Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1343: In trouble

Chapter 1343

In Qin Shaofeng, he continued to portray the nine basic law attribute **** patterns, and then constantly arranged a yuan array.

Then, Qin Shaofeng used a one-yuan formation to form a formation.

When Qin Shaofeng combined the formation with a one-element formation, the Ling Gongzi and others who were also on the field also showed their magical powers.

Gu Bo arranged a special formation with the special strength of the ancients.

After the formation of this formation, it can be condensed into a **** pattern, and then using these condensed formations and **** patterns, Gu Bo began to arrange a more powerful formation.

Of course, such things can only be done by Gu Bo, who feels the strongest blood of the ancients.

According to Gu Bo's current situation and speed, it seems that it is not difficult to pass this second stage of the game.

The demon prince of the ancient demon clan is even more eye-catching.

Because the demon prince arranged it, it was a big blood evil formation.

This blood evil formation is based on the blood sacrifice of living beings. From the beginning, the one-star level is the standard. The more blood is injected, the higher the level of the blood evil formation.

As the demon prince of the ancient demon clan and one of the ancient demon clan's three royal families, this demon prince was naturally stained with countless blood.

Even at this moment, the demon prince has many special space masters, and the space inside contains a large number of creatures.

And these creatures in his captivity are for his demon prince to perform blood sacrifices at any time.

With the arrangement of the Blood Fiend as it is now, these creatures will come in handy.

Moreover, according to the speed and circumstances of the Demon Prince, he didn't need any consumption of his own, and he could just throw in the blood of the captive creatures.

So, this time I am afraid he will be the first to pass the game.

However, with such a **** technique, except for those of the same Demon Race, I am afraid that any race will be unhappy after seeing it. Many people even hope that the referee will deny the demon prince's approach and directly eliminate it.

But this is obviously impossible, because the power produced by the demon prince's blood sacrifice to the creatures is all used by him to use special methods to condense a **** **** pattern that is only one star.

And these one-star blood color lines will only change after the blood fiend is injected into the big formation.

Therefore, the situation of the devil prince is also considered to be in line with the rules of the game.

After all, the **** **** mark he condensed was a one-star **** mark, but only after the Lord entered the blood evil formation, there was a change.

Eliminate violations?

This is simply impossible.

In addition to Gu Bo and the Demon Prince, the Kylin Young Master and the Demon God Prince also performed well.

However, the most amazing thing is Young Master Ling.

In the early years, there was a saying in the ancient sanctuary that the spirit son of the spirit race awakened the body of the holy spirit and awakened the origin of a hundred laws.

But after all, it's just a circulated speculation. Some people believe it, others don't, and many people don't believe it.

After all, awakening the origin of the one hundred laws is really incredible.

However, after this competition, I am afraid that no one will hold any doubts about the claim that the spirit has the origin of a hundred laws.

Because the facts are now in front of everyone.

This son of spirit indeed possesses the origin of a hundred laws!

The formation of Lord Ling this time is a bit special, it is the unique formation of the spirit race-Bailing Great Formation!

The Bailing Great Array is a very special formation, because the Bailing Great Array does not have a specific level, and it has different levels of Bailing Great Arrays for the means of arranging the formation.

In other words, this Bailing Great Formation may also be set up, it will only be a one-star formation, but there are also possible nine-star formations.

This is a special formation that is unique to the spirit race, because this great Bailing formation needs the body of the Holy Spirit that can only be possessed by the spirit race.

The more powerful the body of the Holy Spirit, the more powerful the lark array can be arranged.

As a perfect body of the Holy Spirit that is rarely awakened in the spirit race, the Bailing array arranged by the spirit master is even more not simple.

Because the Bailing Great Array arranged by Lord Ling could use some special methods to raise its level.

This is what the Lord Ling is doing now.

The arrangement of the Bailing Array is very peculiar. No matter what cultivation level it is, it needs the power of a hundred laws of origin to arrange the Bailing Array.

Therefore, even if other people know how the Bailing Great Array is arranged, but because there is no Spirit Race's holy spirit body and there is no source of a hundred laws, it is impossible to arrange this Bailing Great Array.

In fact, there is a saying among some powerful people in the ancient sanctuary, that is, the Bailing Great Array of the Spirit Race is actually a strongest of the Spirit Race. , A special formation created by its own body of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, the Bailing Great Array, like the Yiyuan Array of Zhoutian Hunyuan Array, has the characteristics of self-upgrading.

At the beginning of the game, Lord Ling seemed to decide to pass the second stage of the game with this Bailing array.

Therefore, he immediately exploded the origin of the hundred laws in his body immediately.

The origins of a hundred laws broke out at the same time, but they were extremely dazzling on the court.

At this moment, everyone finally believed that Master Ling possessed a hundred kinds of laws.

And this is what they saw, it means that Young Master Wudingling has other sources of law!

After all, the arrangement of the Bailing Great Formation only requires a hundred principles of origin, and that is enough.

After the explosion of the origins of the hundreds of laws, Master Ling condensed the power of the laws of these 100 origins into one point outside of his body, forming a pill of the laws that looked like one after another.

Then, Master Ling used these hundred pill of special laws, which can be regarded as the one hundred eyes of the Bailing formation.

According to the layout of the Bailing Great Array, Master Ling arranged the hundred formations, and then arranged the Bailing Great Array.

As soon as this Bailing formation appeared, it was a one-star formation.

In the second stage of the match, there are special requirements, such as setting up a formation, but if this formation can be upgraded to an upgrade-like star rating, then it can be considered as a pass.

This is also considered to be a formation, but this formation can be slowly upgraded to a seven-star level with a one-star level, then it is considered passable.

The blood evil formation of the Demon Prince was actually the same.

However, such an upgraded formation requires at least a quarter of an hour in a star, if it does not maintain a quarter of an hour, it will be considered a failure.

The Bailing array arranged by Lord Ling is actually extremely easy to improve with his perfect body of the Holy Spirit.

Because the spirit master can have more than a hundred law origins in his body, and now the Bailing Great Array is arranged with one hundred of them, and it can be maintained at all times.

And most importantly, this is just a competition, there are no other special requirements.

To put it simply, under such circumstances, there is no danger in setting up the formation.

Therefore, Lord Ling has no vigilance at all, because this is an almighty competition that is very safe. Besides, Lord Ling knows in his heart that there is a place where the sovereign of his spirit race is present, so what else does he need to worry about?

Therefore, Young Master Ling is very crazy. He directly arranges the one hundred law powers of the one hundred laws in his body, forming the eyes, and the one hundred laws in his body that are opposite to the one hundred laws. Are directly connected.

This is very dangerous behavior.

By doing this, Young Master Ling would certainly allow the Bailing Array he arranged to increase the star rating easily, and even if it was upgraded to seven or even eight stars, there was no problem, the only thing was that it would take time.

But this is also very dangerous. With the eyes of the Bailing Great Array, it corresponds to understanding the origin of one's own hundred laws, which is actually arranging the array with oneself.

Because once the formation is attacked, it will be fed back to Master Ling himself.

If he was attacked enough to defeat the Bailing Great Array, then Lord Ling himself would suffer an extremely heavy injury.

The slightest injury can be serious, and the severer the law of origin is loss of origin and damage to the foundation. If it is more serious, there is a possibility of direct fall.

But now it is on the scene of the Almighty Tournament, in the Nirvana Realm, and there is still the sovereign supreme of the spirit race on the scene, so there is no worries for the spirit son at all, so what should I worry about?

In fact, it was precisely because he knew the same reason, and he also knew that there was the sovereign supreme of the demon family present, and the demon prince began to arrange the blood evil array with countless blood of creatures so unscrupulously.

After the Lord Ling has connected the hundred eyes of the Bailing Great Formation that have been arranged, corresponding to the origins of the hundreds of laws in his body, he now only needs to inject the power of the origins of these 100 laws into the outside. On the hundred eyes of the Bailing Great Array, the Bailing Great Array can slowly increase its star rating.

Therefore, in the situation of Young Master Ling, it was a very easy thing to pass the second stage of the formation in one day.

Even if it is a fight, even if it is to upgrade this Bailing array to eight stars, it is not impossible.

Of course, if that were the case, Master Ling would probably consume too much and could not continue the game.

But then again, in the second stage of the formation, only a seven-star formation is needed.

This is no longer a pressure on Young Master Ling.

For the time being, Lord Ling and the others, Qin Shaofeng is in some trouble.

Qin Shaofeng felt that the formation of this elementary array should have a great demand for his own spiritual consciousness when he arranged the four-dimensional array.

However, Qin Shaofeng finally decided to continue trying because he had already increased to a thousand pill of laws and the power of the gods and demons in his body had also been greatly increased.

A four-dimensional array requires two two-dimensional arrays, that is, eight one-element arrays.

And for the eight one-element formations, it is necessary to portray 864 **** patterns with the attributes of the nine basic laws.

This is simple for Qin Shaofeng, it's only more than 800.

The five-star Bagua Array requires only eight four-dimensional arrays, which is only sixty-four one-yuan arrays.

This is just to portray 6912 **** patterns!

Less than seven thousand, still very easy.

No pressure!

But soon, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was not an easy task.

At first glance, the Four Elephant Array and the Bagua Array are just four-star and five-star arrays, and there is one star difference between the two.

And for Qin Shaofeng, the depiction of 6912 **** patterns is not a thing at all.

Combining these 6912 to Shenwen to form sixty-four one-element formations, it is also easy.

Then sixty-four one-element arrays are formed into thirty-two two-element arrays, and then thirty-two two-element arrays are formed into eight four-image arrays.

This way down, Qin Shaofeng is not a problem.

However, Qin Shaofeng ran into some troubles when forming the eight hexagram arrays.

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