Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1439: Brutal war skills

Chapter 1439

Qin Shaofeng's opening immediately made the dozens of Yan tribe warriors glaring and roaring constantly, wishing to tear Qin Shaofeng alive.

Even that Qi Fei could not have imagined that under such circumstances, the invader dared to speak such a wild word.

The most important thing is that not only did the other party say nothing wrong, but even said it was right, directly talking about his pain, this is something he cannot tolerate.

To the fact that he was born into a very weak Yan tribe, Yi Fei has always been a little bit resistant. It is that he is the young master of the Yan tribe, and this cannot change his mind.

"Damn, you bastard, I must..."


Before Yu Fei had said that sentence, I must kill you, Qin Shaofeng suddenly shot it.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't have the patience to continue the ink on these people. Since the other party can find himself, will there be other barbarians who can also find himself?

Well... this can't stay here for too long.

It's a quick fight!

The figure flickered, Qin Shaofeng came to the front of Yan Fei and punched out.

As soon as Na Yan Fei appeared, Qin Shaofeng had already learned of the opponent's realm and strength.

The mid-level warrior's level of consummation was stronger than the barbarians he had hunted before, and he was the strongest barbarian warrior he had ever encountered.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's fist did not leave his hand at all, and the power of the power of the gods and demons exploded out of martial arts, which was directly the explosion of the "Fu Heavy Fist".

Qin Shaofeng's current situation, but can freely release the power of gods and demons in this brutal beast world that is equivalent to the pattern of the five roads.

As soon as this punch ‘Fu Heavy Punch’ blasted out, it was filled with an astonishing breath.

This punch seemed to have penetrated everything, blasted through the space, and burst out with an unstoppable and powerful momentum, surging.

"not good!"

At the moment Qin Shaofeng blasted this punch, Yin Fei was shocked.

At this moment, Yin Fei could fully feel the power of this intruder's punch in front of him, that powerful punch like a mountain like a sea.

Strong and turbulent!

When this surging attack came straight to him, Yin Fei knew that he had underestimated the strength of the intruder in front of him.

What is the power that can be possessed by a person who can use the power of several savage patterns realm laws?

This power is almost equal to him!

Even stronger than him!

But, this person is just an intruder, how can he have such a powerful force?

Isn't the opponent suppressed by their supreme barbaric power?

Yu Fei was puzzled and didn't understand.

But at this moment, he had no time to think about anything, because the opponent's fist had already blasted at him.

If he doesn't fight back, his situation will be bad.

"Damn intruder, don't be arrogant!"

Yin Fei roared, and the brutal patterns on his body shone fiercely, his aura rose instantly, and an aura of the power of law also burst out from his body.

"Boom! Boom!"

Yin Fei punched out with both hands, his fists shook, his momentum was extremely thick and powerful, as if a huge mountain exuded an extremely heavy breath.


Feeling the power of Yin Fei, Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly, and a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

The power of the gods and demons that he can use has already reached the state of the Five Dao Dao Patterns, and the martial arts'Fu Heavy Fist' displayed in this state is even more imminent.

Blast me!

With a violent shout in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and suddenly he added a bit of strength.


With a loud noise, Qin Shaofeng's fist and Yin Fei's fist finally collided.

But it's just a touch, and it's clear immediately.

Under the powerful aura of Qin Shaofeng's fist, the powerful and heavy aura on Yin Fei's fist, like snow from a volcanic eruption, disintegrated, scattered, and melted instantly.


With a dull and explosive sound, Yin Fei instantly retreated.

Even Yin Fei's fist, which was not strong enough, suddenly burst into small wounds, and a trace of bright red flowed out of those wounds.

As for Yin Fei himself, he was even more pale and backed away.

Compete in one hit!

This Yan Fei was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent at all. He was just a punch that was unable to fully receive the "Fast Punch", but was directly injured.

Although the injury was only a minor injury, it was not much different from a bruise.

But this situation shocked and couldn't believe it.

Although he was only the realm of the middle-ranked fighter, in fact, the physical strength of Ji Fei had already reached the realm of the upper-ranked fighter.

In terms of strength, Yin Fei's strength was stronger than other barbarian warriors in the same realm.

Compared with the invaders who were suppressed by the brutal beast world, Yu Fei was confident that he was definitely stronger.

But the situation in front of him finally realized that not all invaders were as weak as chickens and ducks, and could be killed by him at will.

There are definitely powerful people among the invaders!

For example, this intruder in front of you is so alone!

This is of course.

Qin Shaofeng is not an ordinary ancient sanctuary cultivator. His body may not be as powerful as the most powerful barbarian warrior in the same realm, but the average barbarian cannot compare to him.

Unfortunately, the young master of the Yan tribe in front of him, Ji Fei, is an ordinary barbarian, and the opponent is at best slightly stronger than the average barbarian in the same realm.

This is just the flesh, if the power of the law is added, the difference will be even greater.

The warriors of the barbarians, no matter how talented they are, within the same realm, even ordinary ancient sanctuary cultivators, using the power of law to attack, the barbarians are far inferior to the ancient sanctuary cultivators.

This can't be compared to ordinary people, so it's not to mention comparing with Qin Shaofeng.

You must know the power of Qin Shaofeng's law, but he has evolved into a more powerful power of gods and demons.

Regarding the power of the law, I am afraid that it is the spiritual master who has the perfect body of the holy spirit. The power of the law cultivated can barely compare with him. Other people can't do it.

Therefore, this situation is completely normal.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't run away at the beginning, but chose to face these barbarian warriors like Yan Fei.

Because no need!


how can that be?

Looking at his fist, Yin Fei couldn't feel the pain of the wounds on the fist at all. At this moment, there was only incredible in his heart.

He was actually repelled?

The dozen or so Yan tribe warriors on the side were even more surprised at this moment and couldn't say anything. They were all dumbfounded and completely dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

They are confused and can't understand!

hateful! Bastard!

With a anger in his heart, Yin Fei's eyes flickered fiercely, looking at Qin Shaofeng's eyes, completely wishing to swallow Qin Shaofeng alive.

"Damn intruder!" Yin Fei smirked and roared loudly.

"You have successfully angered me, I won't let you go easily!"

After all, Qi Fei's whole body shook, and a powerful and majestic breath vented crazily from his body. At this moment, he exploded out all the power of the law that could burst out of his body.

Not only that, but he seemed to know that he was probably not the opponent of the intruder in front of him, so Qi Fei became serious this time.

He used his true power!

In addition to the barbarians being very powerful, once they are promoted to fighters, as long as they can use the power of the law, the barbarians can use the barbaric skills.

The so-called savage war skill is considered a powerful martial skill, and it is also a very special martial skill.

Because this barbarian war skill allows the barbarian warriors to use powerful power from the legendary barbarian to bless themselves.

However, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to successfully cultivate a barbarian war skill, although the conditions for practicing a barbarian war skill are simply to be able to use the power of the law.

But if you want to successfully cultivate the savage war skills, it requires a certain amount of talent, and even if the cultivation is successful, it depends on the individual's talent and how much improvement you get after using it.

Therefore, there are very few barbarian warriors who can practice barbaric skills.

A genius like the jaws, who is favored by the jaw tribe, has not yet successfully practiced the savage war skills!

At most, he has the potential to succeed in cultivation.


His body shook, and an inexplicable and powerful aura suddenly emerged from Yin Fei's body.

This is the breath of using the savage war skills, he can display the savage war skills!

But for this, Yin Fei hid it deeply, although he knew that if he could speak out about his success in cultivating brutal war skills, then he would definitely be valued by some high-level Jaw tribes.

But Yu Fei also knew that this was even more dangerous!

Although the Jaw tribes are monolithic, the internal fighting is more intense, even fierce.

Especially after this generation of Jaw tribe leader Jawman, Jawman has implemented an absolute power policy in order to enhance the strength of the Jaw tribe as a whole, even the Jaw tribe. For the improvement of the fighter's strength, it is more powerful. .

As long as the strength is sufficient and the talent is excellent, then everything is good. If it is not, even if it is unfair, it is normal.

Even for some genius fighters, that kind of open and secret struggle, Chin Man didn't care.

All he needs is the result, nothing else matters.

As a result, the entire Jaw tribe is in a state of turmoil. If Jaw Man is not strong enough to suppress all unruly minds, I am afraid the entire Jaw tribe would have already been in chaos.

But this also caused many geniuses with good talents to die or disappear inexplicably.

These things have happened many times, and Yin Fei knew that a tribe that was close to his own Yin tribe had a genius who could practice the savage war skills.

But the other party died shortly after entering the Jaw tribe headquarters.

Although Yin Fei didn't know exactly what happened in it, he knew that the other party had a conflict with a genius of an extremely powerful tribe who had joined the Jaw tribe before his death.

And after the conflict, the other party died soon after.

If there is nothing tricky in this, Yin Fei doesn't believe anything.

Therefore, it was only then that Yin Fei concealed the fact that he had practiced Barbarian Combat Skills.

At the very least, he planned to wait until he was promoted to the upper warrior realm before making the matter public.

Because after becoming a high-ranking warrior, this has some strength, and the high-ranking warrior who can display barbaric skills can also enter the gaze of the leader of the Jaw tribe, Jaws, and murder will not appear.

That can be considered safe.

It's just that Yin Fei didn't think so, that he was actually forced to use the savage war skills by an outside invader.

This made Qi Fei very angry, but he also had his own pride, even if he revealed that he could use the savage war skills, he did not want to use the power of his subordinates to deal with this invader.

He wants to be alone and kill the opponent!

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