Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1427: Powerless Tantai Game

Unlimited Kills: Special missions, special missions that are only triggered in certain places after the player completes some special missions and obtains special rewards.

The current ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest is a person who is rewarded by the ‘Almighty Champion’ quest and triggered after entering the savage beast world.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task, and there is no star-level completion evaluation. According to the player's progress, each star-level task is unlocked. Each time you complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the reward, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This "Unlimited Kill" mission unlocks unlimited stars, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this mission will end. After the mission is over, the player can complete all the star missions and make some evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The duration of the "Unlimited Kills" mission: three months!)

Current progress: Unlock five stars!

One star: Completed!

Two-star: Completed!

Three-star: Completed!

Four-star: Completed!

Five-star (705022/1000000): Kill one million wild beasts in the wild beast world! Reward 100 skill points and 3 million points for system redemption!


A few days later, Qin Shaofeng stood on a pile of savage beast corpses in a place at the junction of the medium-dangerous area of ​​the brutal beast world and the high-risk area.

At this time, six days have passed.

In these six days, Qin Shaofeng hunted more than 700,000 brutal beasts, which also allowed his ‘unlimited kill’ mission to exceed the five-star level.

The five-star requirement for the ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission is to kill one million savage beasts.

If it were before, for Qin Shaofeng, the number of this million savage beasts would be very difficult to accomplish.

But now, it's different.

In just six days, Qin Shaofeng has killed more than 700,000 brutal beasts. At this rate, I am afraid that in three more days at most, Qin Shaofeng is the five-star stage that can kill infinitely. The task was completed directly.

But this was not the thing that made Qin Shaofeng the happiest, the thing that made Qin Shaofeng happy the most, it was all because he once again hunted down a mutant savage beast.

Although the mutant savage beast that Qin Shaofeng hunted this time was only a three-star intermediate savage beast realm, it was a mutant savage beast after all.

Moreover, this three-star middle-rank mutant brutal beast pill, as Qin Shaofeng had expected, did have some differences from other normal brutal beast pill.

This feeling is the same as that of the wild beast of the Gibbon White Ape King before, with very special energy.

It is the energy that allows Qin Shaofeng to liberate the power of the gods and demons in his body in this brutal beast world.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, but directly looked for a place and began to retreat.

Because he was looking forward to it, looking forward to whether this mutant beast pill is really like the previous wild beast pill of the white gibbon white ape king, it may allow his power of gods and demons to gain further liberation in this wild beast world. .

Qin Shaofeng began to retreat, and at the same time many people in the Nirvana Realm were relieved.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's continuously rising points finally stopped.

But although Qin Shaofeng's points have stopped increasing, many viewers of Qin Shaofeng in the Nirvana world are directly silent at this moment.

Because at the moment, Qin Shaofeng's ranking at the moment has left them speechless.

278 people!

This is Qin Shaofeng's ranking at the moment!

He not only entered the top 1,000, but also sprinted to the 278th place in the top 300!

This is the first time this situation has occurred!

It only took a few days to get from the 10,000th place to the 278th place since I first entered the rankings. This speed is too fast!

Of course, other players are not idle these days.

Perhaps it was because Qin Shaofeng's points speed increased too fast, which caused many players to feel a sense of crisis.

The top ten demon princes, princes of spirits, and young masters of Qilin are really afraid of Qin Shaofeng.

Such crazy points increase the speed, which is too scary!

Then, these arrogances began to go deep into the brutal beast realm in unison. Before they were only in the low-risk area of ​​the brutal beast realm, hunting a large number of lower level brutal beasts.

But because of Qin Shaofeng's crazy points soaring, these Tianjiao people have begun to penetrate the brutal beast world, and the strongest have reached the medium danger zone.

This hunting of the lower rank savage beast and the middle rank savage beast, but there is a huge difference.

Fortunately, after so many days, many people have adapted to the suppression of many savage beasts, and the power that can be exploded has also increased.

And the most important thing is that now many people have already noticed that absorbing the wild beast pill can not only enhance their own law power, but also condense more law pill, even the pattern of the great road.

More importantly, the more savage beast pills absorbed, the more powerful it can erupt in this savage beast world.

And not only the top ranked Tianjiao, as long as the people who are surpassed by Qin Shaofeng have some good subordinates, they will all penetrate deep into the brutal beast world.

Then, because of this situation, many players' points have also increased rapidly.

Because after going deeper, the savage beasts encountered more and more, and more and more powerful.

This has led to many players' points, and the speed of increase is also very fast.

Although this rate of increase is far less exaggerated than Qin Shaofeng's, it is much faster than before.

The best embodiment of this is that the top 300 players, including Qin Shaofeng, have scored more than one million points.

The top two hundred players have more than three million points. As for the top 100 players, the points of each player are at least five million.

It is normal for the talents at the top to score more than 10 million.

After all, the major forces have sent many people into the brutal beast world, and now that time has passed so long, even if it is far apart, they should have gathered.

There are more people and more power, so the speed of killing brutal beasts is naturally getting faster and faster.

In a certain way, this can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng stimulating other players.


In a certain place in the middle danger zone of the Brutal Beast World, after some battle, a burly figure covered in blood appeared.

"Hahaha, what a pleasure!"

The burly figure laughed and wiped the blood on his face, completely indifferent.

Whether it was the blood on his face or the blood elsewhere on his body, it was actually not his blood, but when he was hunting the brutal beast, he was splashed with the blood of the brutal beast.


This didn't exist at all, because the battle just now, even the strongest ten-star mid-ranked brute, didn't cause him any harm.

This burly figure is exactly Du Meng.

At this moment, in addition to Du Meng, Tang Qijian was also here. In the fight just now, Du Meng and Tang Qijian joined forces to slaughter a group of brutal beasts with more than three thousand savage beasts.


The sound of the long sword being sheathed, and then a black shadow flashed, Tang Qijian appeared beside Du Meng.

Compared with the time when he was separated from Qin Shaofeng, Tang Qijian's aura had become sharper at this moment.

For Tang Qijian who only came to hone his kendo, this was the biggest gain.

As for Du Meng, he rushed all the way, which is equivalent to tempering his Nine-turn Domineering body.

"Hey, I said you two can stop being so messy? If something goes wrong, I really can't explain to the little master!"

With a sigh, another figure appeared, but with the appearance of this figure, dozens of figures appeared one after another.

Needless to say, the people who appeared suddenly were naturally some of the disciples of Tantaiyi and the Crazy Temple.

After such a period of time, Tantaiyi and Du Meng had already joined together.

In fact, on the second day of entering the wild beast world, Du Meng met several disciples of the wild temple, and after only two or three days, Du Meng gathered all the wild temple disciples who entered the wild beast world with him. .

However, all the disciples of the mad temple did not include Tantaiyi.

It has to be said that Tantaiyi's luck is really sad. Once he was introduced to this brutal beast world, he was actually teleported to the outermost periphery of the safe area, close to the low-risk area.

And what made Tantaiyi most depressed was that he hadn't waited for him to adapt as soon as he appeared, and the suppression of this brutal beast world was targeted by a group of brutal beasts.

Had he not been wearing the Xuanwu armor refined by Qin Shaofeng, I'm afraid Tantaiyi would have been sent out of the brutal beast realm long ago.

Du Meng also only met Tantaiyi three days ago, which immediately made Tantaiyi burst into tears and kept saying that he had found an organization.

As for Tang Qijian's words, they encountered it not long ago.

Then, I don't have to say, the first time they met, Du Meng and Tang Qijian started their old tricks!

Give it a try!

Then, there was the scene just now, and the two began to compare the speed of hunting brutal beasts.

This made Tantaiyi feel very helpless, because he understood that without his own little teacher and uncle, I am afraid that no one can suppress these two people at all.

His sister, I, Tantaiyi, is also the son of the Master of the Crazy Temple!

Don't forget Tang Qijian, why did you Du Meng give me orders instead of listening to me?

However, Tantaiyi could only mumble a few words in his heart.

No way, let alone, Du Meng is the brother of his junior uncle Qin Shaofeng, even if this relationship is not included, Du Meng is a generation higher than Tantaiyi.

The reason is simple, because Du Meng's master is the brother of Tantaiyi's grandfather.

With this level of relationship, Du Meng could be regarded as his uncle of Tantaiyi.

At first, Tantaiyi didn't know about this matter, but not long ago, after he knew Du Meng's relationship with Qin Shaofeng, then he knew Du Meng, who really was his uncle's generation!

To be honest, after knowing Du Meng's identity at the beginning, Tantaiyi was only due to the identity of the other party, as well as his relationship with Qin Shaofeng, his junior teacher.

But after getting along for this period of time, Tantaiyi changed his previous views.

At this point, this is true for Du Meng or Tang Qijian.


Because these two people are really not human!

Too yellow and violent!

Looking at the corpses of wild beasts behind Du Meng and Tang Qijian, Tantaiyi groaned painlessly.

It's too messy, but...

But people do have the strength to chaos!

Looking at the two people in front of him again, Tantaiyi felt...

Very weak!

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