Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1363: Can this actually work?

Chapter 1363 How Could This Work?

After condensing the pattern of the Great Dao, the power possessed, or the power of the law, is much more than the one thousand pill of the law.

ten times!

After a thousand pill of law is condensed into the pattern of the avenue, the power of the law that can be accommodated will be increased ten times, which is equivalent to the power of the law that can be accommodated by 10,000 pill of law.

And Qin Shaofeng arranged the eight hundred and sixty-four pill of laws into eight one-element arrays, and then formed four one-element two-yi arrays in turn, and finally formed a one-element four-image array, after his 864 rules Dan, directly increased by twelve times!

This Yuan Liangyi Array is only twice as big, and when it comes to the One Yuan and Four Elephant Array, it directly becomes twelve times.

I have to say that this Yuan Array is really a powerful array.

The eight hundred and sixty-four pill of the law has been increased twelve times, which is equivalent to 10,358 pill of the law, and Qin Shaofeng still has 136 pill of the law not used for formation.

Calculated in this way, Qin Shaofeng's state at this moment is equivalent to the realm of having 10,500 pill of laws.

Moreover, it was also due to the formation of the formation. Qin Shaofeng's power of the gods and demons was still sufficient, and it was also increased twelve times.

Of course, this improvement is only due to the blessing of the formation. If Qin Shaofeng now has one more pill of law, Qin Shaofeng’s power of the gods and demons cannot make this pill of law also possess. The power of gods and demons.

The power of the gods and demons is enough, but the one-element four-image array composed of the 864 pill of law can not replace the pattern of the great road at all.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng felt very clearly that he now has the power of gods and demons at the peak of Nirvana, allowing him to reach the normal state of dominance.

But now on the supreme ruler, the one-element four-elephant array can not replace the pattern of the great road, and it is impossible for him to have a realm equivalent to the supreme ruler.

And there is a very serious problem.

That was Qin Shaofeng's discovery. After the 864 Unlawful Pill formed the one-element four-image array, the one-element four-image array was not very stable.

Why is there such a situation?

This is actually very simple. It's all because there are still 136 pill of law left, which are causing trouble!

A thousand pill of law, but a whole.

Now 864 pieces are divided to form a formation, but although the rest of the pill of law is in the whole tour, they are always distributing the 864 pill of law that has formed the one-element four-image array. Attractive.

After all, it is a whole, so if they are separated rashly, there will definitely be unsuitability.

This makes it difficult for Qin Shaofeng's inner world to maintain the one-element four-image array.

Qin Shaofeng even guessed that the one-element four-image array could not replace the pattern of the great road, because it did not use all of its own principles of pill.

If the one-element four-image array uses all his pill of law, then maybe this pill of law array is completely complete, and then it can replace the pattern of the great road.

Although this is just a guess, Qin Shaofeng thought in his heart that this was probably the reason.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng then tried to take the remaining 136 Pills of Law and arrange them in the one-element four-image array.

But the one-element four-image formation is already a complete formation, and it is also a natural formation.

This kind of formation is perfect, any increase or decrease will cause the formation to collapse directly.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng tried countless times, all of which ended in failure.

The 136 pill of law cannot be added to the one-element four-image array, even if the 136 pill of the law is divided into 108 pieces to form a one-element array, and then added to the one-element four-image array, Qin Shaofeng is also Failed countless times.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng was helpless after countless attempts failed.

Although he found a suitable formation, this formation was unable to use the one thousand pill of laws he possessed on the formation at once.

And even if Qin Shaofeng tried, he got some special formations from his master Baidi, but even if they appeared, they could deploy the formations with the pill of law.

But in the end, it wasn't the formation that was arranged, it didn't have the power of the formation, or the power was too low, and it didn't even have the effect of the one-yuan two-yi formation, so it was not suitable at all.

After numerous failed attempts, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized.

"It seems that the formation of the pill of law is used, although there are some, but if the formation of the pill of law is used instead of the pattern of the road, there will be no more!"

"No, no, but it doesn't mean that we should replace the pattern of the avenue with the formation method, and there is no way!" Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a light, and a flame of ambition ignited in that light.

"Since there is not, then I will create such a formation!"

Very arrogant!

If others were to know what Qin Shaofeng was thinking at the moment, he might think he was crazy.

Even a yuan formation can't do it, he actually wants to create such a formation?

What a joke!

Although the Yiyuan Formation is the simplest and most basic formation of the Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation, the entire Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation is a combination of such simple unification formations.

It can be said that the one yuan formation is also an extremely difficult formation.

And there is only this kind of natural formation of one yuan array with such a complicated combination state.

It is basically impossible to create a formation similar to a one-yuan formation.

Even the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays did not dare to say this.

But Qin Shaofeng thought so, and planned to do so.

Since the One Yuan Formation can be combined with the pill of transfer law and has a powerful formation after deployment, he can imitate the One Yuan Formation and create a similar formation.

As long as a thousand pill of laws can be combined to form a formation equivalent to the power of the pattern of the avenue, this is enough.

He is not greedy!

As long as the one thousand pill of laws in his inner world form a formation that can replace the pattern of the avenue, it is enough.

Of course, this is what Qin Shaofeng thinks from this point. In his situation, is this not greedy?

It is estimated to let others know, I am afraid they will scold him to death.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, not to mention creating an extremely difficult formation like Qin Shaofeng.

Although the Yiyuan Formation is here, Qin Shaofeng knows how to arrange it.

But if a formation is imitated according to a yuan formation, it is not a simple matter.

After a large number of combined formations in the first four floors of this tower, as well as countless one to four-star formations, and countless gods, Qin Shaofeng now dare not say that he has a thorough understanding of the battle.

But if it is only one to four stars, Qin Shaofeng still understands very clearly.

But even so, he failed again and again.

Creating a formation is not difficult for Qin Shaofeng, who is now a master of the formation, but if he wants to create a formation that can replace the pattern of the avenue with a thousand pill of law.

This is extremely difficult.

"Oh, it seems that I thought it was too simple!"

After another failure, Qin Shaofeng shook his head in distress, and sighed slightly.

Now according to Qin Shaofeng's space, he has been here for five or six months.

During these five or six months, Qin Shaofeng tried a lot of methods, but none of them created the formation.

Even if some formations were created, these formations were completely inadequate.

However, after many failed works, Qin Shaofeng finally figured out a path suitable for him.

That is to use a one-element array to reduce the array.

In other words, it is to reduce the formation of the one-yuan formation with the one-hundred-eight **** pattern.

Isn't the one yuan formation one hundred and eight **** patterns?

Then I will reduce it to a hundred pill of law, and I can arrange such a formation.

Moreover, in this way, it can be integrated according to the two-yi array, four-image array, and Bagua array of the one yuan array.

In this way, it is absolutely possible to integrate a thousand pill of laws into one formation.

However, it is not a simple matter to reduce the one-yuan formation and deploy the **** pattern.

Qin Shaofeng had failed many times before, and he had also failed many times.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng intends to cooperate with a special method to reduce the Yiyuan array.

This is actually based on the way that the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Arrays deployed the array.

Among the towers, Qin Shaofeng had seen it before, and the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Arrays arranged a one-star, two-star, three-star or even a four-star formation with the formation pattern.

For this arrangement, Qin Shaofeng also somewhat mastered it.

And although it was said that it was to reduce the formation of the one-yuan formation, in fact Qin Shaofeng used the arrangement of the gods of the ten thousand formations, and carried out an alternative one-yuan formation.

There are two kinds of powers in Qin Shaofeng's 1,000 Pills of Law, one is the power of Laws that the Pill of Law originally possesses, and the other is the power that can help Qin Shaofeng reach the dominance level and possess the dominance level cultivation base.

This kind of power is the power of the gods and demons from the magic pill!

Now Qin Shaofeng separated the two powers temporarily, and then regarded the pill of law as the power of formation patterns, and the power of gods and demons as the power of gods.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the power of the law possessed by the pill of law and the power of the gods and demons possessed by his divine and devil pill is the difference between formation patterns and **** patterns.

In this way, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng already had the power of a thousand pill of laws and the power of a thousand magic pill.

This seems to be thousands, and it hasn't changed much from the previous situation.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng’s power of the gods and demons is not a fixed existence. According to the attributes of the gods and demons, it is already a 5-star magical pill, but it has a thousand rules of pill. force.

But in fact, this is the same as the previous situation that when the indestructible incarnation of Yan Yang was still used, there were twelve cloud pills in the body, and then some law power, and the cloud pills could be transformed with the law pill.

This means that Qin Shaofeng can inject the two Pills of Law with equal power of the gods and demons, and cooperate to create the aura state of the Pill of Laws.

Or the power of the gods and demons of the two pill of laws, injected into the aura state equivalent to the pill of three laws.

Qin Shaofeng intends to ‘deceive’ the Yiyuan Array in this way, and then arrange the Yiyuan Array.

As a result, in this way, Qin Shaofeng actually arranged a one-yuan formation with a hundred pill of law.

It succeeded!

To be honest, even Qin Shaofeng himself was shocked when faced with such a situation.

Even though such an idea is reminded of the way that the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Arrays arranged star formations with formation patterns, this is a one-yuan formation!

Can this actually work?

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