Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1391: Weapon of God and Demon and Talisman

Chapter 1391

Looking at the attribute introduction on the attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng really had nothing to say.

A reward actually needs to be triggered before it can be completely obtained! ?

And now that there is no trigger state, I still can't see it?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it a bit, because he received such a reward for the first time.

However, when he saw the 123 skill points and the 4.3 million system redemption points, Qin Shaofeng was delighted, and immediately put aside the so-called mystery award and the depressed speechlessness.

"Ha, there are 123 skill points, and the system exchange points have 4 million, and this skill point can finally upgrade the Eye of Gods and Demons!"

For the Eye of Gods and Demons, Qin Shaofeng had long wanted to upgrade it to 5 stars.

Eyes of Gods and Demons 4-star Awakened Gods and Demons copy, and there is a hidden ability-Gods and Demons State.

"I just don't know how the 5-star Eye of Gods and Demons can awaken it!"

Qin Shaofeng looked forward to it in his heart, and then he began to issue instructions to the system to raise the star of God's Eye!

"System prompt: Does the player Qin Shaofeng consume 50 skill points to upgrade the 4-star Eye of Gods and Demons to 5-star?"

A system prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng said without hesitation: "Yes!"

At the next moment, a system prompt came!

"Ding Dong!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully consuming 50 skill points, raising the eyes of the gods and devil to 5 stars, and awakening the soldiers of the gods and devil, and the gods and devil charms!"

Soldiers of Gods and Demons?

Divine Rune?

Two skills awakened this time?

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly opened the properties interface to start checking.

Eyes of Gods and Demons: Super God-level skills, eyes with true gods and true magic powers, and powerful powers above the law.

The current level is 5 stars, with exclusive skills, God and Demon Space, God and Demon Power, God and Demon Command, God Writing Demon Seal, God and Demon Shadow, Backtracking, Reincarnation Pupil Technique, God and Demon Copy, God and Demon Arms, and God and Demon Rune . (Upgrading to the next star level requires 100 skill points)

Sure enough, after the Eye of the Gods and Demons are upgraded to 5 stars, if they are upgraded again, 100 skill points are needed!

Seeing the skill points required for the 6-star upgrade of Eye of Gods and Demons, even though Qin Shaofeng had guessed in his heart, he still sighed slightly.

"The Eye of the Gods and Demons is only 5 stars now. It takes 100 skill points to upgrade to 6 stars. I'm afraid there will be even more skill points for the next stars!"

However, Qin Shaofeng only glanced at the conditions for the upgrade of the 6-star Eye of the Gods and Demons, and the next moment his eyes fell on the soldiers of the Gods and Demons and the Gods and Demons Talisman.

Weapon of Gods and Demons: One of the exclusive skills of the Super God-level skill, Eye of Gods and Demons, is an active skill. Allows players to condense any equipment with their own power of gods and demons. The power of the equipment depends on the player's own level!

(Reminder: Raising the star of the eyes of the gods and demons and increasing the power of the gods and demons can increase the power of the soldiers of the gods and demons!)

God and Demon Rune: One of the exclusive skills of the Super God-level skill, God and Demon Eye, is an active skill. Allows players to gather special soul charms to control other life forms.

(Reminder: The 5-star Eye of God and Demon allows players to condense a magic rune!)

this is?

Seeing these two newly awakened skills, Qin Shaofeng was a little confused.

Soldiers of Gods and Demons?

Equipment condensed directly with the power of gods and demons?

Needless to say, this is exactly Qin Shaofeng's six soldiers of reincarnation!

And soon, after experimenting, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this **** and devil's soldier could completely fuse with any weapon in his hand.

Flying feather knife can!

Qin Shaofeng's flying feather knife is very special, giving birth to a special space attribute **** pattern. Although it is not a master, its power has reached the master.

After fusing with the soldiers of the gods and demons, Feiyu Knife seemed to have completely reached the realm of the master.

At this time, even if the master Qin Shaofeng did not need the power to maintain, Qin Shaofeng only consumed a small amount of spiritual knowledge, and Feiyu Dao had also killed the supreme master like Tantaiyi.

Qin Shaofeng's Nine Profound Sacred Sword was also an epee Feng Jiuxuan refined for him.

This Nine Profound Sacred Sword had reached the level of a general heavy treasure after all the seals were lifted, and its power was also good.

It's just that for Qin Shaofeng as you see, such a Nine Profound Sacred Sword is somewhat useless.

But after joining the soldiers of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that he could use the Nine Profound Sacred Sword to cut the Supreme Lord.

Even some weak supreme masters, with Qin Shaofeng holding the Nine Profound Sacred Sword, could only become melons and vegetables, and were violently chopped down by Qin Shaofeng.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng very entangled was that the use of the soldiers of the gods and demons consumed too much power of the gods and demons.

Although Qin Shaofeng's Divine and Demon Pill Sutra has now reached 7 stars, he can possess the power of God and Demon who can cultivate to 100 Dadao Patterns.

But helplessly, Qin Shaofeng now only has a thousand pill of law, can only arrange a thousand-star Dao formation in his inner world, possessing the power of the gods and demons with the pattern of a great road.

But it was just the power of the gods and demons with the pattern of a great road, even if it had the resilience of the gods and demons refining the body, if Qin Shaofeng used the weapons of the gods and demons, he could only last for an hour at most.

After an hour, Qin Shaofeng would be unable to keep up with the consumption due to recovery, and the power of the gods and demons in his body would be directly exhausted.

And this one hour's time is only in a normal state, if you are fighting at full strength, this one hour's time, it will be very good to have seven or eight minutes in the end.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng, the soldiers of the gods and demons were still a little difficult to bear.

"Hey, it seems that you can only cultivate more pill of law, and after arranging more thousand-star Dao formations, you will have enough power of the gods and demons to use the weapons of the gods and demons at will!"

However, if in some crisis situations, Qin Shaofeng could use the God's Recovery of the God and Demon Body Refining Dafa, and when he had a three-minute victory state, he could use the God and Demon's soldiers unscrupulously.

Although it was only a try, Qin Shaofeng already knew very well that the soldier of the **** and demon who had awakened from his own eyes of **** and demon was very strong.

Even after he had enough soldiers of the gods and demons, he could completely maintain the integration with such equipment as the Flying Feather Sword and the Nine Profound Sacred Sword.

Let's call this situation demonized!

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that if he really reached that step, he might not have the power of the gods and demons with dozens or hundreds of avenues, so he didn't need to think too much.

At this stage, this soldier of the gods and demons can only be used as a hole card.

The soldiers of the gods and demons understood, and Qin Shaofeng also learned about the remaining gods and demons.

This **** and demon talisman is completely an advanced version of other gods, and it seems to have the power of life and death talisman.

Qin Shaofeng condensed a magic talisman that can completely control and enslave the target!

And this kind of control also possesses the ability of other gods at the same time, which is completely controlled on the other's soul.

Once the target has hit the magic rune, he will not be aware of it at all, and it will not affect the target itself.

Moreover, it is still directly fused with the target soul, which makes outsiders not aware of the abnormality at all.

For example, Qin Shaofeng planted a **** and devil talisman with enslavement instructions. Even if the talisman hates Qin Shaofeng, he will immediately regard Qin Shaofeng as his master in the next moment, and he can sacrifice his life for Qin Shaofeng at any time.

This effect can be great.

Imagine that an enemy who hated you so much before will become a loyal servant who can dedicate his life in the next moment. What is the situation?

Moreover, this servant will not be noticed, if it is used as a **** to break into the enemy's camp, the effect it will play is even greater.

If this **** and devil rune is used properly, it can play an extremely huge role.

Qin Shaofeng attaches great importance to this magic talisman!

"Oh, it's a pity, I can only condense a magic rune now!"

With a light sigh, a pity flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

There is no way for the 5-star Eye of the Gods and Demons, but Qin Shaofeng can only condense a God and Demon Talisman, and about this God and Demon Talisman, Qin Shaofeng has never used it, and I don’t know if it is condensed and penetrated into the target soul. It can also disperse, and then condense again.

Because it was not clear, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't use this magic talisman until the critical moment.

After upgrading the Eye of Gods and Demons, Qin Shaofeng didn't move the remaining 73 skill points.

Because now whether it is Qin Shaofeng's Eye of the Gods and Demon or the God and Demon Pills, if you need to upgrade the star again, it will cost 100 skill points.

Just 73 skill points, which is obviously not enough.

But for the other skills, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to upgrade at present, and all these skill points would be saved directly.


Qin Shaofeng was a little curious about the competition in the field of strength after the end of the competence field.

Because the previous matches were all one after another, now they have stopped, and this stop is several days.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry, instead, in the past few days, he went to study the soldiers of the gods and demons.

And on the seventh day after the end of the competence field, the competence field can finally begin.

But the competition venue in this field of strength was beyond everyone's expectations.

The playing field in this last field is not in this all-around competition, but in a special secret world.

And this secret world is also very special, because there is the secret world where brutal beasts live.

Therefore, the final and most important competition of this all-around competition is not to compete between players, but to enter the world of brutal beasts and then compete by hunting brutal beasts.

When this news was announced, it shocked many people.

However, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have a faint guess in his mind, but now it is easier to accept it.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that this time the field of strength competition was more difficult than he thought.

The entrance to that so-called savage beast secret world is actually in this Nirvana world, and most importantly, that savage beast secret world will have the suppressing power of Nirvana.

Yes, that's right, entering the world of the savage beast secret realm is exactly the same as in the Nirvana realm. The realm will be absolutely suppressed and directly suppressed to the peak of the Nirvana realm.

The only difference is that there is no improvement like Nirvana in the mysterious world of the brutal beast.

That is to say, people whose realm exceeds the Nirvana realm, that is, the master-level powerhouse enters the savage beast mystery world, their realm will be uniformly suppressed at the peak realm of the Nirvana realm.

As far as the realm is less than the peak of Nirvana, there will be no improvement like in the Nirvana realm, and it can be forcibly raised to the peak of Nirvana.

In the Secret Realm of Brutal Beasts, there is only suppression and no improvement.

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