Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1348: He is here to make trouble

Chapter 1348

Preservation **** pattern is freshness **** pattern, **** pattern used to keep some items fresh, usually used on ingredients.

Although you don't need to eat as long as you enter the Seven Realms of the World, after entering the Domination Realm, that's even more so.

But in fact, there are still places like restaurants in the ancient sanctuary, and there are not many restaurants in the entire ancient sanctuary.

Of course, what these restaurants immediately do is not just a simple dish.

The wine is definitely a rare wine!

The finest wine is brewed with the best medicinal materials and countless precious natural materials.

This kind of wine is not only a peerless delicacy, but also helpful for cultivation.

The dishes are absolutely peerless dishes!

There are a lot of fierce beasts, monster beasts, and rare beasts. As long as the price is enough, you can eat anything you want.

Even beasts are fine!

However, it is precisely because of this situation that the preservation of food ingredients is very important.

Although the monster beasts that reached the seven worlds, or other beasts, after being killed, their bodies can remain uncorrupted for a long time.

But if it is fresh, it can be difficult to maintain.

At this time, it would be different if there was a guarantee **** pattern.

Because once the god-guarantee pattern is depicted, the freshness can be maintained, and the fresh state of a monster beast after death can be completely fixed.

Even if it is ordinary chicken, duck and fish meat, if it is loaded with an item depicting the gods of preservation, even if it has been left for thousands of eight hundred years, when it is taken out again, it will be the same as the one just killed.

But the god-guarantee pattern is just such a function, at most, it is used to keep the freshness of the ingredients and fruits.

Injecting the guarantee **** pattern into the ethereal **** pattern, then the ethereal **** pattern of the space **** pattern with no attribute itself will be transformed into the guarantee **** pattern by injecting the guarantee **** pattern.

Well, it's still a guarantee of the **** pattern, but with the special spatial ability of the ethereal **** pattern, it can be upgraded.

The guarantee **** pattern is among the one-star **** patterns, and even among all **** patterns, it is the simplest **** pattern.

Even some simple formation patterns are easier to portray than this guarantee **** pattern.

And as long as the body possesses enough power, even people in the realm of the realm can barely portray this guaranteed **** pattern.

This is also one of the few special **** patterns that can be portrayed without the power of law.

Usually, to maintain the freshness, a guarantee **** pattern is enough.

A storage ring is carved with a guarantee **** pattern, which can maintain the freshness of a large number of items.

However, in some restaurants, storage or anything is not suitable when handling some huge volume of ingredients.

In order to ensure that the freshness of the ingredients will not decrease during the processing, at this time, it is necessary to arrange the formation of the guarantee **** pattern.

Well, it's the formation that is arranged with the **** of guarantee pattern.

This formation is very simple, with three or more guarantee **** patterns in a certain array position, it can be successfully deployed.

There is no need to maintain the power of the law, nor do you need to consume any spiritual knowledge, just put it on it.

In this regard, as long as anyone knows the method of formation, he can arrange the formation of the guarantee **** pattern, and he can achieve it without a cultivation base.

However, the preserving **** pattern formation method arranged in this way does not increase the freshness preservation ability, but only expands the preservation range.

In fact, the one-star guarantee pattern is enough to keep any ingredients fresh, and there is no need to upgrade the guarantee pattern to two stars.

Of course, it is estimated that no one will be bored enough to upgrade the guarantee **** pattern to the two-star level.

The reason is very simple. Regardless of the one-star, two-star, or three-star warranty, the effect is the same to keep it fresh.

Moreover, the guaranteed **** pattern is one of the only special **** patterns whose power does not seem to increase regardless of the number of stars.

A long time ago, there were rumors that a certain **** pattern master felt that the guarantee **** pattern must have a unique ability, as long as its level is raised, it will definitely appear.

For this reason, the master of the **** pattern has spent tens of thousands of time studying how to improve the guarantee of the **** pattern.

It's a pity that in the end, he researched the method to upgrade the God Mark to six stars, and he didn't even research the so-called unique ability of God Mark.

Because even if it is upgraded to a six-star warranty, its ability is still the same as that of a one-star, with no change at all.

In the end, the master of Shenwen was hit hard by this incident, and finally died in depression.

Since then, no one has gone to study the warranty **** pattern.

That perfection is in vain, not necessary.

And Qin Shaofeng seems to be upgrading the guaranteed **** pattern to the star level, and then arranges the guarantee **** pattern formation.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's speed is still very fast, the guarantee **** pattern is portrayed, but it is very simple, with Qin Shaofeng's ability, only a finger is lightly hooked, and a guarantee **** pattern is depicted.

Even within a second, Qin Shaofeng was able to paint hundreds of guaranteed **** patterns at once.

Especially at this moment when he is still in the state of God's recovery, the speed is even faster.

Hundreds of thousands per second can be done.

Therefore, before long, the three ethereal **** patterns in front of Qin Shaofeng had been upgraded to four or five stars.

Well, four or five-star warranty **** pattern!

Seeing such a situation, people were finally convinced that Qin Shaofeng was really planning to arrange the formation of the guarantee **** pattern.

Seven-star guarantee **** pattern formation?

Uh, this looks like it can be arranged!

The arrangement of the guarantee **** pattern formation method is very simple. It does not require a certain level of cultivation, or even consumes the power of its own laws and spiritual knowledge.

Just put it out directly.

Moreover, the formation of the guarantee **** pattern is the same temperament as the guarantee **** pattern.

The one-star guaranteed **** pattern formation has exactly the same effect as the six-star guaranteed **** pattern formation.

At most, the scope will be expanded, but under such conditions, if you add more one-star warranty **** patterns, you can still do it.

Therefore, no one will arrange the two-star guarantee **** pattern formation in order to expand the coverage of the guarantee **** pattern formation, not to mention the five-star and six-star guarantee **** pattern formation.

But the current situation is that in the second phase of the formation, there are no requirements for the formation of the formation!

This means that the seven-star guaranteed **** pattern formation is also passable.

So, after a minute or two, after Qin Shaofeng used three seven-star guarantee **** patterns to form a large array of seven-star guarantee **** patterns, he passed.

Qin Shaofeng has passed the second stage of the game!

Really passed!

This has made countless people completely surprised!

"My grass, this is fine too?"

"Why can't it? This is also a seven-star formation! Although it is only a guarantee of the **** pattern formation..."

"I was about to cry, so there is such a simple way of passing?"

"This is so weird, I didn't expect that the God Marks could be so useful!"

"Well, after I go back, I want to study the formation of the **** pattern, because after learning it, I can crush countless people who were eliminated in the first stage of the formation!"

"Hahaha, this is a good idea, you can have it!"

Countless people are talking about it, and most of the players who were eliminated in the first stage are almost crying.

It was because they suddenly discovered that the second stage of the arrangement was a hundred times simpler than the first stage.

With the guaranteed **** pattern formation, this second stage is completely a joke, OK?

It seemed to prove that the voices of these crying players were like, and a voice suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"I now suddenly have a hunch that something bad will happen soon!"

"I also have this hunch. I think that among the 1,800 players who passed the first stage of the formation competition, it is estimated that 1,500 players will pass the second stage of the competition!"

"Oh, I think all these 1,000 or 800 contestants will pass!"

"Haha, facing such a result, I said that I was about to laugh and cry!"

"Sure enough, Qin Shaofeng is here to make trouble. Not to mention that he has won the championship in all fields, and now he still has such a way of cheating. I think this time the layout match is probably going to be yellow."

"Hey, I just want to know what those referees think!"

"Hahaha, that said, I also thought of it!"




Very ugly!

At this moment, after watching Qin Shaofeng easily pass this stage of the game, the faces of all the referees were very ugly.

At this moment, they all hated Qin Shaofeng in their hearts.

Special, this Qin Shaofeng girl is here to make trouble, right?

Let him use this guarantee **** tattoo, can this game continue?

The referees of these line-up matches are now worried.

Because they all remembered that Qin Shaofeng was able to pass the second stage of the game with this guaranteed **** pattern, so why couldn't the others?

And no matter how simple it is to pass it, I didn't expect it to appear.

It has already appeared. If no one chooses it, there is probably something wrong with the brain.

After all, the master of **** lines at the beginning, but published the results of studying the **** lines.

Now anyone who knows a little about the **** pattern can paint a six-star guarantee **** pattern.

Of course, this so-called six-star guarantee **** pattern is not directly portrayed, but is a fusion of a large number of one-star guarantee **** patterns.

And because there is no difference between the six-star guarantee **** pattern and the one-star guarantee **** pattern, this kind of fusion is at best upgrading the star.

Therefore, the fusion of the guaranteed **** pattern to upgrade the star is also much less than the fusion and upgrade of other **** patterns.

However, not many people care about this kind of warranty **** pattern.

But now it's different!

With the vivid example of Qin Shaofeng, how could anyone not follow suit?

Although in this field of ability, only champions and top ten players can be rewarded generously.

But in fact, as long as the players participating in any competition, even if they get a little bit of results, they can get some rewards.

Although there are not many rewards, it is a very good reward for many players.

In these last five competitions, but even more so.

Through the first stage of the competition, the rewards of the second stage of the competition are different from each other, and even compared, the more rewards later, the more generous.

Now the second stage of the formation of the game can be passed in such a simple way, and then more generous rewards can be obtained.

Naturally, you won't miss it, especially for those players who can't pass.

Then, just as the referee and everyone expected, the players on the field began to lay out the guarantee **** pattern.

Even some of the players who had already arranged the formation and were about to complete the formation, they all dispersed the formation, and then began to portray the guarantee **** pattern, ready to set up the guarantee **** pattern formation.

Then, it didn't take long for the players to pass.

And the appearance of this scene made the referees more aware of the thoughts in their hearts.

Then Qin Shaofeng was here to make trouble!

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