Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1398: Not very good

Chapter 1398


Fan Haitong, who couldn't stand Qin Shaofeng's arrogant attitude, immediately shot Qin Shaofeng.

Although due to the suppression of the brutal beast world, the power that Fan Haitong can exert now is very limited.

But in Fan Haitong's view, Qin Shaofeng's suppression would definitely be greater, and now they are all in the pinnacle of Nirvana. Fan Haitong doesn't think Qin Shaofeng will be his opponent.

Fan Haitong's speed is very fast, but this time someone is faster than him!

With a chuckle, when Fan Haitong was about to attack Qin Shaofeng, the Tang Qijian beside Qin Shaofeng moved.

With a flash of white light, Tang Qijian's long sword flew up and slashed towards Fan Haitong!


Tang Qijian's long sword slashed on Fan Haitong's right arm, but it was blocked by Fan Haitong's super mad martial armor.

Although he was not injured, Fan Haitong was shocked by Tang Qijian's slash.

This result made Fan Haitong furious!

In a fight with Qin Shaofeng, Fan Haitong felt that he had lost his worth. Had it not been for Qin Shaofeng to have such a limelight in the Almighty Tournament, Fan Haitong would not have looked at Qin Shaofeng.

But now it's alright, an unknown unknown soldier next to Qin Shaofeng, dare to attack him?

And most importantly, actually knocked him back?

This is unbearable!

"Asshole, what kind of **** are you, dare to stop me?" Fan Haitong said angrily.

However, even if he was angry, Fan Haitong didn't mean to attack Tang Qijian. Instead, he turned his head and shouted at the men behind him: "You guys will teach me a severe lesson!"

Huh huh!

Fan Haitong gave an order, and several figures flashed past, encircling Tang Qijian.

Soon, Tang Qijian fought with Fan Haitong's men.

"Qin Shaofeng, no one can help you now!"

Seeing this scene, Fan Haitong smiled triumphantly at Qin Shaofeng again.

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak because he had nothing to say.

He found that Fan Haitong felt too good about himself.

But the next moment, a scream sounded, making Fan Haitong's face dark, and the whole person was instantly angry.

I saw several Fan Clan disciples who were fighting Tang Qijian not far away. They just started one or two moves like this. One of them was a sword qi that Tang Qijian slashed and was directly injured.

How long is this!

One of his men was injured by the opponent?

You have to know that the other party is one person, but five or six subordinates he just sent!

Fan Haitong was angry, but he soon realized that his subordinates were injured by Jian Qi.

Then, Fan Haitong also discovered that in this brutal beast world, it seemed that the realm of kendo was not suppressed.

That kid is a kendo master?

A gleam of enlightenment flashed in Fan Haitong's eyes, and he randomly drank directly to the rest of the men around him: "You all go on with me and force that kid out of the brutal beast world!"

Fan Haitong is cruel!

Obviously, Tang Qijian repelled him back and forth, and slashed and wounded his men, causing him to hold a grudge, and directly forced Tang Qijian out of the brutal beast world.

Drive others out of the brutal world?

This seems impossible?

Because you can't really kill anyone, with this refined jade talisman monitoring, there is no chance to kill.

Moreover, Fan Haitong didn't want to provoke him. He had a lot of rules laid down for the supreme ruler.

But even if the opponent is not killed, there are still many other methods to torture the opponent.

For example, directly injuring the opponent seriously, causing the opponent to withdraw from the brutal beast world.

Fan Haitong now intends to deal with Tang Qijian by such means.

Suddenly, Fan Haitong's subordinates, except the middle-aged man, rushed past Tang Qijian.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng did not worry about Tang Qijian.

Although the number of opponents was a bit larger, Qin Shaofeng didn't think Tang Qijian would suffer.

Leaving aside Tang Qijian's kendo realm, there is hardly any suppression in this brutal beast world, even if it is suppressed, but now Tang Qijian is wearing a basalt armor.

The basalt battle armor refined by Qin Shaofeng is very deceptive. It actually looks similar to the advanced crazy battle armor, and even seems to be somewhat inferior. Fan Haitong and others also think so.

With the Xuanwu Battle Armor, if Tang Qijian really couldn't stand it, directly activate the power of the Xuanwu Battle Armor. Although Tang Qijian would not last long, it was enough to solve the Fan Clan disciples in front of him.

It seemed that Tang Qijian's ending had a result, Fan Haitong looked at Qin Shaofeng again with a sneer.

"Qin Shaofeng, now it's your turn, let me kick you out of the brutal beast world for the first place in this all-around competition!"

After all, Fan Haitong moved instantly.


A strong breath suddenly broke out from Fan Haitong, setting off a strong energy.

In the next moment, Fan Haitong swept towards Qin Shaofeng.

This is not the power of the law, even Fan Haitong can't burst the power of the law out of his body at this moment.

This is his own pure strength, instantly breaking through the surrounding air, the powerful energy produced.

Even Qin Shaofeng had to admit that although Fan Haitong was arrogant, he was very arrogant.

But it is undeniable that Fan Haitong still has some strength.


A trace of contempt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. Although this power was good, it was far from me!


With a shock, Qin Shaofeng also kicked out, and easily blocked Fan Haitong's kick.


this is?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly took over one of his own sweeps, a hint of surprise flashed in Fan Haitong's eyes.

Because in his opinion, his own leg should be able to sweep Qin Shaofeng away.

But now it was blocked by Qin Shaofeng!

"Hmph, you are still a little capable!" Fan Haitong snorted coldly, "I want to see how many moves you can block!"

In the next moment, Fan Haitong's legs instantly turned into countless afterimages, and he swept away towards Qin Shaofeng leg after leg.

But no matter how fast and how cruel Fan Haitong's attack was, he was taken one by one by Qin Shaofeng.

In a blink of an eye, Fan Haitong had already kicked hundreds of kicks, but he never hit Qin Shaofeng once, and Qin Shaofeng took them unharmed.

This made Fan Haitong feel a little irritable. He looked down on Qin Shaofeng, thinking that Qin Shaofeng had no abilities at all.

But this is the person he thinks, but he has taken so many attacks.

This makes him a little hard to accept!


After another sweep was taken, Fan Haitong's anger had reached its limit, and he gave a fierce rage.

"Damn it!"

After roaring, Fan Haitong roared at Qin Shaofeng with a look of anger: "Qin Shaofeng, you scumbag, you have successfully angered me. I must make myself regret that I provoke me and make you regret coming to this world."

"Regret?" Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, "Then you suddenly let me see how I regret it!!"


This attitude of Qin Shaofeng undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, making Fan Haitong's anger completely surging.

Then, it broke out completely!

"Qin Shaofeng, let me die!"


Fan Haitong roared, and a burst of flame burned all over his body.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng paused, seeing the appearance of Fan Haitong at this moment, a strange light appeared in his eyes.

This is the natural fire of the Fan clan-Fan Huo?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng stunned, Fan Haitong began to feel proud again.

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, you can let me use the sacred flame of my family's blood. This is your honor!" Fan Haitong smiled coldly, "I am not as gentle as before, you go to my death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Fan Haitong made a move with both hands. The burning Fan Huo on his body instantly condensed, turned into a fire snake, and blasted towards Qin Shaofeng.

But this scene fell in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, but Qin Shaofeng was very disdainful, and even looked at Fan Haitong as if he was looking at a fool.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng also had to admit that Fan Huo, the bloodline sacred flame of the Fan Clan, was indeed a powerful alien fire, very powerful and violent, and naturally powerful attacking alien fire.

Even because of Fan Huo's violent degree, so far the entire Fan Clan has rarely seen alchemists and refiners.

Because they can control Fan Huo to attack, but they can't control Fan Huo to refine weapons and alchemy.

This can be regarded as a drawback of Fan Huo.

But this kind of drawback, in the eyes of many people, is not a drawback at all.

What if you can't refine alchemy or refining tools? Having this powerful attack method is the real kingly way.

However, this is not the case anymore.

Fan Huo is indeed very powerful, but here is the Brutal Beast Realm, the Brutal Beast Realm that suppresses most of the ancient sanctuary.

Alien fire?

Ha ha!

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, how could he not try his God's Pill Fire, the power in this brutal beast world?

Not only did Qin Shaofeng tried it, but he also knew very clearly that even his own god's pill fire was suppressed in this brutal beast world, barely equivalent to one-fifth of the power during the victory period.

His pill of God is like this, so will Fan Haitong's Fan Huo be better?

Qin Shaofeng didn't think that the Fan Huo owned by Fan Haitong could be compared with his God Pill Fire.

Sure enough, when the fire snake was about to approach Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that this fire snake condensed by Fan Haitong's Fan Huo had no power at all.

and so……


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng just waved his hand gently and blasted out a strong wind at will, and Fan Haitong's confident blow was blown away.

"Heh, this is the flame of your Fan clan bloodline? Not so much!"

"how is this possible?"

Seeing such a scene, Fan Haitong's eyes widened, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

Fan Haitong is extremely proud of the Fan Huo he owns, but he is the strongest capital he is proud of.

But now his strongest capital was broken up so easily by Qin Shaofeng.

Facing such a result, Fan Haitong simply couldn't accept it!

At this moment, the middle-aged man, who had not shot or moved, suddenly spoke out.

"Little young master, don't be confused by this Qin Shaofeng, this brutal beast world also has a powerful suppression of our bloodline sacred flame!"

Qin Shaofeng had noticed this middle-aged man a long time ago. Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know how high this middle-aged man really was, the other party was definitely better than Fan Haitong.

Because Qin Shaofeng could feel that under the suppression of this brutal beast world, the middle-aged man gave him a sense of threat.

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