Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1371: Who can break this!

Chapter 1371 Who can break this!

Qin Shaofeng!

That's right, this suddenly entered the sixth level, and quickly passed the demon prince. The person who broke the formation to the seventh level was Qin Shaofeng!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng entered the fourth level not long after Ling Gongzi entered the fourth level.

In the fourth stage, in fact, if it weren't for Master Ling who knew the layout of the fifth stage, Qin Shaofeng could have reached the sixth stage first.

The reason why the demon prince entered the sixth level first was because the demon prince stimulated the blood evil formation and accelerated the devouring ability of the blood evil formation, which made him the first to enter the sixth level.

If the blood evil formation is not aroused, the first person to enter the sixth level is likely to be Qin Shaofeng.

However, it doesn't matter, because in the sixth level, the demon prince also encountered a problem.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t. Although the formation of the sixth level was somewhat duplicated, for Qin Shaofeng who possessed the eyes of the gods and demons, no matter how complicated the formation was, he could use the eyes of the gods and demons to find weaknesses little by little. , And then break it.

The formation of the sixth stage did not improve much in difficulty, and Qin Shaofeng naturally broke through the formation very quickly.

This way, it naturally surpassed the Demon Prince.

After being overtaken by Qin Shaofeng, the devil prince felt so depressed.

In his heart, he was sure that no one could surpass himself and enter the seventh level first.

But now it's better, he just thought so in his heart, and someone did it.

This face, the screaming screaming directly rang!

At the same time, this also caused a fire in the Demon Prince's heart, and he quickly inspired the blood evil formation again.

This time it was stimulated, but it consumed the power of the Blood Fiend Array itself, and it was very powerful after it was stimulated.

However, it is precisely because of this that the speed of his blood fiend swallowing formation has once again been greatly improved.

Under such circumstances, the demon prince is confident to catch up with each other.

Because he believed that no matter who the person surpassed him, the other party definitely used some methods, and he believed even more that such a method could never be maintained for a long time.

The opponent will definitely stop, and with the power of his blood fierce formation, he will definitely be able to catch up with the opponent.

But the demon prince didn't know that his hope was going to fall.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't use any means, he now relied on the seven-star realm of the Dao Master, purely his own ability.

And even with the help of the power of the eyes of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng is only opening the eyes of the gods and demons now, and he has not used the state of the gods and demons, but can keep it like this forever.

Moreover, this is only the current situation. Soon Qin Shaofeng's speed of breaking the formation will increase by another stage.

The reason is very simple, this is all because Qin Shaofeng's formation realm is about to break through again.

Qin Shaofeng is already a seven-star Array Dao master now, and if he breaks again, he will be an eight-star Array Dao master.

Qin Shaofeng was inspired a lot by the formation of the fifth level of the tower.

While breaking the formation, Qin Shaofeng was able to absorb a lot of knowledge about the formation.

Especially the formation on the fifth floor of this formation tower was originally a nine-star formation, but it was arranged into a five-star combination formation by the powerful means of the Great Ten Thousand Array.

But in the final analysis, these formations still belong to the nine-star range. In the process of breaking the formation, Qin Shaofeng really gained a lot, and even Qin Shaofeng felt that he had made a lot of money.

Because these formations were originally nine-star formations, according to normal circumstances, he could not break the formation now.

Even if it can break the formation, it may take a very long time.

A few dozen or twenty years, and many hundreds of years, and they may not be successful.

But now it's alright, these nine-star formations were arranged by the Great Emperor Wanzhen into a five-star formation.

The difficulty has dropped, but the essence of the formation is still there, and Qin Shaofeng's harvest is naturally very rich.

Therefore, after five such formations, it is not surprising that Qin Shaofeng broke through to become an eight-star formation master.

Of course, this matter is just Qin Shaofeng thinking so.

The eight-star Jin Dao master, even the Great Emperor Wan Jin was shocked.

Even though he had a premonition in his heart, he really felt that when Qin Shaofeng broke through to become the eight-star Array Dao Grandmaster, the heart of the Great Emperor Wanzhen was still very uneasy.

It took him a long time to become an eight-star Array Dao master at the beginning!

At the very least, it has been more than a thousand years, and even if it is a time accelerating in some time, it is probably more than tens of thousands of years.

But what about Qin Shaofeng now?

How long did he spend?

The Great Emperor Wanzhen thought for a while, and finally dispelled the idea of ​​understanding in his heart, because he was afraid that he would be hit.

However, in this way, the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Arrays also completely faded, and he had the last thought of accepting Qin Shaofeng as a disciple.

Because of such a talent for formation, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to worship him as a teacher at all, and could quickly reach the realm of formation great emperor.

In that case, why should he take Qin Shaofeng as a disciple?

Of course, the most important thing is that the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays knew that he could not pass the Baidi level.


The eight-star Array Dao master is now, even if Qin Shaofeng is not a disciple of the Baidi, with his current Array Dao realm, he can get a good position in the Two Halls and Three Sects.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not complacent, and continued to break the formation.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that the formation of this seventh level is also a five-star combined formation evolved from nine stars.

But in breaking these formations, he can still get a lot of inspiration, which is very important to Qin Shaofeng.

Because after Qin Shaofeng became the master of the eight-star formation, he knew that the thousand-star formation he created before, even if it was completely consolidated and stabilized, might not be able to achieve the realm of replacing the pattern of the Dao.

Even with the power equivalent to the pattern of the avenue, or even the power beyond the pattern of the avenue.

But if you want to replace the pattern of the avenue, it is still somewhat impossible.

After all, the pattern of the Great Dao is a cultivator. After practicing to a certain level and being approved by the Dao Law, it is a powerful proof of strength.

The power of the Dao Law proves that it is probably not something that a mere thousand-star Dao array can do.

However, these formations that are now broken have given Qin Shaofeng a lot of enlightenment, so Qin Shaofeng wants to break more such formations, and then obtain a way to perfect the Qianxing Dao formation.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is still breaking the formation quickly.

Then, in a short time, Qin Shaofeng also broke the formation of the seventh stage.

Passing the seventh stage, Qin Shaofeng entered the eighth stage.

It didn't take long for the demon prince who once again inspired the blood fiend array to finally reach the seventh level.

The demon prince didn't know how fast his opponent broke the formation, but he was convinced that after he re-energized the blood evil formation, he would definitely be able to leave the seventh level before the opponent, and then enter the eighth level.

But after a while, the face of the demon prince became very ugly again.

Because after he entered the eighth level, the tower did not give him feedback, in his view it was a matter of course that he won the first place.

This shows that the opponent is faster than he can enter the eighth level.

This made the demon prince very unwilling. He had already given up the blood evil formation swallowing formation method, and the benefits he had obtained were transformed into the blood evil formation's swallowing ability.

This means that now the Blood Fiend Swallowing Array has no improvement.

But even so, he couldn't catch up with the opponent.

"Damn, I don't believe it, I can't catch up with you!"

The demon prince felt a fire, and eventually he actually inspired the blood evil formation again.


This time, under the inspiration of the Demon Prince, the entire blood evil formation shook sharply, and it actually shrank one-fifth of the area in an instant.

And this one-fifth of the reduced area suddenly turned into a surging force, injected into the blood evil formation, causing the blood evil formation to swallow the speed soaring again.

Then, it didn't take long for the demon prince to finally pass the eighth level and enter the ninth level.

What made the Demon Prince almost crazy is that even if he lost one-fifth of the power of the Blood Fiend Array, and speeded up the swallowing speed to enter the ninth level, he has not yet won the first place.

The first player is already at the ninth level, or maybe the tenth level afterwards.

This situation caused the Demon Prince to be hit hard. He couldn't figure out what happened.

How can the opponent have a faster clearance speed than him?

This is impossible!

Yes indeed! This is impossible!

At the same time, the crowd outside the stadium had the same idea.

Because they are outside the arena, they are very clear about the progress of each player at the moment.

The ninth level?

The tenth level?

This is the devil prince's guess on the current progress of the first player, but the players outside the arena are all silent at the moment.

Because Qin Shaofeng, who was in the first place, was not at the ninth and tenth levels on the fifth floor of the tower, nor was he at the eleventh level behind, nor was he even at the twelfth level.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng passed the twelfth level of the fifth floor of the formation tower, and he entered the sixth floor of the formation tower!

On the sixth floor, the third stage of the game is arranged, and whoever opens the tower will open the last floor.

In such a situation as the face degree, even the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Arrays did not expect such a result. This sixth layer was only opened for insurance.

But now I don't want to, this is really used.

However, even if Qin Shaofeng is now an eight-star formation master, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Forms is sure that Qin Shaofeng can break the formation of the first three layers at most in the twelve levels on the sixth floor of the formation tower. Qin Shaofeng couldn't break the formation.

In fact, this is true!

Because the levels on the sixth floor of the tower are more perverted, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know what to say.

As far as the first formation is concerned, Qin Shaofeng actually recognizes it, and even broke it, because the formation of the first level of the sixth layer is the same as the formation of the first level of the fifth layer. A great array of origins.

However, this Jiujiu Guiyi original formation has been upgraded by one star, and it is already a six-star combination formation.

If this were the case, it would be okay. For Qin Shaofeng, it would be easy to get rid of it.

But next to this Jiujiu Guiyi Origin Array, you have added eight more of the same Jiujiu Guiyi Origin Array. What do you mean?

Nine Nine Nine into One Primitive Array can form a combined array?

And what's special is the six-star combination formation?

Who can break this!

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