Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1431: Barbarian

Chapter 1431

"Are you a barbarian?"

Qin Shaofeng's words, on the contrary, made the jaws stunned.

Because the jaws never thought about it, the other party actually knew that he was a barbarian.

No, just because the other party knew it, their barbarians had already surprised Jaibun's heart.

Because before he fought with his eldest brother Jaw, after coming out of Jaw tribe, the invaders encountered didn't even know that they were barbarians.

Even the invaders did not seem to know the existence of their barbarians.

But now the person in front of him makes the jaws feel different.

The other party knows the existence of the barbarians, it must not be easy.


not simple?

This is not easy!

Jaibun was overjoyed in his heart, looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, as if he had seen some interesting toy, he was very excited.

His jaw is a barbarian genius. Although he was not born well, he is the same as his brother Jaw War. Because of his outstanding talent, Jaw War leader has poured a lot of resources into it.

But for a long time, among Jaw tribes, Jaw is very good in the younger generation, but they rarely fight with outsiders.

He has never even fought against the Yao and Shun tribes.

Now finally, because of the appearance of the invaders, these talented fighters have come out to experience.

However, as soon as he came out, the jaw was depressed.

Because from the time he came out to the present, the intruders he encountered were too weak.

Although his elder brother Jaw Zhan told him that these invaders were all suppressed by the power of their brutal gods after entering the world of brutal beasts.

But as a result of this suppression, the intruder's strength is very limited, making Jaw feel that there are too many opponents, and he simply can't raise his interest in fighting.

However, the person in front of him made Jaw Hom feel that perhaps the intruder he encountered this time could make him a little bit happy!

"Heh, I didn't expect that you human race still knows quite a lot!"

The jaws smiled slightly, then nodded, and said, "Yes, I am a barbarian, and my jaws are a member of the great jaw tribe that can unite the three barbarians sooner or later!"

The jaw tone was arrogant, obviously extremely arrogant.

This is probably a common problem among the younger generation of all Jaws.

However, his words gave Qin Shaofeng a lot of information.


The three barbarians?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he wanted to say something to get more information.

But at this moment, that jaw line can't help it.

"Human, I think you are not easy, come on, fight with me! Let me see the strength of your ancient sanctuary cultivators!"


As soon as his jaw fell, his figure flashed, and he came to Qin Shaofeng.


A punch was blasted, and the jaws faced Qin Shaofeng's face, and he blasted a punch directly.

But even though the jaws punched suddenly, the force used was very powerful, I am afraid that even if there is a high-ranking brute at this moment, it is estimated that it is likely to be blown by the jaws.

However, it was a pity that this time the opponent of the jaws was Qin Shaofeng who was far more powerful than a high-ranking brute.


There was a dull explosion, and the figure of the jaw shook slightly, and then backed a few steps.

The jaw was shocked. He didn't expect that he would be shocked back.

Although the punch just now wasn't his full strength, it was also strong enough.

The intruder he encountered before has not yet appeared to let him use such a powerful fist!

But now the human being in front of him not only received his punch safely, but also shook him back.

This power...

not bad!

After the jaws were slightly surprised, he was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, humans, you are really not easy, interesting, come on, let me see how good you are!"


While speaking, the fist of the jaws blasted towards Qin Shaofeng again.

The fist that blasted was even more energetic. It was the strong wind caused by the powerful force.

Not to mention the power of the fist of the jaw line, it is just the strong wind that the fist brings, but it is very powerful.

But still the same as before, Qin Shaofeng's right hand vibrated, his clenched fist, and a punch at the jaw line directly blasted upward.


There was another dull roar, and the jaws of his face were even more surprised.

Because he found that after he raised his power again, the opponent could still take it.

"Hahaha, great, humans, your strength is good, this time you can make me have a good time!"

Jaws laughed and waved his hands instantly, blasting Qin Shaofeng with one punch.

Qin Shaofeng had no expression on his face. Facing the punch after punch from his jaw, he could take it one by one, and he was still very relaxed.

For a time, the two of them were happy with one punch and one punch.

Judging from this situation, it seems that the two are on a par.

Not far away, on a huge boulder, at the moment they are standing watching the battle in the distance.

These two are the barbarian warriors who secretly protect the jaws.

Both of them are middle-ranked fighters, and the savage patterns on their bodies have already exceeded 20. One of them has 23 savage patterns, and the other has 25 savage patterns.

Such strength is already very powerful in the brutal beast world.

The barbarians with savage patterns can use the power of the law, although only a small amount of the power of the law can be used.

But with these two barbarian mid-level fighters, when using the power of law to fight, their combat power can already be comparable to some six or seven-star high-ranking barbarian beasts.

As for the upper-ranking brute beast, the brutal beast pill in the body is all painted with lines. In a sense, the pattern of the brutal beast pill of the upper-ranking brute beast is actually not much different from the brutal pattern on the barbarian warrior.

The only difference is that the savage patterns of the barbarian warriors allow them to use the power of the law, and the patterns of the barbarian pill in the upper savage beasts, but the pattern does not allow them to use the power of the law.

Therefore, in the savage beast world, although the number of savage beasts is ten million times that of the barbarians, it is the barbarians that really dominate in the savage beast world.

In the face of this situation, whether the barbarian tribes are the three major tribes or the small tribes under the three tribes, all the barbarian tribes believe that this is the power bestowed by their barbarians.

And this time, it was precisely because of their brutal gods that these invaders were suppressed, and they were unable to exert the power of the law.

At this moment, seeing the great excitement between Jaw and that human being, the two middle-ranked fighters were not worried.

No distinction?

This seems to be the case, but in fact, they are very clear that the jaws are not serious yet.

The current jaws use pure physical power, but haven't they used the power of law?

Although the human being on the other side was also good, he was very powerful, and he was probably a genius with a powerful body that was rare in the ancient sanctuary.

But the two are sure that if the jaws use the power of the law to attack, that human can definitely be defeated by the jaws instantly, or even directly bombarded and killed.

These intruders are really too weak!

Now the jaws only have some interest, and this is how they play with each other.

That's right, in the eyes of these two mid-level fighters, the jaws are playing right now!

At this point, the jaws think so too.

It's hard to meet an intruder with good physical strength, who can let him use some strength. Isn't this fun?

But as the number of fights increased, the jaw line felt a little wrong.

Before encountering Qin Shaofeng, the jaws of the opponent's other invaders used at most 30% of the power.

After meeting Qin Shaofeng, as soon as he came up, he directly used 50% of his power, but Qin Shaofeng took it over.

This made the jaws of joy in his heart. In the next match, he gradually increased his strength at the start.




But at this time, the jaw line felt a little wrong.

Because by this time, he had already used ten percent of his power, but the human being in front of him was able to take his fists one by one.

The more the power is used, the more surprised the jaws are.

Because he discovered that this human, like their barbarians, has a very good physical body.

"Haha, you are really good as a human!"

After another punch, the jaw suddenly stopped attacking, watching Qin Shaofeng smile and said: "I can persist until now, you know that even in my Jaw tribe, the same generation can use pure physical strength , There are not many people who are equivalent to me. Under my full strength, few people will be my opponents, but you still hold on!"

"You are very good!"

Jaibun pointed at Qin Shaofeng and said, then his tone changed, and the whole person became cold.

"But you're over here, I've played enough, then you go to my death!"

After the words, the jaws rushed towards Qin Shaofeng again, but this time, he exuded a special breath.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about what he said to the jaw.

adhere to?

Stop here?

Oh, this is really funny. If I didn't want to know about the combat power of you so-called barbarians, do you think Xiaoye would waste such a long time with you?

Qin Shaofeng was disdainful in his heart, even though he also admitted in his heart that this barbarian warrior called Jawswa was extremely tough in physical strength.

But that's all. Perhaps the power of this jaw is difficult to deal with in the eyes of others, even when Qin Shaofeng's power of the gods and demons has not been released before, if it is the opponent's jaw, Qin Shaofeng asked himself besides using the recovery of the gods, You may be able to reluctantly fight the opponent if you fully open the Xuanwu Armor.

But now there is no need for this.

That was Qin Shaofeng's previous thoughts, but at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's thoughts changed.

The power of law?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt the breath that burst out of his jaw.

That is the breath of using the power of the law, this can't be wrong!

Could this barbarian race use the power of law in this brutal beast world?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, and then he did not dare to neglect, the power of the gods and demons in his body was also running at this moment.

This jaw has such a huge power without using the power of the law. Now that the power of the law is used, it is definitely more unusual.

Can't be careless!

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was vigilant in his heart. If it was hard to do, he might suffer a big loss!

Because the next moment, the fists of the jaws blasted over, and after he took a punch, he felt that the power of the jaws of the fist was at least three times stronger than the previous strength!


After the impact of the punch, Qin Shaofeng's figure shook slightly, and then the whole person stepped back because of the huge shock!

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