Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1429: The first appearance of the barbarians (part 2)

Chapter 1429

This group of people actually dare to kill?

Fan Haiyun was shocked and angry looking at his subordinates who were killed and fell to the ground.

Because of such a situation, it was something he couldn't think of. How could someone dare to kill in this brutal beast world?

how can that be?

You must know that the competition will not allow such a situation!

However, Fan Haiyun didn't think about how long, because soon someone appeared on the other side and came directly to him and shot him.

Fan Haiyun is furious!

It's nothing more than robbing them, but these people actually dare to kill them, this is something he can't bear.

In furious, Fan Haiyun yelled violently, and Fan Huo burst out all over his body, and his breath rose sharply.

In an angry mood, Fan Haiyun exploded out of all the power he could currently explode in this brutal beast world for the first time.

At this moment, Fan Haiyun firmly believes that even if there is a high-ranking brute beast in front of him, as long as the opponent is not in the realm of five-star or higher, he can kill it.

In Fan Haiyun's eyes, the burly figure that suddenly appeared in front of him was definitely not his opponent.


With a loud bang, the two figures intertwined, and they fought for the first time.

But the next moment, a figure flew out in an instant.

The first time they fought, there was a huge difference. One of them was bombed out with no resistance at all, and the moment he flew out, blood was vomited and a blood mist was cast.

The most surprising thing is that the person who flew out was not the burly figure, but the fan Haiyun who was surrounded by Fan Huo and had an extremely powerful aura!

Fan Haiyun was blasted out by the opponent just as soon as he fought.

Faced with such a situation, those Fan Clan disciples looked dumbfounded.

But this was only the beginning, because at the moment Fan Haiyun flew out, the burly figure that attacked him immediately flew off and came to Fan Haiyun in mid-air.


boom! boom! boom!

At the moment in midair, the burly figure threw three punches at Fan Haiyun.

And then……

There was no more, because after taking these three punches, Fan Haiyun hit the place severely and couldn't get up anymore.

The breath of life dropped sharply, and it was completely dissipated in a moment.


Fan Haitong, who saw this scene not far away, was completely stunned.

how is this possible?

How could your elder brother die like this?

The scene before him made Fan Haitong feel so unreal.

You must know that although his elder brother Fan Haiyun is not as good as the top arrogances such as Gu Bo and Young Master Ling, he is also a rare tianjiao in the ancient sanctuary even among all the ancient saints.

He is only in his forties now, but his realm has been cultivated to the realm of the five supreme domination.

Such a situation is very rare among their entire Fan clan.

Fan Haitong has always admired his big brother, and has always been proud of having such a big brother!

But at that moment, what did he see?

He saw his elder brother Fan Haiyun, and he was killed easily.

The time before and after is just one breath, and the opponent's shot is only three or four moves.

Most importantly, in the face of the opponent's attack, his elder brother Fan Haiyun did not resist at all.

No, in such a situation, I am afraid that there is no room for resistance!

Fan Haitong didn't react at all for a while, just so dumbfounded, looking at the front stupidly.

It wasn't until a strong force threw it out that Fan Haitong returned to his senses, and then he heard Fan Ming's voice for the first time.

"Little Master, run away!"

Upon hearing this sound, Fan Haitong, who was thrown away, subconsciously looked back.

Then, he saw that Fan Ming was there where he had taken it.

But at this moment, Fan Ming was blasted through his chest by a huge fist, and after shouting that sentence, the light in Fan Ming's eyes turned directly into dead ashes.


Fan Ming was also killed!

Seeing Fan Ming's death, Fan Haitong immediately hit a Ji Ling, and the whole person was fully awakened.


After waking up, this was the only thought in Fan Haitong's mind.

Although the opponent had only fifteen or six people in total, they have killed more than two or three hundred people on their side.

The difference in strength is too great.

But under such circumstances, it does not seem to be possible to escape completely safe and sound.

In the end, Fan Haitong hid in a dense grass, and then witnessed his own tribe being killed one by one.

Fan Haitong didn’t want to withdraw from this brutal beast world. Faced with such a dangerous situation, he was aroused for the first time. The jade talisman refined in his body wanted to use the transmission power of the jade talisman to directly teleport away. Brutal world.

The brutal beast world is terrible, he wants to go home!

But what made Fan Haitong desperate was that, for some reason, the jade charm in his body actually didn't work.

He did inspire that jade talisman, and he continued to inspire countless times, even now he was still inspiring that jade talisman again and again.

But no matter how many times he aroused, the white light of the jade talisman never appeared as expected.

The jade talisman has expired!

Fan Haitong was desperate, he didn't know what happened.

Soon, those Fan clan disciples were killed by the group of people, and it didn't take long for the extremely desperate Fan Haitong to be found out by the group of people, and then directly bombarded and killed.

At this point, the Fan Clan's main legion that entered the brutal beast world this time was killed inexplicably.

Seeing the strength of a Fan Clan disciple in one place, a burly man covered in blood, shot the burly figure of Fan Haiyun with three or four punches, laughed and said: "Boss, this group of invaders are too weak, so easy. I was killed, there is no challenge at all!"



That's right, this group of fifteen or six people is the only group in the savage beast world-the barbarians!

And the fifteen or six people who appeared here were from the Jaw tribe.

The burly man called the boss is a high-ranking warrior of the Jaw tribe, his name is Jaw War.

The level of cultivation of the barbarians is different from that of the barbarians. Basically, a barbarian with a barbarian pattern can be called a warrior.

A barbarian warrior with ten savage patterns is the lower warrior. If a savage pattern is equivalent to the pattern of a great road, it is a realm of supreme dominance.

A barbarian warrior with more than ten savage patterns is a median warrior, but a median barbarian warrior has up to 30 savage patterns, which is equivalent to the realm of the triple supreme ruler.

A barbarian warrior with more than 30 barbaric patterns and less than a hundred barbaric patterns is an upper barbarian warrior.

The Jaw Warrior in front of him was a high-ranking warrior of the Jaws, with more than thirty barbaric patterns painted all over his body. He was a very powerful barbarian warrior.

This is why the opponent can kill Fan Haiyun so easily.

Unlike brutal beasts, barbaric warriors with brutal patterns on their bodies can use some laws in the brutal world.

Although it only uses a small part of the power of its own laws, because this is the world of brutal beasts, it can use a little power of the law, and the power that bursts out is much stronger than the suppressed ancient sanctuary cultivator. .

If it were in the outside world, although Fan Haiyun was not as good as this jaw fight, if he really fought without suppression, even if Fan Haiyun was not as good as the opponent, he would not be so easily bombarded by the jaw fight three or four punches.

The strongest of the barbarians is their physique, but if they are outside of this savage beast world, their strong physique is not their advantage.

"Okay, let me be a little more vigilant, I have forgotten the command of the leader!"

There was a cold jaw war, and suddenly the other barbarian warriors dared not speak.

These barbarian warriors are basically mid-level warriors with at least ten barbaric patterns.

However, Jaw Zhan suddenly discovered something, frowned slightly, and said to the brawny man beside him: "Where is Xiaokui?"

"Uh, Xiaokui?"

The brawny man's face changed abruptly, and he began to stutter a little.

"This... this, I... I... I don't know!"


Seeing the brawny man stuttering like this, he let out a cold snort, and his heart became clear.

He knew that, I'm afraid his younger brother must have slipped out halfway.

However, he didn't say anything.

Although his younger brother is only an adult, he now has five savage patterns carved on his body, and he has the natural blood power of their Jaws, even if he encounters those invaders, there is no danger.

Jaw Wars knows these invaders too well. They are obviously not from the brutal beast realm, so they dare to come in. They really are the power of the brutal gods in the brutal beast realm. Doesn't it suppress them?

In the beginning, in such a situation, Jaw Warfare is still a bit worried.

But now after several times of besieging the invaders' team, Jaw Warfare doesn't pay attention to those invaders.

Because under the suppression of the power of the wild god, these invaders are too many.

If the power can't be used, that's it, even the body is so fragile, no one can hold on to his five punches.

Therefore, Jaw Zhan didn't have much worry about his own brother's wayward departure.

Besides, his younger brother, as one of the few geniuses in the Jaw tribe, was favored by the leaders of their Jaw tribe and cultivated with heart.

In fact, this time he came out, the reason why his younger brother also came out, it may not have been the intention to come out for some experience.

But because of the fancy of their Jaw leaders, Jaw Zhan knew that his younger brother was protected by two good Jaw warriors!

Although the two Jaw Warriors were not high-ranking fighters comparable to him, they were also middle-ranked fighters with more than 20 wild patterns.

Even among the mid-level fighters, the strength of the two is already very strong.

After the current exploration and siege, Jaw Zhan felt that if the two soldiers secretly protected, his brother would never be in any danger.

But it won't take long before Jaw Wars has such an idea.

In fact, seriously speaking, there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​Jaw War. A barbarian warrior with five savage patterns can have combat power in this savage beast realm, compared to an ancient sanctuary cultivator who dominates the realm of triple supremacy. Said it will not be weak.

If Tantaiyi meets the opponent, he will probably stop cooking.

But if you really meet some real masters, the situation will be different.

That's right, once the barbarians in the savage beast world possess savage patterns, they can not only condense the power of the law, but also use the power of the law to attack.

But using the power of the law in this way is equivalent to one-third of the power of the law of an ancient sanctuary cultivator.

This is also the environment of Deli and the Beast Realm. If the environment of the Beast Realm does not exist, then the cultivators of the barbarians and the ancient sanctuary in the same realm, then the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary may be stronger. .

In fact, such a thing, Jaw Wars has also thought of it.

But this place is in the brutal beast world after all. If you want to follow their barbarians without being suppressed by the brutal beast world, they can freely operate the power of the law?

is it possible?

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