Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 137: Blood Ghost

"kill me?"

Zhang Lingtian burst into laughter as if he had heard a big joke.

"Qin Shaofeng, don't be so self-righteous. I am not who I was at the beginning. I am now an innate martial artist, and I am still in the sixth realm. You can never be my opponent!"

"Innate martial arts master?" Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly, "Isn't he a martial artist in the sixth innate realm? I haven't killed many of them."


Qin Shaofeng's contempt made Zhang Lingtian suddenly angry.

"Qin Shaofeng, I know that after entering Lianyang Academy, you have got a great opportunity, and your cultivation has now risen to the realm of an innate martial artist, but compared to me, you still don't look enough!"

Qin Shaofeng did not hide his aura at this moment, his innate five-fold aura had long been sensed by Zhang Lingtian.

But because of this, Zhang Lingtian was almost mad.

In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng should have been him for all this now.

If Qin Shaofeng hadn't robbed him of the spot, Zhang Lingyun would be the one who entered Lianyang Academy.

Although his current realm was as high as Qin Shaofeng, only Zhang Lingtian knew the price paid.

If possible, Zhang Lingtian would not choose this path even if he could become a master of the spirit veins.

Therefore, in his eyes, all his current experiences are the cause of Qin Shaofeng.

Although Zhang Lingtian's destruction was very painful for Zhang Lingtian, he came to Qin Shaofeng not because of the deep enmity of Zhang Family, but the grudge between him and Qin Shaofeng.

Zhang's blood and deep hatred, it was only incidental.

Zhang Lingyun, who was full of endless hatred in his heart, couldn't help it anymore. With a thud, he rushed towards Qin Shaofeng with an astonishing breath, and he stretched out his hand and slapped it.


Seeing Zhang Lingtian's attack, Lord Tiger, who had long been dissatisfied, let out a low growl, and immediately greeted him after Qin Shaofeng left his back.

But the next moment, Zhang Lingyun just glanced at Lord Tiger contemptuously, and then snorted disdainfully, shaking his right hand, and blasting a black light.



It was just a black light, not only hitting the tiger master instantly, but also directly hitting the tiger master seriously.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng's heart. Master Tiger's defensive power, Qin Shaofeng knew that even if he was today, it would be difficult for him to hurt him without some special methods.

But this Ling Tian was just a casual blow, which severely injured Lord Tiger.

It can be seen that this Ling Tian's strength is by no means an ordinary innate sixth-tier martial artist.

Qin Shaofeng's expression did not change, he hurriedly retracted the Tiger Master into the beast space, and then secretly lifted the internal energy in his body, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a secret cry in his heart.

Tianshan Six Sun Palms!

With Zhang Lingtian's deep internal energy and demonstrated strength, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless, and directly used Tianshan Six Sun Palm.

Upon seeing this, that Zhang Lingtian also slashed with a palm, and between the palms, endless winds gushed out, which was much stronger than the black light before.


The palms collided, and there was a sudden explosion in the air, and an aura of wild wolf burst out at the moment the two met.

tread! tread! tread!

Qin Shaofeng just felt a huge force, coming from his palm, causing him to step back four or five steps involuntarily.

But Zhang Lingtian on the other side shook his body slightly, but took a half step back.

After the initial fight, Qin Shaofeng fell behind.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not suffer any injuries.


Seeing that Qin Shaofeng had only stepped back and his breath was still stable, Zhang Lingtian couldn't help but snorted. There were some dissatisfaction in his voice. It was obvious that Qin Shaofeng's strength also exceeded his expectations.

With a flash of blood in his right hand, Zhang Lingtian launched a fierce attack again.

"Blood Fiend Palm!"

With a bang, Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly.

Because he could feel that Zhang Lingtian's palm actually carried a terrifying **** evil spirit.

With that **** intensity, I am afraid that many people died at Zhang Lingtian's hands.

What a strong evil spirit!

How many people did this Ling Tian kill?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, not daring to neglect, with a light move with his right hand, a long sword appeared on his right hand.

Pour the Beidou!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's second sword and third style of the Quanzhen Sword Pour the Beidou in an instant.


A shocking impact shocked Qin Shaofeng's heart.

His sword was actually blocked by Zhang Lingtian's **** palm, and the long sword in his hand not only didn't hurt Zhang Lingtian, it was even held by Zhang Lingtian abruptly.

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian seemed to sneer, and then blasted Qin Shaofeng with his other hand.

The same blood light flashed, with a strong **** evil aura, amazing power.

not good!

Qin Shaofeng secretly said in his heart, not daring to keep his hands.

Qi surged in the body and instantly gathered on the long sword in his hand. Taking advantage of Zhang Lingtian's momentary unpreparedness, Qin Shaofeng violently shook Zhang Lingtian's hand away.

Withdrawing the long sword, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly swung the sword one block.

Galaxy wants to turn!

Qin Shaofeng took Zhang Lingtian's power from Zhang Lingtian's **** palm to the side.


After being discharged by Qin Shaofeng, a **** evil spirit blasted to the ground aside, and a pothole burst out in the ground. What's shocking was that there were rustling noises in the pothole. A suffocating air looked corroded.

Not only is it powerful, but it also has a powerful corrosive ability!

Looking at the pothole slightly, Qin Shaofeng's expression changed slightly, and his heart became more vigilant.


Qin Shaofeng took the opportunity to take a step forward, Ta Xue Wuhen started secretly, let himself flash away, and distanced himself from Zhang Lingtian.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng's face became extremely difficult to look.

Even though Zhang Lingtian's palm of strength had just been unloaded with the full true swordsmanship, there was still a lot of blood evil aura, attacking him along the long sword in his hand, causing him to be somewhat contaminated.

Feeling a corrosive force, drilled into his body, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly circulated the Yi Jin Jing, and forced out the **** breath with corrosive power.

But for a while, he was still injured!

Although there were only minor injuries, Qin Shaofeng was indeed injured at this moment!

This Ling Tian's strength is actually above that army!

Qin Shaofeng was a little shocked, but Zhang Lingtian was a little proud at the moment.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, what's wrong with you? What are you running? You are not very good, so why run!"

At the beginning, Zhang Lingtian still laughed triumphantly, but at the end of the talk, his voice became hissing, his whole body flashed red, and he rushed towards Qin Shaofeng full of blood.


Another **** palm blasted away, and Zhang Lingtian suddenly became a little mad.

Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly, and he could only passively defend with the full true swordsmanship.

But Zhang Lingtian seemed to be completely mad, blasting at Qin Shaofeng frantically, palm after palm, and laughed frantically as he hit.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect it, you also have today!"

"Why, where did the aura that abolished my Dantian?"

"Ha, don't just resist, you should also strike back!"


Facing Zhang Lingtian's crazy attack, Qin Shaofeng also complained in his heart.

Although Zhang Lingtian's every attack was blocked by himself with all true swordsmanship.

But the **** suffocating anger that erupted in every palm had caused Qin Shaofeng to suffer more or less trauma.

And because of the hurry before, Qin Shaofeng's internal energy was already less than 100,000 points.

Although every time a full-true sword technique with at least 3000 points of internal energy, within a short ten breaths, Qin Shaofeng's internal energy is about to be reduced to 50,000 points.

Can't go on like this!

With a gleam in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng directly blocked his sword, abruptly blocking Zhang Lingyun's attack with another palm.

Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shaofeng's left hand shook slightly, and a silver-white inner Qi knife gathered on his right hand.

Romantic Swordsman!

call out!

With a low drink, Qin Shaofeng's left hand shook violently, and the silver-white inner Qi knife instantly turned into a silver blade light and attacked Zhang Lingtian.


Abruptly blocking the horizontal sword, Zhang Lingtian's palm caused Qin Shaofeng to squirt blood.

But Qin Shaofeng was somewhat satisfied with the result.


The silver blade light flashed, and instantly hit Zhang Lingtian.

Although Zhang Lingtian finally reacted and prepared to dodge in an instant, he was finally hit by Xiao Li's flying knife in the shoulder.

I was actually injured!

Looking at the blood on his shoulders, Zhang Lingtian was a little dazed at first, but then he became completely angry.

"Ah, Qin Shaofeng, you dare to hurt me, you hurt me again, you are dead, dead!"

In the midst of the rage, Zhang Lingtian's whole body aura became a bit extremely unstable.

The **** red evil spirit grew stronger and stronger on him.

The black robe on Zhang Lingtian's body is more like in madness, hunting and hunting.

And at this moment, Qin Shaofeng accidentally saw Zhang Lingtian's face hidden under the black cloak.

The moment he saw it, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

What kind of face is that!

Like a soldering iron, Zhang Lingtian’s entire face was covered with scars, and Zhang Lingtian’s nose was gone, only two holes were left on his face, and his lips became extremely heterogeneous, just as if they had no lips. Teeth, ghastly.

There is also Zhang Lingtian's eyes, there are no eyelids anymore.

It was like two eyeballs exposed in the blood-red flesh hole, just to make people look at it, it was shaking all over.

This face is not a human face at all!

At least normal human beings would not have such a face.

Qin Shaofeng's extremely shocked gaze seemed to remind Zhang Lingtian of something. He suddenly pulled down the black cloak on his head and Zhang Lingtian screamed completely.

"You saw it, you actually saw it!"

Zhang Lingtian screamed, as if he had been discovered by someone, and there was something shocking about the invisible secret in his body. The whole person panicked, and even forgot to attack Qin Shaofeng.

"who are you?"

Looking at Zhang Lingtian who was screaming, Qin Shaofeng asked subconsciously.

After all, in his impression, Zhang Lingtian was not such a terrifying appearance.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that Zhang Lingtian's appearance is not bad, and he is more or less a handsome guy.

But now this person is not a ghost or a ghost, let alone a handsome guy, this can no longer be treated as a person.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shaofeng's subconscious question directly stimulated Zhang Lingtian.

"Who am I? You dare to ask me who I am, what I am now, but thanks to your gift from Qin Shaofeng, you dare to ask?"

Zhang Lingtian was completely excited.

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