Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1403: Incredible beast pill

Chapter 1403 The Unbelievable Beast Pill

In this savage beast world, like other weapons, the Feather Knife appeared in this savage beast world and suffered extremely strong suppression.

Under such suppression, Feiyu Dao couldn't exert much power at all.

But because the eyes of the gods and demons have awakened the soldiers of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng now only needs to demonize the flying feather knife, and the flying feather knife will not be suppressed by the wild beasts at all.

call out!

The silver light flashed by, and the Feiyu Sword instantly disappeared from Qin Shaofeng's right hand.

Then, the next moment...


A piercing sound of broken body sounded, and a touch of blood floated in the air.


There was a heavy landing sound, it was a brutal beast, and then it fell directly to the ground, but on its forehead, there was a bloodline scar.

It's dead!

Without being suppressed by the wild beast realm, under the sharp edge of the flying feather knife, no middle-ranked wild beast could resist it. After a direct hit, it was completely dead.

In fact, with the vitality of the brutal beast, not to mention the head being penetrated, even if the head is cut off in an instant, it will not die immediately.

But after merging with the soldiers of the gods and demons, the flying feather knives that have been transformed by the gods can instantly absorb the vitality of the hit target, completely cutting off the vitality of the absolute square.

Perhaps stronger brutal beasts can withstand the ability of the flying feather sword after the demonization of the gods, but the median brutal beast that has just broken through to the middle realm is obviously unable to resist.

Therefore, this brutal beast was directly killed by Qin Shaofeng.


The moment Qin Shaofeng killed the middle-ranked brute beast, a bright light flashed across his chest.

Then, this bright light condensed into a number on Qin Shaofeng's chest.

Although it was just a flash, this number disappeared completely in an instant.

But Qin Shaofeng knew, but he saw this number clearly.


Obviously, this is the points Qin Shaofeng got after killing this middle-ranked brute.

Because of the refinement of the jade talisman, as long as the brutal beast is killed in this brutal beast world, all players can get the corresponding points.

At the same time, the ranking of the Nirvana Realm in the Ancient Sanctuary will also record the points earned by each player.

Even if Qin Shaofeng thinks about it, he can check how many points he has anytime and anywhere, that is, how many points other players have, he can also check.

However, this viewing privilege is only eligible to view the top ten thousand players.

Within 10,000, this seems a lot.

But this time the players who entered the brutal beast world were innumerable, and not everyone could rank in the top ten thousand.

And even if you are ranked in the top 10,000, you can only check the points after your ranking and the top ten points at most. If you have more, you can't.

For example, Qin Shaofeng scored 3 points just after killing a middle-ranked brute, but his ranking just happened to be in the top ten thousand, ranking 9764!

I have to say that Qin Shaofeng's luck is not very good. It has been so long since he has been in the world of brutal beasts before he met the first brutal beast.

Qin Shaofeng, ranked 9764, can only view the points scores of the 9774 to the 10,000th players, and no one else can.

If Qin Shaofeng was able to enter the top 1,000, he would be able to see the scores of the top 100 players.

If he enters the top 100, Qin Shaofeng can see the points scores of the entire ranking list from the first to the ten thousandth.

Needless to say, that savage beast like a hedgehog is worth 3 points!

Although it just broke through to the middle-ranked brute, it is also a one-star middle-ranked brute, and after killing it, it can earn 3 points.

3 points, this is definitely not less, and even just for a while, Qin Shaofeng's ranking was pushed back by two or three.

According to this situation, if Qin Shaofeng did not continue to increase his points, he would soon be squeezed out of the top 10,000 and fell out of the rankings.

However, points and rankings are not what Qin Shaofeng cares about right now.

What Qin Shaofeng cares most now is, why is the completion degree of his ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission still 0?

Unlimited Kills: Special missions, special missions that are only triggered in certain places after the player completes some special missions and obtains special rewards.

The current ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest is a person who is rewarded by the ‘Almighty Champion’ quest and triggered after entering the savage beast world.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task, and there is no star-level completion evaluation. According to the player's progress, each star-level task is unlocked. Each time you complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the reward, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This "Unlimited Kill" mission unlocks unlimited stars, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this mission will end. After the mission is over, the player can complete all the star missions and make some evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The duration of the "Unlimited Kills" mission: three months!)

Current progress: Unlock one star!

One-star (0/100): Kill one hundred low-level savage beasts in the beast world! Bonus skill points 10 points, system redemption points 100,000 points!


What the **** is this?

"No, I have killed a brutal beast, why is it still 0? It should be 1 now!"

Qin Shaofeng looked puzzled and couldn't understand it at all.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of something, and his eyes fell on the one-star requirement.

Kill a hundred lower rank beasts?

"Wait, shouldn't it mean that I can only count on killing the lower-ranked savage beasts. Many of the lower-ranked savage beasts I killed just now are middle-ranked savage beasts, so I haven't completed a bit of progress?"

Although somewhat unreasonable, the more Qin Shaofeng thought about it, the more he felt that this might be the reason.

"I circled a cross, does the system still have this operation?"

Qin Shaofeng was in pain and was speechless.

Because in this situation, it is really possible that this is the case.

"Hey, there's no way. It seems that I can only find the lower rank beasts to kill. At the very least, I have completed the task of this star!"

Shaking his head slightly, Qin Shaofeng walked to the brutal beast, and then directly broke open the brutal beast's body. After searching for it, Qin Shaofeng took out something from the brutal beast's body.

The ball-shaped object of the baby's fist is exactly the beast pill.

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng saw the Barbarian Beast Pill. It was not much different from the inner alchemy of ordinary monsters, except that there were a hundred special patterns on this Barbarian Pill.

These one hundred lines are the special lines unique to the wild beast.

Looking at it as a pattern equivalent to a pill of law, it's just that the barbarian has just reached it, which is equivalent to the level of dominating the first step.

This is completely equivalent to the inner alchemy of a dominating monster beast!


Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be aware of something, and a panic flashed in his eyes.

There is something wrong with this beast pill!

When this started, Qin Shaofeng hadn't felt it.

But after touching it, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that this brutal beast pill actually contained very strong laws.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng has never seen the inner alchemy of a monster beast. Even before, in order to speed up the speed of the pill of condensing the law, Qin Shaofeng bought a triple-superior monster inner alchemy from his little sister Bai Nishang.

When it gets hot, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know where Bai Nishang got this three-tier supremely ruled monster inner pill, and how it got it.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that after he got that monster inner alchemy, his nephew Tantaiyi was crying for several days.

A three-fold supreme monster inner pill that dominates the realm, the power of the law contained in it is very rich.

If it were used to increase the power of his own laws, it would be enough for Qin Shaofeng to start with 700 pills of laws and condense forty or fifty pills of laws.

But because the power of the law contained in the monster inner alchemy was too messy, with the aura of the monster beast, it took a lot of energy to refine, so in the end Qin Shaofeng still did not absorb the monster inner alchemy.

Qin Shaofeng actually didn't have the idea of ​​being able to absorb this wild beast pill.

If this savage beast was a world beast, Qin Shaofeng would definitely care about the world beast pill he possessed.

However, the brutal beast possesses a flesh body, and most of the power of its own laws are also integrated into the body, so Qin Shaofeng feels that the brutal beast pill is also an inner pill that is difficult to absorb, and even the law power contained in it is absolutely not much.

But now Qin Shaofeng found that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

Not much power of law?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt the power of the law contained in the wild beast pill in his hand, and immediately dispelled this idea.

What a joke, the power of the law contained in this wild beast pill is simply too much, OK!

According to the realm division, the brutal beast pill in Qin Shaofeng's hand is equivalent to the level of a primary dominator who has just stepped into the dominance realm and has a hundred pill of laws.

But the power of the law contained in the beast pill in this brute beast is comparable to the power of the law contained in the three-fold supreme dominating monster inner pill Qin Shaofeng originally obtained. .

The one-star middle-ranked savage beast pill is equivalent to the triple supreme dominance-level inner pill.

The brutal beast pill possesses so much law power that Qin Shaofeng never expected before.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that the power of the law contained in this wild beast pill was actually very pure, not only without a trace of impurities, but even more pure than the world beast pill. Nothing less.

This situation made Qin Shaofeng very surprised.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon understood.

Yes, that's right, the savage beasts in this savage beast realm themselves rarely use the power of the law.

But the problem is that the power of the laws that exist in this brutal beast world is very rich.

Born in such an environment, even if the beasts themselves cannot use the power of the law, their bodies can absorb the power of the law.

Although most of the absorbed power of the law will enter the body of the wild beast, a small amount of it will flow into the wild beast pill.

And most importantly, the power of the law that can flow out into the beast pill in the wild beast's body when it is absorbed by the wild beast's body is equivalent to having undergone a tempering by the wild beast itself.

In this way, over time, would the power of the law possessed by the beast pill in this beast's body be impure?

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion in Qin Shaofeng’s heart, he actually has the desire to devour this brutal beast pill in his heart~ Hope!

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