The current level is 5, which can impose twenty times accelerated light on medicinal materials. Under the light of twenty times acceleration, medicinal materials can grow twenty times faster, and the maintenance time is three months! The current level can be cast ten times a day, and the 5th level planting technique can apply accelerated light to up to 100 medicinal plants.

(Note: The Accelerated Light of Planting does not consume any power from the player, and it can also have the same effect on any medicinal material. However, in addition to using Accelerated Light, it can increase the level in addition to proficiency. Planting can only rely on the promotion of props. Level up!)

Before this, Qin Shaofeng had the attributes of Level 5 Planting Technique.

And after this refinement, after Qin Shaofeng consumed 5 skill points, the planting technique also changed greatly.

Planting technique: special skills, no combat effectiveness. However, it has a strong ability to assist growth and accelerate the formation of medicinal materials and special materials.

The current level is 1 star, with 1 acceleration light and 1 deceleration light!

This is the planting technique Qin Shaofeng has now, and it is also a star skill, and it does not have a growth aid for medicinal materials, and even has special replication capabilities for some special materials.

The 1-star planting technique has the light of level 1 acceleration and deceleration!

Level 1 Acceleration Light: Special skill, one of the exclusive skills of planting technique. After use, it can accelerate ten times of some life forms such as medicinal materials. (Can be superimposed)

Level 1 Accelerating Light can make a medicinal plant grow ten times faster.

This is not the time acceleration of the previous implant surgery, but a tenfold increase in all aspects.

If it is only time accelerating, then the light of accelerating requires sufficient strength around the medicinal materials that need to be accelerated to absorb the medicinal materials in the accelerated state. If the force is not enough, no matter how fast the acceleration is, it will be useless.

But with the current implantation technique, this ten-fold acceleration is a complete acceleration, and it can be achieved without any absorption at all.

For example, if a medicinal material that needs ten years of growth is now cast by Qin Shaofeng with Level 1 Acceleration Light, then even if this medicinal material is placed in a place where the spiritual power of heaven and earth is exhausted, it can mature in a year.

Moreover, once this accelerated light is displayed, it can actually last for hundreds of years.

Most importantly, this accelerating light can be superimposed!

The light of level 1 acceleration can be stacked three times, which is 30 times the acceleration.

This is the ability of Qin Shaofeng's current planting technique.

As for the deceleration, it is even more difficult.

Level 1 Light of Slowing: A special skill, one of the exclusive skills of planting technique, after use, it can gain a slowing state on any object. (Can be superimposed)

When he first saw the light of deceleration, Qin Shaofeng thought it was a state of blessing to slow down the medicinal materials.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that this thing was useless. At most, it could be used for some special medicinal materials. When they mature, because the maturity time is too short, if they get the light of deceleration, then there is enough time to pick it.

But after some experiments, Qin Shaofeng discovered the true effect of this slowing light.

Even seriously, the ability of the light of deceleration must be above the light of acceleration.

It's completely against the rhythm!

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