Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1445: The movement of the two tribes

Chapter 1445 the movement of the two tribes

Now because of the ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission, Qin Shaofeng’s skill points are increasing, which makes Qin Shaofeng very happy.

However, it has been nearly a month since entering the world of brutal beasts, and there are only two months left before the deadline for the completion of the'Extreme Law Upgrade Mission'.

Moreover, this ‘unlimited kill’ mission is still left. In two months’ time, Qin Shaofeng intends to upgrade some of his skills to as many stars as possible before this ‘limit rule upgrade mission’ reaches the final breath.

In this way, after the completion of the ‘Law of Limits Upgrading Task’, the rewards obtained can increase these skills by a level here.

The eight-star target of "Unlimited Kills" is to kill 10,000 barbarian warriors, so if it is placed before, Qin Shaofeng can only take a certain risk to go to the deep area of ​​the barbarian world and enter some barbarian tribes. Hunted the barbarians.

But now it is not necessary, because when hunting down the barbarian warriors of the Jaw tribe, Qin Shaofeng learned from these barbarian warriors that the Jaw tribe would send more warriors.

It seems that the battle between the ancient sanctuary and the barbarians is about to officially start.

Oh, no, it should only be regarded as a battle with the Jaw tribe.

However, Qin Shaofeng wanted to know how the other two great barbarian tribes in the barbarian beast world, namely the Shun and Yao clan, would react to such a situation.

Now the turmoil has been completely upset, Qin Shaofeng doesn't believe that the Shun and Yao clan still don't know the situation here.

So what about the two tribes now?


The deep area of ​​the Brutal Beast Realm belongs to a certain place of the Yao tribe.

At this moment, the old leader of the Shun clan and the weak scholar leader of the Yao clan are discussing.

"Now things are completely unsettling!"

The old leader of the Shun clan sighed softly, then turned to look at the leader of the Yao clan, and said, "Yaohu, what do you think of this?"

Yaohu is the leader of the Yao clan, who looks like a weak scholar. Don't look at Yaohu's look like a weak scholar, but in fact the opponent's ability is very good.

Even the very powerful Jaw Man has suffered several losses in front of Yao Hu.

Cunning fox!

This is what Jawman calls Yao, the leader of the Yao clan in private, and Huyao is the most cunning savage beast in the savage beast world.

Hu Yao's own strength is very weak, but it can use cunning means to subdue some powerful wild beasts.

Therefore, the foxes are also a very powerful race among the savage beasts, but their own existence is not very strong.

Yaohu in the eyes of Jaman is like a fox.

It is precisely because of this that although Jaman is wary of Yaohu, he is also wary of the cunning and insidiousness of the opponent.

But in the eyes of the old leader of the Shun clan, he didn't think so. In his opinion, Yaohu was a more dangerous existence than Jawman.

And it was just because he was afraid of Yaohu's existence, this time he pitted his jaw together with Yaohu.

Because the old leader of the Shun clan knew in his heart that his tactics could be quite effective against the jaw at best, and Yaohu would not be fooled at all.

"My point of view?"

Yaohu smiled slightly and said, "Actually, you and I know it in your heart, and that Jawman also knows it in your heart. This time we cheated him in the investigation, and the aggressive method used by Najaman can also be seen. He is not stupid!"

Yaohu said he was not stupid, which fully explained his understanding of Jawman.

Indeed, based on Yaohu's understanding of Jawman, he knew very well that Jawman was not the kind of character who would make ridiculous behaviors when he was stimulated.

He had guessed this way before, and now the big movements of the Jaw tribe have confirmed his thoughts.

"Well, I know this!" The old leader of the Shun clan nodded, "I'm afraid that Jaw Barbarian has long been uncomfortable with the ancient sanctuary. If it weren't for the protection of the Barbarian God, but if there was only our Barbarian Beast World, he would have been Just kill the ancient sanctuary!"

Thinking of Jawman's character, the old leader of the Shun clan shook his head slightly.

He is strong, strong enough to be reckless.

Yaohu smiled and said nothing, because he had known this a long time ago, and there was no need to evaluate the character of that man.

However, the next sentence of the old leader of the Shun clan made his expression serious.

"Then what do you think is the intention of the ancient sanctuary this time?" the old leader of the Shun clan suddenly asked.

Yaohu's face became serious, and even his tone became a little serious.

But in the end he really only spoke in three words!

"I don't know!" Yaohu shook his head slightly, his face solemn.

do not know?

Not knowing is the most terrible!

That Ancient Sanctuary actually sent countless disciples to their brutal beasts this time, there must be something wrong in this.

Those senior officials in the ancient sanctuary must be planning something.

But what is it?

Yaohu didn't know and didn't know, because he really couldn't think of the significance of such a move.

This is also true for the old leaders of the Shun clan.

Their savage beast realm is protected by their savage gods, and the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary come in, but they will suffer a very powerful suppression.

Even those more powerful supreme masters, after entering the brutal beast realm, there is no more than ten or two decades to adapt, it is impossible to exert a trace of law in the brutal beast realm.

And the supreme lord who reached the realm of the title of the emperor with the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dao Dadao, there was no possibility of even entering their brutal beast world.

This is why, the overall strength of the Barbarian Beast Realm is not as good as that of a powerful group in the Ancient Sanctuary, but the Barbarians are not worried about their Brutal Beast Realm attacked by the Ancient Sanctuary.

With the suppression of the savage gods, the strong of the ancient sanctuary could not enter, and the weaker ones entered, and the law of the savage beast world suppressed the power of the law. There is no strength in ten, and there is no threat to the savage beast world. safety.

Many high-level barbarians and powerful people are very firmly convinced that as long as their barbarian clan does not come out of this barbarian beast realm, then those powerful people in the ancient sanctuary can't help them at all.

Therefore, the old leader of the Shun clan and Yaohu, the leader of the Yao clan, were a little confused about the actions of the ancient sanctuary.

The two of them didn't believe that this was really just what the ancient sanctuary played against the younger generation.

Such an explanation is somewhat untenable!

"Oh! Don't you know?"

With a light sigh, the old leader of the Shun clan suddenly said: "Yaohu, I know that you have a very poor relationship with the Jawman, and even your Yao tribe and the Jawman tribe, but this time the action of the Ancient Sanctuary . I am worried about what will happen, so..."

The old leader of the Shun clan didn't finish speaking, but Yaohu understood what the other party meant.

Yaohu nodded slightly, and Yaohu looked at the old leader of the Shun clan and said in a serious tone: "I understand this, you can rest assured when you are old. I, Yaohu, can clearly distinguish the severity of things, and I believe that the jaws are also Know this!"

"Well, I'm relieved!"

The old leader of the Shun clan nodded, and then said: "That's fine, if you are more careful when you are done, and the temptation of the jaw barbaric has ended, so many warriors have been sent out. Our two tribes have also begun to prepare some to prevent it from happening. When some bad things happen, some are caught off guard!"

"Yeah, too!" Yaohu nodded, with a look of approval.

Even after thinking about it for a while, Yao Hu still said: "This is good, we must prepare for preparation. I think that when preparing, we will send out some special teams to give the invaders of the ancient sanctuary a severe blow. Try their response!"

While speaking, a murderous aura flashed in Yaohu's eyes.

His words also reminded the old leader of the Shun clan, he nodded and agreed with Yaohu's words.

Soon, when the Shun and Yao tribes gathered their tribe warriors in secret to make some preparations, a very special barbarian warrior team set off from the Yao tribe.

The reason why this team says it is special is because it is composed of barbarian warriors from the Yao and Shun tribes.

The squad is not large, just exactly one hundred.

But these hundred barbarian warriors are not low in aura, they are all high-ranking warriors, and the barbarian patterns on all of them are no less than fifty.

Among them, there are more than 70 barbarian warriors with more than 70 barbaric patterns, and the number is more than ten. Such a powerful barbarian warrior, no matter which tribe is in the three tribes, is a prominent generation.

Wherever you go, you can gain the respect and awe of other barbarian warriors, but now there are more than a dozen in this team.

However, the most amazing thing is that the two leading barbarian warriors are the most eye-catching existence.

Because the breath of these two people is even stronger!

They are all barbarian warriors with the realm of ninety savage patterns, and their identities are not simple.

One is the son of an old leader of the Shun clan, and the other is the younger brother of Yaohu, the Yao clan.

With such a strong lineup, and there are still two major tribes led by high-level leaders, it can be seen that this time, the Shun and Yao are planning to do a great job.

Since the intention of the other party is not clear, then a thorough test is good.

This is Yaohu's method.


At the same time, the large forces supported by the Jaw tribe finally arrived, the area where the warriors of the Jaw tribe in the ancient sanctuary were fighting.

At the moment he saw the large army, Jaw Zhan almost cried with joy.

That's horrible!

Compared to when they first came, the Jaws at this moment are really a bit miserable.

A few days ago, Jaw Zhan was still leading a team of four to five thousand, but now the barbarian warriors next to him are just a sparse number of seventeen or eight.

There are not even twenty people here.

With him, the soldiers belonging to his subordinates are already soldiers, and even the jaw battle has suffered a lot of injuries at this moment.

Now with Jaw War, are only some powerful high-ranking fighters.

As for the other barbarian warriors among the forty million, I am afraid they are almost dead.

Even if there were some Jaw tribe warriors who were lucky enough to hide, they have not been killed for the time being, but when they came before, the team of tens of thousands of barbarian warriors might have only three to five hundred people left.

In fact, it was a bit better before. Even if facing the joint team of Lord Ling and others, Jaw War they could not fight, but with their familiarity with the barbarian world, many people still hid safely after they dispersed with Jaw War. Woke up.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng appeared after this.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng relied on the spoils obtained from the hands of Yan Fei, the ability of that pity, but many barbarian warriors who hid were found one by one.

After finding out, it naturally did not escape Qin Shaofeng's poisonous hand.

In the end, a team of tens of thousands, after going through the alliance of Lord Ling and others, and after encountering Qin Shaofeng's "bad hand", there are still three to five hundred people left, which is actually too much.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the arrival of the large army, the Jaw Zhan and others had also been killed at this moment.

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