Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1401: Escaped?

Chapter 1401 Escape?

Not far away, one of the dozens of Fan Clan disciples surrounding Tang Qijian had fallen in a pool of blood.

Of course, that person was not dead, but was severely wounded by Tang Qijian.

"Waste! What a waste!"

After just taking a look, Fan Ming cursed in a low voice, incomparably angry.

What a waste, a dozen of them can't handle one person?

It's fine if you can't deal with it, and now one person is seriously injured by the other party. Fan Ming is angry!

Not only Fan Ming, but Fan Haitong who was also aware of this situation at this moment was also extremely angry.

But before he could say anything, Tang Qijian cut out a few sword auras in the distance, and then...




After a few sword qi cuts out, there are several screams again!

Fan Haitong's expression was completely gloomy at this moment, because at this moment, his subordinates fell down a few more.

And what angered Fan Haitong the most was that the first disciple of the Fan clan who was seriously injured had actually inspired the refining jade talisman, opened the teleportation and was directly teleported out, leaving the brutal beast world.

With a precedent, the following severely injured Fan Clan disciples chose to inspire the teleportation power of the jade amulet for the first time, and directly withdrew from the brutal beast world.

This made Fan Haitong even more angry.

In fact, these Fan Clan disciples can't help it, because at this moment they are seriously injured, they all feel a strange sword intent in their bodies.

This sword aura is very stubborn, continuously destroying their bodies.

If it is normal, it is nothing to them.

Because the Fan Clan disciples who can appear here basically have the cultivation base of seven or eight levels of dominance, and even a few have reached the state of supreme dominance.

Although Tang Qijian's sword intent was cunning, they could still get rid of the body.

But that was under normal circumstances. Now they are in the world of brutal beasts, and their power of law has been greatly suppressed. Not to mention expelling them, even if they keep their bodies from being destroyed by the sword intent, this is basically done. Not.

If they continue to stay in this savage beast realm, their bodies will probably be destroyed more thoroughly by this sword intent, and severe cases will affect their roots.

In this situation, there is only one choice left to them.

That is to leave this brutal beast world!

And this is just the beginning, because soon more and more Fan Clan disciples were severely injured by Tang Qijian's sword aura, and then left the brutal beast world one by one.

After a while, there were only seven or eight disciples left.

Faced with this situation, Fan Haitong's face was extremely gloomy.

But this time, without waiting for him to say something, he felt a flower in front of him, and then he rose into the sky.

When He turned the sky back to his senses, he found that he was grabbed by Fan Ming with one hand and fled away frantically.

However, what frightened Fan Haitong the most was that he saw a trace of blood flow out of Fan Ming's mouth at this moment, and after a closer look, Fan Haitong also noticed that Fan Ming's breath was not right at the moment.

Some unusual ups and downs!

injured! ?

Yes, Fan Ming is indeed injured at the moment.

Facing Qin Shaofeng's punches, Fan Ming accepted them one by one.

But what made Fan Ming more and more shocked was that Qin Shaofeng's attack was more powerful than a punch. At first, Fan Ming could withstand it, but after 20 or 30 punches, he couldn't hold it.

Although Fan Ming's realm is high, it is already close to the realm of the title of emperor. Under the suppression of this brutal beast realm, even stronger power can erupt at the peak of the Nirvana realm.

But precisely because of this, the suppression that Fan Ming endured in this brutal beast world was stronger, and the power of the laws in his body was suppressed more thoroughly.

Therefore, in the face of Qin Shaofeng's punch attack, he could only be suppressed, even suppressed.

In the end, even under constant pressure, Fan Ming was finally injured.

After being injured, Fan Ming decisively chose to retreat.

Because he knew that in this situation, it would definitely be against him in the end.

Therefore, after Fan Ming dodged another attack from Qin Shaofeng for the first time, he came directly to Fan Haitong, grabbed Fan Haitong and ran away frantically.

Faced with such a result, Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded.

"No, just run away? I'm just about to adapt to the fighting rhythm of this brutal beast world!"

Qin Shaofeng was depressed, and he felt a little regretful.

Although possessing the power of the gods and demons can offset the suppression of the brutal beast realm, Qin Shaofeng still hasn't grasped that degree, and it is more or less for him to fight in this brutal beast realm now, which is a little laborious.

However, when fighting this aspect, Qin Shaofeng began to faintly grasp the fighting rhythm in this brutal beast world.

The power of the gods and demon can be used to offset the suppression from the brutal beast world, and the power of the gods and demon can not be wasted redundantly, and the adaptive attack power can be burst out.

But after fighting with Fan Ming for so long, Qin Shaofeng had just found the feeling of rhythm. Originally, under this situation, after fighting for a while, Qin Shaofeng would be able to master the way of fighting in this brutal beast world.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that Fan Ming actually ran away directly.

After such a daze, Fan Ming took Fan Haitong for a distance, and now even if Qin Shaofeng wants to catch up with the opponent, it will take some time.

Because Fan Ming didn't mean to fight at all, it would take some time to keep running and catching up with the opponent.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not catch up, but instead set his sights on the battlefield where Tang Qijian was.

After Fan Ming left with Fan Haitong, several disciples of the Fan clan who fought with Tang Qijian chose to escape for the first time.

Fan Ming just left with Fan Haitong, and it was already obvious that they had chosen to abandon them. In that case, how could they continue to fight?

However, this allowed Tang Qijian to seize the opportunity and severely wound three Fan Clan disciples, forcing the opponent to excite the jade symbols and withdraw from this brutal beast world.


Somewhere in the distance, after fleeing madly all the way, Fan Ming finally couldn't suppress the injuries on his body, suddenly stopped and landed on a big tree.


As soon as his figure settled on the big tree, Fan Ming was sprayed with blood, his face instantly pale as paper.

It's no wonder that after receiving so many punches from Qin Shaofeng before, Fan Ming had been injured a bit. This, coupled with the crazy escape just now, was completely the rhythm of injury and injury.

Up to this moment, Fan Ming couldn't hold on anymore, stopped directly and even spewed blood.

The appearance of Fan Ming made Fan Haitong's expression suddenly change, and he exclaimed: "Uncle Ming, are you injured?"

"Small injury, don't get in the way!"

Fan Ming waved his hand, but his face was extremely gloomy.

This is indeed a small injury, if it is in the ancient sanctuary, with his realm, it will not be a hindrance at all, and even the power of the law in the body will be healed quickly.

But this is the world of brutal beasts. With the power of the law being suppressed, Fan Ming knew very well that his ‘small injuries’ would not be healed so easily.

However, even so, Fan Ming is confident that this brutal beast world can still deal with some brutal beasts, even if some middle-rank brutal beasts appear, as long as the star is not high, he and Fan Haitong do not need to be afraid.

Although Fan Haitong didn't know Fan Ming's status at the moment, he trusted Fan Ming very much. Since the other party said it was not in the way, he didn't doubt anything.

However, when he thought of the situation where he was fleeing in embarrassment by Fan Ming, Fan Haitong's expression suddenly changed, and his tone was extremely angry.

"Damn, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, I must give that Qin Shaofeng a good look!"

"Oh, this time I was careless!"

Fan Haitong's words made Fan Ming sigh slightly, and then said in a solemn tone: "Little Master, I was wrong this time. I didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng was actually a descendant of the Hundred Generals, so careless! "

"Uncle Ming, you are not to blame, but Qin Shaofeng is to blame, he is too arrogant!"

Fan Haitong said angrily, but he did not notice how contradictory what he said.

From the beginning to the end, who is the arrogant party?

However, Fan Haitong didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him. After comforting Fan Ming, his tone became gloomy.

"Uncle Ming, don't care about it. I know a little bit about the Hundred Generals. In addition, Qin Shaofeng's cunning has caused you a big loss, and then you are injured. If it is a fair and honest contest, then Qin Shaofeng is definitely not your opponent! "

"Well, yes, this Qin Shaofeng is indeed cunning." Fan Ming nodded, "If he hadn't deliberately hidden his identity and made me careless, I would not be afraid even if he is a descendant of the Hundred Generals. Although his Hundred Generals are powerful , But my Fan clan is not bad!"

"That is, my Fan clan is only one of the twelve great saints of the ancient saints. In a real contest, then Qin Shaofeng can't be your opponent for Uncle Ming!" Fan Haitong said confidently.

Come on, this is no longer mutual comfort.

Even if co-authoring was frustrated, and ran away in embarrassment, Fan Haitong and Fan Ming still did not regard Qin Shaofeng as the same thing.

Moreover, in the hearts of the two of them, they actually insisted that Qin Shaofeng was a descendant of the Baijiang tribe.

Perhaps in their hearts, losing to the descendants of the Hundred Generals is easier to accept than losing to a lower human being born on a small plane!

"Hmph, this Qin Shaofeng may be somewhat capable, but if the eldest brother comes forward, he will definitely be out of action!" Fan Haitong suddenly said something as if thinking of something.

Fan Haitong's words made Fan Ming's eyes light up slightly: "Yes, that's right, with the strength of the young master, I am afraid that even if this Qin Shaofeng is a descendant of the Hundred Generals, he is definitely not an opponent!"

"Yes, so we should look for Big Brother and them now!" Fan Haitong said.

"Well, let's go find Young Master!"

Then, Fan Ming and Fan Haitong started to act again.

However, this time they didn't want to find someone to fight. The most important thing for both of them at the moment was to rendezvous with the Fan clan's large army.

As long as they converge, a mere Qin Shaofeng is not a concern.

But neither Fan Haitong nor Fan Ming seemed to have forgotten one thing.

No, to be precise, it was something they hadn't noticed from beginning to end.

That was from the discovery of Qin Shaofeng to the end of the final battle. During their escape, Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to be wearing any armor.

Without battle armor, you have such power.

What if Qin Shaofeng puts on the armor again?

If he is aware of this, I am afraid that both Fan Haitong and Fan Ming will no longer comfort each other as they are at this moment.

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