Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 141: Meng Xiner

"You, the evil spirit outsider, dare to hurt Sister Xueer, I can't spare you!"

A voice that was extremely angry, but still soft and pleasant, suddenly sounded.

Then, a white figure appeared in front of the blood river.

This is a white-clothed girl who is about the same age as Qin Shaofeng. If Qin Shaofeng is still awake at this moment, he can recognize that this white-clothed girl is the same white-clothed girl who was connected to Lianyang Academy with him by Lian Chenghao. Little sister.

In other words, I agree that it is also Zhao Yuner's younger sister, and Du Meng's another sister.

The girl in white clothes is named Meng Xin'er, and she is the jewel in the palm of the most mysterious family Meng Family Patriarch in Lianyang Kingdom. If nothing else, this woman is still the next generation Patriarch of Meng Family.

As for the Dream Family, what kind of family it is and how powerful it is, I am afraid that only some powerful people in the Yang Kingdom can know a little bit.

Although Mengjia is not one of the three major families of Lianyang Kingdom, Lianyang Kings are also very respectful when facing Mengjia.

The reason is very simple, because even the establishment of Yang Kingdom, the dream family has also contributed.

If there was no Mengjia power back then, Emperor Lianyang would never have established Lianyang Kingdom.

The first rule of the royal family's Lianjia family, all disciples of the Lian family must not offend the people of the dream family, otherwise they will be expelled from the Lian family. In serious cases, the Lian family will be killed!

It’s just from the first rule of the Lian’s family that you can see what Meng’s family is.

A mysterious and powerful family that even the royal family of Yang can never provoke.

Therefore, precisely because of this, Meng Xin'er can enter Lianyang Academy without any examination at all, and even as soon as he enters Lianyang Academy, he can go to the core of Lianyang Academy’s Spirit Garden, which is only for the legendary powerhouse opened for cultivation. .

In fact, when Meng Xin'er came out, she didn't want to enter the core area of ​​the spiritual garden to practice. If it was compared with the place of cultivation, the spiritual garden was far behind her Meng family.

Meng Xiner came out of Meng's house just to experience.

Some time ago, because of a major event in the Black Point Mountain Range, it was so big that even her Dream Family cared about something.

Eventually, after Meng Xin'er got the call from her father, she went to the Black Point Mountain Range.

However, this matter affected a lot, and even Heiwu and Yinyue, who were adjacent to Lianyang Kingdom, knew about it.

Lianyang, Heiwu, and Yinyue, the three countries are adjacent to each other, and friction is constant among them. Because of the three kingdoms, no wars have occurred, but many small wars have occurred.

Everyone in the Three Kingdoms is not pleasing to the eye, and as the most outstanding forces of the Three Kingdoms, Lianyang Academy, Black Martial Academy, and Silver Moon Academy have fought openly and secretly for hundreds of years.

This time, the incident that took place in the Black Point Mountain Range was in fact triggered by the students of Lianyang Academy and Black Martial Academy in another fight.

In the end, the two sides discovered that the unintentional things were extremely precious, and the struggle evolved into a desperate fight, and the matter expanded more and more. In the end, even the elite students of the spiritual veins appeared.

At the beginning, Yun Qingrou and Gao Lianyang, who accompanied Qin Shaofeng's three people, left suddenly because of this incident.

The participation of Lingmai Realm students was not counted, and even the Silver Moon Academy joined in at the end. The battle became more and more fierce, and finally the death of the elite disciple appeared.

Among the elite disciples of the three major academies, which one is not a genius in the spiritual vein?

Which one hasn't seen the existence of painstakingly cultivated by the college? Isn't it a college baby?

The death of one made the academy extremely heartache.

What's more, because of this incident, five elite students from the three academies have died, and there was even one who was seriously injured and abandoned, and could no longer practice.

This situation made all three parties flush with anger. When they were about to lose control, Meng Xiner finally appeared.

As soon as Meng Xin'er appeared, she used the identity of the Meng Family to forcibly stop the battle, and made some decisions to settle the matter smoothly.

Of course, this incident couldn't be so easy. It was completely resolved. Meng Xiner only expressed a way, and eventually the three major colleges accepted it.

In response, Meng Xin'er also returned to Lianyang College, ready to plan and complete her father's account.

But on the way back, she suddenly noticed a familiar breath.

She remembered that the breath was exactly the breath of the cute little fox sister she had met before.

With joy in her heart, Meng Xin'er planned to take a look at the little fox she hadn't seen for many days.

I don't want to, before she arrived, she suddenly noticed that the little fox's aura suddenly weakened, and she was still weak to the state of being about to die.

In shock, Meng Xin'er could no longer pay attention to her father's instructions, and immediately used a forbidden technique to make herself rush to the place where her breath was about to disappear.

But in the end she was one step too late!

When she arrived, she only saw the white snow that had lost her white body and was stained with blood.

"Little Xueer--!"

Bai Xue's miserable and severely injured look made Meng Xin'er cry when she saw it.

After picking up the little fox, Meng Xin'er looked up at Qin Shaofeng who was seriously injured not far away, and then turned to look at the **** river opposite her.

"You, the evil spirit outsider, dare to hurt Sister Xueer, I can't spare you!"

The sound of melodious turning, mixed with this great anger.

This is the first time Meng Xin'er has been so angry. When she thinks that the lovely little fellow has become so dying now, Meng Xin'er has an uncontrollable anger in her heart.


With a crash, Zhang Lingtian's shock came from the **** river.

Meng Xin'er appeared too unexpectedly, he didn't notice it in advance, which made him suddenly startled.

But then he didn't feel the threatening breath from Meng Xin'er, so he laughed.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it! It was a beast at first, but now there is an extra woman, Qin Shaofeng, you are so beautiful!"

Amidst the laughter, the blood pulsed, showing a human face, full of indescribable playfulness.


Meng Xin'er didn't pay much attention because of her anger before, but now after seeing the weird state in front of her, her beauty wrinkled slightly, her beautiful eyes flashed with cold light.

"Blood Killing Ghost? What is your relationship with the **** ancestor?" Meng Xiner shouted abruptly, staring at the **** face.


Meng Xiner's sudden drink caused Zhang Lingtian to feel a little flustered.

She actually heard the name of the ancestor?

There was a faint feeling in his heart, but Zhang Lingtian remembered clearly that when he came out, the ancestor warned Zhang Lingtian, if there is no accident, no one knows his name now, but if the other party can see the bleeding and kill the ghost, and When he said the name of the **** ancestor.

If you notice that the opponent's strength is wrong, you must run away.

If you feel that the opponent is not very strong, don't kill the opponent, unless you can instantly kill the opponent.

As for why this is, Zhang Lingtian has also asked his ancestors, but the blood evil ancestors said indifferently: "People who still know the name of the old man are definitely strong people you can't deal with. The younger generation almost No one knows anymore. If you meet, you are considered to be out of luck. It is best not to kill the ghost with blood!"

Zhang Lingtian remembered these words, because he knew how terrifying his ancestor's strength was.

What he said, Zhang Lingtian would naturally not stop listening.

But at this moment, the girl in white clothes who suddenly appeared, said in one word, the blood-killing ghost he displayed at this moment, and the name of his ancestor.

Zhang Lingtian was naturally a little frightened, but he quickly reacted.

What a panic, this girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old, anyway, there is no one around, she can just kill her.

With the killing intent, the river of blood shook suddenly, the blood burst into light, and the stench of blood became stronger.

"Huh, I didn't expect that a little girl in you knows a lot. She actually knows that blood kills ghosts. You can't keep it today!"

The **** river rolled, and suddenly rushed towards Meng Xin'er, turning into a **** sky, and in the blink of an eye, the retreat around Meng Xin'er was completely blocked.

From a distance, Meng Xin'er seemed to be completely wrapped in a huge blood cell with a diameter of more than ten meters.

"Hahaha, little girl, don't blame me. If you want to complain, blame you for taking care of your nostalgia!"

After blocking all Meng Xiner's retreat, Zhang Lingtian laughed loudly. In his opinion, Meng Xiner, who was covered in his blood, could only be melted into blood by him and turned into a part of his body.

While Zhang Lingtian laughed, the blood cells began to shrink.

But the next moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the blood cell.

"How come? What kind of power is this?"


The exclamation soon turned into a scream.

Hearing a bang, the blood cells that Zhang Lingyun had melted directly exploded.

After the exploded blood cell, the whole body was exposed with golden light, Meng Xin'er, at this moment, Meng Xin'er looked indifferent, and the aura of the whole person was extremely powerful.

"Hmph, I really don't know what to say, didn't the ancestor of the blood evil tell you how far and how far will you go once you meet my Meng family? It's ridiculous to even dare to devour me!" Laimeng Xin'er sneered.

The blood cells after the explosion, under Zhang Lingtian's mind, condensed into a river of blood again, but after condensing, it is no longer one meter in diameter, and a river of blood with a length of ten to twenty meters.

Zhang Lingtian, who had recovered the Blood River again, was already only one-tenth the original size.

As for Zhang Lingtian's breath at this moment, it fell even more.

If Qin Shaofeng was still awake at the moment, he would activate Zhang Lingtian's eyes and explore Zhang Lingtian, and he would find that Zhang Lingtian's internal aura had actually been reduced to less than one hundred thousand points.

She didn't know what Meng Xin'er had done before, but just a face-to-face meeting, which completely severely injured Zhang Lingtian.

Dream house?

After being seriously injured, Zhang Lingtian was shocked, because this was what he remembered from his ancestors.

"My **** ancestor's "Blood Shade Demon Art" is powerful, especially once the blood kills ghosts, it is no longer a challenge to go beyond the level, but there is one thing that is not good, that is, it is completely suppressed by the blood of the family. I'm on it, I'm afraid I was killed by the opponent's higher order.'

And Zhang Lingtian also knew that family from the blood of the blood evil ancestors, that is the dream family!

"Are you from the dream family?"

A scream came from the **** river, the next moment, Zhang Lingtian suddenly rolled the **** river's body, without any hesitation, turned around and ran.

But for this, Meng Xin'er looked at it coldly and didn't make any other movements. She just lifted her right arm, revealing her tender and white index finger, a little empty.

call out!

A faint golden light shot out from Meng Xin'er's index finger instantly, directly at Zhang Lingtian who was escaping in the distance.

Afterwards, with a scream, the river of **** water that Zhang Lingtian had melted suddenly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

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