Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1395: First entered the savage world

Chapter 1395

10 skill points and 100,000 point system exchange points are so simple to get.

This made Qin Shaofeng suddenly feel that this so-called "mystery award" is really a big reward.

The most important thing is that the ‘unlimited kills’ inspired by this seems to unlock the stars infinitely.

Of course, this infinite unlocking of stars is probably not realistic, because this task is to give Qin Shaofeng three months.

"Is it only three months?"

Staring at the information on the attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a bright light: "It's okay, although there is a time limit, if I am fast, I can unlock many stars in three months!"

Before thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to start hunting wild beasts immediately.

It was not the first time Qin Shaofeng had encountered such words as brutal beasts.

Qin Shaofeng can remember that before entering the ancient sanctuary, he also encountered wild beasts in the special field of the Origin Continent.

However, compared with the savage beasts in this savage beast world, the savage beasts in that place are not savage beasts at all, at best they have the same name.

But Qin Shaofeng still discovered that the special domain space zone on the Origin Continent at the beginning seemed to be somewhat similar to the brutal beast world. It was a space dominated by power, and other powers were suppressed.

"Perhaps, that place was also affected by the brutal beast world!"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only guess like this.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng encountered a new trouble, like in the ancient sanctuary, people who did not normally cultivate to the Nirvana state, or even those who did not cultivate the power of the law, could not fly in the air.

But even if a Nirvana master who has cultivated the power of law can fly in the air, it is only a short-distance flight.

The power of the law is too strong and it is also a kind of pressure.

In the ancient sanctuary, people who can really do it, flying at will, are probably only the strong who dominate the realm.

Even more powerful masters, even the first step of the master realm, can teleport through the air.

But at this moment, feeling the strong pressure from all around him, Qin Shaofeng felt a burst of distress in his heart.

Even if he had the power of gods and demons, he couldn't completely get rid of the suppression of this brutal beast world.

Qin Shaofeng secretly guessed that in this brutal beast world, I am afraid that only by resisting the suppression of the brutal beast world can he barely fly.

But if you want to fly at high altitudes for a long time, this might be difficult. The strongest Qin Shaofeng can't do it now.

As for if he wants to teleport under such suppression, Qin Shaofeng guesses that the dominance is coming, maybe it can be done, even the supreme dominance can't do it.

Because only the sovereign supreme with Daoji can completely resist the suppression of this brutal beast realm, otherwise, the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be in this brutal beast realm!

Feeling the oppressive power of this brutal beast world, Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

Although the pressure was so great, Qin Shaofeng was able to restore some actions with the help of the power of the gods and demons, which was much better than others.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also had a guess in his heart. If he stayed in this brutal beast world for a long time, he might be able to adapt to the environment here, and then he would be able to explode with stronger strength.

"Well, although I can't fly, it shouldn't be a problem when I run!"


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng turned into a black shadow and began to run wildly on the ground.

Because of the power of the gods and demons, although Qin Shaofeng was still suppressed by this brutal beast world, he would not be burdened if he only relied on his physical power.

In Qin Shaofeng's current realm, even if it is pure running, the speed is quite reasonable.

In just such a short while, Qin Shaofeng drove dozens of miles away, which was the result of Qin Shaofeng's deliberate suppression.

Because of the need to use the power of the gods and demons to resist the suppression of the brutal beast world, Qin Shaofeng now consumes the power of the gods and demons in his body every moment.

However, these consumptions were enough to fully recover the recovery ability of Qin Shaofeng's Divine Demon Refining Dafa.

Therefore, as long as Qin Shaofeng doesn't run at full speed, the power of the gods and demons in his body can always remain full.


Qin Shaofeng, who was running at a constant speed, suddenly felt that his whole body suddenly stopped.

"This feeling is..."

His eyes flashed sharply, and Qin Shaofeng was happy, because he felt a very familiar connection at this moment.

This kind of connection is very unique, it is the connection between Qin Shaofeng and his family members.

After being transformed by a super demon chess piece, becoming Qin Shaofeng's family member can make Qin Shaofeng feel the position of the family member at any time, and have a special connection with all the family members.

However, this connection is only a feeling, and it has scope.

If this exceeds a certain range, Qin Shaofeng will not be able to feel the position of his dependents, the most feeling is just the life and death of his dependents.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng clearly sensed the position of one of his dependents.

"It's Old Tang!"

After a careful induction, Qin Shaofeng finally confirmed that this was the breath of Tang Qijian.


Without hesitation, in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng ran directly to the location of Tang Qijian.

The savage beast realm is very large, and Qin Shaofeng doesn't even know the specific scope of this brutal beast realm.

Even the organizer of the Almighty Tournament only gave a general introduction to the brutal beast world, and the only thing that can be confirmed is that they will send Qin Shaofeng and the players to the safe zone of the brutal beast world.

This so-called savage beast world safety zone is actually an area where savage beasts rarely appear, and even if savage beasts appear, they are at most some one, two, and three-star low-level savage beasts.

But this so-called safe area is already a huge range.

According to the organizer of the All-Around Tournament, this safe area spans over a million miles and is a very huge area.

And the entire safe zone is only a very small part of the brutal beast world, which shows how huge the real brutal beast world is.

Although Qin Shaofeng sensed the location of Tang Qijian, that place was still a little far away from him.

However, Qin Shaofeng did nothing wrong all the way, and suffered no brutal beasts.

Qin Shaofeng was a little disappointed about this, because if some brutal beasts appeared, it would be fine to let him kill them!

How much to let the ‘unlimited kills’ one-star stage tasks complete so many!

It's a pity that until Qin Shaofeng found Tang Qijian, let alone the wild beast, Qin Shaofeng didn't even see a single wild beast hair.


Tang Qijian noticed Qin Shaofeng the first time he appeared, and then he was surprised.

Qin Shaofeng, the demon king, and his family members can only sense the connection between Qin Shaofeng and his family members, and family members like Tang Qijian can't detect the existence of Qin Shaofeng.

However, if the distance was close enough, Tang Qijian could sense Du Meng's existence.

There are some feeling connections among the dependents!

"Old Tang!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled in surprise, took a step, and instantly came to Tang Qijian.

This scene fell in Tang Qijian's eyes, causing his pupils to shrink, and his mind was shocked. It was obvious that Qin Shaofeng had such a speed in this brutal beast world, but it really surprised him.

However, Tang Qijian soon recovered.

It's not the boss, it's really powerful, even the huge suppressing power of the barbarian beast world can't suppress the boss's strength!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what Tang Qijian was thinking, but after coming to Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng was the first to notice that Tang Qijian hadn't completely got rid of the suppression of this brutal beast world.

Now Tang Qijian is still in a state of unsuitability. Although his ability to move has not been lost, he can't exert much power.

"What? Is the suppressing force great?" Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

"Yeah!" Tang Qijian nodded, but said quickly, "However, it doesn't matter, although the power of law is suppressed, my kendo is still there!"

As he said, Tang Qijian stretched out his right hand, and with a chuckle, the long sword on his back instantly unsheathed and fell into his hand.

At the next moment, Tang Qijian raised the long sword in his hand and swiped it in the direction in front of him.


A pale white sword energy was instantly slashed by Tang Qijian, smashing a huge stone in front of it!


Seeing Tang Qijian's sword energy, Qin Shaofeng was also surprised.

Because the power of Tang Qijian's sword, although not as powerful as during his full victory, it was already close to the power of the peak state of Nirvana.

If Tang Qijian were to adapt to this brutal beast world for a period of time, I am afraid that his sword aura slash would become even stronger.

The brutal beast world suppressed Tang Qijian's strength, suppressed his legal power, but did not suppress his swordsmanship.

This is good news for Tang Qijian!

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then said to Tang Qi swordsly: "However, you should put on the Xuanwu armor first. Using Xuanwu armor in this brutal beast world will not affect your tempering of your flesh!"

When he discovered Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the opponent was not wearing the Xuanwu armor he refined.

Qin Shaofeng knew the intention of Tang Qijian, if he put on the Xuanwu armor, he could indeed completely resist the oppressive power of this brutal beast world.

But if the physical body is brought into direct contact with the oppressive power of the brutal beast world, then the physical body will gradually improve. This kind of improvement is very fast, and it is also a very rare opportunity.

Because of this improvement, it is a big benefit for the brutal beast world.

If it is a person with poor physical strength, staying here for a year or a half, I am afraid that after returning home, the physical body can be lawful.

Although Tang Qijian's physical body was not really bad, compared to him and Du Meng, Tang Qijian's physical body was much worse.

I am afraid that Tang Qijian has also noticed for the first time that this brutal beast realm can invisibly temper his physical body and will be greatly improved.

After all, there is a basalt armor, and the effect of tempering the flesh is not so great, and the speed will definitely be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Tang Qijian didn't wear the Xuanwu armor on his body at the beginning.

If not, with the Xuanwu armor, Tang Qijian might have been able to move freely long ago, and he could explode a lot of combat power.

However, this situation is not the best time to temper the physical body, so Qin Shaofeng suggested that Tang Qijian wear the Xuanwu armor.

As for his own words, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to put on the basalt armor now, because he can now burst out a certain amount of combat power, at least even if he encounters some middle-ranked brutal beasts with poor strength, Qin Shaofeng is not afraid.

But Tang Qijian was different. Without the assistance of the Xuanwu Battle Armor to help him offset the suppression from the brutal beast world, the power he could use now was very small.

Just like the sword just now, although its power is good, at most it can kill some two- and three-star low-ranking brute beasts, and even higher lower-ranking brute beasts, Tang Qijian can do nothing.

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