Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1405: Points ranking

Chapter 1405

Kill over a hundred lower level savage beasts!

"Unlimited Kills" one-star mission, complete!

Hearing this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng was very happy.

Because this ‘unlimited kill’ mission was finally completed.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for completing the first-star mission of "Unlimited Kills" and successfully unlocking the two-star mission!"

The first star is completed, and now the second star appears.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he hurriedly started to open the system properties interface to take a look at the requirements of the two-star ‘unlimited kill’ mission.

Unlimited Kills: Special missions, special missions that are only triggered in certain places after the player completes some special missions and obtains special rewards.

The current ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest is a person who is rewarded by the ‘Almighty Champion’ quest and triggered after entering the savage beast world.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task, and there is no star-level completion evaluation. According to the player's progress, each star-level task is unlocked. Each time you complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the reward, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This "Unlimited Kill" mission unlocks unlimited stars, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this mission will end. After the mission is over, the player can complete all the star missions and make some evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The duration of the "Unlimited Kills" mission: three months!)

Current progress: Unlock two stars!

One star: Completed!

Two-star (0/1000): Kill a thousand wild beasts in the wild beast world! Reward 20 skill points and 200,000 system redemption points!


Before Qin Shaofeng watched the second star of the ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission, he didn’t feel any difficulty.

It's just that a hundred have become a thousand!

And this time, the most important thing is that there are no restrictions, just a thousand savage beasts, not just killing the lower savage beasts.

In this case, whether it is to kill the lower rank brutal beasts, the middle rank brutal beasts, or the upper rank brutal beasts, as long as the number of one thousand is enough, then the requirements of this two-star mission can be completed.

"Well, in this case, it's a little easier!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, then subconsciously glanced at his attribute interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Peak

Experience value: 100%

Occupation: Devil

Pill of Law: 1000/1000 (transformed into the power of gods and demons)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Gods and Demons

Skills: Blessing of the King, Eyes of Gods and Demons, Pills of Gods and Demons, Great Law of Gods and Demon Refining Body, Copy of Gods and Demon

Special skills: Implantation

Envoy: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Knife, Demon Cloud

Tasks: upgrade tasks of the limit law, unlimited kills

Skill points: 83

System exchange point: 4456600

Props: Infinite Resurrection (Card)

Family members: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, World Incarnation, Yan Yang (Indestructible Incarnation), Leng Ruqing (Indestructible Incarnation)


83 skill points, 4,456,600 points for system exchange! ~

It seemed that Qin Shaofeng felt comfortable.

Skill points are too easy!

However, Qin Shaofeng felt painful again when he thought that whether it was the Eye of the Gods and Devils or the Pills of the Gods and Devils, it would require a full 100 skill points to upgrade again.

"Hey, this skill point is easy to obtain, but the later you need to upgrade the skills, every time you upgrade a star, the required skill points are also a lot!"

"I hope that this time the ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest, I can complete as many as possible in these three months, and get a lot of skill points!"

In fact, Qin Shaofeng previously had a reward from the final stage of the ‘Almighty Champion’ mission-the space evolution card!

This space evolution card is a bit special, it is a powerful prop that can transform one's inner world into real time.

What are the benefits of transforming the inner world into the real world?

This is of course a great benefit!

Take Qin Shaofeng's current inner world only. His inner world is much stronger than ordinary people's inner world. It can completely store a large amount of law power after the limit of the pill of law.

Although the power of these laws cannot be used by Qin Shaofeng, if Qin Shaofeng's own power of the gods and demons is consumed, the pill of laws in Qin Shaofeng's body can absorb and refine the power of the laws stored in the inner world, and quickly Transform the power of these laws into the power of Qin Shaofeng's gods and demons.

The time required for this process is extremely short, and it can completely keep up with Qin Shaofeng's consumption.

With Qin Shaofeng's current pill of law, not counting his recovery ability, if he bursts out with all his strength, the pill of law in his body can keep him super high output for a quarter of an hour.

But if you add the power of the law stored in the world inside his body, it can completely make him hold on for another quarter of an hour.

If it is someone else, there is no such ability.

This is also due to Qin Shaofeng's inner world, which has some special circumstances.

But if the space evolution card is used, Qin Shaofeng’s inner world transforms into the real world. Once this happens, Qin Shaofeng’s inner world can not only store more law power, but can even breed new law power on its own. It's even the power of gods and demons directly!

It is said that ancient time, in the era of gods and demons, the inner worlds in some supreme gods and demons are real time.

Therefore, their own power is completely inexhaustible.

It is precisely because of this that they will be called gods and demons!

However, in the end, Qin Shaofeng still did not use the space evolution card for himself, but gave it to his world avatar for the first time.

In addition to the inner world he cultivated in Qin Shaofeng's body, he still has an original world space!

That is a space that can be completely transformed into the real world!

Qin Shaofeng had been in a state of evolution before, and Qin Shaofeng had been unable to figure it out, and he also contacted many small **** in the original world space, at best he only sensed his own world incarnation, and did not notice any bad situation.

But just after Qin Shaofeng got the Space Evolution Card, Xiao Qiuqiu suddenly contacted him.

However, this connection seems to have exhausted the ball and ball, and then with the help of his world incarnation, he barely sent a word to him.


Although it was just an intermittent sentence, Qin Shaofeng understood the meaning of Xiaoqiuqiu and asked him to use that space evolution card for his avatar.

What incarnation?

Do you need to say more?

Since it is a space evolution card, it is naturally evolved space, and his first indestructible incarnation is a world-oriented incarnation.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng used that space evolution card against his indestructible avatar.

After using that space evolution card against his own world avatar, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the original world space in his body seemed to be completely self-enclosed.

I can't say that either, I can only say that his original world space is now like an egg, and the whole is independent.

This feeling made Qin Shaofeng think that the original world space in his body seemed to be undergoing a transformation of world talk.

Qin Shaofeng believed that after the complete evolution of his original world space was over, it would be equivalent to a real world.

At that time, his first immortal incarnation can be called the true incarnation of the world.

Of course, it's a bit early to say those, and for Qin Shaofeng now, the important thing is not this, but **** more brutal beasts so that the ‘unlimited kill’ mission unlocks more stars.

Well, of course, it is equally important to obtain a lot of wild beast pills.


Two middle rank savage beasts, one hundred lower rank savage beasts!

Together, Qin Shaofeng could earn 106 points.

It stands to reason that such an achievement would definitely rank among the top 10,000, but it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng is still ranked outside the 10,000.

On the leaderboard, even the last 10,000th player, the opponent's points actually exceed 500 points!

This is incredible!

In fact, this seems incredible, but in fact, it's nothing after thinking about it.

This time there were many people who entered the brutal beast world.

Not to mention the number of people, the number of forces alone is probably countless.

And among these forces, there are also powerful forces.

Other than that, let's just talk about the power of the ancient holy race!

Almost every ancient holy race sent people into the brutal beast world, and every ancient holy race did not send a team.

If there is more, there may be hundreds of teams, if less, there are dozens or hundreds of teams.

And most of these teams are serving one person, and they are all the proud children of the ancient holy race.

Like Master Ling, the first genius of the Spirit Race, the team around him can be as many as a dozen, and the number is even more than 1,000.

For some reason, all the big powers attached great importance to the ranking of points in the field of strength this time, and for this reason they all cheated and hunted for points.

That is to let a large number of manpower to catch the savage beast, and then kill one person. In this case, that person's points will naturally increase extremely quickly.

This is almost the case for players who can enter the rankings of 10,000.

Yes, that's right, maybe when entering the brutal beast world, because of the uncertain randomness of teleportation, it is difficult for a team to teleport into one place.

But such restrictions are not absolute!

The Fan Haitong that Qin Shaofeng met before, they used some methods to get a few people together.

Many forces also have this method!

And besides, even if you enter the savage beast world without being teleported to one place, you can still rely on some means to contact each other.

The reaction between Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian was also a means.

But for some big-power ethnic groups, they can fully use the power of blood to carry out a range of inductions. In this case, it will be a matter of time for the two sides to meet.

Therefore, from the current stage, the points of the top 10,000 players all exceed 500 points, which is not a strange thing.

Because the points obtained by these players are not relying on their own strength at all, but with the help of a large number of people.

As for Qin Shaofeng, there are probably very few players who can get hundreds of points by killing brute beasts independently.

If there is no help from other people, and just relying on his own strength, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng's current score of 106 points may be in the top 100!

After all, the time to enter this brutal beast world is only three to five hours!

This is just the beginning, I can’t see anything at all


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