Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1425: Loose?

Chapter 1425: Loose?

How could this be?

Seeing the wild beast pill that had turned into a small pile of dust in his hand, Qin Shaofeng was a little stunned.

Because it was the first time to absorb the savage beast pill of the higher rank savage beast, and it was still mutated, Qin Shaofeng was very careful and kept a slow posture when absorbing it.

But I don't want to, when Qin Shaofeng just started to absorb it, he actually absorbed the wild beast pill of the Long-armed White Ape King in an instant.

It just left some dust!

To be precise, it was not Qin Shaofeng himself who absorbed it, but the thousand pill of the law in his body that had formed the Thousand-Star Dao Formation, which absorbed all the mutant wild beast pill of the Gibbon White Ape King in an instant. Up.

As a result of this absorption, Qin Shaofeng didn't add even one pill of law at all.

This was a far cry from Qin Shaofeng's expectation of adding at least six or seven hundred pill of laws.

You must know that this savage beast pill is the savage beast pill of the upper savage beast realm, and it is also mutated. The power of the law contained in it is very rich and very essence.

Qin Shaofeng previously conservatively estimated that even if it was just this wild beast pill of the Long-armed White Ape King, it would be able to reach the state of two thousand pill of laws.

But who knows, this happened in the end, and this was something Qin Shaofeng hadn't expected.

However, the things that shocked Qin Shaofeng even more were yet to come!

After obtaining the law power of the long-armed white ape king mutant wild beast pill, Qin Shaofeng's body formed a thousand-star array of thousand rules pill, and at this moment, all of them emitted a burst of white light.

After that, more and more white light of this kind covered the entire pill of law of the Thousand Star Dao Array.

Under this white light, the pill of the thousand laws of the thousand-star array at this moment seemed to have truly become one.

If Qin Shaofeng's inner world is regarded as a small universe, then his thousand-star array before is a galaxy.

But now, because of the white light, the entire ‘galaxy’ seems to have become a huge photosphere.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt fiercely that his thousand-star Dao formation became stronger, and the one thousand pill of laws in it seemed to be completely integrated.

Before, Qin Shaofeng reached the realm equivalent to the pattern of a great avenue with 1,000 pieces of a thousand-star Dao Array.

But that was just equivalent, at best, Qin Shaofeng temporarily possessed the pattern of the Great Dao under the power of the Qianxing Dao Array.

But now?

Qin Shaofeng had a feeling, as if the thousand-star Dao formation had completely become the pattern of the great road.

This kind of feeling had only appeared when Qin Shaofeng inspired the Qianxing Dao Formation, but now it only appeared naturally.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and subconsciously used the method of stimulating the Qianxing Dao Array to stimulate the power of the Qianxing Dao Array.



There was a shock from Qin Shaofeng's body, and a powerful breath rose from him.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of shock and surprise in his eyes.


At this moment, when Qin Shaofeng inspired the Qianxing Dao Formation, he suddenly felt that the suppression he had suffered since entering the brutal beast world, at this moment, had disappeared without a trace.

Although the mutated high-ranking barbarian pill of the White Gibbon Ape King did not bring Qin Shaofeng an increase in the pill of law, he completely liberated Qin Shaofeng's 1,000 pill of law, and it still formed the Thousand Star Dao. The pill of a thousand laws of the formation.

From this moment on, Qin Shaofeng completely reached the realm of a supreme ruler, and he was still a supreme ruler in this brutal beast realm without any suppression.

It can be said that this long-armed white ape king's wild beast pill gave Qin Shaofeng a pattern of great avenues in this wild beast world.

This is the real avenue pattern, not the power equivalent to the realm of the avenue pattern.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng's situation now is equivalent to his state when he was in the ancient sanctuary with a pattern of great avenue.


does not exist!

Qin Shaofeng can fully use the power of gods and demons to release a powerful skill. This situation is the same as Qin Shaofeng's situation in Nirvana.

Of course, this is not absolutely non-existent. If Qin Shaofeng uses the power of gods and demons that exceed the realm of a great road, then he will still be suppressed.

But even so, this is already amazing.

Because it was just the realm of the pattern of a great road, it was enough for Qin Shaofeng to do a lot of things.

The most direct point is that if Qin Shaofeng were to meet the Gibbon White Ape King now, Qin Shaofeng glanced over, and the Gibbon White Ape King would probably kneel directly.

The realm of the pattern of a great road is the realm of the supreme dominance, and the long-armed white ape king is equivalent to this realm.

Within the same realm, even if the long-armed white ape king is a mutant beast, it is estimated that it will be difficult to resist Qin Shaofeng's magical fantasy.

However, it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng was excited.

Because he found that with his current realm, let alone dealing with thousands of low-ranking brute beasts, even three to fifty thousand middle-ranking brute beasts, he can continue to solve them completely with magic.

Moreover, the savage beasts that the magic solves are only obliterated from the soul and spirit, which can completely preserve the integrity of the body, and it can also perfectly keep every savage beast pill.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Qin Shaofeng became, and he wanted to immediately start an action to kill those wild beasts.

However, Qin Shaofeng resisted his excitement when he thought that he still had nearly 20,000 Savage Beast Pills.

"No hurry, even if the power of the gods and demons with the pattern of the great road will not be suppressed, there are still some restrictions in this brutal beast world. The power of the gods and demons used to use skills needs to be extra. In my current state. , The power of gods and demons is still a little bit less, so let's improve some of the pill of law first.

Although the power of the gods and demons that did not exceed the pattern of a great road broke out, they would not suffer the suppression of the brutal beast world.

But after experimenting, Qin Shaofeng also clearly noticed that the suppression of his brutal beast realm still exists for him.

It's just that these suppressions no longer act on his power of the gods and demons, unless the power of the gods and demons he uses exceeds the realm of the pattern of a great road.

Although these suppressions do not exist for Qin Shaofeng itself, once Qin Shaofeng displays the powerful skills that burst out with the power of gods and demons, he needs to consume more gods if he wants to achieve the kind of power effect in the ancient sanctuary. The power of magic.

In this respect, with Qin Shaofeng's current more than 1,300 pill of laws, the power of the gods and demons seemed to be insufficient.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to improve some principles of pill.

As long as there are more pill of law, then the power of gods and demons he possesses will naturally be more.

Qin Shaofeng's Divine Demon Pill Sutra is now at level 7, and he can cultivate the power of 100 Dadao Patterns.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng was also looking forward to how many Pills of Law he had obtained this time with so many Brutal Beast Pills.


And when Qin Shaofeng began to absorb the wild beast pill and began to improve his own pill of law, a big event happened in the outside world of Nirvana.

Because just when Qin Shaofeng absorbed the wild beast Dan Queen of the long-armed white ape king, a change occurred in his body, that is, when he liberated the power of the gods and demons of the avenue pattern, he was in that special small space. The emperor of Wanzhen immediately noticed a slight abnormality.


That is?

Suddenly, he seemed to feel a slight movement from the tower of his own destiny ruler, and then from this slight change, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Forms felt as if the entire brutal beast world had invaded the laws of the ancient continent, and there was a slight looseness.

At first, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays thought he felt something went wrong, and only then began to implement their plan. How could it be loose?

This is too fast!

But after several times of repeated induction, the Great Emperor Wanzhen still didn't notice any abnormality, and it really became loose.

In the end, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays didn't entangle anything anymore, and directly informed the other Supreme Masters of this strange situation.

This also made the other masters feel strange, because it was too fast.

But in the end, after the repeated induction of many masters, it was discovered that the looseness really appeared, and there was still no problem.

In the end, they can only think that the plan is still going well, but the speed of progress is beyond their imagination.

But, in general, this is a good thing!

But these dominating supreme beings would never have thought of it. It was only Qin Shaofeng who absorbed a wild beast pill of the White Gibbon Ape King.

This is actually for a reason!

The reason why the savage fruit served by the Gibbon White Ape King can only appear in this savage beast world is because this savage fruit is a special fruit that evolved from the original law of the savage beast world.

In such a situation, the ancient sanctuary also appeared by chance, and not only medicinal materials, but also other methods.

This can prove this point is the perfect body of the Holy Spirit possessed by the son of spirit.

This is the power of the original law that belongs to a world!

This is a special ability evolved from the great principles of the ancient continent.

The Gibbon White Ape King serving that savage **** fruit is equivalent to being endowed with a trace of the original law of the savage beast world.

This is equivalent to the Gibbon White Ape King being bestowed with luck by the origin of the Barbarian Beast World. Without the appearance of Qin Shaofeng, the Gibbon White Ape King could fully grow up and eventually become the overlord of the Barbarian Beast World.

Unfortunately, time did not wait for it, Qin Shaofeng's appearance made it disappear.

Qin Shaofeng also cut off that trace of the original law.

The savage beast world is not the ancient continent, it is just a special small world. Although it is independent on the ancient continent, it is a real world with the original laws that can fight against the ancient continent.

But that's all, the original laws possessed by the wild beasts are absolutely limited.

Therefore, a trace of loss is a trace, and it will not recover naturally like the law of the Great Dao of the ancient continent.

After Qin Shaofeng obtained this silk, he directly absorbed and refined it.

This is equivalent to absorbing and refining the brutal beast world. Although it is only a tiny bit, it is considered refining after all.

This is also why the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Arrays felt that there was a slight looseness in the resistance of the Brutal Beast World to the laws of the ancient continent.

But the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Forms and the other supreme masters would never think that this was all because of Qin Shaofeng.

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