Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1412: The real purpose of the contest

Chapter 1412 the real purpose of the competition

Seeing that the Jaw leader left in anger, the old leader of the Shun clan and the leader of the Yao clan remained silent for a few moments and did not say anything to stop them.

In fact, both of them actually expected such a result in their hearts.

Of course, they were also very concerned about the invasion from the ancient sanctuary, but the invasion of this level was only a small area.

Because the cultivators who invaded their brutal beast world were not the real powerhouses in the ancient sanctuary.

But even so, it is impossible to let them go on like this, because in the final analysis it is still a bit disadvantageous for them.

But the two didn't want to send someone to investigate or something now, because this time there were so many cultivators who invaded.

Once there are fewer people sent, I am afraid that there will definitely be no return, and then basically no news can be detected.

People have been lost and the news has not been found out. This is not worth the gain.

They also know the character of the jaw leader, so this is what happened before, it is nothing more than to stimulate the jaw leader.

Because Jaw tribe has a special kind of wild beast, this kind of wild beast can be parasitic in the body of Jaw tribe, it is a maternal wild beast.

The parasitic child beast is able to communicate with the mother beast and transmit information to each other.

That was the death of the parasite, and the child beast could send back some news.

Therefore, the Jaws with this kind of savage beast are more suitable for investigating the news.

Of course, apart from this, the leaders of the Shun and Yao clan may not have the idea of ​​weakening the strength of the Jaw clan.

Over the years, the Jaws have become stronger and stronger, and they are much stronger than the Yao and Shun tribes. When a single tribe confronts, neither the Yao nor the Shun can be the opponents of the Jaws.

Had it not been for the threat of the ancient sanctuary, the Jaws would have attacked the Yao and Shun tribes long ago.

The leader of the Jaw Clan generation Jaw Man, but a very ambitious person.

This can be seen from its name, named Man, meaning king!

He wants to be the king of the entire barbarian tribe, and become the king of the barbarian world!

Therefore, no matter the old leader of the Shun clan or the leader of the Yao clan’s ‘weak scholar’, they wanted to use this invasion to weaken the strength of the Jaw clan.

As for the invasion from the ancient sanctuary?

This kind of invasion is not a threat at all in the eyes of the two, because this is the world of brutal beasts, with strong laws suppressed, anyone who enters from the outside will be greatly suppressed, and it is impossible to exert all their strength.

Moreover, in the eyes of the two leaders, only the real powerhouses of the ancient sanctuary, that is, the existence of the so-called sovereign supreme level, would cause them to worry.

Because once a powerhouse of that level enters the barbaric world, even if they are suppressed, they will definitely have incomparably powerful powers. That is a real disaster for their barbarians.

But their savage beast realm, it is impossible for the power to rule the supreme to enter.

Because they are not allowed by the rules of the beast world!

And as long as it is not dominating the powers such as the Supreme, it is not a real threat to their barbarians.

But in fact?

Is it really like this?

At the same time, in that special small space in the Nirvana Realm, Elder Bai and other Dominant Supremes are closing their eyes and resting.

"it has started!"

Suddenly, a soft cry drew the attention of all the masters of the supreme powerhouse, and it was the emperor who spoke.

"Have you started?" Old Bai asked, and at the same time, the eyes of the other supreme masters also fell on the Ten Thousand Array Great Emperor, with a hint of inquiry in their eyes.

"Yeah!" The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays nodded, "According to the information transmitted from my Tower, those barbarians have moved, but as we expected, even if the barbarians have moved, it is not very big."

"So, those barbarians didn't realize our intentions?" a ruler said, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Well, there shouldn't be, otherwise, their movements will definitely be bigger!" The Great Emperor Wanzhen nodded his face in affirmation.

After seeing the affirmative expression of the Great Emperor Wanzhen, the other Supreme Masters were also excited.

Because their purpose is considered preliminary!

All-around competition?

Contest among geniuses?

This may be a very sensational game, but no matter how sensational it is, it is impossible to attract the attention of Domination Supreme, and even a dozen or so dominate Supreme will be held together.

This is all because behind this all-around competition, there are some plans to dominate the supreme.

In fact, although there are more than a dozen Supreme Lords gathered here, this plan is a shocking event jointly planned by all the major forces in the entire ancient sanctuary.

Even because of this major event, the ancient holy race and the ancient demons have temporarily cooperated.

And this big event is planning the brutal beast world!

Because there is a very important thing in the savage beast world, something that is so important that even the white emperor and the emperor of the ranks are moved by it.

But just as the leaders of the Shun and Yao tribes were relieved, because of the suppression of the barbarian beast world, as long as the master of the ancient sanctuary, they could not enter the barbarian beast world.

Even now even the supreme masters who have reached the realm of the title of emperor can hardly enter the savage beast world.

In this way, if the ancient sanctuary wanted to win the brutal beast world, it would be impossible.

The higher the cultivation level, the more suppressed in the brutal beast realm, naturally the stronger.

And the supreme master who built the Daoji could not enter the brutal beast world at all.

But this situation is only now, because after years of exploration, these masters have found a way to enter the savage beast world.

That’s right, if they want to enter the Brutal Beast Realm with their strength, it’s probably a very difficult thing, because the law of the Brutal Beast Realm is very powerful. For the supreme, that is also extremely powerful.

It is simply impossible for a supreme master to forcibly break into the brutal beast world.

But now it's different, because the ruler has already figured out a way to enter the brutal beast world, which is to assimilate the brutal beast world and assimilate the ancient sanctuary.

Let's put it this way, the Great Beast Realm and the Ancient Continent can be regarded as having two Great Dao laws, although the Great Dao Law of the Brutal Beast Realm is far less powerful than that of the Ancient Continent.

But if you just stick to a savage beast realm, the great rules of the savage beast realm can still be done, because sticking to it even makes the sovereign supreme unable to enter.

But if it opens a breakthrough in the brutal beast world, then it is completely possible to assimilate the laws of the ancient continent.

There is no need to completely assimilate, as long as the assimilation reaches a certain level, then these masters of the ancient sanctuary can enter the brutal beast world.

At that time, these dominating sages will take action, how can a savage beast world be unable to win?

Of course, if you want to assimilate the savage beast world, it is not a simple matter, otherwise it will not wait until now.

However, now the strong of the ancient sanctuary had figured out a proper way, and then the Almighty Competition appeared.

The competitions in the several fields before the All-Around Tournament are in line with the situation of the game, but this finally entered the strength field of the brute world, and it was different.

All players who enter the world of brutal beasts will refine a jade talisman.

However, including Qin Shaofeng, at most they only knew that this jade talisman gathered the power of the brutal beast realm and the Nirvana realm.

In this way, killing brutal beasts in the brutal beast realm will earn some points corresponding to their names in the Nirvana realm.

But in fact, the jade charms refined by Qin Shaofeng and each of them are not only integrated into the power of the law of the brutal beast world, but also brought in a lot of power of the law of the ancient continent.

Even once this jade talisman is refined, it can absorb the legal power of the wild beast by itself, and perform a state similar to automatic strengthening.

Therefore, as more and more brutal beasts are killed, the jade charms refined by each player will become stronger and stronger.

And while being strong, it can also absorb more law power from the ancient continent from the Nirvana Realm.

This means that the more savage beasts a famous player kills in the savage beast world, the more the power of the laws of the ancient continent can be brought into, and this is also invisibly assimilating the savage beast world.

This is just one point, and the most important thing is the players themselves who have entered the brutal world.

The cultivator from the ancient sanctuary was born under the great laws of the ancient continent. If he suddenly enters the brutal beast world, he will be suppressed, that is inevitable.

But with the help of Jade Talisman, they slowly began to adapt to the suppression of the brutal beast world, and even finally they could gradually show more and more strength, which is the same as slowly unlocking the suppression.

In fact, the same situation as unlocking suppression was also assimilating the brutal beast world, but this time it was assimilating the brutal beast world with the power of the cultivator himself.

Both the jade talisman and the player's assimilation of the brutal beast world are potential assimilation, and it is difficult to be detected at all.

Even Qin Shaofeng, who had the eyes of gods and demons, did not notice this change.

And the barbarians and the barbarians who are naturally unable to practice the law, it is even more unnoticeable.

I'm afraid it will be too late to wait for them to really notice the strangeness.


Three days passed quickly.

As he approached his plan to kill all the beasts in a radius of 30,000 miles within three days, and the last two or three hours, Qin Shaofeng came to the final goal of his plan.

A dense forest!

The reason why Qin Shaofeng put such a sea of ​​forests last was because there was a group of tens of thousands of wild beasts in this huge sea of ​​forests.

Gibbon ape!

This is a real group of apes and savage beasts. According to Qin Shaofeng's current investigation, the number of this group of gibbon apes is at least over 15,000.

Fortunately, although the number of gibbon apes is large, the entire forest sea is also a community, but fortunately, the entire forest sea is very large. This gibbon ape spreads across the entire forest sea, and the number of true gatherings is actually better than nothing. Very exaggerated.

These gibbons are usually scattered in a small team. In this huge forest, within a radius of ten miles, there are at most three to five hundred gibbons.

Among the savage beasts, this gibbous white ape is also considered to be a savage beast with good strength. It has the strength of a three-star lower-level savage beast at birth, and it can definitely grow to an eight-star and a nine-star after it reaches adulthood. Level realm.

Even these adult white gibbon apes, as long as they practice some practice and live for more than ten years, it is not difficult to become a middle-ranked beast.

Therefore, among this gibbon white ape, the middle-ranked beast level is easy to appear.

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