Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1416: Still found

Chapter 1416

The more than 600 gibbon white apes that have just been eliminated are the limit Qin Shaofeng can do without affecting most of the gibbon white apes in the center.

The entire forest sea of ​​this gibbon ape's site is actually divided into three areas from the inside to the outside.

The first area is the outer area where Qin Shaofeng was before. The number of gibbons living here is usually one to three hundred.

The area where Qin Shaofeng is at this moment is considered to be the inner circle. There are usually more than 500 gibbon apes living here, and three of them even have thousands of gibbon apes.

As for the core area in the depths of the forest, there are more than three thousand gibbon white apes, and most of the gibbon white apes in the middle of the forest sea are also concentrated in that place.

And now Qin Shaofeng has hunted down most of the gibbon white apes in the outer periphery and the inner circle.

Except for the three groups of white gibbon apes in the inner circle, which are more than 1,000 in number, that is, the group of more than 3,000 gibbon white apes in the core area of ​​Linhai, Qin Shaofeng did not hunt.

But now it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng is a little embarrassed.

Because facing the thousands of white gibbon apes, Qin Shaofeng could not guarantee whether it would attract the attention of other white gibbon apes during hunting.

In fact, when Qin Shaofeng killed the group of more than 600 gibbon white apes just now, he almost let a few gibbon white apes escape.

If the few gibbon white apes really escaped, then I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng has been chased and killed by more than 7,000 gibbon white apes now.

In fact, to be honest, Qin Shaofeng has hunted and killed more than half of the gibbon white apes, and the other gibbon apes have not noticed this. This has surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng’s initial plan was to be discovered when he killed three to five thousand savage beasts. What he didn’t want was, I don’t know if this group of gibbon apes is used to be the overlord of this group of tens of thousands of miles. I feel that no one will provoke their status.

Or maybe it was some other situation. Anyway, these gibbons didn't realize that Qin Shaofeng had hunted more than half of their own group.

Sure enough, that sentence was verified...

Born in sorrow and die in happiness!

After careful consideration, Qin Shaofeng finally chose one of the four remaining groups of white gibbon apes, one of the least number of white gibbon apes.

But this small number is only relatively speaking, because the number of this group of gibbons is more than one thousand and two hundred gibbons!

This time the number of gibbon white apes selected was relatively large, and Qin Shaofeng decided to come again.

and so……

"Xuanwu Battle Armor!"

With a low drink, Qin Shaofeng directly opened the Xuanwu Battle Armor to a 50-fold increase in strength. Although the highest increase of the Xuanwu Battle Armor was a hundred times, it would consume too much power of the gods and demons for Qin Shaofeng.

With the ascension state of that basalt armor, it was impossible for Qin Shaofeng to fight for long.

And the blessing of Xuanwu Battle Armor is just the beginning.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng's blessing skills were continuously displayed by him.

"The power of the gods and demons!"

"God state!"

"God's Pill Fire!"



Soon, Qin Shaofeng became a state full of flames, and at this moment his strength had also been elevated to a very exaggerated state.

Even if Qin Shaofeng is suppressed by the brutal beast world, he is still very strong, but Qin Shaofeng has already felt it.

If a nine-star and ten-star median beast appeared in front of him at this moment, he would be able to blow it up with one punch!

After being blessed by many states, Qin Shaofeng shook his body for the next moment and disappeared instantly.

However, Qin Shaofeng at this time didn't show his magic.

The reason why his figure disappeared is all because of his divine hiding.

The space of the brutal beast world also has a strong suppression on Qin Shaofeng, even at this moment, he can only maintain a second at most if he uses the words of Shenyin.

But even though there was only one second, this was enough for Qin Shaofeng.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In a divinely hidden state, Qin Shaofeng used several divine flashes in succession, and came directly to the area where the group of gibbons were relatively concentrated.

Then, Qin Shaofeng shot instantly.

"Cover the sky!"

Qin Shaofeng used another martial skill that was copied by the gods and demons in the Almighty Competition, and the Heaven-shielding Hand was still a seven-star martial skill.

The most important thing is that the power of the gods and demons consumed by Qin Shaofeng is still within the range of his endurance by using the hand covering the sky once.

At the moment when he showed the sky-shielding hand, Qin Shaofeng withdrew from the hidden state, and then appeared in front of a large number of gibbon apes.

The sudden appearance of Qin Shaofeng made these long-gibbed white apes a little dazed, and they had not figured out the situation for a while.

But just when these long-armed white apes were stunned, Qin Shaofeng shot his hands continuously, and his hands covering the sky were shot by him.


Bang bang bang!

With a burst of noise, huge handprints that covered the sky fell one by one, and then a large number of gibbons were killed by Qin Shaofeng.

After shooting ten palms to cover the sky in a row, Qin Shaofeng stopped, because the power of the gods and demons in his body had been used up, and he could not continue to use the sky cover. Otherwise, he would even maintain the Xuanwu armor. The power of the gods and demons is not enough.

But even if it was only ten palms, after that bombardment, Qin Shaofeng's white gibbon ape with a kilometer around his body was no longer alive.

Qin Shaofeng has already mastered the living habits of these gibbon white apes. They are usually easy to gather together to eat, play and other behaviors.

And at this moment, this group of thousands of white gibbon apes, there are more than half of the white gibbon apes gathered together...basking in the sun!

As a result, Qin Shaofeng instantly wiped out six to seven hundred gibbons during this exposure, including more than a dozen gibbon white apes in the middle-ranked barbarian state.

Even the leader of this group of white gibbon apes, the three-star middle-ranked gibbon white ape in the realm of brutal beasts, was directly killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know these things, he just felt that there were a lot of gibbons here, and they were more concentrated and easier to start.

Therefore, the current situation is that the leader of this group of white gibbon apes has disappeared, and then suddenly suffered such a terrible attack, and the whole group of white gibbon apes suddenly fell into a state of panic without a group of dragons.

Although there were also many gibbon white apes who discovered Qin Shaofeng as a sneak attacker, they roared towards Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng was in a state of 50 times the strength of the Xuanwu Battle Armor, and there was also the blessing of this **** and devil's tremendous power and state of **** and devil.

This is not to mention the lower rank beast, even a long-gibbed white ape that rushed to Qin Shaofeng's two-star middle rank beast realm was directly cut in half by Qin Shaofeng.

The two-star gibbous white apes in the middle-ranked brutal beast realm are like this, so how can the other gibbed white apes withstand the big sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand?

Huh! Huh! Huh!

It was another battle of chopping melons and vegetables. In the face of a desperate white gibbon ape, Qin Shaofeng came to chop one by one, one pair for one pair, and one group for one group.

In the end, after twenty-five or six breaths passed, the last gibbon ape here was also beheaded by Qin Shaofeng.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was a little confused.

Over 1,200 gibbon apes were killed by him like this?

This... why is it so smooth!

It was so easy that Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine it.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly came over.

Because when hunting these gibbon apes, he didn't seem to see the leader of this group of gibbon apes.

Although he only felt it for a while, Qin Shaofeng had already felt it before he did it. There is a three-star peak middle-ranked brutal beast here. Obviously, the leader of this group of gibbons is not only the middle-ranked brutal beast. Realm, but also the realm of the three-star pinnacle.

But until he hacked and killed the last white gibbon ape, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice the mid-level brutal beast aura of the three-star peak realm.

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel anything at first, but the current situation made him understand.

I am afraid that this hunting was so smooth and simple because the leader of this group of gibbon apes had been killed by him a long time ago.

"At the very beginning, when I bombarded and killed a large number of gibbons with the sky-shielding hand, did I get rid of the leader of these gibbons?"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only think so.

Because now there is not much time for him to think about this issue.

For the first time Qin Shaofeng just collected the savage beast realm in these savage beast realms, and even the fangs of the savage beast realm in the middle, Qin Shaofeng did not pull out, and rushed to the next goal.

This time, Qin Shaofeng's goal was a group of gibbons with more than 1,300 numbers.

Similarly, it was completely a copy of the previous group. After Qin Shaofeng added many states to himself, he came to the sky above this group of white gibbon apes with Shenyin.

Then, ten palms cover the sky again!


Bang bang bang!

Another bombing took away the lives of six to seven hundred gibbons.

It was just that this bombing attack did not take away the lives of the leaders of the group of white gibbon apes, which caused Qin Shaofeng to be found by the leaders of the group of white gibbon apes the first time after the bombardment of the sky-shielding hand.

Four-star median beast!

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that the leader of this group of gibbous white apes actually reached the four-star mid-level realm.

But this was nothing more than that, even if it was a four-star middle-ranked brute, Qin Shaofeng was able to solve it with a few strokes.

After the leader was resolved, the next time was Qin Shaofeng's massacre of these gibbons.

But when Qin Shaofeng couldn't find out the massacre of these long-gibbed white apes, suddenly there was a sudden cry of ape from far away, causing his face to change slightly.


The cry of the ape resounded through the forest sea for thousands of miles, like the howling of the tiger king.

But even more of this ape cry was anger, incomparable anger, like a monstrous anger erupting from a volcano!

Such an amazing ape cry, and there is an unusual aura in the voice. Just from this ape cry, you can feel that its owner is a not simple character.

Gibbon White Ape King!

It was still discovered!

Qin Shaofeng frowned and his face was slightly bitter.

"Sister, you can do whatever you are afraid of!"


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