Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1350: Tower

Chapter 1350 Array Tower

The second stage of the formation of the game continues, and through this stage, more and more players.

After Qin Shaofeng’s seven-star guarantee **** pattern formation appeared, after passing this stage of the game, the players who passed behind were the first two or three players. The rest of the players who passed were all using the guarantee **** pattern formation. passed.

In the face of such a situation, let alone other people, even the players who passed the game thought it was an incredible thing.

Through the competition, is it so easy?

For a time, this situation made many passing players feel full of Qin Shaofeng.

Because they all knew that if it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng to maintain the **** pattern formation, through this stage of the game, I am afraid no one would have thought of this.

But facing the same situation, those who dominate the Supreme can be embarrassed.

Because according to this situation, the content of the third stage of the game prepared before is obviously not suitable.

So now it is time to renegotiate the content of the third stage.

"What to do? According to this situation, the original third stage of the game should be cancelled!"

"Of course it has been cancelled. The game can be attended by up to fifty players. Now there are more than 1,000 players who have passed the second stage. That game is no longer suitable and can only be cancelled!"

"Yeah, there is no way, it can only be cancelled, then what about the next game?"

"It's difficult. If you have time, it would be okay. After all, this third stage of the game will definitely be more difficult than the previous two, and it will take some time to prepare."

"Time is not a problem, the most important thing is, this time we must be prepared a little bit, and the players will take advantage of it again!"

This sentence was uttered by a Domination Supreme, and the scene was suddenly cold.

Take advantage of it?

These three words make them painful to the strongest.

After all, all the items in this all-around competition were decided by the strongest of them. Someone could exploit the loopholes, and in the end they took a bunch of people to exploit the loopholes.

How to say, this is also a bit dull!

However, this is not the time to talk about this. The second stage of the formation has been played for four or five hours and will soon be over.

If at the end, the content of the third stage is not available, then the strongest of them will be ashamed.

But how can the third stage of the game be played?

For a while, these masters began to discuss.

But with the discussion, the proposals and methods put forward were quickly rejected by everyone.

Either there are loopholes, or it is too easy, or it is too difficult, it is not like a game at all.

In short, after many proposals, none is suitable.

In the end, one of the many Domination Supremes present seemed to say that some old Domination Supreme spoke.

"All these must be handed over to the old man, he has a way!"

When the Domination Supreme spoke, he attracted the attention of all the Domination Supreme.

Because this domineering supreme is exactly the setter of this all-around competition.

Whether it is the space formation or the time acceleration formation on the field, it is all made by the opponent.

Regarding the training and formation ability of the confrontation method, all the masters in the room, including Jiang Hengtian, the **** of the demon clan, were not as good as the opponent.

Now that this person has spoken like this, then the Domination Supremes present are not discussing anything.

Because the emperor who dominates the supreme title is the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays, and now it is a set-up match, he said to give it to him, then give it to him.


In the second stage of the match, the day has finally passed.

This stage of the game is over.

But as everyone expected, the pass rate of the second stage of the game was incredible.

Except at the beginning, because of the formation of the formation, the few players who suffered the defeat of the formation, almost all of the more than 1,800 players on the field passed.

The success rate reaches 99.99%!

Because after Qin Shaofeng, none of the players who passed with the formation of guaranteeing the **** pattern failed at all.

Although it is impossible for other people to be like Qin Shaofeng, they can paint hundreds of guarantee **** patterns in an instant.

But the guaranteed **** pattern is the simplest **** pattern after all. For these thousand or 800 players, twenty or thirty lines are drawn between one breath, which is completely as simple as breathing.

And because of the unique nature of the warranty **** pattern, even in the case of mutual fusion, the one-star warranty **** pattern is merged into the two-star, it only needs three one-star guarantee **** patterns.

The fusion of three-star is just a dozen one-star warranty **** patterns.

Even if a six-star guarantee **** pattern is integrated, the one-star guarantee **** pattern is only three thousand.

In such a situation, if there are still players failing, that would be a rare thing!

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six!

Finally, a total of 1,836 players passed the second stage of the formation!

Faced with such a number and situation, Qin Shaofeng himself was a little dazed.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he saw the great Bailing formation of Lord Ling, combined with the ability of the ethereal **** pattern he could portray, and then planned to find the simplest formation to pass the second stage of the game.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose the Warranty God Pattern in the end.

I don't know if the guarantee **** pattern is too simple, Baidi, the lord Baidi, is a little disgusted with it. Among the things taught to Qin Shaofeng, this guarantee **** pattern does not exist.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was completely unaware of the situation in which the Jindao master studied the guarantee of the **** pattern.

Otherwise, he would not use the ethereal **** pattern to absorb the power of the guarantee **** pattern, and eventually form the ethereal **** pattern with the attributes of the seven-star guarantee **** pattern, and then arrange the seven-star guarantee **** pattern formation.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not expect this to happen.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

Besides, the referee didn't say anything, why is he a player worrying about it?

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't take it to heart. Instead, he waited comfortably for the start of the third stage.

At this time, many people are looking forward to the content of the third stage.

After all, this time, there were 1,800 players!

I'm afraid that even the organizer of the Almighty Tournament did not expect such a situation.

Things like this now are funny.

Therefore, everyone is very interested in what will happen in the end.

However, in the end, a situation that was beyond everyone's expectation and reasonableness appeared, and the content of the third stage of the game appeared.

The change is definitely changed, but after the change this time, there is nothing wrong with it.

Because this time in the third and final stage of the formation, the match broke.

Break the formation in the tower!

The formation tower, as its name suggests, is a tower with formations, and there are countless formations in the formations, one-star and two-star...

Even if it is a nine-star formation, there are many in this formation.

In general, the formation tower is a tower with countless various formations!

Therefore, the rank of the tower is also very high.

Nine-star master!

And in terms of ability, it is absolutely far beyond the average nine-star master.

Even in the hands of its owner, it has the power of a ten-star master.

Naturally, this tower is the destiny of the Great Emperor Wanzhen.

To be precise, the formation tower should be the ruler of the ten thousand formations emperor's life.

Taking out the formation tower to let 1,836 players compete, this is a big deal.

Even the moment they saw the tower, everyone was boiling.

"Oh my God, it's actually a tower? In the third stage of the match, there was a tower?"

"Nine-star master! And the power is still comparable to the ten-star master! Unexpectedly!"

"Hahaha, this time the Almighty Tournament is right, I didn't expect to see the legendary Ten Thousand Array Emperor's natal master tower, it's my honor! It's a big loss!"

"It seems that this all-around competition is really valued by the strongest players, and they actually took out the tower to compete!"

"It's incredible! It's just incredible!"



Outside the arena, the crowd is boiling!

In the arena, the 1,836 players were also extremely excited.

Even the arrogant Tianjiao like Master Ling, after seeing the formation tower again, his expression became excited.

"The formation tower, I didn't expect it to be the formation tower. This is really great!"

There was an inexplicable brilliance in Lord Ling's eyes, and information about the tower suddenly appeared in his mind.

The most powerful ruler of the Ten Thousand Array Emperor, this array tower.

Not to mention the self-contained space within this array tower, and there are countless spaces inside, and there are even many magical and special arrays in the array tower.

There are formations to enhance the cultivation of people, formations to enhance human bloodlines and potential, and even formations to awaken the human body. In short, there are a lot of special formations.

The existence of the Great Emperor Wanzhen was almost the same as that of Jiang Hengtian, the heavenly emperor of the Famo clan, and both emperors were from the same period.

Moreover, although the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Forms was born ordinary and was not a person of a strong blood group, the opponent had some origins with a certain of the Spirit Race and the most powerful emperor of the same period as Emperor Void.

In this respect, the opponent is also considered to be a person of spiritual power.

However, the Great Emperor Wanzhen liked to come and go alone, and he didn't clearly say that he was a member of the Spirit Race.

But Master Ling knew that the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays had some powerful special formations of the Spirit Race in his hands.

Of those powerful special formations, some of them can't be arranged even by the spirit race, but such formations exist in the tower of the Great Ten Thousand Array.

But because the Great Ten Thousand Arrays and the current Spirit Race are just ordinary acquaintances, it is difficult for the strong of the Spirit Race to force the Great Ten Thousand Arrays to surrender these formations.

Therefore, these formations are only available in the formation tower.

Thinking of a certain formation, Young Master Ling was also extremely excited.

"Perhaps this time, I can find the legendary formation, and then..."

Thinking of some possibilities, Master Ling became excited all over.

At the same time, in that special small space, the Master Bai and other Domination Supremes also hesitated at this moment.

"Why are you taking out the formation tower now?"

"Yeah, isn't it too early now!"

"It's not the point long ago. The point is that these more than 1,800 players are not suitable candidates!"

"Well, it's a bit early!"


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