Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1414: Brutal hunt

Chapter 1414 Violent Hunt

But this time it was different.

Whether it's a low-rank or middle-ranked brute, the number of this gibbon ape is really too much.

The number is over 15,000!

If they come together, then...

Qin Shaofeng shivered involuntarily when he thought of that black and crushing piece.

To deal with 15,000 savage beasts at once, Qin Shaofeng asked himself that he didn't have the courage and the strength, because there were too many.

Even if Qin Shaofeng possesses the resurrection of the gods, at best, it is only to ensure that he will not be hurt. If he wants to kill, then it is another matter.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's attack methods have been greatly suppressed because of the suppression of the brutal beast world.

Perhaps with the words of the Sacred Hand of the Shangfutu, Qin Shaofeng entered the state of God's recovery, and within three minutes, he could see that these gibbons were all killed.

But when I thought about the power of the Saint Hand of the Buddha, against the brutal beasts of the upper and lower ranks, even the brutal beast pill could not be retained, so Qin Shaofeng directly abandoned this idea.

The Holy Hand of the Buddha is currently unavailable.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already thought about it, and the best way to face these gibbons was to defeat them one by one.

The territory of this gibbon ape is not small, but the entire forest sea covers an area of ​​more than ten thousand miles. Therefore, there are 15,000 gibbon apes in this forest sea, but there are countless branches, forming a small team. Qin Shaofeng is completely dealing with a small group of small groups.

And now Qin Shaofeng is in the most fringe area of ​​the forest sea of ​​this gibbon white ape territory, this is the first group of gibbon white apes he stares at!

At this moment, in an area not far from Qin Shaofeng, there is a group of more than one hundred gibbon white apes. Most of the more than one hundred gibbon white apes are inferior savage beasts. Among them, there are three gibbon white apes. The apes have reached the realm of the middle-ranked brutal beast, and they are still only the one-star realm of the middle-ranked brutal beast.

For Qin Shaofeng, this is something that can be handled completely, even the kind that is very easy.

After watching again for a while, looking at the long-armed white ape in the jungle in the distance, the situation was similar to what he had expected, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help tightening the Xuanwu armor broadsword in his hand.

It's time to act!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng immediately made up his mind to shoot.


With a lightly sway of his body, Qin Shaofeng directly displayed his magical flash!

After a period of adaptation and the increase of 320 Pills of Law, Qin Shaofeng is now able to display the magic flash in this brutal beast world.

However, Qin Shaofeng's magic flash not only consumes a lot of power of the gods and demons, but also the teleport of the magic flashes, which is a distance of 100 meters at most.

Although the distance is short, it is sufficient.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

After three consecutive flashes, Qin Shaofeng came over the group of long-armed white apes.

"Falling Cloud Mad Knife!"

As soon as he arrived over the group of white gibbon apes, Qin Shaofeng's left hand shook slightly, raising the big knife in his hand and slashing it at the white gibbon ape below.

This Falling Cloud Crazy Sword is one of the many skills that Qin Shaofeng copied with the gods and demons in the previous Almighty Tournament in that comprehension field competition.

Falling Cloud Crazy Sword is only a three-star swordsmanship martial arts, it is not very strong in the first place, and Qin Shaofeng simply looks down on it.

But in this savage beast world, the Falling Cloud Crazy Blade that burst out of this power had an extra powerful attack.

call out! call out! call out!

With a single cut, Qin Shaofeng used the Xuanwu Battle Armor broadsword in his hand to directly cut out a dozen sword strength!

These dozens of sword strength, if placed in the ancient sanctuary, can only be regarded as a general power. For many cultivators, even some cultivators in the ninefold and tenfold realm of Nirvana, they are not very strong attacks. .

Whether it is dodge or directly take over, it is very easy.

But in this savage beast world, Qin Shaofeng used it to deal with these gibbon white apes at this moment, and the effect was really good.

Because the brutal beast world has no possibility of using the power of the law, facing the blade power of this falling cloud crazy knife, basically can only dodging.

If you don't dodge in time, you can only make a stint.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a series of slashes, these swords fell into the group of white gibbon apes. Suddenly, several white gibbon apes were directly bombarded and killed. Luckily, the gibbon white apes were lucky enough to receive a sword, even if they were still alive. It's also a serious injury.

Qin Shaofeng was very accurate, and he cut out with a single knife, completely aimed at the lower rank beasts.

Qin Shaofeng didn't stop at the slightest after he succeeded with a stab, and he slashed out again with a backhand.

call out! call out! call out!

It was more than a dozen Dao Jin, and then several gibbon white apes were killed on the spot, and several were seriously injured.


At this time, the three middle-ranking gibbon white apes among the group of gibbon white apes finally realized that something was wrong, and one of them suddenly raised his head, and after seeing Qin Shaofeng, he roared.

But Qin Shaofeng responded with another Falling Cloud Crazy Sword!

call out! call out! call out!

Dao Jin fell, and it was the wounds of more than a dozen gibbon white apes.

This made the three middle-ranked wild beasts immediately angry.




With three roars, the three one-star gibbon white apes all made the same move.

A takeoff, Qin Shaofeng jumped directly into the air, with that hideous face, as if jumping up, trying to swallow Qin Shaofeng.

This is no wonder!

The gibbon apes that usually live in this forest sea, although they are all one ethnic group, but for each small group, they basically exist in a family way.

The reason why these three one-star middle-ranked gibbons are so angry is because this group of gibbons are their descendants.

Seeing that their descendants were slaughtered so much by a sudden human, they were naturally extremely angry.

But I don't want to, the movements of these three gibbons were exactly what Qin Shaofeng had planned.

Because at the moment the three gibbons jumped up, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

You know that this is the world of brutal beasts, and if you want to fly in this world of brutal beasts, Qin Shaofeng can't do it now, even if it's floating for a while, Qin Shaofeng can't do it.

From the very beginning, with the help of Divine Flash, to reach the sky above these long-armed white apes, Qin Shaofeng used three tricks of Falling Cloud Crazy Sword in succession, which was already his limit.

Because this has reached the limit he can stay in mid-air.

One breath!

This is the time Qin Shaofeng can stay in the air right now, and this is still with the power of Divine Flash. If there is no Divine Flash and simply jump into the air to float, don't say a breath, even half a breath. Not.

Therefore, even if the three middle-ranked savage beast-level gibbons did not jump up, Qin Shaofeng would soon fall down.

However, it would be a good thing for Qin Shaofeng to attract these three gibbons.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was about to be besieged in mid-air by three long-armed white apes, suddenly disappeared with a sway.

God flash!

After another divine flash, Qin Shaofeng went directly to the ground, among the group of gibbons.

Then, no need to say more.

It's just the low-ranking savage beast-level long-gibbed white ape, that can't resist Qin Shaofeng's current move.


With a flash of light, Qin Shaofeng directly decapitated the three long-armed white apes in front of him, just like a cut Luobu.

Killing five seven- or eight-star low-ranking brute beasts with a single shot, this is the power Qin Shaofeng can explode in the brute beast world.

After beheading the five long-armed white apes with a single knife, Qin Shaofeng did not stop at all, stepped on his feet, and the next moment he came to the other long-armed white apes again.

Then, the big knife swung...

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

For a time, the swords were everywhere, and the long-armed white apes were just beheaded by Qin Shaofeng.

Because of the sudden attack by Qin Shaofeng, this group of long-armed white apes was not at all guarded, and the strength shown by Qin Shaofeng from the outside world was not something that the lower rank beasts could compete.

So, from the beginning of the battle, there was such a downside.




The three middle-ranked savage beast-level gibbons finally realized that they had been fooled, and hurried back to the ground, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng like crazy.

At this time, the gibbons on the ground were almost killed by Qin Shaofeng with a knife.

The moment Qin Shaofeng fell on the ground, it was like a tiger entering the flock, with the big knife in his hand facing the gibbon apes, as if he was cutting melons and vegetables, and swept directly.

Therefore, even if the three gibbons reacted quickly, it was too late.

In the face of this situation, the three mid-level white gibbon apes directly flushed their eyes and fell into a state of anger, completely losing their minds.

The white gibbon apes have good intelligence, and if the three white gibbon apes are still awake at this moment, then I am afraid that they would ask other companions for help in the first place.

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's tactics, one after another, have caused these three gibbon white apes to lose their minds and have no idea of ​​asking for help.

The only thought in their hearts at this moment is to kill the human in front of them and avenge their offspring.

boom! boom! boom!

The three gibbon white apes are all one-star middle-ranked brutal beasts, and the power that erupts under the anger is even stronger.

When rushing towards Qin Shaofeng, these three long-armed white apes waved his arms, and they blasted out a strong wind against Qin Shaofeng from the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This strong wind is strong enough to kill a seven- or eight-star low-ranking brute.

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the power of these fist-strength winds is still a bit short!


With a light sway of his right hand, the Xuanwu Battle Armor Broadsword in his hand instantly cut a blade of strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, those long-armed white apes blasted out the wind of fist strength, and they were swept away by Qin Shaofeng's sword strength in an instant.

And Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this moment, turning his right hand, and slashing out three Falling Clouds Crazy Blades in an instant.

Although this also continued to erupt, it consumed a lot of Qin Shaofeng's powers.

But after the sword strength of the three falling cloud knives broke out, the remaining savage beasts, the long-armed white apes, were eventually killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Since Qin Shaofeng began to attack, it has only been a period of three or five breaths.

But during these three or five breaths, Qin Shaofeng killed more than one hundred gibbon apes.

Although these gibbon apes are just inferior savage beasts, their record is amazing.

What is even more amazing is that in order to maintain the power of his gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng is now only opening the Xuanwu armor to a state of 20 times the strength.

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